101 research outputs found


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    Through an unprecedented research and development process, in early 2021, just one year after the COVID-19 pandemic started devastating the world, there are several vaccines commercially available or in advanced phase of testing, each with its own characteristics and challenges. For the first time in the history of vaccination, a global immunization programme has started at a time of intense pandemic activity characterized by high virus transmission, facilitating selection of variants potentially able to escape the vaccine-induced antibody response. The reality is that one cannot rely on a single vaccine when dealing with a pandemic emergency: the urgent need of billions of doses clashes with the production capacity of the pharmaceutical industry. There is therefore no ideal vaccine, but there are many good vaccines to be used immediately. Today,  the international debate about COVID-19 vaccines is the hottest topic in global health whether it relates to technical and scientific issues or to the ethical aspects of access to vaccinations for all. This article aims at reviewing the status of vaccines that are used, or about to be used, in immunization campaigns worldwide

    Mother to child transmission of Hepatitis C Virus in a province of Northern Italy

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    NTRODUCTION: Study reports of mother to child transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have shown transmission rates ranging from 3 to 37%, according to maternal viremia and HIV-1 coinfection. The present study evaluated the prevalence of the HCV infection in the general population and the incidence of vertical transmission, from women who delivered in the Obstetric Clinic of the Hospital of Parma from January 1st 1996 to 31st 2001 December. METHODS: Mothers and children were tested for the presence of HCV-RNA within one week after delivery. Children were considered to be infected when they were found positive at least twice for viral RNA or antibodies were still detectable at the end of the follow-up period (18 months) in blood. RESULTS: Out of 13,025 women, 110 (0.8%) were found positive for anti-HCV antibodies; 72 of them (65.4%) were HCV-RNA positive. All 110 children were positive for anti-HCV antibodies in the first blood sample (time 0); 8 of them were HCV-RNA positive. Three children were still viremic at the end of the follow-up whereas 5 showed a clearance. No significant differences were found between viremic and nonviremic children with respect to gestational week, maternal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and newborns weight at birth. CONCLUSION: This investigation shows that vertical transmission may occur in a general obstetric population despite a low prevalence of HCV-positive subjects

    Palliative care training addressed to hospital healthcare professionals by palliative care specialists: a mixed-method evaluation

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    Despite the great advances in the concept of palliative care (PC) and its benefits, its application seems to be delayed, leaving unfulfilled the many needs of patients and family members. One way to overcome this difficulty could be to develop a new training programme by palliative care specialists to improve PC primary skills in healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the training's impact on trainees within a hospital setting using Kirkpatrick's and Moore's models

    Molecular epidemiology and genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in a cohort of young asymptomatic sexually active women (18-25 years) in Milan, Italy.

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    IntroductionChlamydia trachomatis (Ct) is the most common bacterial cause of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and is associated with severe long-term sequelae in female populations.In Italy Ct infections are not submitted to a screening programme, and its epidemiological profile is understudied. Even scarcer information is available about the genetic diversity on ompA gene, whose sequence defines 18 different genovars.This study aims at evaluating the prevalence of Ct infection in young sexually active asymptomatic women aged 18-25, and characterizing the molecular epidemiology of the different circulating genovars in this population. MethodsCervical samples collected from 909 sexually-active-young women (mean age 21.5 years) were analyzed through molecular assay for the detection of Ct infection. Phylogenetic analysis on the ompA gene was performed on Ct positive samples to identify the circulating genovars. ResultsThe overall prevalence of Ct-infection was 4.4% (95%CI: 3.2-5.9%): 5.3% among women aged 18-21 years and 3.5% among those aged 22-25 years. Phylogenetic analysis has identified 5 different genovars: D, E, F, G, and H. The most common genovar was the E (46%), followed by genovar F and G (18.9% each), D (13.5%), and H (2.7%). ConclusionsThis study underlines the high prevalence of asymptomatic Ct-infections among young women. Overall, about half of asymptomatic infections is sustained by genovar E. The introduction in Italy of a systematic screening program should be considered to allow a better understanding of Ct spreading and providing women with an opportunity for early treatment to protect their sexual and reproductive health

    Laboratory-based surveillance of invasive listeriosis in Northern Italy over a fourteen-year period: epidemiological and clinical results

