204 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Life Satisfaction with Buying Intention and Brand Behavior for Global Brand

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    The aim of this research is to explore the relationship of life satisfaction to brand behavior and brand loyalty for global brand. Global brand Levi’s is taken for this study. A total of 317 respondents from major universities in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore participated through self-administrated Likert scale basedquestionnaire. The study is exploring the mutual linkage of life satisfaction, brand consciousness, brand loyalty, willingness to buy, emotional value and perceived quality. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study has shown that life satisfaction has an impact on brand consciousness positively, whereas brand consciousness has a direct relationship with perceived quality and emotional value, furthermore willingness to buy and emotional value has lead to brand loyalty; perceived quality also has a positive relation with willingness to buy.This study indicates that global retailers should pay attention to the importance of emotional aspects of global brands, especially for brand conscious consumers in order to enhance their intension to buy global brands. Keywords: Brand Behavior, Brand Consciousness, Foreign Brand, Life Satisfaction

    Impact of CRM practices on service quality in the banking industry

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    The present study investigates the impact of customer relationship management practices on the service quality in the banking sector. CRM practices have been found to greatly influence not only the customer satisfaction and loyalty but also the quality of services provided by organization. The study focuses on three CRM practices of Attitude towards clients, Efficiency of banking services and Knowledge ability and their impact on the service quality. As customers are more aware about the services so they ensure service quality. Employee’s knowledge ability helps customers to gain experience that actually leads towards service quality and efficiency in services provided by the banks also help in service quality. The study used survey design and the sample consisted of 230 respondents. These respondents were customers of different banks in the city of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The results indicate that knowledge ability of employees and attitude towards clients is having significant influence on service quality. However, CRM practice of Efficiency of banking services was found to be insignificant. The study has managerial implications for the banking industry. The study also provides future directions

    Activity of tea polyphenols against vibrio species

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Impact of television advertisement on unhealthy weight control behaviors and eating disorders: mediating role of body image

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    This research is conducted to analysis the impact of Television Advertisement on Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors and Eating Disorder with the mediating role of Body Image. The research is conducted to analyze the mediating impact of body image satisfaction on the relation of other variables. This research is conducted from the urban population of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. A Total of 280 questionnaires were floated in the population, out of which 267 were received back. The data was analyzed by employing correlation dn regression analysis. The results showed that body image partially mediates the relationship between Television Advertisement and Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors and fully mediate the relationship between Television Advertisement and Eating Disorder. This research will help marketers to analyze the dynamics of advertisement and also in understanding the negative outcomes of their certain practices

    EWOM and brand awareness impact on consumer purchase intention: mediating role of brand image

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    The basic purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and brand awareness on customer purchase intention with the mediating role of brand image. The research is conducted to analyze the full or partial role of mediator on the said relationship. This research is basically conducted on customers of mobile users of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. To check this relationship a total of 300 questionnaires were floated in four universities of twin cities, of which 262 questionnaires with a response rate of 87.33% were received back on which mediation analysis has been performed. The results show full mediating impact of brand image on Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) and customer purchase intention relationship, while partial mediating role of brand image on relationship of brand awareness and customer purchase intention has been observed. This research will help marketers in implementing better marketing techniques for boosting customers purchase intention

    In vitro evaluation of commercially available theophylline sustained release tablets in Pakistan

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    The dissolution behavior of five commercially available brands of sustained release theophylline tablets was studied in phosphate buffer solutions of pH 1.2, 4.5, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.5 at 37 °C using the USP dissolution apparatus II (paddle method). Drug concentration in the samples was determined spectrophotometrically at 272 nm. For predicting the release characteristics of theophylline from selected commercially available tablets the data obtained in the dissolution studies was fitted into various mathematic models defining kinetic parameters of drug release like zero-order rate equation, first-order rate equation, Hixen-crowell cube root law, Higuchi equation and Korsemeyer-Peppas model. Tablets were subjected to weight variation test, hardness, drug content and in vitro release studies. The present study revealed that drug release increases with the increase of pH of the dissolution medium and also varies from brand to brand. Among the five selected brands, B1 and B4 showed better pH dependency and drug release behaviour. It has been suggested that possible reasons for difference in dissolution or drug release behaviour are the difference in the manufacturing techniques and the quantity of hydrophobic excepients used by different manufacturers, which retard the penetration of dissolution medium and ultimately decreases availability of drug in the solution.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    In vitro evaluation of commercially available theophylline sustained release tablets in Pakistan

