204 research outputs found

    Accounting for local meteorological effects in the ozone time-series of Lovozero (Kola Peninsula)

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    International audienceThe relationship between local meteorological conditions and the surface ozone variability was studied by means of statistical modeling, using ozone and meteorological parameters measured at Lovozero (250 m a.s.l., 68.5°N, 35.0°E, Kola Peninsula) for the period of 1999-2000. The regression model of daily mean ozone concentrations on such meteorological parameters as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed explains up to 70% of day-to-day ozone variability in terms of meteorological condition changes, if the seasonal cycle is also considered. A regression model was created for separated time scales of the variables. Short-term, synoptical and seasonal components are separated by means of Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filtering. The synoptical scale variations were chosen as the most informative from the point of their mutual relation with meteorological parameters. Almost 40% of surface ozone variations in time periods of 11-60 days can be explained by the regression model on separated scales that is 30% more efficient than ozone residuals usage. Quantitative and qualitative estimations of the relations between surface ozone and meteorological predictors let us preliminarily conclude that at the Lovozero site surface ozone variability is governed mainly by dynamical processes of various time scale rather than photochemistry, especially during the cold season

    Accounting for local meteorological effects in the ozone time-series of Lovozero (Kola Peninsula)

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    The relationship between local meteorological conditions and the surface ozone variability was studied by means of statistical modeling, using ozone and meteorological parameters measured at Lovozero (250 m a.s.l., 68.5°N, 35.0°E, Kola Peninsula) for the period of 1999-2000. The regression model of daily mean ozone concentrations on such meteorological parameters as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed explains up to 70% of day-to-day ozone variability in terms of meteorological condition changes, if the seasonal cycle is also considered. A regression model was created for separated time scales of the variables. Short-term, synoptical and seasonal components are separated by means of Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filtering. The synoptical scale variations were chosen as the most informative from the point of their mutual relation with meteorological parameters. Almost 40% of surface ozone variations in time periods of 11-60 days can be explained by the regression model on separated scales that is 30% more efficient than ozone residuals usage. Quantitative and qualitative estimations of the relations between surface ozone and meteorological predictors let us preliminarily conclude that at the Lovozero site surface ozone variability is governed mainly by dynamical processes of various time scale rather than photochemistry, especially during the cold season

    Features of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Recycling

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    The issue of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling is currently relevant due to a number of aspects: economic, environmental and social. It is most acute across the national corporation JSC Russian Railways. The article deals with some technological features of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling with valuable components being extracted (from the example of nickel-cadmium storage batteries of JSC ”RZD” rolling equipment). The results of leaching in Trilon B synthetic oxides solution, the presence of which is possible in the raw material being processed, are presented in the study. Based on the study of leaching processes of CdO, NiO, FeO, Femet and Fe2O3 in Trilon B solution, the dependence of complexing on the pH of the solution was revealed. The experimental site of the hydrometallurgical processing of the research center (OCGP IC) in the GMO KhMC PJSC ”Uralelectromed” was selected as the testing one for the technology proposed. As a raw material for the tests, a lot of negative lamellae packed in alkaline storage batteries of two different types were used. They were obtained as a result of preliminary drying and cutting at OOO Kursk factory ”Accumulator”. The particle size is 90% - 0.1 mm. The results obtained during the research allowed the author to formulate a hypothesis about the practical use of Trilon B for the processing of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries with the extraction of valuable components having greater economic, environmental and social benefits compared to methods based on pyro metallurgy. Keywords: nickel-cadmium batteries, recycling, Trilon B, Russian Railways, hydrometallurgica

    Generation of mouse lines with conditionally or constitutively inactivated Snca gene and Rosa26-stop-lacZ reporter located in cis on the mouse chromosome 6

