15 research outputs found

    Registro de nuevo huésped intermediario de Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda) en el Perú

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    Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) is reported as new intermediate host of Hymenolepis diminuta from Peru.Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) es reportado como un nuevo hospedero intermediario de Hymenolepis diminuta en el Perú

    Parásitos presentes en Periplaneta americana Linnaeus “cucaracha doméstica” de la ciudad de Ica

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    244 specimens of Periplaneta americana Linnaeus from 13 localities of Ica were studied. Nematodes and protozoa were identified. They are Lophomonas blattarum, Leptomonas sp., Leidynema appendiculatum and Hammerschmidtiella diesingi. Also, parasites of man were found, three of which are pathogenic: Giardia lamblia, Blastocystis hominis and Cryptosporidium sp.Se estudiaron 244 especímenes de Periplaneta americana Linnaeus procedentes del alcantarillado de 13 zonas de la ciudad de Ica. Se identificaron 2 protozoarios y 2 nemátodes propios de la fauna parasitaria de la “cucaracha doméstica”: Lophomonas blattarum, Leptomonas sp., Leidynema appendiculatum y Hammerschmidtiella diesingi y protozoarios que parasitan al hombre, de los cuales 3 especies son patógenas: Giardia lamblia, Blastocystis hominis y Cryptosporidium sp


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    The present study detected by stool examinations the presence of gastrointestinal parasites in nonhuman primates reared in captivity at the Pucallpa Natural Zoological Park, located in the department of Ucayali - Peru. A total of 72 collective fecal samples were collected from 58 individuals from species Cebus apella (brown capuchins), Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli (saddleback tamarins), Cebus albifrons (white-fronted capuchins), Lagothrix lagotricha (woolly monkey), Ateles paniscus chamek (spider monkey), Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey), Aotus nigriceps (black-headed night monkey) and Alouatta seniculus (red howler monkey). Samples were fixed in 10% formalin at 60 °C and analyzed by the direct method, and the Ritchie, Sheather, Sedimentation and Ziehl-Neelsen methods. Gastrointestinal parasites found were Strongyloides cebus (56/72), Paratriotaenia oedipomidatis (8/72), Prosthernorchis elegans (7/72), Trichostrongylidae (6/72), Oxyuroidea (2/72), Entamoeba coli (2/72), Coccidia oocysts (2/72), Cryptosporidium spp (3/72) and Balantidium coli (3/72). In the eight evaluated species, all had at least one parasite species.El presente estudio determinó, mediante exámenes coprológicos, la presencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en primates no humanos en cautiverio del Zoológico Parque Natural de Pucallpa, ubicado en el departamento de Ucayali - Perú. Se recolectaron 72 muestras fecales colectivas de 58 primates de las especies Cebus apella (machín negro), Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli (pichico común o tití), Cebus albifrons (machín blanco), Lagothrix lagotricha (mono choro), Ateles paniscus chamek (maquisapa), Saimiri sciureus (frailecillo), Aotus nigriceps (musmuqui) y Alouatta seniculus (mono coto o aullador rojo). Las muestras fueron fijadas en formol al 10% a 60 °C y posteriormente analizadas mediante los métodos Directo, Ritchie, Sheather, Sedimentación y tinción de Ziehl-Neelsen. Los parásitos gastrointestinales hallados fueron Strongyloides cebus (56/72), Paratriotaenia oedipomidatis (8/72), Prosthernorchis elegans (7/72), Trichostrongylidae (6/72), Oxyuroideo (2/72), Entamoeba coli (2/72), quiste tipo coccidia (2/72), Crytosporidium spp (3/72) y Balantidium coli (3/72). De las 8 especies de primates estudiadas, todas presentaron al menos una especie de parásito gastrointestinal


