288 research outputs found

    Nanogels for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications and their fabrication using 3D printing technologies

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    Nanogels are hydrogels formed by connecting nanoscopic micelles dispersed in an aqueous medium, which give an opportunity for incorporating hydrophilic payloads to the exterior of the micellar networks and hydrophobic payloads in the core of the micelles. Biomedical and pharmaceutical applications of nanogels have been explored for tissue regeneration, wound healing, surgical device, implantation, and peroral, rectal, vaginal, ocular, and transdermal drug delivery. Although it is still in the early stages of development, due to the increasing demands of precise nanogel production to be utilized for personalized medicine, biomedical applications, and specialized drug delivery, 3D printing has been explored in the past few years and is believed to be one of the most precise, efficient, inexpensive, customizable, and convenient manufacturing techniques for nanogel production

    State sovereignty and capitalism's relationship in the digital age. A critical analysis of platform capitalism, collaborative governance, and big data.

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    openThe aim of the research is to analyse the relationship between state sovereignty and market capitalism starting from the ‘80s in the western countries, after the advent of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In order to do so, the thesis will display a schematic critique of the new forms of platform capitalism, platform urbanism, and big data analysis. The chapters will follow the three power relations between state, market, and citizens, assessing the various problems concerning the use of big data, such as security issues, exploitation, extraction of value, and democratic accountability. Apart from an organic critique, the following research’s main thesis is that the collaborative governance is a new conjunction ring between capitalism and state power, that brought into existence a new market of public service delivery and a sell-out of state political legitimacy. In the first chapter I will outline the historical framework that brought the diffusion of the ICTs, marking out the economical and political changes following the ‘80s. The second chapter will analyse the power relation between State and citizens. Following the two cases of Cambridge Analytica and Edward Snowden, I will discuss the evolution of state security and the riskiness related to big data for the democratic accountability. The third chapter will discuss the platform urbanism and the critiques concerning the Smart cities. With a critical perspective about collaborative governance, I will assert that in the last decades a new market based on the public service delivery has expanded, creating accountability and legitimacy issues for the western democracies. In the fourth and last chapter I will examine the power relation between citizens and the market, discussing the platform capitalism, the gig economy and the new forms of extraction of value related to the use of big data.The aim of the research is to analyse the relationship between state sovereignty and market capitalism starting from the ‘80s in the western countries, after the advent of the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In order to do so, the thesis will display a schematic critique of the new forms of platform capitalism, platform urbanism, and big data analysis. The chapters will follow the three power relations between state, market, and citizens, assessing the various problems concerning the use of big data, such as security issues, exploitation, extraction of value, and democratic accountability. Apart from an organic critique, the following research’s main thesis is that the collaborative governance is a new conjunction ring between capitalism and state power, that brought into existence a new market of public service delivery and a sell-out of state political legitimacy. In the first chapter I will outline the historical framework that brought the diffusion of the ICTs, marking out the economical and political changes following the ‘80s. The second chapter will analyse the power relation between State and citizens. Following the two cases of Cambridge Analytica and Edward Snowden, I will discuss the evolution of state security and the riskiness related to big data for the democratic accountability. The third chapter will discuss the platform urbanism and the critiques concerning the Smart cities. With a critical perspective about collaborative governance, I will assert that in the last decades a new market based on the public service delivery has expanded, creating accountability and legitimacy issues for the western democracies. In the fourth and last chapter I will examine the power relation between citizens and the market, discussing the platform capitalism, the gig economy and the new forms of extraction of value related to the use of big data

    Peningkatan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas III SDN Pengawu Materi Konsep Ciri-Ciri Makhluk Hidup Melalui Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPA materi konsep ciri-ciri makhluk hidup melalui model pembelajaran picture and picture bagi siswa kelas III SD Negeri Pengawu semester I tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada siswa kelas III SD Negeri Pengawu semester I tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian PTK ini melalui observasi, wawancara dan tes atau penugasan, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan model interaktif. Sedangkan aktivitas dilakukan dalam bentuk interaktif dengan proses pengumpulan data sebagai proses siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran aktif model picture and picture dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar materi konsep ciri-ciri makhluk hidup melalui model pembelajaran picture and picture bagi siswa kelas III SD Negeri Pengawu semester I tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Motivasi belajar siswa dari kondisi awal ke siklus II terdapat peningkatan aspek tanggung jawab dari cukup menjadi baik, aspek tekun dari cukup baik menjadi amat baik, aspek memiliki sejumlah USAha dari cukup baik menjadi baik, aspek memperhatikan umpa Balik dari cukup baik menjadi baik, aspek waktu penyelesaian tugas dari cukup baik menjadi baik, dan aspek menetapkan tujuan yang realistis dari cukup baik menjadi amat baik. Hasil ulangan harian siklus II mengalami peningkatan dibanding dengan kondisi awal ketuntasan 9 siswa 30 % dan pada siklus II ketuntasan 29 siswa mencapai 96,6%. Nilai rata-rata kelas juga meningkat dari 62,3 menjadi 77,30 meningkat 15,00