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    α-Synuclein is involved in many important molecular processes in neuronal cells and their synapses, and its malfunction has been linked to the development of Parkinson’s and certain other neurodegenerative diseases. Animal models allowing tightly monitored conditional inactivation of the encoding gene, Snca, are indispensible for studies aimed at understanding normal function of α-synuclein in various neuronal populations and its role in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. We have recently reported the production of several novel mouse lines for manipulating expression of the endogenous Snca gene, including a line for Cre-recombinase-driven conditional inactivation of the gene (mice with floxed Snca) and a new line with a constitutive knockout of α-synuclein. Rosa26-stop-lacZ reporter cassette is commonly used for monitoring efficiency of Cre-recombination but in mouse genome Snca and Rosa26 loci are located on the same chromosome. Here we describe production of lines with a modified Snca locus, either floxed or constitutively inactivated and the Rosa26-stop-lacZ reporter cassette located in cis on the mouse chromosome 6. These new mouse lines are invaluable for fast identification of cells with inactivation of Snca by Cre-recombination and represent useful tools for in vivo studies of α-synuclein function and dysfunctio

    Pharmacological preconditioning by incretinomimetics exenatide and vildagliptin: decrement of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Study of hepatoprotective activity of exenatide and vildagliptin on the liver ischemia/reperfusion model, taking into account biochemical and morphological parameter

    Higher Education as a Set of Elements for Building the Future of Modern Youth

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    Современный университет все больше ориентируется на студенческую субъектность, т.е. его деятельность направлена на конструирование не будущего студентов, а субъекта, который сам способен определять и формировать свое будущее. Но связывают ли студенты свое настоящее обучение с последующей жизнью и трудовой деятельностью? В статье рассматривается, как современная студенческая молодежь оценивает тот набор условий, возможностей и инструментов, которые дает им вуз для конструирования будущего. Цель статьи – выделить факторы, детерминирующие в сознании молодежи связь между обучением в настоящем моменте и тем, что ожидается после его завершения в будущем. Эмпирической базой работы послужили данные VIII этапа мониторинга студенчества Свердловской области, представляющие собой результаты анкетного опроса 2000 студентов из 13 вузов региона. В ходе исследования изучалось отношение к учебе, удовлетворенность качеством подготовки, применением различных форм обучения и возможностями, предлагаемыми вузом. Врезультате анализа выделены две группы факторов: объективные (набор возможностей, предоставляемых вузом) и субъективные (личная ответственность и осознанность студентов). От их сочетания зависит, воспринимает ли студенческая молодежь обучение как актуальное для своего будущего, т.е. отмечает ли наличие связи получаемых знаний, навыков и компетенций с последующей жизнью и работой. Сделан вывод о том, что университет должен не только предоставлять новые образовательные возможности для студентов, но и заниматься формированием осознанности и ответственности студентов в плане конструирования их будущего. Представленные в работе результаты и выводы будут полезны менеджменту университетов в проектировании различных практик, форм и методов работы со студентами. Также статья может представлять интерес для исследователей и широкой общественности.The modern university is increasingly focused on student subjectivity, that is, the activity is aimed not at constructing the future of students, but at constructing a subject that can determine and shape its future. But do students connect their current studies with their future life and work? The article examines how modern students evaluate the set of conditions, opportunities and tools that the university gives them to design their future. The purpose of the article is to identify the factors that determine in the minds of young people the connection between learning in the present and what is expected after completing training in the future. The empirical basis of the work was the data of the VIII stage of monitoring the students of the Sverdlovsk region, which are the results of a questionnaire survey of 2000 students from 13 universities of the Sverdlovsk region. The study examined the attitude to study, satisfaction with the quality of training, the use of various forms of education, and the opportunities offered by the university. As a result of the analysis, two groups of factors were identified: objective (a set of opportunities provided by the university) and subjective (personal responsibility and awareness of students). Their combination determines whether students perceive their studies as relevant for their future and whether they note the connection of the acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies with future life and work. It is concluded that the university should not only provide new educational opportunities for students but also engage in the formation of awareness and responsibility of students in designing their future. The results and conclusions presented in the paper will be useful to university management in designing various practices, forms, and methods of working with students. The article may also be of interest to researchers and the general public.Подготовлено в рамках госзадания вузу, шифр проекта FEUZ‑2022-0026.Prepared as a part of the state assignment to the university, the code of the project is FEUZ‑2022-0026 project