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    Se analizaron retrospectivamente los resultados de exámenes parasitológicos demuestras fecales de caninos en el Laboratorio de Parasitología de la Facultad de Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, entre febrero de 2008 y marzo de 2012. De un total de 476 muestras, 119 (25.0%) resultaron positivas para al menos un tipo de parásito. De las muestras positivas, el 71.5, 20.3 y 8.1% correspondieron a protozoos, nematodos y cestodos, respectivamente, siendo las especies de mayor frecuencia Giardia canis (37/119) e Isospora spp (37/119).A retrospective analysis of parasitological test results in fecal samples was done.Samples were analyzed at the Parasitology Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicineand Animal Science, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia between February 2008and March 2012. Out of 476 samples, 119 (25.0%) were positive to at least one parasitespecies. Among positive samples, 71.5, 20.3 and 8.1% corresponded to protozoa,nematodes and cestodes respectively where the most frequent species were Giardiacanis (37/119) and Isospora spp (37/119)

    Caracterizacion ultra-estructural de metacercarias de Diplostomum sp en Orestias luteus del Lago Titicaca, Perú

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    The objective of the present work was the ultra-structural characterization of metacercariae of Diplostomum sp in Orestias luteus from Lake Titicaca, Puno, Peru. 35 fish collected through non-probabilistic sampling were anesthetized with tricaine monosulfonate (Tricaine-s®) and necropsied to determine the number of Diplostomum sp present per fish. The extracted parasites were fixed and preserved for study by scanning electron microscope. The frequency of parasitosis was 48.6% (IC 95%: 32.0-65.1) with a mean parasitic intensity of infection of 3.53 (low). The metacercaria of Diplostomum sp are lingui form in shape with papillae unevenly distributed on the surface of the body, have a posterior border with a slight conical prominence, and an extreme anterior circle where the oral suction cup is located. There is also an ellipsoidal acetabulum located in the anterior and ventral third of the posterior segment of the body; behind that is the ovoid-shaped tri bocytic organ. The morpho anatomic characteristics of the parasite under study coincide with Diplostomum mordax. The prevalence of Diplostomum sp in Lake Titicaca is high compared to previous years. However, the average intensity is low; suggesting that, for the moment, Diplostomum sp is not a threat to the health of O. luteus.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue la caracterización ultraestructural de metacercarias de Diplostomum sp en Orestias luteus del lago Titicaca, Puno, Perú. Se recolectaron 35 peces mediante muestreo no probabilístico los cuales fueron anestesiados con tricaina mono sulfonato (Tricaine-s®) y se les realizó necropsia para determinar el número de Diplostomum sp presente por pez. Los parásitos extraídos se fijaron y conservaron para su estudio mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido. La frecuencia de parasitosis fue de 48,6% (IC95%: 32,0-65,1) con una intensidad de infección parasitaria media de 3,53 (baja). La metacercaria de Diplostomum sp son de forma linguiforme con papilas distribuidas de manera desigual en la superficie del cuerpo, tienen un borde posterior con una ligera prominencia cónica y un círculo anterior extremo donde se ubica la ventosa oral. También hay un acetábulo elipsoidal ubicado en el tercio anterior y ventral del segmento posterior del cuerpo; detrás de eso está el órgano tribocítico de forma ovoide. Las características morfo-anatómicas del parásito en estudio coinciden con Diplostomum mordax. La prevalencia de Diplostomum sp en el lago Titicaca es alto en comparación con años anteriores. Sin embargo, la intensidad media es baja; sugiriendo que, por el momento, Diplostomum sp. no es una amenaza para la salud de O. luteus

    Bacterial Toxicity of Potassium Tellurite: Unveiling an Ancient Enigma

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    Biochemical, genetic, enzymatic and molecular approaches were used to demonstrate, for the first time, that tellurite (TeO(3) (2−)) toxicity in E. coli involves superoxide formation. This radical is derived, at least in part, from enzymatic TeO(3) (2−) reduction. This conclusion is supported by the following observations made in K(2)TeO(3)-treated E. coli BW25113: i) induction of the ibpA gene encoding for the small heat shock protein IbpA, which has been associated with resistance to superoxide, ii) increase of cytoplasmic reactive oxygen species (ROS) as determined with ROS-specific probe 2′7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H(2)DCFDA), iii) increase of carbonyl content in cellular proteins, iv) increase in the generation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs), v) inactivation of oxidative stress-sensitive [Fe-S] enzymes such as aconitase, vi) increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, vii) increase of sodA, sodB and soxS mRNA transcription, and viii) generation of superoxide radical during in vitro enzymatic reduction of potassium tellurite

