166 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength evidence for a 15-year periodic activity in the symbiotic nova V1016 Cygni

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    The ~15.1 years period found in the long-term UBV photoelectric and photographic photometry of the symbiotic nova V1016 Cyg is detected also in the (J-K) colour index and in the UV continuum and emission line fluxes from IUE and HUT spectra. It could be interpreted either as the effect of recurrent enhanced mass loss episodes from the Mira type variable companion to a hot component along its ultra-wide orbit (proposed from recent HST observations) or the true orbital period of the inner, unresolved binary of a triple system. A 410-day delay of the maximum of UV emission lines fluxes with respect to the maximum of continuum was found. The pulsation period of the Mira type variable was improved to 474+/-6 days.Comment: 7 pages, 7 PostScript figures. Accepted for pubblication in A&

    Molecular genetic methods for identifying raw materials in meat products: Diversity, opportunities and prospects

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    In the current economic situation, after easing the Covid pandemic restrictions, almost all laboratories, which are focused on evaluation of the conformity of food products, have faced issues in supplying for their laboratories. In this regard, in the last years many laboratories have been forced to validate new approaches and introduce new methods for assessing conformity of the food products. Very often it is not possible to use only one method to resolve the issue of the food product ingredients, especially for the purpose of traceability of their names and the used raw materials, listed on the label. Survey of the raw food materials to determine whether they correspond to the type name is a simpler task, in contrast to survey of the multicomponent food product. Many researchers have to estimate the opportunities and feasibility of application of various methodologies in their workplaces. Therefore, this review is relevant for the researchers in this field, as it focuses on aspects and special features of similar methodologies. The prospect of molecular genetic methods for identification of the raw materials used for manufacturing of meat products is presented below. This review also represents characteristics of methods for identification of the sources of raw materials used for the manufacturing of the meat products, based on the recognition of species-specific sections within the nucleic acids structures. The variety of methods (hybridization methods, polymerase chain reaction, different types of isothermal amplifications, methods using CRISPR/Cas systems), the principles of their implementation, and achieved analytical characteristics are considered. The capacities and competitive potential of various methods are discussed, as well as approaches being developed to overcome the existing limitations.In the current economic situation, after easing the Covid pandemic restrictions, almost all laboratories, which are focused on evaluation of the conformity of food products, have faced issues in supplying for their laboratories. In this regard, in the last years many laboratories have been forced to validate new approaches and introduce new methods for assessing conformity of the food products. Very often it is not possible to use only one method to resolve the issue of the food product ingredients, especially for the purpose of traceability of their names and the used raw materials, listed on the label. Survey of the raw food materials to determine whether they correspond to the type name is a simpler task, in contrast to survey of the multicomponent food product. Many researchers have to estimate the opportunities and feasibility of application of various methodologies in their workplaces. Therefore, this review is relevant for the researchers in this field, as it focuses on aspects and special features of similar methodologies. The prospect of molecular genetic methods for identification of the raw materials used for manufacturing of meat products is presented below. This review also represents characteristics of methods for identification of the sources of raw materials used for the manufacturing of the meat products, based on the recognition of species-specific sections within the nucleic acids structures. The variety of methods (hybridization methods, polymerase chain reaction, different types of isothermal amplifications, methods using CRISPR/Cas systems), the principles of their implementation, and achieved analytical characteristics are considered. The capacities and competitive potential of various methods are discussed, as well as approaches being developed to overcome the existing limitations

    Comamonas testosteroni strain TI as a potential base for a microbial sensor detecting surfactants

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    Strain Comamonas testosteroni TI, capable of degrading the nonionic surfactant (NIS) nonylphenolethoxylate (OP-10), was used for constructing a pilot cellular biosensor. The lower NIS detection limit for the biosensor was 0.25 mg/l. We studied the substrate specificity of the biosensor with respect to a wide range of organic compounds: surfactants, polyaromatic compounds (PAC), carbohydrates, alcohols, etc. It was shown that the biosensor based on Comamonas testosteroni TI did not respond to glucose, which was an advantage over the formerly described biosensor based on Pseudomonas rathonis T. The amplitude of the sensor response remained stable for 10 days


