256 research outputs found

    Joint Analysis of Preschool Education and School Performance in Public Schools in Montevideo.

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    This paper aims at explaining the academic performance of a sample of children starting their first year at public schools in Montevideo, Uruguay, during 1999. We are mainly in- terested in the effect of preschool education on the children’s academic results. Previous probit and OLS estimations suggested that preschool education has a positive impact on short and long term school performance. However, these results could be biased because a rather strong endogeinity of the preschool education variable. We solved this problem us- ing bivariate probit and treatment effects estimations. The results confirmed the bias and suggested that our previous estimations underestimated the positive effect of preschool educations. Thus, we found fairly strong empirical evidence suggesting that preschool education has a short and long term positive effect on these children’s resultspreschool education, school results, bivariate probit, treatment effects, Uruguay


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    This study aims to see and analyze professional competence, motivation, and self-concept on the performance of state junior high school teachers in the Chinese District of Bone Regency and to analyze and analyze the effects of competence, motivation, and self-concept on the performance of junior high school teachers. country of the District of China, Bone Regency. The analytical method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with multiple regression testing, by performing validation and reliability tests of the question items for each variable as well as testing assumptions. The trial of 105 question items contained 24 invalid items so that the remaining 81 items were valid.The results of this study indicate that the coefficient of the influence of professional competence on teacher performance is 0.417 which is in the medium category with a value of p = 0.039 0.05. This shows that professional competence has a significant effect on teacher performance of 0.905 which is in the very high category with p = 0.000 0.05. This shows that motivation has a significant effect on teacher performance. And the value of F = 11.147 with a value of p = 0.00, this is the basis for decision making that the variables of professional competence, motivation, and self-concept together have an effect on teacher performance. This means that the better professional competence, motivation, and concepts owned by a teacher, the performance of public junior high school teachers in the Chinese District of Bone Regency will increase. Keywords: professional competence, motivation, self-concept and performanc

    The effects of trade liberalization on R&D investments: the case of the Uruguayan manufacturing industry

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    In this paper we study the effects of increasing imports and foreign firm supply, as a consequence of trade liberalization policies, on the innovative activities of firms in a small developing economy. This is an interesting case as very little research exists on the R&D investments of firms in developing countries. The results show that foreign presence has a positive but not always significant effect, while import competition has a negative and significant effect on R&D investments. Firms that are able to export are also more innovative. The process of reallocation of resources from import substituting industries towards export-oriented industries, caused by the opening of the economy, seems to have reduced the incentives for R&D investments for firms in traditional industries, while increasing those for export-oriented firms. Taking into account the defensive and imitative nature of innovative activities of firms in developing countries, these results go in contrast with the evidence from developed countries, where foreign direct investments and imports seem to show positive effects on innovative activities.

    Trade liberalization in Uruguay: Domestic and foreign firms

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    The reallocation of resources is one of the main impacts of trade liberalization processes. In the case of manufacturing industries resources will be reallocated from import--competing sectors to export--oriented sectors. This paper studies the effects that a more open economic environment has had on the entry conditions for foreign and domestic firms in Uruguayan manufacturing industries. We find significant differences in the behavior of foreign and domestic firms, both when they are incumbents or when they act as potential entrants. In general, foreign firms seem to be more successful in applying entry deterring strategies, due to advantages in foreign markets, deeper financial resources or better technological capabilities. They also appear to be more responsive to entry conditions when they face the prospects of entering a given industry.Production and market structure,industry studies

    Flexible calculation approaches to support the European CO2 emissions regulatory scheme for road vehicles

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    El concepto de empresa trasnacional

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    The transnational corporations have been the most remarkable economic phenomena of the post-war period. They are the modern incarnation of the great corporations of the end of the XIX century. But, beyond its common characteristics, it is important to underline the specific attributes of this new type of economic agent that radically reshapes the economic system. This paper analyses them from two complementary perspectives. First, paying attention to the ownership and control structure of the firm over its affiliates, in association with the international flows of direct investment. Second, emphasizing the nature of the economic space developed within the firm, its organizational forms, its strategies. Both have been the subjects of the various theories that intend to explain the way transnational corporations operate.