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    The dissolution behavior of five commercially available brands of sustained release theophylline tablets was studied in phosphate buffer solutions of pH 1.2, 4.5, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.5 at 37 °C using the USP dissolution apparatus II (paddle method). Drug concentration in the samples was determined spectrophotometrically at 272 nm. For predicting the release characteristics of theophylline from selected commercially available tablets the data obtained in the dissolution studies was fitted into various mathematic models defining kinetic parameters of drug release like zero-order rate equation, first-order rate equation, Hixen-crowell cube root law, Higuchi equation and Korsemeyer-Peppas model. Tablets were subjected to weight variation test, hardness, drug content and in vitro release studies. The present study revealed that drug release increases with the increase of pH of the dissolution medium and also varies from brand to brand. Among the five selected brands, B1 and B4 showed better pH dependency and drug release behaviour. It has been suggested that possible reasons for difference in dissolution or drug release behaviour are the difference in the manufacturing techniques and the quantity of hydrophobic excepients used by different manufacturers, which retard the penetration of dissolution medium and ultimately decreases availability of drug in the solution.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Seroprevalence and Risk factor of Brucella Abortus in Cattle (Indigenous and crossbred) in District Layyah

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    Background: Brucellosis is very important infectious, zoonotic disease all over the world affecting variety species, causing severe economic losses in animals and severe illness in human beings. This study was planned to find the seroprevalence and associated risk factors with Brucella Abortus in indigenous and crossbreed cattle of District Layyah.Methods: The blood sample were collected from 350 blood animals and screened by Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) using anti-Brucella antibodies. The seropositive samples were confirmed through indirect ELISA tests. The information on risk factors associated with brucellosis were collected on pre-designed questionnaires.Results: The result of the present study showed the overall prevalence of 6.97% in cattle in district Layyah. It was more prevalent in the age group of 2-5 years (14.6%) as compared to that of the age group 5-10 years (6.25%). The prevalence was significantly higher in the cattle with history of abortion (52.38%) as compared to the non-aborted cattle (3%). The crossbreed animals were found to be more affected than indigenous animals.Conclusion: There is a dire need to eliminate the seropositive animals by application of proper control programme and eradicate this zoonotic disease in developing countries especially in Pakistan.Keywords: Brucellosis; Cattle; Seroprevalence; Layyah

    Time-Kill Kinetics of Lipid Fractions Isolated from Condiments against Foodborne Pathogens

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    Lipidne frakcije izolirane iz začinskog bilja imaju širok spektar bioloških aktivnosti i često se koriste u medicinske svrhe ili pri kuhanju. Ovo je ispitivanje provedeno radi određivanja antimikrobnog potencijala lipidnih frakcija, izoliranih pomoću dvaju različitih sustava otapala, za suzbijanje rasta pet sojeva patogenih mikroorganizama prisutnih u hrani. Antibakterijska učinkovitost ispitana je nakon 0, 1, 2, 3 i 24 h inkubacije s aktivnom tvari. Istjecanje staničnog sadržaja mikroorganizama procijenjeno je nakon 1 i 2 sata inkubacije. Pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom dobivene su slike stanica nakon 18 sati izlaganja minimalnim inhibicijskim koncentracijama lipidnih frakcija. Iz rezultata studije kinetike inhibicije rasta i istjecanja staničnog sadržaja zaključeno je da su lipidne frakcije imale najjači učinak na suzbijanje Gram-negativne bakterije Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 tijekom 3 i 1 sata inkubacije. Međutim, produljenjem vremena izlaganja aktivnoj tvari inhibiran je rast Gram-pozitivne bakterije Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 13932. Mikroskopske slike tretiranih mikroorganizama potvrdile su inhibicijski učinak odabranih lipidnih frakcija na sve ispitane patogene. Morfologija stanica bakterija potpuno je izmijenjena nakon 18 h inkubacije s lipidnim frakcijama. Rezultati ispitivanja potvrđuju znatan inhibicijski učinak lipidnih frakcija i narušavanje integriteta stanične stijenke bakterija nakon produljenog izlaganja aktivnoj tvari, što potvrđuje mogućnost uporabe ispitanih lipidnih frakcija u hrani.Lipid fractions that are extracted from condiments have a wide array of biological potential and are commonly utilized for medicinal and culinary applications. This investigation aims at determining the antimicrobial potential of lipid fractions isolated using two different solvent systems against five foodborne pathogens. The antibacterial efficacy was tested after 0, 1, 2, 3 and 24 h of incubation with the active agent. The leakage of cellular content was assessed at 1 and 2 h of incubation. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images were obtained after 18 h of contact time with lipid fractions at their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). From the results obtained from time-kill and cell constituents release tests, it could be concluded that during 3 and 1 h of incubation, the lipid fractions were more potent against Gram-negative isolates (Escherichia coli ATCC 8739). However, prolonged incubation with the active agent inhibited Gram-positive isolate, i.e. Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 13932. SEM images of treated microorganisms also confirmed the inhibitory action of selected lipid fractions against all the tested pathogens. The cellular morphology of the bacteria was completely altered after 18 h of incubation with the lipid fractions. The results of the present study corroborate significant inhibitory effects and disruption in bacterial cell integrity following prolonged incubation with these lipid fractions. The results also affirm the use of the tested lipid fractions in food systems