205 research outputs found

    Konsernin tapa toimia : Keskijohto viestintätehtävissä

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tämä tutkimus perehtyy konsernin tapaan toimia. Määritelmän mukaan toimintatavat ovat yksittäisiä, tilannekohtaisia käytännön ratkaisuja, joita ohjaa organisaatiossa omaksuttu yleisempi tapa toimia. Tapa toimia on yksi keino ihmisten johdattamiseen, kun yhä nopeammin muuttuva toimintaympäristö haastaa organisaation perinteiset johtamismenetelmät. Haluttu tapa toimia voidaan virallistaa organisaatiossa esimerkiksi viestinnällisten teemojen avulla. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää tarkemmin, minkälaisen viitekehyksen virallistettu tapa toimia luo viestinnän ja johtamisen kannalta. Erityisenä tarkastelukohteena on keskijohto. Pyrkimyksenä on selvittää, minkälaisia ongelmia ja oivalluksia tapaan toimia liittyy. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa tapa toimia ja sen viestiminen pyritään istuttamaan viitekehykseen, johon kuuluu organisaatioon, ihmiskeskeiseen johtamiseen, keskijohdon asemaan, organisaatiokulttuuriin, viestinnän dynamiikkaan ja viestintätehtävään liittyviä teorioita. Tulevaisuuteen johdattaminen ja muutos ovat myös olennaisia tekijöitä. Teoreettisen tarkastelun perusteella tapa toimia näyttäisi muodostavan synergisen vastaparin brandin hallinnan kanssa. Tapa toimia on tällöin eräs sisäisen profiloinnin ja brandin hallinta ulkoisen profiloinnin muoto. Virallistettu tapa toimia saa sisällöllisen merkityksensä Aulan mallin mukaisesti organisaation kulttuurisilla areenoilla. Tutkimuksen empiiriaosan tapaustutkimus antaa toisen näkökulman tapaan toimia. Tutkimuksen kohteena on Fortum-konserni. Aineiston pääosa koostuu keskijohdon ja Tapa toimia -koordinaattoreiden teemahaastatteluista. Haastatteluihin osallistui 12 henkilöä seitsemästä eri konsernin yksiköstä. Tapaustutkimus osoittaa, että tapa toimia kytkeytyy ensisijaisesti niihin merkityksiin, joiden pohjalta teemat on alunperin synnytetty. Fortumin Tapa toimia viitoittaa konsernin visiota. Se sijoittuu jatkumolle, jonka toisessa päässä ovat eettiset arvostukset ja toisessa liiketoiminnan avaintekijät. Haastateltujen keskuudessa Tapa toimia -teemat ovat kulttuurisesti hyväksyttyjä, koska niistä tunnistetaan arvostettuja asioita. Tapa toimia on kuitenkin etäinen, koska sen merkitykset liitetään etupäässä konsernitasolle. Etäisyys näyttäisi johtuvan merkityksiä luovien kulttuuristen areenoiden puutteesta. Etäisyys selittyy osin myös sillä, että virallistettu Tapa toimia on suhteellisen nuori ison konsernin kulttuuriseksi tuotteeksi. Tapaustutkimuksen perusteella on ilmeistä, että konsernin yksikkökohtaiset erot ja ominaisuudet on huomioitava, kun tämänkaltaisia viestinnällisiä viitekehyksiä halutaan edistää ja hyödyntää. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä lähteitä: Aula, P. (1999): Organisaation kaaos vai kaaoksen organisaatio? Dynaamisen organisaatioviestinnän teoria; Åberg, L. (1997): Viestinnän strategiat

    CESAM - Coded excitation scanning acoustic microscope

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    Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) finds use across many disciplines, e.g., biology, industrial quality control, and materials science, thanks to its unique ability to quantify mechanical sample properties combined with its high resolution. However, such imaging is often slow, especially if averaging is necessary. We present a Coded Excitation Scanning Acoustic Microscope (CESAM) that employs coded signals and show that it produces images of higher signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) than the classical SAM in a comparable measurement time. The CESAM employs coded signals instead of the short bursts used in traditional SAMs, and we employ both linear and non-linear frequency modulation. Our results show that compared to the SAM approach, this modulation increases the SNR by 16.3 dB (from 39.9 to 56.2 dB) and reduces the echo duration by 26.7% when we employ a linear chirp to the transducer with a nominal bandwidth of 130-370 MHz. Driving the transducer with a broader bandwidth signal using non-linear chirps (100-450 MHz), we obtained a SNR increase of 10.3 dB and a reduced echo duration of 70.5%. The shorter echo duration increases z-resolution, whereas the lateral resolution remains limited by the wavelength. Finally, we show that by using these coded signals, one can obtain enhanced image quality relative to the standard actuation of the same measurement time. Our results have potential to invigorate the field of acoustic microscopy, especially with samples where the enhanced SNR and/or contrast-to-noise ratio is crucial for image quality.Peer reviewe