    Eficiencia técnica y apertura comercial en cuatro ramas industriales

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    En este trabajo se analiza del desarrollo de la eficiencia técnica de las empresas pertenecientes a cuatro ramas del sector industrial uruguayo: 3111 (Matanza y Preparación de Carnes y Aves), 3521 (Pinturas, Barnices y Lacas), 3522 (Productos Farmacéuticos y Medicamentos) y 3523 (Artículos de Limpieza y Tocador). La modelización de la Función de Frontera se hace con tecnología Translogarítmica incluyendo la restricción de Cambio Técnico Neutral, excepto para la rama 3521 en la que se permite sesgo en la utilización de los factores. El análisis de esos parámetros permite identificar que el sesgo del cambio técnico en esa rama en la Función de Frontera es utilizador de Capital y ahorrador de Mano de Obra. En la modelización de la Función de Frontera, además de los parámetros correspondientes a la formulación translogarítmica se incorporó la modelización del efecto de variables específicas correspondientes a la empresa y a la rama para identificar la incidencia de los mismos sobre el nivel de eficiencia de las empresas. Se puede concluir que la modelización que incluye la ineficiencia técnica es adecuada para las cuatro ramas consideradas, así como la inclusión de variables que representan características de las empresas que pueden influir el nivel de eficiencia de las mismas en cada rama. Los niveles promedio de eficiencia se incrementan al final del período 1988-1994 en dos ramas industriales (3521 y 3523) mientras se mantiene estable en la 3111 y decrece en la 3522. Asimismo, en las cuatro ramas analizadas se encontró que las empresas con participación de capital extranjero y creciente proporción de las ventas del mercado local, presentan niveles de eficiencia promedio más elevados. Ello se incrementa con la competencia de importados en el consumo de bienes de la rama industrial a la que pertenece la empresa. Sin embargo, la propensión a exportar de las empresas evidenció un efecto negativo en el nivel de eficiencia promedio de las empresas en tres de las cuatro ramas consideradas.

    I+D e importación de tecnología: un análisis comparado entre la industria manufacturera Uruguaya y Española

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es doble, por una parte, realizar un estudio comparativo de los patrones de innovación en las empresas manufactureras uruguayas y españolas, con el propósito de detectar las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos países, caracterizados por diferentes niveles en el desarrollo industrial. Por otra parte, evaluar la incidencia de la importación de tecnología sobre la decisión de las empresas de realizar actividades de I+D propias. Se adopta un enfoque microeconómico que permite descomponer el efecto total en el efecto sobre la probabilidad de realizar actividades de I+D y el efecto sobre la intensidad con la que se realizan. Los resultados señalan la existencia de una relación de complementariedad entre las actividades de importación y generación de tecnología en ambos países y para los dos años analizados, siendo más intenso el efecto en las empresas uruguayas de menor tamaño.

    El impacto de la crisis asiática en el Cono Sur latinoamericano

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    La crisis del sudeste asiático y la recesión en Japón parecieran tener un efecto directo relativamente acotado en los flujos de comercio agregados del Cono Sur, sin embargo parece ser significativo el impacto de la turbulencia en los mercados de capitales. Chile y Brasil confrontan esta situación con déficits de balanza de cuenta corriente difíciles de sostener, sin recurrir a políticas de cambio más activas, con tasas de devaluación más aceleradas, acompañadas con políticas fiscales y monetaria contractivas para evitar repuntes inflacionarios. Por su parte, la economía argentina evidencia, una vez más, su capacidad de mantener la convertibilidad del peso aún en situaciones de fuerte recesión, cuya profundidad dependerá de dos factores: las posibilidades de acceso a capitales internacionales, y de la evolución del plan de estabilización brasileño.

    Estímulos de la inversión extrajera directa sobre empresas nacionales

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    This paper examines spillovers from FDI in Uruguayan manufacturing firms to determine whether foreign presence has any impact on the levels of labor productivity in local firms. We find a positive and statistically significant spillover effects in the whole sample, with a stronger impact of foreign presence on the performance of small firms. We also find positive and statiscally significant spillover effects when the organizational gap between foreign and local firms is moderate and when the technology gap is large. Our interpretation is that there are firm-specific differences in the ability to absorb spillovers.