304 research outputs found

    Electric properties of oxyfluorides Ba2In2O 5-0.5x F x with brownmillerite structure

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    Synthesis of fluoro-substituted substances based on brownmillerite Ba 2In2O5 is carried out. The width of the homogeneity region of the Ba2In2O5-0.5x F x (0 < x ≤ 0.25) solid solution was established using X-ray analysis. Measurement of temperature dependences of conductivity in atmospheres with different partial pressure of water vapor (pH2O = 3.3 and 2 Ч 103 Pa) showed an increase in conductivity at T ≤ 550 C in a humid atmosphere, which is due to appearance of proton transport. The dependence of conductivity on partial oxygen pressure (pO2 = 0.21 Ч 105 to 10-15 Pa) is studied in the temperature range of 500-1000 C; ion transport numbers are calculated. The method of polarization measurements was used to determine transport numbers of fluoride. Total conductivity is divided into ion (proton, oxygen, and fluoride ion) and electron components. Analysis of concentration dependences of conductivities showed that low concentrations of fluoride allow increasing both the total and partial conductivities (oxygen-ion and proton) and, besides, allow shifting the "order-disorder" phase transition by 100 C to the low temperature range. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    The American aid to the Russian reforms at the end of the twentieth century

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    The importance of the studied problem is caused by the USA’s leading role in the development of modern world order and the economy, its influence in the international economic organizations. The article is aimed at revealing the reasons of choosing neoliberal strategy for Russian reforms, the amount and results of the American financial and technical aid to these reforms. The leading approach of researching this problem is the complex one. It allows finding out economic, internal political, geopolitical and cultural factors which influenced the implementation and the results of the American assistance to the Russian reforms. Authors draw a conclusion about considerable influence of the USA on domestic policy of Russia in the early nineties of the XX century. The amount and the content of the American financial and technical assistance to the Russian government are analyzed. Promises of massive financial aid from the international economic organizations and the USA were realized partially and much later, than it was necessary for economic transformations. The article’s content and conclusions can be used in other scientific works on American-Russian relations history, Modern history of Russia, during elaboration the effective strategy of reforms for the countries which are in a condition of a transitional economy. © 2016 Tarasova et al

    Principles of integrative modelling at studying of plasma and welding processes

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    The relevance of the problem subject to the research is conditioned by need for introduction of modern technologies into the educational process and insufficient adaptation of the higher school teachers to the applied information and automated procedures in education and science. The purpose of the publication consists in the analysis of automated procedures efficiency in engineering training and development of structurally functional model of information skills for students and teachers during their teaching in welding and allied technologies. The leading approach to research of this problem is the structurally functional method of the objects studying. This method based on representation of technological structure as hierarchical sequence of the interconnected devices and division of a matter into objects and means of influence that allows to allocate the processes providing functioning between means of influence. In the publication the structurally functional models of information skills formation for students and teachers in engineering and natural-science training are presented. The materials of the publication can be useful for students and teachers at studying of welding and allied technologies and development of scientifically-methodical maintenance for engineering and natural-science disciplines. © 2016 Anakhov et al

    Optical and photoelectron spectroscopy studies of KPb2Cl 5 and RbPb2Cl5 laser crystals

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    The paper presents the results of experimental study of electronic structure of RbPb2Cl5 and KPb2Cl5 laser crystals performed by the optical and photoelectron spectroscopy methods. On the basis of the optical absorption and low-temperature reflection spectra of these crystals we have determined the energy positions of the edges of the low-energy tail of the host absorption, the positions of the first excitonic absorption peaks, and exciton binding energies. The bandgap widths of these crystals at 8 K were estimated as Eg = 4.83 and 4.79 eV, respectively. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of RbPb2Cl 5 and KPb2Cl5 crystals were made on the basis of the core states photoelectron spectra. The elemental composition of the (0 0 1) surfaces of the crystals, the chemical state of the host atoms, the electronic structure of the valence band of the crystals were discussed on the basis on the spectroscopic data. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Subunit Mobility and the Chaperone Activity of Recombinant αB-Crystallin

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    The comparison of the chaperone-like activity of native and covalently cross-linked human αB-crystallins has confirmed the important role of the subunit mobility in the chaperoning mechanism. Our data clearly demonstrate that the chaperone-like activity of α-crystallin is not only a surface phenomenon as was suggested by some researchers

