41 research outputs found

    SUSY in Silico: numerical D-brane bound state spectroscopy

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    We numerically construct the BPS and non-BPS wavefunctions of an N=4\mathcal{N}=4 quiver quantum mechanics with two Abelian nodes and a single arrow. This model captures the dynamics of a pair of wrapped D-branes interacting via a single light string mode. A dimensionless parameter ν\nu, which is inversely proportional to the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameter, controls whether the bulk of the wavefunctions are supported on the Higgs branch or the Coulomb branch. We demonstrate how the BPS and excited states morph as ν\nu is tuned. We also numerically compute the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited states as a function of ν\nu. An expression for the gap, computed on the Coulomb branch, matches nicely with our numerics at large ν\nu but deviates at small ν\nu where the Higgs branch becomes the relevant description of the physics. In the appendix, we provide the Schr\"{o}dinger equations fully reduced via symmetries which, in principle, allow for the numerical determination of the entire spectrum at any point in moduli space. For the ground states, this numerical determination of the spectrum can be thought of as the first \emph{in silico} check of various Witten index calculations.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, v2. slight modifications, v3. references added, typos correcte

    Phases of scrambling in eigenstates

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    We use the monodromy method to compute expectation values of an arbitrary number of light operators in finitely excited ("heavy") eigenstates of holographic 2D CFT. For eigenstates with scaling dimensions above the BTZ threshold, these behave thermally up to small corrections, with an effective temperature determined by the heavy state. Below the threshold we find oscillatory and not decaying behavior. As an application of these results we compute the expectation of the out-of-time order arrangement of four light operators in a heavy eigenstate, i.e. a six-point function. Above the threshold we find maximally scrambling behavior with Lyapunov exponent 2πTeff2\pi T_{\rm eff}. Below threshold we find that the eigenstate OTOC shows persistent harmonic oscillations.Comment: 25 pages. 2 figures. v2 references added. v3 minor typos fixe

    Parity and the modular bootstrap

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    We consider unitary, modular invariant, two-dimensional CFTs which are invariant under the parity transformation PP. Combining PP with modular inversion SS leads to a continuous family of fixed points of the SPSP transformation. A particular subset of this locus of fixed points exists along the line of positive left- and right-moving temperatures satisfying βLβR=4π2\beta_L \beta_R = 4\pi^2. We use this fixed locus to prove a conjecture of Hartman, Keller, and Stoica that the free energy of a large-cc CFT2_2 with a suitably sparse low-lying spectrum matches that of AdS3_3 gravity at all temperatures and all angular potentials. We also use the fixed locus to generalize the modular bootstrap equations, obtaining novel constraints on the operator spectrum and providing a new proof of the statement that the twist gap is smaller than (c1)/12(c-1)/12 when c>1c>1. At large cc we show that the operator dimension of the first excited primary lies in a region in the (h,h)(h,\overline{h})-plane that is significantly smaller than h+h<c/6h+\overline{h}<c/6. Our results for the free energy and constraints on the operator spectrum extend to theories without parity symmetry through the construction of an auxiliary parity-invariant partition function.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, v2 reference and equation added, v3 minor edits and figure 2 improve

    Inside Out: Meet The Operators Inside The Horizon

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    Based on the work of Heemskerk, Marolf, Polchinski and Sully (HMPS), we study the reconstruction of operators behind causal horizons in time dependent geometries obtained by acting with shockwaves on pure states or thermal states. These geometries admit a natural basis of gauge invariant operators, namely those geodesically dressed to the boundary along geodesics which emanate from the bifurcate horizon at constant Rindler time. We outline a procedure for obtaining operators behind the causal horizon but inside the entanglement wedge by exploiting the equality between bulk and boundary time evolution, as well as the freedom to consider the operators evolved by distinct Hamiltonians. This requires we carefully keep track of how the operators are gravitationally dressed and that we address issues regarding background dependence. We compare this procedure to reconstruction using modular flow, and illustrate some formal points in simple cases such as AdS2_2 and AdS3_3.Comment: 48 pages, 14 figure

