4 research outputs found


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    The basic aimed of this study is to investigate the effects of Computer Assisted Learning on the achievements of the educational statistic students the measurements related to the experimental and control groups. The result showed that, the difference is on behalf of the experiment group. This fact shows that the Computer-assisted learning method and traditional education methods have a clear different effect on the student’s educational statistics achievements. This result leads that experiment group’s students with computer-assisted learning methods increase their achievement level and show a higher performance more than the control group students

    A Revision Of Scientific Research İn Jordanian Higher Education Institutions: A Follow-Up Assessment

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    This study aimed at identifying the status and obstacles of scientific research in Jordanian higher education institutions as perceived by vice presidents, deans and vice deans of the scientific research departments. In addition to differences in status and obstacles, pursuant to the study variable, this is the institution type.The sample composed of (139) faculty members and all 27 vice presidents, deans and vice deans of the scientific research departments at all 27 Jordanian universities.Having reviewed all interviews and some literature, the researcher prepared a questionnaire, which was tested for validity and reliability of the questionnaire, and used five-likert scale to measure the status and the obstacles of the scientific research in higher education in Jordan. The study showed the following findings; The scientific research status mean was 2.19 and that was low result, also the themes have almost the same results where the research planning got the highest among the themes and the research support the lowest. The scientific research obstacles mean was 2.87 and that was low result, also the themes have almost the same results while doing research for academic promotion got the highest among the themes and doing research for developing human knowledge and enjoyment the lowest. In the light of these results, the study provides a number of recommendations that could reduce the obstacles for funding of scientific research in higher education

    Current Situation of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan from the Viewpoint of Graduate Students

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    الملخص: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن واقع البحث العلمي في الجامعة الأردنية من وجهة نظر طلبة الدراسات العليا، ومدى الاختلاف في مستوى التقييم بين طلبة الكليات العلمية وطلبة الكليات الإنسانية، والتعرف على آرائهم في كيفية تطوير البحث العلمي في الجامعة الأردنية، وقد استخدم المنهج الوصفي اعتماداً على استبانة طورت لهذه الغاية تكونت من (40) فقرة وتقع في خمسة مجالات، وقد وزعت الاستبانة على عينة عشوائية من طلبة الدراسات العلي بلغت (104) من الكليات الإنسانية والعلمية ذكورا وإناثا، وتم تحليل البيانات واستخراج المتوسطات والانحرافات المعيارية، وتحليل التباين الثنائي، كما تم تصنيف آراء الطلبة في كيفية تطوير البحث العلمي، والمعيقات التي تواجه المشاركة الفاعلة لطلبة الدراسات العليا، وقد أظهرت النتائج: أن تقديرات طلبة الدراسات العليا لواقع البحث العلمي بشكل عام تختلف بين الكليات العلمية والإنسانية، حيث بلغت لطلبة الكليات الإنسانية(3.2) في مستوى المتوسط، في حين بلغت لطلبة الكليات العلمية (2.8) في المستوى الهامشي، وبرز الاختلاف أيضا في مجالات البحث العلمي الخمسة، في حين لم يظهر اثر للجنس، ولم يكن هناك أثر للتفاعل بين جنس الطلبة ونوع الكلية التي ينتمي لها، وقدمت الدراسة عددا من التوصيات: أبرزها ضرورة دعم البحث العلمي ماديا، وإيجاد دورية علمية محكمة لنشر أبحاث وأفكار الطلبة الإبداعية. الكلمات المفتاحية: البحث العلمي، طلبة الدراسات العليا.This study aimed to identify the current status of scientific research at the University of Jordan as perceived by graduate students and the differences between students of science and humanities faculties, and to identify their opinions regarding ways to improve scientific research at the University of Jordan. The study followed a descriptive methodology based on a survey that was developed specifically for the purpose of this study. The survey consisted of 40 items covering 5 themes, and was distributed to a sample of 104 male and female participants representing science and humanities faculties. The data were analyzed, using the two-way ANOVA, the standard deviation and means. In addition, students’ opinions and obstacles to effective participation of graduate students were categorized. The results showed significant differences between students’ assessment of the status of scientific research in science and humanities faculties, which was (3.2) for students in humanities faculties and (2.8) for students in science faculties. The difference also appeared in all the five domains of the scientific research, while there was no presence of gender effect, neither was there effect for the interaction between the variables (gender and the faculty). The study recommended to provide financial support to scientific research, and to establish a refereed scientific Journal for publishing students’ innovative ideas and research projects. Keywords: Scientific research, Graduate students

    Violence against Teachers in Jordanian Schools

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    This aim of this study is to examine the reasons for violence against teachers in Jordan from the perspective of high school students. The study followed a qualitative research approach by interviewing (50) students from grade twelve. Students were recruited in this study via the convenience sampling approach. The study revealed that teachers, school administration, school environment, media, and family conditions, were the major causes of student’s violence against teachers. Teachers who experienced violence from students are the cause of this violence due to their actions and practices. Teachers are often exhausted, dispassionate, and overloaded with teaching and administrative duties. As a result, these duties sometimes hinder them not to communicate with students nicely or help students in solving their problems. Other times, students are violent against teachers because some teachers have low academic and educational performances. They are unable to offer counselling and psychological support to students from certain backgrounds. Subsequently, some students lack proper morals and discipline. School administrators are to be held responsible for the violence against teachers because they are unable to meet the students’ needs