    Effect of gold nanocomposites treatment on male reproductive function under conditions of experimental hyperglycemia

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    Background: Given the urgency of the problem of clinical and experimental pathology of diabetes mellitus (DM) and the reproductive function disorders and their correction, the direction of research was determined in the following way: to establish the functional state of testicular cells and appendages under experimental hyperglycemia, and to assess future prospects for gold nanoparticles for clinical trials. The aims to evaluate the effect of five times treatment with gold nanocomposites (gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in the polymer matrix D-g-PAA(PE) on male reproductive function under conditions of experimental hyperglycemia.Methods: Experiments (two series) have been conducted on 120 (60 males and 60 females) Albino white laboratory mice (weighing 25-30 gm). Experimental hyperglycemia, a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) was reproduced by administration of nicotinamide and streptozotocin (internally peritoneally). The treatment of substances was carried out in the following way: D-g-PAA (PE) (10.00 mg/kg), D-g-PAA (PE)/AuNPs (9.78 mg/kg) in the tail vein, in 0.3 ml, once a day, five times, 2 weeks after EG induction once a day, five times.Results: it was established for the first time that there is disorder of male reproductive function under conditions of experimental hyperglycemia and five-fold treatment of gold nanocomposites (D-g-PAA(PE)/AuNPs, namely an increase in the number of abnormal sperm and a decrease in spermatids, as well as an increase in preimplantation mortality of embryos (compared to this value under experimental hyperglycemia).Conclusions: Our new data suggest that treatment with such gold nanocomposites (gold nanoparticles in D-g-PAA (PE) polymer matrix) are not critical for therapeutic use (in photodynamic chemotherapy), even in hyperglycemia when there is diabetes

    Peculiarities off socially important diseases spread among schoolchildren depending on their sex and age

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    The article under consideration presents the analysis of initial and general morbidity with socially important diseases of schoolchildren for the five-year period from 2008 to 2012.В статье представлен анализ первичной и общей заболеваемости социально значимыми заболеваниями детей школьного возраста за пятилетний период 2008-2012 г


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    The study of food products is the most important method for creating proves of their food safety based on generally accepted scientific ideas and current international and national legal norms of food safety. At the stage of laboratory research it is possible to objectively prove the efficiency and safety of new types of food products while their consumption according to certain health indications among the relevant group of people, including staff working in hazardous industrial environment. In the Russian Federation the procedure for assessing the safety and running the laboratory tests of food products are regulated by the Federal Laws on the Quality and Safety of Food Products, regulations on provision of public catering services, methodological recommendations for assessing the risk to public health in case of exposure to microbial factors contained in food products, as well as technical regulations of the Customs Union on food safety. The authors have developed regulatory and technical documentation for the cereal product “Cereal bar” and presented data on its safety when consumed. Conclusions about the product are made on the basis of a study of its chronic toxicity. It has been established that the ingredients composition of the cereal bar, included in the diet of laboratory animals, provided a positive effect on their body condition, weight gain and did not cause abnormal changes in the volume of internal organs and the development of pathologies that could indicate a side effect of the product. During study of the hematological and biochemical parameters, no significant differences were found between the data of the control group and experimental group of the animals. The conducted studies of the cereal product “Cereal bar” confirm the absence of a potential risk of developing chronic toxicity in case of introduction of the cereal bar to the animals’ diets and its consumption over a long period of time.Исследование пищевых продуктов является важнейшим инструментом построения доказательной базы их безопасности исходя из общепринятых научных представлений и действующих международных и национальных правовых норм. На этапе лабораторных исследований можно объективно доказать эффективность и безопасность новых видов пищевой продукции при применении по определенным показаниям у соответствующего контингента лиц, в том числе работающих во вредных производственных условиях. В Российской Федерации порядок оценки безвредности и проведение лабораторных исследований продуктов питания регламентируются Федеральными законами о качестве и безопасности пищевых продуктов, постановлениями об оказании услуг общественного питания, методическими рекомендациями по оценке риска здоровью населения при воздействии факторов микробной природы, содержащихся в пищевых продуктах, а также техническим регламентом Таможенного союза о безопасности пищевой продукции. Авторами разработана нормативно-техническая документация на зерновой продукт «Злаковый батончик» и представлены данные о его безвредности при употреблении в пищу Выводы о продукте сделаны на основе изучения его хронической токсичности. Установлено, что ингредиентный состав злакового батончика, включенного в рацион питания лабораторных животных, положительно влияет на прирост массы их тела и не вызывает аномального изменения объема внутренних органов и развития патологий, которые могли бы свидетельствовать о побочном действии продукта. В процессе изучения гематологических и биохимических показателей не найдено достоверных отличий между данными контрольной и опытных групп животных. Проведенные исследования зернового продукта «Злаковый батончик» подтверждают отсутствие потенциальной опасности развития хронической токсичности при добавлении его в рационы питания и употреблении в течение длительного периода времени

