346 research outputs found

    MAPKs are highly abundant but do not contribute to α1-adrenergic contraction of rat saphenous arteries in the early postnatal period

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    Previously, the abundance of p42/44 and p38 MAPK proteins had been shown to be higher in arteries of 1- to 2-week-old compared to 2- to 3-month-old rats. However, the role of MAPKs in vascular tone regulation in early ontogenesis remains largely unexplored. We tested the hypothesis that the contribution of p42/44 and p38 MAPKs to the contraction of peripheral arteries is higher in the early postnatal period compared to adulthood. Saphenous arteries of 1- to 2-week-old and 2- to 3-month-old rats were studied using wire myography and western blotting. The α(1)-adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine did not increase the phosphorylation level of p38 MAPK in either 1- to 2-week-old or 2- to 3-month-old rats. Accordingly, inhibition of p38 MAPK did not affect arterial contraction to methoxamine in either age group. Methoxamine increased the phosphorylation level of p42/44 MAPKs in arteries of 2- to 3-month-old and of p44 MAPK in 1- to 2-week-old rats. Inhibition of p42/44 MAPKs reduced methoxamine-induced contractions in arteries of 2- to 3-month-old, but not 1- to 2-week-old rats. Thus, despite a high abundance in arterial tissue, p38 and p42/44 MAPKs do not regulate contraction of the saphenous artery in the early postnatal period. However, p42/44 MAPK activity contributes to arterial contractions in adult rats

    Мотиваційні фактори іноземного інвестування в банківський сектор України

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    The banking system is one of the dynamic areas of the economy, the degree of its stability largely characterizes the economy as a whole, that’s why the study of foreign investment in banks is particularly important. In this article described the motivational factors of foreign investors about investment in the banking sector of Ukraine, determined strengths and weaknesses of the investment climate in Ukraine, built the generalized table of the motivational determinants. Банківська система належить до однієї з найдинамічніших сфер економіки, ступінь її стійкості значною мірою характеризує стан економіки в цілому, тому дослідження питань залучення іноземних інвестицій в банківські установи набуває особливого значення В статті описано мотиваційні пріоритети іноземного інвестора з приводу капіталовкладення в банківський сектор України, визначено слабкі та сильні сторони інвестиційного клімату України, побудовано узагальнюючу таблицю мотиваційних детермінант

    Principles of integrative modelling at studying of plasma and welding processes

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    The relevance of the problem subject to the research is conditioned by need for introduction of modern technologies into the educational process and insufficient adaptation of the higher school teachers to the applied information and automated procedures in education and science. The purpose of the publication consists in the analysis of automated procedures efficiency in engineering training and development of structurally functional model of information skills for students and teachers during their teaching in welding and allied technologies. The leading approach to research of this problem is the structurally functional method of the objects studying. This method based on representation of technological structure as hierarchical sequence of the interconnected devices and division of a matter into objects and means of influence that allows to allocate the processes providing functioning between means of influence. In the publication the structurally functional models of information skills formation for students and teachers in engineering and natural-science training are presented. The materials of the publication can be useful for students and teachers at studying of welding and allied technologies and development of scientifically-methodical maintenance for engineering and natural-science disciplines. © 2016 Anakhov et al

    Влияние релаксационных процессов при деформировании на электрическое сопротивление полипропиленовых композитов с техническим углеродом

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    Objectives. To study the relationship between bending deformation and the change in the electrical resistance of carbon black polypropylene composites.Methods. Conductive polypropylene composites filled with carbon black UM-76 were investigated. The samples were deformed and kept under constant bending at temperatures of 20–155 °C.Results. The deformation of the samples led to a reversible increase in their electrical resistance, while subsequent holding of the samples in the deformed state was accompanied by an exponential drop in their electrical resistance. The average times and activation energies of the electrical relaxation of the deformed polypropylene composites were calculated (30–32 kJ/mol) and compared with similar characteristics of polyethylene composites (15–16 kJ/mol).Conclusions. The electrical resistance relaxation of deformed carbon black polypropylene composites at elevated temperatures is similar to their stress relaxation. The average times and activation energies of the electrical relaxation of deformed polypropylene composites are comparable with similar data on their mechanical relaxation. It was found that these electrical and mechanical phenomena are based on the same underlying physical processes.Цели. Работа посвящена изучению влияния деформации изгиба при повышенных температурах на изменение электрического сопротивления электропроводящих полипропиленовых композитов, наполненных техническим углеродом.Методы. Исследовались полипропиленовые композиты с техническим углеродом УМ-76. Образцы изгибались и выдерживались при заданном прогибе в интервале 20–155 °C.Результаты. При деформировании образцов наблюдался обратимый рост электрического сопротивления. Последующая выдержка образцов в деформированном состоянии сопровождалась экспоненциальным падением их электрического сопротивления. Были рассчитаны средние времена и энергия активации электрической релаксации деформированных полипропиленовых композитов (30–32 кДж/моль), а также проведено их сравнение с аналогичными характеристиками полиэтиленовых композитов (около 14–16 кДж/моль).Выводы. При механическом деформировании электропроводящих полипропиленовых композитов с техническим углеродом, в том числе при повышенных температурах, характер релаксации электрического сопротивления аналогичен характеру релаксации механического напряжения. Средние времена и энергия активации электрической релаксации деформированных полипропиленовых композитов сопоставимы с аналогичными показателями для механической релаксации. Это указывает на общий механизм этих процессов

    Pharmacological preconditioning by incretinomimetics exenatide and vildagliptin: decrement of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Study of hepatoprotective activity of exenatide and vildagliptin on the liver ischemia/reperfusion model, taking into account biochemical and morphological parameter