    Three-dimensional printing and nanotechnology for enhanced implantable materials

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    Orthopedic and oro-maxillofacial implants have revolutionized treatment of bone diseases and fractures. Currently available metallic implants have been in clinical use for more than 40 years and have proved medically efficacious. However, several drawbacks remain, such as excessive stiffness, accumulation of metal ions in surrounding tissue, growth restriction, required removal/revision surgery, inability to carry drugs, and susceptibility to infection. The need for additional revision surgery increases financial costs and prolongs recovery time for patients. These metallic implants are bulk manufactured and often do not meet patient\u27s requirements. A surgeon must machine (cut, weld, trim or drill holes) them in order to best suit the patient specifications. Over the past few decades, attempts have been made to replace these metallic implants with suitable biodegradable materials to prevent secondary/revision surgery. Recent advances in biomaterials have shown multiple uses for lactic acid polymers in bone implant technology. However, a targeted/localized drug delivery system needs to be incorporated in these polymers, and they need to be customized to treat orthopedic implant-related infections and other bone diseases such as osteomyelitis, osteosarcoma and osteoporosis. Rapid Prototyping (RP) using additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing could allow customization of constructs for personalized medicine. The goal of this study was to engineer customizable and biodegradable implant materials that can elute bioactive compounds for personalized medicine and targeted drug delivery. Post-operative infections are the most common complications following dental, orthopedic and bone implant surgeries. Preventing post-surgical infections is therefore a critical need that current polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cements fail to address. Calcium Phosphate Cements (CPCs) are unique in their ability to crystallize calcium and phosphate salts into hydroxyapatite (HA) and hence is naturally osteoconductive. Due to its low mechanical strength, its use in implant fixation and bone repair is limited to nonload-bearing applications. Novel CPCs were formulated and were doped with drug loaded Halloysite Nanotubes (HNTs) to enhance their mechanical and anti-infective properties. In this study we also explored the use of customized biopolymer filaments and 3D printing technology to treat bone diseases such as osteomyelitis, osteosarcoma, and osteoporosis. Biopolymer filaments were successfully loaded with antibiotics, chemotherapeutics and hormones (female sex hormones). Using a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)-based 3D printer, these customized filaments were fabricating into 3D scaffolds. Constructs with variable mechanical strengths and porosities were successfully designed and 3D printed. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the surface architecture of the scaffolds. Compression and flexural testing was conducted for testing the mechanical strength of the constructs. Bacterial and suitable cell culture studies were applied to test bioactivity of the constructs. From above experiments, this study showed that 3D printing technology can be used to fabricate bioactive biopolymers for personalized medicine and localized drug delivery

    Penyebaran Jenis Tikus Di Kebun Raya Bogor

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    B. TAPPA & S. ADISOEMARTO. 1985. Rat distribution in the Bogor Botanic Garden. Berita Biologi 3 (1) : 5 - 7. A study on rat distribution in the Bogor Botanical Garden was conducted in dry and wet season for one year period. Live-trapping was placed at habitat ten types. Three rats species were recorded during the study, i.e. Rattus tiomanicus, R.r. diardii and R. exulans. R. tiomanicus was found to be the most predominant species and its population more abundant than R.r. diardii and R. exulans. R. tiomanicus typically was captured at trap stations characterized by bamboo clumps, bananas and palms vegetation. R.r. diardii generally was trapped at stations with block housing area. R. exulans occupied may occur on some types of habitat.Analysis of rat distribution related trapping period wa s als o discusse

    Influence of head rotation on ease of mask ventilation: a randomized crossover study

