182 research outputs found

    Safety, quality, and processing of fruits and vegetables

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    Nowadays, one of the main objectives of the fruit and vegetable industry is to develop innovative novel products with high quality, safety, and optimal nutritional characteristics in order to respond with efficiency to the increasing consumer expectations. Various emerging, unconventional technologies (e.g., pulsed electric field, pulsed light, ultrasound, high pressure, and microwave drying) enable the processing of fruits and vegetables, increasing their stability while preserving their thermolabile nutrients, flavour, texture, and overall quality. Some of these technologies can also be used for waste and by-product valorisation. The application of fast noninvasive methods for process control is of great importance for the fruit and vegetable industry. The following Special Issue \u201cSafety, Quality, and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables\u201d consists of 11 papers, which provide a high-value contribution to the existing knowledge on safety aspects, quality evaluation, and emerging processing technologies for fruits and vegetables

    Gambaran Histopatologi Hati Tikus Wistar Yang Diberikan Jus Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) Pasca Kerusakan Hati Wistar Yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida (Ccl4)

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    : Liver is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity. As the center of metabolism in the body, liver is potentially damaged by exposure of toxic substances, inter alia carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Metabolism of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) produces CCl3 free radicals that can damage the liver. In Indonesia, there are a lot of natural ingredients that have antioxidant properties, such as tomato. Lycopene in tomatoes contains antioxidant compounds that can prevent damages due to free radical. This study aimed to obtain liver histopathological changes of wistar rats fed with tomato juice after being induced of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). This was an experimental study, using 10 wistar rats which were divided into 4 groups. Group I was the negative control; group II was induced with CCl4 0,05 cc/day and was terminated on day 6; group III was induced with CCl4 0,05 cc/day and was given tomato juice 3 ml/day, and terminated on day 13; group IV was induced by CCl4 0,05 cc/day, given regular pellets, and terminated on day 13. The results showed that group II had histopathological changes of the liver indicating fatty liver, meanwhile group III showed regeneration of nearly all liver cells. Conclusion: Administration of tomato juice after the induction of 3 ml carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) for 7 day showed regeneration of almost all liver cells

    Gambaran Histopatologi Hati Tikus Wistar Yang Diberikan Jus Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) Pasca Kerusakan Hati Wistar Yang Diinduksi Karbon Tetraklorida (Ccl4)

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    : Liver is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity. As the center of metabolism in the body, liver is potentially damaged by exposure of toxic substances, inter alia carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Metabolism of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) produces CCl3 free radicals that can damage the liver. In Indonesia, there are a lot of natural ingredients that have antioxidant properties, such as tomato. Lycopene in tomatoes contains antioxidant compounds that can prevent damages due to free radical. This study aimed to obtain liver histopathological changes of wistar rats fed with tomato juice after being induced of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). This was an experimental study, using 10 wistar rats which were divided into 4 groups. Group I was the negative control; group II was induced with CCl4 0,05 cc/day and was terminated on day 6; group III was induced with CCl4 0,05 cc/day and was given tomato juice 3 ml/day, and terminated on day 13; group IV was induced by CCl4 0,05 cc/day, given regular pellets, and terminated on day 13. The results showed that group II had histopathological changes of the liver indicating fatty liver, meanwhile group III showed regeneration of nearly all liver cells. Conclusion: Administration of tomato juice after the induction of 3 ml carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) for 7 day showed regeneration of almost all liver cells

    Rancang Bangun Perangkat Kendali Pintu Rumah Menggunakan Fingerprint Berbasis Arduino Leonardo