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    Introduction Invasive listeriosis is a rare foodborne disease with a large public health impact, because of the severity of its clinical manifestations and high fatality rate. In this study, we provide a snapshot of epidemiology of listeriosis in Lombardy Region, Northern Italy, reviewing enhanced surveillance data collected over fourteen years, after the implementation of a voluntary laboratory-based surveillance system for the referral of clinical isolates of Listeria monocytogenes to a regional reference laboratory, since 2005. Methods Invasive listeriosis cases data from 2005 to 2018 were extracted from the regional laboratory-based surveillance system database and compared with the regional mandatory notification disease system data. Results Over the fourteen period under study, 533 Listeria monocytogenes isolates were detected by the laboratory surveillance system, 55 of which from pregnancy-related cases. The median age of non-pregnancy-associated patients was 71 years, with 64.6% of cases observed in the elderly. Cases with underlying medical risk conditions accounted for 92.1%, and the fatality rate was 26.2%. By integrating data from the two sources, a total of 935 cases were recorded. The collection of data through the laboratory surveillance system allowed to increase the surveillance sensitivity by 18%. Conclusions Our results documented the growing epidemiological relevance of listeriosis through the analysis of two information sources. The data we obtained were consistent with the literature, except for pregnancy-related cases, which are often underdiagnosed. This study highlighted the importance of laboratory-based surveillance system, which led to a significant increase in the sensitivity of the mandatory notification system

    Detection and genotyping of human Papillomavirus in urine samples from unvaccinated male and female adolescents in Italy

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    The introduction of vaccination against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in adolescent girls in 2006 has focused virological surveillance on this age group. As few studies have evaluated HPV infections in young populations, further data are needed in order to improve and extend prophylactic policy and to monitor epidemiological changes. The present study aimed at evaluating overall and type-specific HPV prevalence in both female and male adolescents in Italy. HPV DNA detection and genotyping was performed on urine samples collected from 870 unvaccinated adolescents (369 females, 501 males, 11-18 years of age) in five cities in Italy. Following DNA extraction by means of a commercial kit (NucliSENS®-miniMAG®, bioMérieux), the L1 gene fragment was PCR amplified and genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. HPV DNA was detected in 1.5% of all samples, and in 3% and 0.4% of samples from females and males, respectively. In approximately 70% of HPV DNA positive adolescents, the infection was due to a single genotype, with 88.9% of genotypes belonging to the HR-clade. The only two HPV-positive boys (14 and 18 years old) had HPV-70 genotype. Only one of the 11 HPV-infected girls was in the 11-14 age-group. HPV prevalence was 4.2% in girls aged 15-18 years and 60% of infections were due to vaccine types HPV-16 or HPV-6/-11. This is one of the few studies, the first conducted in Italy, on HPV infection in adolescents. Urine testing is the easier way of detecting HPV infection in younger populations. Our data revealed a very low HPV prevalence, and no infections were observed in the 12-year-old vaccine target population. The majority of infections were seen in females aged 15-18 years. Overall, more than 50% and 30% of the potentially persistent HPV infections detected in this group could have been prevented by the quadrivalent and the bivalent vaccines, respectively

    Viable Newcastle Disease Vaccine Strains in a Pharmaceutical Dump

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    To assess the viability of discarded and buried vaccine strains, we examined vaccines that had been buried for >20 years in an industrial waste dump in the city of Milan, Italy. Viability results showed potential biological risk associated with uncontrolled burial of pharmaceutical industry waste, including some live vaccines

    Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of human influenza A viruses in three consecutive seasons with different epidemiological profiles

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    Introduction. Influenza activity and influenza virus circulation were observed in Lombardy (northern Italy) during three con- secutive seasons and the molecular characteristics of circulating viruses analysed to control for introduction of new variants. Methods. The molecular characterization of 38 isolates, namely 20 A/H3N2 and 18 A/H1N1 influenza strains from the 2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons, was performed by sequence analy- sis of the globular head region of the HA protein (HA1 subunit), specific for influenza virus A/H3 and A/H1. Results and discussion. The last three influenza seasons in the study region were characterized by medium-low activity. A typical co-circulation of several variants was shown for A/H3 viruses for approximately two years and were subsequently almost entirely substituted by new emerging variants. Vice versa, A/H1 viruses had a more homogeneous circulation with a single lineage clearly dominating each season. The HA sequences of the A/H3 and the A/H1 viruses isolated in the last three seasons fell into 4 and 3 principal phylogenetic groups, respectively. No evidence of positive or negative selection in the sequence align- ments was observed. Conclusions. Molecular characterization of the influenza viruses in three consecutive seasons highlighted considerable heteroge- neity in their HA sequences. A careful surveillance of genetic changes in the HA1 domain during seasonal influenza epidemics may reveal immune escape and provide early information on newly emerging strains with epidemiologic inference

    Clinical characterization and whole genome sequence-based typing of two cases of endophthalmitis due to Listeria monocytogenes

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    Endophthalmitis due to Listeria monocytogenes is an exceedingly rare cause of listeriosis. Here, we report two cases which occurred in patients with different medical history, a 46-years-old immunocompetent woman and an elderly man with several comorbidities. There was no history of trauma or surgery in either patient suggesting an endogenous origin. Despite antibiotic treatment, both patients showed poor visual acuity outcomes. Subtyping clinical isolates using whole genome sequencing could allow to identified Listeria monocytogenes strains involved in rare clinical manifestation, such as in unusual anatomical sites, even in immunocompetent patients, and could be helpful in the redefinition of the hypervirulent strains
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