    The path to Z And-type outbursts: The case of V426 Sagittae (HBHA 1704-05)

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    Context. The star V426 Sge (HBHA 1704-05), originally classified as an emission-line object and a semi-regular variable, brightened at the beginning of August 2018, showing signatures of a symbiotic star outburst. Aims. We aim to confirm the nature of V426 Sge as a classical symbiotic star, determine the photometric ephemeris of the light minima, and suggest the path from its 1968 symbiotic nova outburst to the following 2018 Z And-type outburst. Methods. We re-constructed an historical light curve (LC) of V426 Sge from approximately the year 1900, and used original low- (R ∼ 500-1500; 330-880 nm) and high-resolution (R ∼ 11 000-34 000; 360-760 nm) spectroscopy complemented with Swift-XRT and UVOT, optical UBVRCIC and near-infrared JHKL photometry obtained during the 2018 outburst and the following quiescence. Results. The historical LC reveals no symbiotic-like activity from ∼1900 to 1967. In 1968, V426 Sge experienced a symbiotic nova outburst that ceased around 1990. From approximately 1972, a wave-like orbitally related variation with a period of 493.4 ± 0.7 days developed in the LC. This was interrupted by a Z And-type outburst from the beginning of August 2018 to the middle of February 2019. At the maximum of the 2018 outburst, the burning white dwarf (WD) increased its temperature to ? 2 × 105 K, generated a luminosity of ∼7 × 1037 (d/3.3 kpc)2 erg s-1 and blew a wind at the rate of ∼3 × 10-6 M yr-1. Our spectral energy distribution models from the current quiescent phase reveal that the donor is a normal M4-5 III giant characterised with Teff ∼ 3400 K, RG ∼ 106 (d/3.3 kpc) R and LG ∼ 1350 (d/3.3 kpc)2 L and the accretor is a low-mass ∼0.5 M WD. Conclusions. During the transition from the symbiotic nova outburst to the quiescent phase, a pronounced sinusoidal variation along the orbit develops in the LC of most symbiotic novae. The following eventual outburst is of Z And-type, when the accretion by the WD temporarily exceeds the upper limit of the stable burning. At this point the system becomes a classical symbiotic star.Fil: Skopal, A.. Astronomical Institute Slovak Academy Of Sciences; EslovaquiaFil: Shugarov, S. Y.. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Rusia. Astronomical Institute Slovak Academy Of Sciences; EslovaquiaFil: Munari, U.. Osservatorio Astronomico Di Padova; ItaliaFil: Masetti, N.. Inaf Istituto Di Astrofisica Spaziale E Fisica Cosmica, Bologna; Italia. Universidad Andrés Bello; ChileFil: Marchesini, Ezequiel Joaquín. Università di Torino; Italia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Komzík, R. M.. Astronomical Institute Slovak Academy Of Sciences; EslovaquiaFil: Kundra, E.. Astronomical Institute Slovak Academy Of Sciences; EslovaquiaFil: Shagatova, N.. Astronomical Institute Slovak Academy Of Sciences; EslovaquiaFil: Tarasova, T. N.. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Ras; RusiaFil: Buil, C.. Castanet Tolosan Observatory; FranciaFil: Boussin, C.. Observatoire de L'eridan Et de la Chevelure de Bérénice; FranciaFil: Shenavrin, V. I.. Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Hambsch, F. J.. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; ItaliaFil: Dallaporta, S.. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; ItaliaFil: Frigolé, Cecilia Andrea. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; ItaliaFil: Gardey, Juan Cruz. Observatoire de la Tourbière; FranciaFil: Zubareva, A.. Institute Of Astronomy Of The Russian Academy Of Sciences; Rusia. Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Dubovský, P. A.. Vihorlat Observatory; EslovaquiaFil: Kroll, P.. Sonneberg Observatory; Alemani