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    Pada zaman modern seperti saat ini, perancangan sistem dibuat semakin praktis pengoperasiannya dan tentunya faktor keamanan yang menjadi prioritas mengingat tingginya tingkat pencurian didalam rumah. Akses pintu yang masih manual memiliki banyak kekurangan diantaranya sering kehilangan kunci, butuh waktu yang cukup lama saat membuka pintu, sistem keamanan kunci yang lemah sehingga mudah dibobol seseorang. Keamanan pintu dalam suatu ruangan dengan menggunakan sensor fingerprint dibuat sebagai salah satu bentuk pengaman dalam skala kecil. Sistem keamanan ini mengandalkan sidik jari untuk mengamankan sebuah pintu. Fingerprint yang telah diakses oleh jari-jari dari anggota keluarga akan memberikan data kepada mikrokontroler untuk diolah yang kemudian akan memberikan perintah kepada motor stepper untuk membuka pintu secara otomatis. Untuk membuka pintu secara otomatis maka digunakan mikrokontroller Arduino Leonardo sebagai dasar pengendali untuk menggerakan motor stepper dan pemanfaatan sensor PIR untuk menutup pintu secara otomatis. Dari hasil pengujian pintu akan terbuka jika ID sidik jari yang dicocokan sesuai dengan sidik jari yang sudah tersimpan dalam database. Tombol Button digunakan untuk membuka dan menutup pintu secara otomatis apabila anggota keluarga akan keluar rumah atau ruangan.Penggunaan yang mudah dan sistem keamanan dengan teknologi digital yang lebih terjaga dibanding dengan kunci pintu konvensional. Sebagai hasil dari skripsi ini dapat diimplementasikan pada kondisi sesungguhnya untuk pengamanan pintu rumah

    Analysis of Learning Difficulties of Mathematics for Vocational School Students in the 3T Area

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    This study aims to describe the mathematics learning difficulties of vocational high school students in the frontier, outermost and disadvantaged (3T) areas, especially in North Maluku Province, West Halmahera Regency. This type of qualitative descriptive research uses the results of questionnaires, observations, and interviews. The population in this study were students of class X TKJ, X Nautika Perkapalan, and X Asisten Keperawatan SMKS Fomarimoi for the academic year 2022/2023 as many as 19 students and 2 teachers. The results showed that the difficulties in learning mathematics for SMK students in 3T areas West Halmahera, were: (1) difficulties in understanding concepts; (2) difficulty in arithmetic operations; (3) difficulty in solving problems; (4) lack of self-awareness to learn mathematics; (5) low motivation to learn mathematics; (6) less able to determine the formula to be used; (7) facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate; (8) the ability of educators is still low; and (9) limited coverage of learning in 3T areas

    Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Metabolite Profile of Striped Prawn (Melicertus kerathurus) during Chilled Storage

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    A variety of metabolites contribute to the freshness and taste characteristics of seafood. This study investigated the effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP; 400, 500, and 600 MPa) for 10 min) on the metabolome of striped prawn during chilled storage, in relation to microorganisms’ development. All treated samples showed lower viable counts throughout storage compared to the untreated counterparts. The limit of acceptability from a microbiological point of view was extended from 9 to as many as 35 days by 600 MPa treatment. Metabolites were quantified by 1H-NMR through a targeted-untargeted metabolomic approach. Molecules linked to nucleotides’ degradation and amines’ anabolism suggested an overall freshness improvement granted by HHP. Notably, putrescine and cadaverine were detected only in untreated prawn samples, suggesting the inactivation of degradative enzymes by HHP. The concentration of molecules that influence umami perception was significantly elevated by HHP, while in untreated samples, the concentration of molecules contributing to a sour taste gradually increased during storage. As metabolomics was applied in its untargeted form, it allowed us to follow the overall set of metabolites related to HHP processing and storage, thus providing novel insights into the freshness and taste quality of striped prawn as affected by high hydrostatic pressure

    Quality and stability of different seafood products treated with high hydrostatic pressure (HPP) intended for raw consumption

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    The consumption of raw fish has rapidly increased in recent years, but being a highly perishable product, it is characterised by a very short microbiological shelf life. High hydrostatic pressure (HPP) processing is a non -thermal technology has emerged recently as a promising alternative to thermal processing for food pasteurization capable of maintaining fresh-like characteristics and nutritional value. However, the induced changes in product quality should be assessed carefully. The present research aimed to investigate the effect of HPP on different seafood products, namely grey mullet, tiger prawn and rose shrimp, intended for raw consumption. Three pres-sure levels (400, 500 and 600 MPa) were applied for 10 min. During refrigerated storage, microbiological quality, chemical parameters, colour and texture and fat oxidation were analysed. Results showed that the application of lower pressure was able to inactivate E. coli, pseudomonas and/or positive coagulase staphylococci; however, they were able to recover during storage. In addition, the application of 600-MPa pressure extended the microbio-logical shelf life by up to 30 days. For all samples, general whitening occurred while the texture was affected in a different way for the three considered species. Fat oxidation was only minimally affected and remained quite low during storage