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    Unfair production and products that do not comply with the declared labeling are currently an acute problem in the field of technical regulation, including with regard to food safety and quality. Given the high added value and multicomponent composition, finished meat products are among the most susceptible to adulteration. Despite the best efforts of regulatory agencies to counteract these inconsistencies, the hidden substitution of cheaper or lower-grade meats is still widespread. One of the main tasks facing research laboratories and testing centers today is the detection of falsification of food products, as well as standardization and certification of techniques necessary to solve such problems. The manufacturer, aware of the current control methods, can go to the deception, using vegetable protein, new unregistered feed additives. To determine the complex changes that occur in products, it is necessary to use methodological approaches in which it is possible to reliably determine these changes. The paper presents an overview of the most commonly used methodologies for assessing the component composition of meat products. Quality assessment of meat products includes control of components of finished products. The most difficult task is to determine the proportion of muscle protein in multicomponent meat products that have undergone heat treatment.Unfair production and products that do not comply with the declared labeling are currently an acute problem in the field of technical regulation, including with regard to food safety and quality. Given the high added value and multicomponent composition, finished meat products are among the most susceptible to adulteration. Despite the best efforts of regulatory agencies to counteract these inconsistencies, the hidden substitution of cheaper or lower-grade meats is still widespread. One of the main tasks facing research laboratories and testing centers today is the detection of falsification of food products, as well as standardization and certification of techniques necessary to solve such problems. The manufacturer, aware of the current control methods, can go to the deception, using vegetable protein, new unregistered feed additives. To determine the complex changes that occur in products, it is necessary to use methodological approaches in which it is possible to reliably determine these changes. The paper presents an overview of the most commonly used methodologies for assessing the component composition of meat products. Quality assessment of meat products includes control of components of finished products. The most difficult task is to determine the proportion of muscle protein in multicomponent meat products that have undergone heat treatment

    Evaluation of substrate specificity of biosensor models based on strains degrading polycyclic aromatic compounds

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    Models of microbial biosensors based on 11 strains of degraders of surface-active substances (SASS) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were studied. Substrate specificity, sensitivity, and stability of biosensor models were comparatively evaluated


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    The analysis of the associated petroleum gas processing plant was performed using elements of the system approach and pinch analysis. In the course of the work, energy saving resources were identified at the plant and the possibility of heat recuperation for its own "hot" streams


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    Technologies for the production of polyolefins are diverse. The paper analyzes various methods for producing polyolefins, taking into account the process parameters, the catalysts used, and the requirements for the final product

    Structural regularities of welded seam between Ti-Tib and vanadium with 12X18H10T interlayer by using electron beam welding

