7 research outputs found


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    Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a type of ornamental fish with various body shapes and colors. Goldfish in Indonesia are classified as high-economic fish, because they are in great demand by the public, especially ornamental fish hobbyists. The demand for goldfish is quite high, it is necessary to increase the goldfish hatchery activities so that the supply of seeds can be fulfilled with good quality and quantity. This scientific article aimed to describe the goldfish hatchery techniques and discover the obstacles in goldfish hatchery activities. This activity was carried out on 26 December 2022 – 30 January 2023 at BPPP Tegal, Central Java. Goldfish hatchery techniques include preparation of spawning facilities, parent selection, broodstock rearing, broodstock spawning, egg hatching, and water quality control. The fertilization rate of the oranda goldfish is 97%, the hatching rate of the oranda goldfish is 91.79%, the survival rate of the larvae of the oranda goldfish is 60.25% and the survival rate of the seeds of the oranda goldfish is 59.46%. The temperature during the breeding activity is 24-33°C, DO at 4-11 mg/l, pH at 6-8, and ammonia at 0-0.25 mg/l. Water quality at the breeding site is good and optimal for goldfish hatchery activities. Water quality control is usually performed by changing the water by 50% of the pond height.


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    This study aimed to observe the culture technique of Chlorella sp. at BPTPB Cangkringan, Yogyakarta. Data were collected from direct observation by following the culture implementation and various literature studies in fresh water. From the observation result, the semi-mass scaled culture obtained the highest population density after 8-th day of culture at 2.970 x 104 cells/ml. The growth rates of Chlorella sp. in semi-mass scaled culture were 0.4298 x 104 cells/ml. The water quality of Chlorella sp. culture in semi-mass conditions was remained at 27-28oC, pH 7, and salinity 1 ppt. Nevertheless, the semi-mass scaled culture activity depends on the weather condition and good fertilizer quality to optimize the Chlorella sp. growth

    Moina sp. Powder Supplementation as Artemia sp. Substitute Through Growth, Lysine, Histidine, Methionine, and Leucine Amino Acid Contents in Tiger Grouper x Camouflage Grouper Hybrid Larvae (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus microdon)

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    Tiger Grouper x Cammouflage Grouper (TGCG) (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus microdon) production is still low nowadays due to the insufficient price of the live feed supply during the larval phase, which is nauplii Artemia sp. One of the live feed types which is able to become a substitute of nauplii Artemia sp. is Moina sp., which has better lysine, histidine, methionine, and leucine contents, besides having the sufficient price for the supply itself. However, Moina sp. is unable to survive in the high salinity, thus it has to be produced as a powder. This condition leads to a further research whether to observe that the Moina sp. powder supplementation is able to become nauplii Artemia sp. substitute through the increased growth and the optimum better lysine, histidine, methionine, and leucine contents in TGCG larvae. The research was conducted using the complete randomized design experimental method. The result showed that Moina sp. powder is compatible as good substitute candidate of nauplii Artemia sp., as it increased the larval length growth, even it had no difference in weight growth, but it was also able to increase the larval lysine, histidine, methionine, and leucine contents


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    Salah satu penyebab tingginya mortalitas larva ikan gurami (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) adalah ketersediaan pakan alami secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini memerlukan upaya untuk mencari pakan pengganti yang dapat tersedia secara terus-menerus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi waktu pemberian pakan kombinasi antara cacing sutera dan pakan buatan pasta terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva ikan gurami. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan, yaitu pemberian cacing sutera selama 40 hari (P1), cacing sutera selama 10 hari + pasta selama 30 hari (P2), cacing sutera selama 20 hari + pasta selama 20 hari (P3), cacing sutera selama 30 hari + pasta selama 10 hari (P4), dan pemberian pasta selama 40 hari (P5). Larva (0,8 ± 0,01 cm) dipelihara di akuarium (30x30x30 cm3) dengan kepadatan 2 ekor L-1. Larva dipelihara selama 40 hari dan diberi pakan tiga kali sehari secara ad satiation. Parameter penelitian terdiri dari pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan sintasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, pertumbuhan panjang mutlak, dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik menurun seiring berkurangnya waktu pemberian pakan berupa cacing sutera (P<0,05). Perlakuan P4 memberikan sintasan yang lebih baik dibanding perlakuan P2, P3, dan P5. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa waktu penggantian cacing sutera ke pakan buatan pasta berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva ikan gurami. Kombinasi yang disarankan yaitu penggunaan cacing sutra selama 30 hari dan pakan buatan pasta selama 10 hari.A factor causing high mortality in gourami larvae (Osphronemus goramy Lac.) is availability of sustainable live feed. This condition needs an effort to find continuous artificial feeds. This study aimed to evaluate feeding periods of combination between tubificid worms and formulated feed paste on growth and survival of giant gourami larvae. This study used a complete randomized design with five treatments and three replications, namely tubificid worms for 40 days (P1), tubificid worms for 10 days + formulated feed paste for 30 days (P2), tubificid worms for 20 days + formulated feed paste for 20 days (P3), tubificid worms for 30 days + formulated feed paste for 10 days (P4), and formulated feed paste for 40 days (P5). Larvae used (0.8±0.01 cm) were reared in aquariums (30x30x30 cm3) with a stocking density of 2 individuals L-1. Larvae were reared for 40 days and fed three times a day through ad satiation method. Experimental parameters consisted of absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, specific growth rate, and survival. The results showed that absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, and specific growth rate decreased with the decrease of feeding periods in the form of tubificid worms (P<0.05). The P4 treatment obtained the best survival, compared to P2, P3, and P5 treatments. This study concludes that the shift feeding period from tubificid worms to formulated feed paste affects growth performances and survival of giant gouramy larvae. The suggested combination is 30 days application of tubificid worms and formulated feed paste for 10 days