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    Background: Mask ventilation is an essential part of airway management. Head rotation increases the cross-sectional area of upper airway and improves upper airway patency. Methods: A prospective crossover study in 40 patients aged 18-69, ASA physical status I, II, III and who needed general anesthesia with tracheal intubation were selected, divided into two groups of 20 each, group I and Group II. When apnea was achieved after standard general anaesthesia, mask ventilation was performed using pressure-controlled ventilation, peak inspiratory pressure 15 cm of water, 10 breaths per minute, I:E ratio 1:2. Face mask held by two hands. Group I patients received mask ventilation with the head in a neutral position for one minute, after which the head was turned to the right for one minute and the head is returned to the neutral position for one minute. In group II patients, mask ventilation was performed from right lateral position to neutral position to right lateral position. In each position, airway pressure, compliance and expiratory tidal volume were measured. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between groups with respect to demographic data. The mean expiratory tidal volume was high in head rotation than neutral position (469.545±120.09 ml vs. 397.815±86.03 ml) p value <0.05. A statistically significant (p value=0.045) seen with respect to compliance which was slightly higher in head rotation (35.83) than neutral position (29.31). Conclusions: Head rotation to the lateral position increases the expiratory tidal volume and compliance significantly as compared to head in neutral position and improves mask ventilation after induction of anaesthesia

    Induksi Superovulasi Dengan Kombinasi CIDR, Hormon FSH Dan HCG Pada Induk Sapi Potong

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of superovulation treatment using combination of CIDR, FSH and hCG in beef cattle as donor embryos using MOET programme. All animals had been palpated to evaluated the ovary status and normal cows were used as donor and synchronized with CIDR (Eazy BreedTM). At day 10 of oestrus cycle, cows were divided into two groups, first group: cows were injected intramuscularly with FSH (Antrin) 40 IU per cow with decreasing doses (for 4 days) and second group cows were treated the same way but at day 5 after FSH injection, they were injected intramuscularly with 1,500 IU hCG (Chorulon). Embryo collection was done at day 7 after Artificial Insemination (AI). Average number of corpora lutea (CL) in animals that superovulated with CIDR, FSH and hCG was significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared to animals treated with CIDR and FSH only (5.52). Average number of embryo collection and number of transferable embryos were also higher in group treated with hCG (6.00 vs 5.44) compared with those treated without hCG (4.33 vs 3.17). The conclusion is hCG superovulation injection with CIDR and FSH can increase the respon of superovulation

    Calcium Phosphate/Clay Nanotube Bone Cement with Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Sustained Drug Release

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    Calcium phosphate cement (CPC) has limited use in bone repair due to their poor mechanical properties. Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are clay tubes with an aluminosilicate composition. The physicochemical properties, cytocompatibility, and cellular response to the CPC/HNT composites were assayed. Compression strength, FTIR analysis, protein synthesis, and mineralization were assessed. The cumulative data show that composites of tricalcium phosphate (TCP), anhydrous calcium diphosphate (DCPA) as the solid phase agent, and 10% chitosan lactate solution as the setting liquid produced cement with sustained release properties without loss of material strength. The composite also showed enhanced material properties (adhesiveness, surface roughness, and increased strength). Cellular assays confirm its osteoconductive and osteoinductive nature. CPCs, loaded with gentamicin- and neomycin-doped HNTs, showed sustained antibacterial release and marked zone of growth inhibition. CPCs fabricated with drug-doped HNTs offer a means for inducing bone growth at the site of implantation while controlling infection. This treatment modality should hasten patient healing time and enhance restoration of function. The increase in materials properties suggests that this CPC may be clinically applied to repair injuries in load-bearing bones

    Conception Rates and Sex Concomitant of Bali Calves Following Oestrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination of Frozen- Sexed Semen Under Farm Conditions

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    The objective of this study was to determine the conception rate of Bali cattle synchronized andartificially inseminated with frozen thawed sexed-semen concomitant with its calves sex. Thisexperiment was conducted in two cattle farms in West Lombok Regency. Oestrus was synchronized witha single injection i.m. of 5 cc Lutalyse ® containing 25 mg of PGF 2α (Lutalyse, Sterile Solution,Pharmacia Animal Health). The observation was conducted in the responded cattle that artificiallyinseminated at once oestrus. Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted by rectal palpation at about day-90. InFarm 1, the conception rate (CR) of PGF 2α -treated and non-treated animals were 29/63 (46.03%) and71/75 (94.66%), respectively. However, in Farm 2 the corresponding values were 38/89 (42.70%) and10/23 (43.48%), respectively. CR in both farms were found being 100%. Sex concomitant rate forfemale calves born in Farm 1 was found being 94/100 (94.00%), whilst in Farm 2, sex concomitant ratefor male calves born was recorded to be 45/48 (93.75%). It was concluded that under farm conditionsoestrus synchronization using PGF 2α in conjunction with AI of frozen-thawed Bali sexed spermatozoamight be used with acceptable conception and calving rates that above 90 % concomitant with itsrespective calve-sex rates
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