    Marginal Deformations and Rotating Horizons

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    Motivated by the near-horizon geometry of four-dimensional extremal black holes, we study a disordered quantum mechanical system invariant under a global SU(2)SU(2) symmetry. As in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, this system exhibits an approximate SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R}) symmetry at low energies, but also allows for a continuous family of SU(2)SU(2) breaking marginal deformations. Beyond a certain critical value for the marginal coupling, the model exhibits a quantum phase transition from the gapless phase to a gapped one and we calculate the critical exponents of this transition. We also show that charged, rotating extremal black holes exhibit a transition when the angular velocity of the horizon is tuned to a certain critical value. Where possible we draw parallels between the disordered quantum mechanics and charged, rotating black holes.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    From Conformal Blocks to Path Integrals in the Vaidya Geometry

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    Correlators in conformal field theory are naturally organized as a sum over conformal blocks. In holographic theories, this sum must reorganize into a path integral over bulk fields and geometries. We explore how these two sums are related in the case of a point particle moving in the background of a 3d collapsing black hole. The conformal block expansion is recast as a sum over paths of the first-quantized particle moving in the bulk geometry. Off-shell worldlines of the particle correspond to subdominant contributions in the Euclidean conformal block expansion, but these same operators must be included in order to correctly reproduce complex saddles in the Lorentzian theory. During thermalization, a complex saddle dominates under certain circumstances; in this case, the CFT correlator is not given by the Virasoro identity block in any channel, but can be recovered by summing heavy operators. This effectively converts the conformal block expansion in CFT from a sum over intermediate states to a sum over channels that mimics the bulk path integral.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Black Hole Collapse in the 1/c Expansion

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    We present a first-principles CFT calculation corresponding to the spherical collapse of a shell of matter in three dimensional quantum gravity. In field theory terms, we describe the equilibration process, from early times to thermalization, of a CFT following a sudden injection of energy at time t=0. By formulating a continuum version of Zamolodchikov's monodromy method to calculate conformal blocks at large central charge c, we give a framework to compute a general class of probe observables in the collapse state, incorporating the full backreaction of matter fields on the dual geometry. This is illustrated by calculating a scalar field two-point function at time-like separation and the time-dependent entanglement entropy of an interval, both showing thermalization at late times. The results are in perfect agreement with previous gravity calculations in the AdS3_3-Vaidya geometry. Information loss appears in the CFT as an explicit violation of unitarity in the 1/c expansion, restored by nonperturbative corrections.Comment: 39 pages, references added, corresponds with published versio

    Glassy slowdown and replica-symmetry-breaking instantons

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    Glass-forming liquids exhibit a dramatic dynamical slowdown as the temperature is lowered. This can be attributed to relaxation proceeding via large structural rearrangements whose characteristic size increases as the system cools. These cooperative rearrangements are well modeled by instantons in a replica effective field theory, with the size of the dominant instanton encoding the liquid's cavity point-to-set correlation length. Varying the parameters of the effective theory corresponds to varying the statistics of the underlying free-energy landscape. We demonstrate that, for a wide range of parameters, replica-symmetry-breaking instantons dominate. The detailed structure of the dominant instanton provides a rich window into point-to-set correlations and glassy dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; v2: narrative revised to clarify our effective-theoretic viewpoint, results unchanged, added reference

    Late-time Structure of the Bunch-Davies De Sitter Wavefunction

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    We examine the late time behavior of the Bunch-Davies wavefunction for interacting light fields in a de Sitter background. We use perturbative techniques developed in the framework of AdS/CFT, and analytically continue to compute tree and loop level contributions to the Bunch-Davies wavefunction. We consider self-interacting scalars of general mass, but focus especially on the massless and conformally coupled cases. We show that certain contributions grow logarithmically in conformal time both at tree and loop level. We also consider gauge fields and gravitons. The four-dimensional Fefferman-Graham expansion of classical asymptotically de Sitter solutions is used to show that the wavefunction contains no logarithmic growth in the pure graviton sector at tree level. Finally, assuming a holographic relation between the wavefunction and the partition function of a conformal field theory, we interpret the logarithmic growths in the language of conformal field theory.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, minor typos fixed, journal references adde