    Sensitivity studies on the photolysis rates calculation in Amazonian atmospheric chemistry ? Part I: The impact of the direct radiative effect of biomass burning aerosol particles

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    International audienceThe impact of the direct radiative effect of the aerosol particles on the calculation of the photolysis rates and consequently on the atmospheric chemistry in regional smoke clouds due to biomass burning over the Amazon basin is addressed in this work. It explores a case study for 19 September 2002 at LBA-RACCI-SMOCC (The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia ? Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions ? Smoke, Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate) pasture site in SW Amazonia. The Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible radiation model (TUV) version 4.2, (Madronich et al., 1987) is used for the photolysis rates calculation considering the layer aerosol optical depth from the Coupled Aerosol Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) (Freitas et al., 2005). A dynamical aerosol model (Procópio et al., 2003) is included in the radiative transfer model to take into account the high temporal variability of the aerosol optical thickness. This methodology is tested by comparing modeled and measured clear sky solar irradiances. The results show a good agreement with measured PAR radiation values. The actinic flux attenuation, for AOT (500 nm) values around 1.94, decreases the photolysis rates by about 70% in the presence of near-ground smoke aerosol and above the smoke layer the photolysis process tends to increase by about 40%. A simulation of the ozone production is carried out using a one-dimensional photochemical box model and comparisons with observation are shown


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    The aim of this prospective randomized clinical study was to investigate the role of preoperative carbohydrate admnistration in surgery-induced metabolic, immune and inflammatory reactions after thoracoabdominal operations. At the Surgical department I (B.V. Petrovsky National Research Center of Surgery), we investigated a modulatory role of carbohydrate preload upon surgical stress observed after major thoracoabdominal operations (thoracoscopic and open esophagectomy, retrosternal colonic esophagoplasty) followed by the enhanced recovery protocol. The study was performed in 2014-2017, it included 30 patients, divided into 2 groups. Group A patients (n = 16) received carbohydrates preload (12.5% maltodextrin solution per os or enterally). In patients with dysphagia, the 12.5% dextrose solution was used intravenously in equal volumes. Group B patients didn’t receive any additional preload with carbohydrates. The groups were age- and gendermatched, similar for disease and surgery types. Glucose and insulin levels (with HOMA insulin resistance index, HOMA-IR) were measured before surgery and on day +1, interleukin levels (IL-6, IL-10, IL-8) and index IL-8/IL-10 were assessed before surgery, and on days +1 and +5 after surgery. Cell-mediated immunity was investigated before surgery and on day +5.The stress-induced hyperglycemia (> 7.8 mmol/L) was detected more frequently in group B (50%), than in group A (6%), p = 0.012. Insulin resistance measured by HOMA-IR in group B was detected in 71% of patients and in 25% patients of group A only, p = 0.027. Individual analysis of immune response demonstrated that a trend for immune recovery was detected by the day +5 post-op in the group A. Postoperative levels of IL-6 and IL-10 were lower on day +1 and +5 in group A. Morbidity rates and the terms of hospitalization were similar in both groups. Local postsurgical infections in group A were developed in 6% of the patients vs 35.6% in group B (p = 0.072).In conclusion, a complex study of surgical stress, i.e., metabolic, immune and inflammatory reactions after esophageal surgery has shown that the carbohydrate preload decreased the incidence of postoperative insulin resistance and stress-induced hyperglycemia, being accompanied by lower release of proinflammatory cytokines and provides positive effects upon the patient’s immune system

    Laboratory characteristics of blastocystis invasion in patients with chronic viral hepatitis

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    Based on the survey results in 1322 patients found that patients with hronic viral hepatitis (CVH) blastocysts are found more often than in the group of individuals without concomitant pathology of the hepatic-biliary system (28.8% vs. 5.5%, respectively). In healthy individuals the blastocyst revealed more often in the summer, peaking in July and August, while in patients with CVH Blastocystis most frequently observed in winter. The high incidence of Blastocystis sp. CVH patients suggests that the pathology of the hepatic-biliary system fosters a supportive environment in the gastrointestinal tract for the colonization of its blastocyst. Molecular biological methods of investigation revealed that the subtype antroponozny blastocysts met in this population, 5.3 times less likely than those without concomitant liver disease

    The relevance of existential experience of time

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    The article is devoted to the philosophy of man and his relation to time within the framework of existentialism. The topic of time in existentialism is very relevant today. What is still important for a modern person: the past, the future or the present?Статья посвящена философии человека и его отношению к времени в рамках экзистенциализма. Тема экзистенциального переживания времени очень востребована в наши дни. Тем самым, возникает вопрос, что же всё-таки важно для современного человека: прошлое, будущее или настоящее

    Development Diastolic Dysfunction Myocardium in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the Stages of fhe Polychemotherapy

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    The development of progressive myocardial dysfunction is one of the side effects of polychemotherapy. Changes in diastolic filling of the left ventricular is the earliest marker that precedes the full-scaled clinical picture of heart failure. Purpose: Assessment of left ventricle’s diastolic function and the study of the state of lipid peroxidation processes in children with acute leukemia at the stages of polychemotherapy. Materials and Methods: We have examined 54 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at the age ranging from 3 to 17 years old. Results: Complex transthoracic Doppler echocardiography shows the occurrence of diastolic dysfunction at the time when the disease is diagnosed and its progression after the end of polychemotherapy. The development of cardiac complications is accompanied by an increase in the generation of reactive oxygen species, accumulation of oxydated lipoproteins, which suggests the free-radical genesis of myocardial damage. Summary: Early detection of disorder of diastolic function of the left ventricle may allow to appoint cardiotropic therapy on the initial stage and decrease the rate of complications of polychemotherapy