    4D Scanning Acoustic Microscopy

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    Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) can map mechanical surface properties and topography of materials with high spatial resolution. Coded-excitation scanning acoustic microscopy (CESAM) enables high SNR while maintaining fast imaging. The high scan speed of our CESAM allows us to study how surface mechanical properties change almost in real time. The 4D scanning capability was demonstrated with a UV-curable adhesive coating. The 4D data was constructed from three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. We set the C-scan scan rate to 30 s and measured a 400 μm x 400 μm area with 175 MHz and step size of 5 μm. With 400 MHz and step size of 1.5 μm we measured one 150 μm x 150 μm plane every 30 s.Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) can map mechanical surface properties and topography of materials with high spatial resolution. Coded-excitation scanning acoustic microscopy (CESAM) enables high SNR while maintaining fast imaging. The high scan speed of our CESAM allows us to study how surface mechanical properties change almost in real time. The 4D scanning capability was demonstrated with a UV -curable adhesive coating. The 4D data was constructed from three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. We set the C-scan scan rate to 30 s and measured a 400 µm x 400 µm area with 175 MHz and step size of 5 µm. With 400 MHz and step size of 1.5 µm we measured one 150 µm x 150 µm plane every 30 s.Peer reviewe

    Microwave-assisted synthesis, characterization and modeling of cpo-27-mg metal-organic framework for drug delivery

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    The coordination polymer CPO-27-Mg was rapidly synthesized under microwave irra-diation. This material exhibits a sufficiently high drug loading towards aspirin (~8% wt.) and paracetamol (~14% wt.). The binding of these two molecules with the inner surface of the metal-organic framework was studied employing the Gaussian and Plane Wave approach of the Density Functional Theory. The structure of CPO-27-Mg persists after the adsorption of aspirin or paracetamol and their desorption energies, being quite high, decrease under solvent conditions. © 2021 by the authors. Li-censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Analog Cancellation of Unwanted Reflections for Enhanced Ultrasound Microscopy

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    Our scanning acoustic microscope uses coded excitation. The excitation signal consists of linear chirps of 1 ÎĽs duration. Parts of this signal are reflected from the internal structures of the lens, which causes high signal amplitudes in the recorded signal. The signals from the lens reflections can be 5 to 10 times larger than the signal from the sample. As coded excitation utilizes long modulated signals, the signals originating from the lens reflection will overlap with signals originating from the sample. The frequency encoding combined with the pulse compression method enables the reconstruction of the time resolution and allows the separation of the reflections. Pulse compression works properly only if the full duration and the full amplitude of the signal is captured. Therefore, the amplifier and the gain of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) resolution needs to be adjusted to the amplitude of the strongest reflection present, i.e. the lens echoes. This results in quantization of the small-amplitude echoes from the sample. To overcome these limitations, we implemented an analog signal cancellation method. The signal of the lens reflections was first recorded. During measurements, the signal containing lens reflections was inverted, then reproduced by an arbitrary waveform generator, and finally combined with an analog signal combiner to the measurement signal from the microscope. The maximum signal amplitude was reduced by 80 %, which made it possible to change from the 1000 mV-range to the 200 mV-range of the ADC, thus improving the dynamic range. This reduced the quantisation noise and led to a 3 times lower noise-level in the image.Peer reviewe

    Mathematical modelling of oleic acid epoxidation via a chemo-enzymatic route-From reaction mechanisms to reactor model

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    The immobilized enzyme lipase acts as an efficient, selective and durable catalyst in the direct transformation of unsaturated carboxylic acids to epoxides, which are used as chemical intermediates and biolubricants. Experimental data obtained from the epoxidation of a model molecule, oleic acid in a laboratory-scale isothermal batch reactor were critically evaluated and mathematically modelled in the most precise way. Several rival surface reaction mechanisms were proposed and rate equations based on these mechanisms were derived. The rate equations were implemented in a multiphase model for the laboratory-scale batch reactor and the kinetic and adsorption parameters included in the rate equations were estimated with non-linear regression analysis. Based on the parameter estimation statistics and chemical knowledge, the most plausible kinetic models for the chemo-enzymatic epoxidation of oleic acid on the immobilized lipase catalyst were selected. The best kinetic models gave a good reproduction of the experimental data. The models can be used to predict the performance of enzymatic epoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Effect of Zn/Co initial preparation ratio in the activity of Double Metal Cyanide catalysts for propylene oxide and CO2 copolymerization

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    Zn-Co double metal cyanide (DMC) catalysts were prepared by varying the initial amounts of ZnCl2 to analyze the influence of method of preparation on the different copolymerization parameters. Synthesized catalysts were analyzed by different techniques, infrared spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, N2-physisorption and X-ray diffraction to determine whether characteristics affect the catalytic activity. The copolymers were characterized by infrared spectrometry and gel permeation chromatography. Highly active catalyst (2.5 kg polymer/g catalyst) was synthesized, low amounts of cyclic carbonate byproduct were produced (0.4 %) with medium crystallinity catalysts and considerable amounts of K+ (0.4% to 1.0%wt).CTQ2015-64892-R (MINECO/FEDER

    Machining of Aluminium with MHz High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound

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    Cavitation-induced surface erosion has been studied for decades. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) enables localized erosion, with applications in many fields. However, no research has been published on machining solely with HIFU. Compared to existing micro-machining technologies, HIFU exhibits a unique set of benefits: inexpensive, minimal maintenance due to non-contact machining without slurry, mitigated chemical load, and monitoring capability. We demonstrate controlled surface machining of mirror-polished aluminium (AW-5754) using high-frequency (12 MHz) HIFU-induced cavitation erosion. Optimal sonication parameters (transducer-sample distance, amplitude, cycles per burst, number of bursts, and pulse repetition frequency) for stationary surface erosion were first identified experimentally. These parameters served as a basis for studying the effect of sonication parameters during on-the-fly erosion, i.e., engraving lines. The effect of stage translation velocity and the number of repeated passes across the engraved line were also studied. Subsequently, the acronym of our laboratory, “ETLA”, was engraved, with a 500 µm letter height and an average line width of 53 µm.Peer reviewe
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