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    Досліджувалися можливості отримання зварного з'єднання сплавуТі-TiB заустенітної сталлю 12Х18Н10Т шляхом формування проміжного шару в зварному з'єднанні. Для цього на поверхні зразка сплаву Ті-TiB формувався легований прошарок, що містить армуючі волокна TiB і основні легуючі елементи стали 12Х18Н10Т. Було визначено, що такий прошарок одержується застосуванням електронно-променевого зварювання з'єднання сплаву Ті-TiB з ванадієм через фольгу зі сталі 12Х18Н10Т. Було виявлено, що мікроструктура сформованого прошарку сплаву на основі титану іванадію з легуючими добавками має характер металевої матриці, армованої мікроволокнами, склад яких відповідає боріду титану, легованого ванадієм. Було виявлено, що для армуючих боридних мікроволокон в мікроструктур і прошарку сплаву на основі титану і ванадію характерною особливістю є їх значне подрібнення в порівнянні з вихідним сплавом Ті-TiB. Крім того, в цьому прошарку в зоні розпаду первинних борідів титану, ініційованого впливом електронного променя, були виявлені фазові утворення за елементним складом близькі Ti2B. В результаті було зроблено припущення, що прошарок сплаву на основі Ti (63-68 at.%) І V (18-25 at.%) із легуючими добавками (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C), сформований на поверхні сплаву Ті -TiB, перспективний для використання для електронно-променевого зварювання сталі 12Х18Н10Т зі сплавом Ті-TiB.Possibilities of obtaining and using an intermediate layer for joining of Ti-TiB and austenitic steel 12X18H10T (analog of AISI 321; 1.4541; X10CrNiTi18-10) were studied. An alloyed interlayer with TiB reinforcing fibers and the main alloying elements of 12X18H10T steel was formed on the surface of the Ti-TiB sample. Such interlayer was formed during electron beam welding of Ti-TiB with vanadium using foil made of 12X18H10T steel. The microstructure of the interlayer consists of a metal matrix reinforced with microfibers. It’s composition corresponds to vanadium-alloyed titanium boride. In comparison to the initial Ti-TiB alloy, significant grinding of reinforcing boride microfibers in the interlayer microstructure was observed. Besides, the phase formations close to Ti2B in zone of primary titanium borides decomposition in the interlayer, initiated by electron beam were determined. As a result, application of Ti (63–68 at. %) and V (18–25 at. %) based interlayer with alloying additives (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C) has great potential for utilization in electron-beam welding of 12Х18Н10Т steel with Ti-TiB alloy.Исследовались возможности получения и использования промежуточной прослойки для выполнения сварного соединения сплава Ті-TiB с аустенитной сталью 12Х18Н10Т (аналоги AISI 321, 1.4541, X10CrNiTi18-10). Для этого на поверхности образца сплава Ті-TiB формировалась легированная прослойка, содержащая армирующие волокна TiB и основные легирующие элементы стали 12Х18Н10Т. Было определено, что такая прослойка получается применением электронно-лучевой сварки соединения сплава Ті-TiB с ванадием через фольгу из стали 12Х18Н10Т. Было выявлено, что микроструктура сформированной прослойки сплава на основе титана и ванадия с легирующими добавками имеет характер металлической матрицы, армированной микроволокнами, состав которых соответствует бориду титана, легированногованадием. Былообнаружено, что для армирующих боридных микроволокон в микроструктуре прослойки сплава на основе титана и ванадия характерной особенностью является их значительно еизмельчение в сравнении с исходным сплавом Ті-TiB. Кроме того, в этой прослойке в зоне распада первичных боридо втитана, инициированного влиянием электронного луча, были обнаружены фазовые образования по элементному составу близкие Ti2B. В результате было сделано предположение, что прослойка сплава на основе Ti (63–68 at. %) и V (18–25 at. %) с легирующими добавками (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C), сформированная на поверхности сплава Ті-TiB, перспективна для использования для электронно-лучевой сварки стали 12Х18Н10Т со сплавом Ті-TiB

    Quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients on renal replacement therapy

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    The study demonstrated the results of the comparative analysis of various types of renal replacement therapy effects on the quality of life patients with terminal stage of chronic kidney disease on the basis of standardized questionnaires. It has been shown that the quality of life is significantly improved after a kidney transplantation. At the same time, it has also been found that the introduction of home dialysis, epoetins, active metabolites of vitamin D, calcimimetics in the clinic care expanded the opportunities for the labor rehabilitation of the dialysis patients and made their quality of life comparable with the same of the kidney transplant recipients


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    The article presents the results of study of clinical and immunological effectiveness of the application of the vaccine «Pneumo-23» for children of 3—7 years old, suffering from chronic nasopharyngeal ring diseases of pneumococcal etiology. The authors revealed reduction of the frequency of cases of the main disease exacerbation and cases of ARI adjoining. Reduction of the main clinical symptoms of chronic adenoiditis and chronic tonsillitis was registered. Number of specific IgMand IgGAT to PS of the vaccine doubled reliably.Представлены результаты изучения клинико-иммунологической эффективности использования вакцины «Пневмо-23» у детей 3—7 лет, страдающих хроническими заболеваниями носоглоточного кольца пневмококковой этиологии. Выявлено снижение частоты обострений основного заболевания, присоединения ОРЗ, уменьшение основных клинических симптомов хронического аденоидита и хронического тонзиллита, а также достоверный двукратный прирост специфических IgМ-АТ и IgG-АТ к ПС, входящим в состав вакцины «Пневмо 23».