15 research outputs found

    Hemodynamics monitoring in sport: Using hemodynamic monitor for sport training planning

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    The study stresses the meaning of the physiological measures that are obtained with the functional diagnostics devices and how these values can be used in coaching sportsmen. Methods: Hemodynamic monitor was used for monitoring hemodynamics and heart function of athletes (n=305) with different fitness levels. Active orthoclinostatic tests and antiorthostatic tests with passive body position changing were carried out with hemodynamics measurements recorded. Results: The most informative indicators and indices of heart function for high performance sport and their values at rest were detected. Along with common hemodynamics indicators (HR, SV, CO, EDV, blood pressure, etc.) the possibility of using correlation rhythmogram in coaching was studied. The correlation rhythmogram "cloud" dependence on athletes' fitness level was revealed in transient during active orthoclinostatic test

    E-education in the Context of Universal Digitalization

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    Данная статья посвящена вопросу дистанционного образования в современном цифровом обществе с развитыми IT-технологиями. Будут рассмотрены возможности системы электронного обучения, а также его преимущества.This article is devoted to the issue of distance education in a modern digital society with developed IT technologies. The e-learning system's capabilities and advantages will be discussed

    Gene-centric coverage of the human liver transcriptome: QPCR, Illumina, and Oxford Nanopore RNA-Seq

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    It has been shown that the best coverage of the HepG2 cell line transcriptome encoded by genes of a single chromosome, chromosome 18, is achieved by a combination of two sequencing platforms, Illumina RNA-Seq and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), using cut-off levels of FPKM > 0 and TPM > 0, respectively. In this study, we investigated the extent to which the combination of these transcriptomic analysis methods makes it possible to achieve a high coverage of the transcriptome encoded by the genes of other human chromosomes. A comparative analysis of transcriptome coverage for various types of biological material was carried out, and the HepG2 cell line transcriptome was compared with the transcriptome of liver tissue cells. In addition, the contribution of variability in the coverage of expressed genes in human transcriptomes to the creation of a draft human transcriptome was evaluated. For human liver tissues, ONT makes an extremely insignificant contribution to the overall coverage of the transcriptome. Thus, to ensure maximum coverage of the liver tissue transcriptome, it is sufficient to apply only one technology: Illumina RNA-Seq (FPKM > 0)

    Structural and functional peculiarities of the cardiovascular system of athletes in the upright body position

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    Aim. The article deals with establishing structural reasons for heart and vessels reaction to the upright body position in athletes. Materials and methods. Twelve professional athletes participated in the study (mean age 17.9 ± 6.4, body length - 168.8 ± 6.9 cm, body weight - 59.9 ± 9.6 kg). Participants underwent hemodynamics monitoring followed by standard transtho-racic echocardiography (TTE) and Doppler sonography in the supine and upright body position. Results. We found out that, in general, TTE parameters of all participants corresponded with standard values for adult athletes. Meanwhile, we revealed some structural and functional peculiarities of the cardiovascular system during the orthostatic test (upright position of the body). Conclusion. The change from the supine to upright body position results in the increase in heart rate and decrease in cardiac volumetric parameters. Moreover, higher ∆HR is associated with a significant decrease in volumetric parameters of the cardiovascular system. © 2018 Human Sport Medicine. All rights reserved

    Musical review in the internet media: specific nature of the primary text’s representation

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 05 февраля 2015 г.В статье рассмотрены способы репрезентации первичного текста в музыкальных рецензиях, размещенных в интернет-медиа. Показано, что средствами языка можно передать содержание вербального компонента музыкальной композиции или — с помощью интерсемиотического перевода — ее невербального компонента. Кроме того, интернет-медиа позволяют осуществлять аудиовизуальное воспроизведение первичного текста, что ведет к креолизации рецензии.The article studies different ways of the primary text’s representation in musical reviews published in the Internet media. It is shown that by means of the language the content of the verbal component of the musical composition can be conveyed, while the content of the nonverbal component could be reproduced by by means of inter-semiotic translation In addition, the online media allow audio-visual representation of the primary text, leading to reviews’ creolization