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    Vaname shrimp is a fishery commodity with high economic value and a large export contribution. The maintenance period is long enough to make production results need to be considered directly. Feed as an important component that can affect growth, water quality, and production costs needs to be considered properly. The feed management program using blind feeding techniques has shown a significant impact on shrimp growth. The water quality factor does not have such a significant effect, except for ammonia which has increased due to the increase in the mortality rate of diseased shrimp. Water quality management with a blind feeding technique can be controlled with feed tests. The results of this observation were obtained directly from observation and active participation during the implementation of the street vendors


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    Permintaan akan ikan hias air laut selama beberapa tahun terakhir telah mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Permintaan datang dari sebagian besar penikmat ikan hias yang juga merupakan para pecinta binatang akuarium. Meningkatnya permintaan tersebut terjadi karena ikan hias memiliki keindahan serta kecantikan corak warnanya. Salah satu ikan hias air laut yang diminati oleh pecinta ikan hias adalah ikan badut (clownfish). Akibat permintaan yang kian melambung, penangkapan clownfish secara langsung dari alam terus mengalami peningkatan hingga tidak terkontrol (overeksploitasi). Salah satu cara untuk menyelamatkan keberadaan clownfish serta memenuhi permintaan pasar adalah dengan adanya tindakan budidaya. Sehingga, diperlukan pelaksanaan praktek kerja lapangan mengenai bentuk teknis budidaya clownfish dan untuk mengetahui hambatan serta kendala selama pelaksanaan budidaya clownfish. Praktek Kerja Lapang ini dilaksanakan di Rizky Mitra Karya Hatchery, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali, pada tanggal 11 Januari sampai tanggal 18 Februari 2016. Metode kerja yang akan digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif. Metode tersebut meliputi wawancara, pengamatan, dan partisipasi aktif selama proses kegiatan budidaya clownfish. Data yang terkumpul terdiri atas data primer dan sekunder. Data primer berupa pertumbuhan larva dan benih clownfish, kualitas air, serta pemberian pakan selama proses budidaya. Selain itu, data primer juga berupa konstruksi wadah budidaya dan jenis – jenis penyakit yang menyerang clownfish dalam budidaya. Data sekunder berupa hasil studi data literatur mengenai bentuk teknis budidaya clownfish. Data sekunder juga bisa diambil berdasarkan dokumen pendukung mengenai sejarah berdirinya, struktur organisasi, sarana dan prasarana budidaya clownfish. Selain itu, data sekunder juga merupakan catatan atau dokumen mengenai prosedur operasional yang dilakukan dalam budidaya clownfish. Selama pelaksanaan budidaya, proses yang dilakukan antara lain budidaya clownfish meliputi persiapan wadah pemeliharaan, penebaran telur clownfish hasil pemijahan induk, dan pemeliharaan larva clownfish. Kemudian, diikuti dengan pemeliharaan juvenil clownfish, pengelolaan kualitas air, penanganan penyakit, dan panen clownfish. Disamping itu, perlu diperhatikan pula kadar kualitas air selama budidaya serta pengaturan sistem resirkulasi selama budidaya. Hambatan yang terdapat dalam teknik budidaya clownfish adalah kuantitas produksi telur clownfish yang fluktuatif, tingkat konsumsi optimum larva clownfish dalam memakan rotifer yang diberikan, pencegahan dan penanganan penyakit yang kurang efektif, serta kondisi cuaca yang fluktuatif akibat musim pancaroba yang mempengaruhi ketersediaan pakan alami untuk diberikan pada larva clownfish

    Immunomodulatory Potential of Eucheuma serra as Haemocyte Cell Production Enhancer on Litopenaeus vannamei

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    Litopenaeus vannamei is one of the most well-known fishery products and has high market value. In contrast, production of vannamei shrimp is facing threats from several diseases caused by bacteria, virus, and even parasites that attack the shrimp’s immune system. The purpose of this study is to identify the immunomodulatory effect of Eucheuma serra extract to enhance haemocyte cells production in Litopenaeus vannamei as the non-specific internal immune substance. The research method used was a complete randomised design with 5 concentrations of injected Eucheuma serra extract treatments and one placebo as control. Eucheuma serra extract administered on shrimp abdomen and the haemocyte cell samples collected from shrimp on day 0 and day 6. Treatment using 8 ppm injected Eucheuma serra extract showed the highest haemocyte cell amount increase about 15.90 million cell/ml in 6 days after injection. Statistical calculation using ANOVA test showed a significant difference in the amount of haemocyte cell at before and after treatment