    Trematodos en Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus (Erythrinidae) «Shuyo» y Pterodoras granulosus (Doradidae) «Cahuara» del Distrito de Yurimaguas, Provincia Alto Amazonas, Loreto, Perú

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    Five specimens of Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus «shuyo» (Erythrinidae) and one of Pterodoras. granulosus «cahuara» (Doradidae) were assessed in Yurimaguas district, Alto Amazonas, Loreto, Peru in February 20014. A larva of the trematode Ithyoclinostomum dimorphum and 13 larvae of Sphincterodiplostomum musculosum in H. unitaeniatus in the visceral surface, and 18 adult of Dadaytrema oxycephala from the small bowel of P. granulosus were found. This is the first report of metacercariae of I. dimorphum and S. musculosum in Peru. H. unitaeniatus is a new host for S. musculosum. D. oxycephala in P. granulosus is reported in Peru.Se analizaron cinco especímenes de Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus «shuyo» (Erythrinidae) y uno de Pterodoras granulosus «cahuara» (Doradidae) del distrito de Yurimaguas, Alto Amazonas, Región Loreto (Perú) en febrero de 2014. Se encontró una larva del trematodo Ithyoclinostomum dimorphum y 13 de Sphincterodiplostomum musculosum en H. unitaeniatus en la superficie visceral y 18 adultos de Dadaytrema oxycephala en el intestino de P. granulosus. Se registran por primera vez para el Perú las metacercarias de I. dimorphum y S. musculosum. H. unitaeniatus es un nuevo hospedero para S. musculosum. Se da a conocer a Dadaytrema oxycephala en P. granulosus en el Perú

    Helmintos parásitos de Telmatobius jelskii (Peters) (Anura, Leptodactylidae) de Lima, Perú Helminth parasites of Telmatobius jelskii (Peters) (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from Lima, Peru

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    <abstract language="eng">A quantitative research of parasites of 67 endemic frog Telmatobius jelskii (Peters, 1863) collected from Laguna Tucto (76°46'11"W, 10°39'11"S) where Pativilca River is originated was conducted, and was located in the Province of Oyon, high Andean area from the Department of Lima, Peru during September-October 2000. Of the frogs collected, 23 were females and 44 males. Male showed a length between 5.2 ± 0.5 cm (range = 4.0-6.4 cm) and female between 5.5 ± 1 cm (range = 3.9-7.6 cm) and were not found differences between both sexes. 86 specimens of parasite and three species in total during all the survey were collected. 28 hosts were infected (41.8%). twenty-five hosts (37.3%) showed infection with one parasite species, and three (4.5%) had two parasite species. Three parasite species were found: Gorgoderina parvicava Travassos, 1922 (Digenea: Gorgoderidae) (Prevalence = 40.3%; mean Intensity = 3.1; mean abundance = 1.2), Cylindrotaenia americana Jewell, 1916 (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) (Prevalence = 3%; mean Intensity = 1; mean abundance = 0.02) and Aplectana hylambatis (Baylis, 1927) (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) (Prevalence = 3%; mean Intensity = 1; mean abundance = 0.02). G. parvicava had an overdispersed distribution and was the dominant species. An effect of sex and length with prevalence and mean abundance of infection of G. parvicava was not found. The relationship of helminthes parasites with T. jelskii is discussed. G. parvicava and C. americana are new records for T. jelskii

    Existe algo que se possa chamar de "arqueologia brasileira"?

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    O texto formula a questão da existência de um corpo de problemas e dados particulares que sejam exclusivos, ou ao menos uma prerrogativa, da arqueologia brasileira. Como resposta, propõe um exame das características do próprio registro arqueológico, suas ambiguidades e lacunas