    Effects of novel modified atmosphere packaging on lipid quality and stability of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) fillets

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    Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is an efficient method to increase shelf-life of fishery products by inhibiting bacterial growth and oxidative reactions. Beside the traditional gases used for MAP, novel gases such as argon (Ar) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were approved for food use in the European Union. The present research investigates the effect of MAP with unconventional gas mixtures, that previously positively affected microbial shelf-life, on colour, lipid oxidation and sensorial characteristics of sardine fillets during storage. Four atmosphere conditions were tested: Air (20.8% O2/79.2% N2), N2 (30% CO2/70% N2), N2O (30% CO2/70% N2O) and Ar (30% CO2/70% Ar). Samples were stored for 12 days at 3 Â°C. Results showed that the removal of oxygen significantly inhibited the oxidation process; however, most of the investigated parameters related to fat oxidation did not show any improvement, except for a slight decrease in lipid hydrolysis and improvement in sensory properties in the packaging containing Ar

    Efficacy of fungoid chitosans from Aspergillus niger and Agaricus bisporus in controlling the oxidative browning of model white wines

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    The efficacy of two water-insoluble chitosans from Aspergillus niger and Agaricus bisporus, in controlling the browning of model white wine solutions was assessed and compared with respect to sulfite addition (70 mg/L). A water-soluble oligomeric preparation from Agaricus bisporus was also included to test the effect of solubility and reduced molecular weight on the antibrowning capability of the polysaccharide. Chitosans were added at 0.5 g/L and 1 g/L. Color development, iron oxidoreductive equilibrium and generation of phenolic intermediates were monitored. Results demonstrated a significant and comparable anti-browning efficacy of both insoluble formu-lations (up to 85% reduction in browning development with respect to control samples), which mainly acted by chelating iron (up to around 4.4 mg/g of chitosan) and shifting its oxidoreductive equilibrium toward the reduced form. Oligomeric chitosan was ineffective for this purpose as it completely lacked chelating activity, which it is proposed, depended on its negligible interaction with tartaric acid. Data on browning and oxidation-related phenolic intermediates also revealed that sulfite promotes browning once it is completely oxidized.Industrial relevance: Following its very recent European authorization as novel food, chitosan from Agaricus bisporus has been evaluated for the first time and compared in wine-like conditions with the already known water-insoluble chitosan from Aspergillus niger. A further novelty are the data on water-soluble chitosan prepa-rations, not yet permitted in wine but potentially interesting due to the potentially higher specific surface once in solution. The results, apart from providing information on a recently introduced source for enological chitosan, can be useful to producers and winemakers in deciding among fungoid preparations aimed to control the browning of products

    Innovative non-thermal technologies for recovery and valorization of value-added products from crustacean processing by-products—an opportunity for a circular economy approach

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    The crustacean processing industry has experienced significant growth over recent decades resulting in the production of a great number of by-products. Crustacean by-products contain several valuable components such as proteins, lipids, and carotenoids, especially astaxanthin and chitin. When isolated, these valuable compounds are characterized by bioactivities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-cancer ones, and that could be used as nutraceutical ingredients or additives in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Different innovative non-thermal technologies have appeared as promising, safe, and efficient tools to recover these valuable compounds. This review aims at providing a summary of the main compounds that can be extracted from crustacean by-products, and of the results obtained by applying the main innovative nonthermal processes for recovering such high-value products. Moreover, from the perspective of the circular economy approach, specific case studies on some current applications of the recovered compounds in the seafood industry are presented. The extraction of valuable components from crustacean by-products, combined with the development of novel technological strategies aimed at their recovery and purification, will allow for important results related to the long-term sustainability of the seafood industry to be obtained. Furthermore, the reuse of extracted components in seafood products is an interesting strategy to increase the value of the seafood sector overall. However, to date, there are limited industrial applications for this promising approach
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