124 research outputs found

    Transduction matrix to enable sensor-less application of DC motor

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    Sensorless technology is one of the popular topic in motor industry. The aim is to reduce number of sensor and sensor size in the system. One of the method to achieve this sensor-less application of a motor is thru transduction matrix method. Transduction matrix is a 2x2 matrix that show the relationship between electrical input and mechanical output  of the motor. By obtaining the transduction matrix of a chosen motor, the mechanical output of the motor can be calculated from its electrical input. This paper explains the theory behind and the method to obtain the transduction matrix of a DC motor. The DC motor is chosen because it is the common motor in industry

    The Effect of the Implementation of Academic Supervision and Pedagogic Competition on the Performance of Science Teachers in Junior High School South Parigi Sub-District

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    The research aims to analyze the effect of the implementation of the academic supervision on the performance of junior high school science teacher in the District of South Parigi, analyze the effect of pedagogical competence on the performance of junior high school science teacher in the District of South Parigi, and analyze the effect of implementation supervision of academic and pedagogical competence on the performance of junior high school science teacher in the District of South Parigi. The method employed was quantitative descriptive, with a population sampling technique or sampling saturated. The Variable observation is the implementation of the academic supervision, pedagogical, and the performance of teachers conducted by the supervisor. The research result indicated that the implementation of the academic supervision conducted by supervisors was no real effect on the performance of teachers, pedagogical competence possessed by the teachers' real influence the performance of teachers, and the implementation of academic and pedagogic supervision simultaneously real effect on the performance of teachers

    Improving the Quality of Science Learning in Sound Energy Materials through the Application of Experimental Scientific Learning Models in Class IV of SD Inpres Perumnas

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    The main factors in the success of science teaching are required to have professional knowledge and abilities in choosing and using appropriate learning methods and models according to the characteristics of students in delivering teaching materials well, so that learning objectives can be achieved. This study aims to describe the application of scientific learning models based on experimental methods to improve the quality of science learning outcomes in sound energy material in the fourth grade of SD Inpres Perumnas. The study method was a classroom action research. The research subjects were 25 students, consisting of 10 male students and 15 female students. The data collection technique was observation and test techniques. Data analysis was carried out by analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study showed an increase in teacher activity and student activities. The activity of students in the first cycle is 70.45% or sufficient, increasing in the second cycle to 89.77% or very good. Teacher activity in the first cycle was 70.83% or good, and increased in the cycle to 91.67% or very good. Classical absorption (DSK) cycle I was 57.5% in the second cycle to 77.5%. Classical learning completeness (KBK) of the first cycle of 66% increased in the second cycle to 86%. Based on these results, it was concluded that the application of the scientific approach based on the experimental method improved the quality of science learning in the fourth grade of SD Inpres Perumnas

    Describe the Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Grade Sixth Students of SD Inpres 2 Lasoani on Science Learning through the use of Science Kit SEQIP Model.

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the motivation and learning outcomes of grade sixth students of SD Inpres 2 Lasoani on science learning through the use of science Kit SEQIP model. The method used is classroom action research method with two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings. The result of the first meeting at the first cycle are that the observation on activity of students scored 68%, are in the category enough, the student's classical absorption rate of 72%, students' classical completeness 47% and student learning motivation 62% are in enough category. The result of the second meeting at the first cycle are that activity of students scored 78%, is in good category, students' classical absorbency 79%, student's 72% classical learning completeness and 75% student learning motivation are in good category. The result of the first meeting at the second cycle are that the observation on activity of students scored 80% value, is in good category, students' absorbency 83%, student 89% classical learning completeness and student learning motivation 82% are in good category. The result of the second meeting at the second cycle are that the observation on activity of students scored 91% value, is in very good category, classical student absorbency 89%, 97% student learning completeness and student learning motivation 92% are in very good category. In conclusion the use of science Kit SEQIP model on science learning can improve the motivation and learning outcomes of students in grade sixth SD Inpres 2 Lasoani

    The Effect of Problem Solving Models on Concept Mastery and Student Learning Outcomes about Biology in Junior High Schools

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the application problem solving models on the students’ masteryof concepts and student learning outcomes about biology at class VIII SMP Negeri 16 Palu. This type of research is quasi-experimental. The study population was all grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Palu in the 2019/2020 academic year, totaling 128 students. The sample of the study was students of class VIIIA as an experimental group with total of 32 students and class VIIID as a control group with total of 32 students. The sample was determined by cluster random sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using the t test (t test) and the Mann Whitney U test supported by the SPSS for Windows 21 program

    Analisis Faktor Pengesahan Instrumen Kemenjadian Pelajar

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesahkan item instrumen Kemenjadian Pelajar (KP) tingkatan enam. Sebanyak 418 orang responden terdiri daripada pelajar tingkatan enam dari seluruh negeri Sabah telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Terdapat enam pemboleh ubah KP yang diuji dalam kajian ini merangkumi pengetahuan, kemahiran berfikir, kemahiran kepimpinan, kemahiran dwibahasa, etika dan kerohanian serta identiti nasional. Analisis data kajian dijalankan secara deskriptif (Cronbach alpha) dan analisis faktor pengesahan (CFA) menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) dan Structural equation modeling (SEM). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan nilai Alpha Cronbach berada pada klasifikasi tinggi dan sangat tinggi melebihi 0.70. Hasil analisis model pengukuran peringkat kedua kemenjadian pelajar adalah sepadan dan boleh diterima berdasarkan penyelesaian enam pemboleh ubah kajian. Kajian juga mencadangkan model pengukuran 19 item soalan untuk mengukur tahap kemenjadian pelajar

    The Implementation Of Reciprocal Teaching Learning Strategies In Improving Students’ Questioning And Cognitive Ability On The Concept Of Human Digestive System Of Class Viiib Smp Negeri 7 Palu

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    The fundamental problem in this study, students of Class VIIIB SMP Negeri 7 Palu were the low ability to ask questions and the students' cognitive level was limited to C1 and C2. Therefore, a classroom action research was carried out aimed at implementing reciprocal teaching learning strategies in improving students' questioning and cognitive abilities on the concept of the human digestive system. This study uses classroom action. The subjects of this study were 25 students, the types of data were: qualitative and quantitative data. The research instrument consisted of tests, teacher observation sheets, student observation sheets and assessment sheets for questioning abilities and cognitive abilities. Techniques and data analysis, namely: Qualitative data is the percentage of data on the ability to ask questions, teacher and student activities, while quantitative data is the average data on cognitive abilities. The results of the data analysis showed that there was an increase in the students' questioning and cognitive abilities from the first cycle to the second cycle which had an effect on the increase in the achievement of learning outcomes indicators. Class VIIIB students' cognitive abilities. From the average of the first cycle was 66, increased to an average of 88 in the second cycle and had reached the predetermined completeness criteria minimum 70. The ability to ask questions in the first cycle the percentages were C1 72%, C2 60%, C3 56 %, C4 56%, C5 44% and C6 12%, increasing in the second cycle the percentage were C1 76%, C2 64%, C3 68%, C4 68%, C5 60% and C6 48%. Teacher and student activities have increased from cycle I to cycle II. The percentage of teacher activities in cycle I as 60, 83% increased in cycle II the percentage was 87.13%.
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