    Evolution of Protein Functional Annotation: Text Mining Study

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    Within the Human Proteome Project initiative framework for creating functional annotations of uPE1 proteins, the neXt-CP50 Challenge was launched in 2018. In analogy with the missing-protein challenge, each command deciphers the functional features of the proteins in the chromosome-centric mode. However, the neXt-CP50 Challenge is more complicated than the missing-protein challenge: the approaches and methods for solving the problem are clear, but neither the concept of protein function nor specific experimental and/or bioinformatics protocols have been standardized to address it. We proposed using a retrospective analysis of the key HPP repository, the neXtProt database, to identify the most frequently used experimental and bioinformatic methods for analyzing protein functions, and the dynamics of accumulation of functional annotations. It has been shown that the dynamics of the increase in the number of proteins with known functions are greater than the progress made in the experimental confirmation of the existence of questionable proteins in the framework of the missing-protein challenge. At the same time, the functional annotation is based on the guilty-by-association postulate, according to which, based on large-scale experiments on API-MS and Y2H, proteins with unknown functions are most likely mapped through “handshakes” to biochemical processes

    Carrageenans-Sulfated Polysaccharides from Red Seaweeds as Matrices for the Inclusion of Echinochrome

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    The possibility of using different types of carrageenans (CRG) as matrixes for incorporating of echinochrome A (Ech) was investigated. Ech interacts with carrageenans and is incorporated into the macromolecular structure of the polysaccharide. The inclusion of Ech in carrageenan matrices decreased its oxidative degradation and improved its solubility. The changing in the charge and morphology of CRGs during binding with Ech was observed. The rate of Ech release from CRG matrices depended on the structure of the used polysaccharide and the presence of specific ions. The gastroprotective effect of CRG/Ech complexes was investigated on the model of stomach ulcers induced by indomethacin in rats. Complexes of CRG/Ech exhibited significant gastroprotective activity that exceeded the activity of the reference drug Phosphalugel. The gastroprotective effect of the complexes can be associated with their protective layer on the surface of the mucous membrane of a stomach

    Polyphenolic Compounds from <i>Lespedeza bicolor</i> Protect Neuronal Cells from Oxidative Stress

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    Pterocarpans and related polyphenolics are known as promising neuroprotective agents. We used models of rotenone-, paraquat-, and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurotoxicity to study the neuroprotective activity of polyphenolic compounds from Lespedeza bicolor and their effects on mitochondrial membrane potential. We isolated 11 polyphenolic compounds: a novel coumestan lespebicoumestan A (10) and a novel stilbenoid 5’-isoprenylbicoloketon (11) as well as three previously known pterocarpans, two pterocarpens, one coumestan, one stilbenoid, and a dimeric flavonoid. Pterocarpans 3 and 6, stilbenoid 5, and dimeric flavonoid 8 significantly increased the percentage of living cells after treatment with paraquat (PQ), but only pterocarpan 6 slightly decreased the ROS level in PQ-treated cells. Pterocarpan 3 and stilbenoid 5 were shown to effectively increase mitochondrial membrane potential in PQ-treated cells. We showed that pterocarpans 2 and 3, containing a 3’-methyl-3’-isohexenylpyran ring; pterocarpens 4 and 9, with a double bond between C-6a and C-11a; and coumestan 10 significantly increased the percentage of living cells by decreasing ROS levels in 6-OHDA-treated cells, which is in accordance with their rather high activity in DPPH• and FRAP tests. Compounds 9 and 10 effectively increased the percentage of living cells after treatment with rotenone but did not significantly decrease ROS levels

    DataSheet3_Gene-centric coverage of the human liver transcriptome: QPCR, Illumina, and Oxford Nanopore RNA-Seq.docx

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    It has been shown that the best coverage of the HepG2 cell line transcriptome encoded by genes of a single chromosome, chromosome 18, is achieved by a combination of two sequencing platforms, Illumina RNA-Seq and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), using cut-off levels of FPKM > 0 and TPM > 0, respectively. In this study, we investigated the extent to which the combination of these transcriptomic analysis methods makes it possible to achieve a high coverage of the transcriptome encoded by the genes of other human chromosomes. A comparative analysis of transcriptome coverage for various types of biological material was carried out, and the HepG2 cell line transcriptome was compared with the transcriptome of liver tissue cells. In addition, the contribution of variability in the coverage of expressed genes in human transcriptomes to the creation of a draft human transcriptome was evaluated. For human liver tissues, ONT makes an extremely insignificant contribution to the overall coverage of the transcriptome. Thus, to ensure maximum coverage of the liver tissue transcriptome, it is sufficient to apply only one technology: Illumina RNA-Seq (FPKM > 0).</p