2,390 research outputs found

    Selective advantage for multicellular replicative strategies: A two-cell example

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    This paper develops a quasispecies model where cells can adopt a two-cell survival strategy. Within this strategy, pairs of cells join together, at which point one of the cells sacrifices its own replicative ability for the sake of the other cell. We develop a simplified model for the evolutionary dynamics of this process, allowing us to solve for the steady-state using standard approaches from quasispecies theory. We find that our model exhibits two distinct regimes of behavior: At low concentrations of limiting resource, the two-cell strategy outcompetes the single-cell survival strategy, while at high concentrations of limiting resource, the single-cell survival strategy dominates. Associated with the two solution regimes of our model is a localization to delocalization transition over the portion of the genome coding for the multicell strategy, analogous to the error catastrophe in standard quasispecies models. The existence of such a transition indicates that multicellularity can emerge because natural selection does not act on specific cells, but rather on replicative strategies. Within this framework, individual cells become the means by which replicative strategies are propagated. Such a framework is therefore consistent with the concept that natural selection does not act on individuals, but rather on populations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Infection, inflammation and colon carcinogenesis

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    The importance of chronic inflammation as a risk factor for major cancers is well documented [1], and the inflammatory state is known to involve contributions of both adaptive and innate immune components. In a recent publication [2] we describe an experimental animal model in which infection, inflammation and cancer are mechanistically linked, and provide evidence that chemical mediators of the innate immune system and bacterial toxins both play key roles in driving colon carcinogenesis. In this model, epithelial injury caused by Helicobacter hepaticus infection enhances access of bacterially-associated products to pattern-recognition receptors located on surfaces of macrophages and dendritic cells. Receptor ligation leads to activation of transcription factors, including NF-kappa B, that regulate production of chemo-attractants for macrophages and neutrophils, recruitment of which is a hallmark of inflammation. These acute inflammatory events are re-enforced by expression of powerful inflammatory mediators such as TNF-α and IL-2, which amplify acute inflammatory gene expression and enhance cell survival. If not properly extinguished, the innate inflammatory response is maintained and further amplified by activation of cell-mediated adaptive immunity

    Chemistry meets biology in colitis-associated carcinogenesis

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    The intestine comprises an exceptional venue for a dynamic and complex interplay of numerous chemical and biological processes. Here, multiple chemical and biological systems, including the intestinal tissue itself, its associated immune system, the gut microbiota, xenobiotics, and metabolites meet and interact to form a sophisticated and tightly regulated state of tissue homoeostasis. Disturbance of this homeostasis can cause inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—a chronic disease of multifactorial etiology that is strongly associated with increased risk for cancer development. This review addresses recent developments in research into chemical and biological mechanisms underlying the etiology of inflammation-induced colon cancer. Beginning with a general overview of reactive chemical species generated during colonic inflammation, the mechanistic interplay between chemical and biological mediators of inflammation, the role of genetic toxicology, and microbial pathogenesis in disease development are discussed. When possible, we systematically compare evidence from studies utilizing human IBD patients with experimental investigations in mice. The comparison reveals that many strong pathological and mechanistic correlates exist between mouse models of colitis-associated cancer, and the clinically relevant situation in humans. We also summarize several emerging issues in the field, such as the carcinogenic potential of novel inflammation-related DNA adducts and genotoxic microbial factors, the systemic dimension of inflammation-induced genotoxicity, and the complex role of genome maintenance mechanisms during these processes. Taken together, current evidence points to the induction of genetic and epigenetic alterations by chemical and biological inflammatory stimuli ultimately leading to cancer formation.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (ES002109)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH (CA26731)

    Transverse momentum fluctuations and percolation of strings

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    The behaviour of the transverse momentum fluctuations with the centrality of the collision shown by the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider data is naturally explained by the clustering of color sources. In this framework, elementary color sources --strings-- overlap forming clusters, so the number of effective sources is modified. These clusters decay into particles with mean transverse momentum that depends on the number of elementary sources that conform each cluster, and the area occupied by the cluster. The transverse momentum fluctuations in this approach correspond to the fluctuations of the transverse momentum of these clusters, and they behave essentially as the number of effective sources.Comment: 16 pages, RevTex, 4 postscript figures. Enhanced version. New figure

    Monocyclic aromatic amines as potential human carcinogens: old is new again

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    Alkylanilines are a group of chemicals whose ubiquitous presence in the environment is a result of the multitude of sources from which they originate. Exposure assessments indicate that most individuals experience lifelong exposure to these compounds. Many alkylanilines have biological activity similar to that of the carcinogenic multi-ring aromatic amines. This review provides an overview of human exposure and biological effects. It also describes recent investigations into the biochemical mechanisms of action that lead to the assessment that they are most probably more complex than those of the more extensively investigated multi-ring aromatic amines. Not only is nitrenium ion chemistry implicated in DNA damage by alkylanilines but also reactions involving quinone imines and perhaps reactive oxygen species. Recent results described here indicate that alkylanilines can be potent genotoxins for cultured mammalian cells when activated by exogenous or endogenous phase I and phase II xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes. The nature of specific DNA damage products responsible for mutagenicity remains to be identified but evidence to date supports mechanisms of activation through obligatory N-hydroxylation as well as subsequent conjugation by sulfation and/or acetylation. A fuller understanding of the mechanisms of alkylaniline genotoxicity is expected to provide important insights into the environmental and genetic origins of one or more human cancers and may reveal a substantial role for this group of compounds as potential human chemical carcinogens.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (PO1-ES006052)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P30-ES002109

    A Dual Geometry of the Hadron in Dense Matter

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    We identify the dual geometry of the hadron phase of dense nuclear matter and investigate the confinement/deconfinement phase transition. We suggest that the low temperature phase of the RN black hole with the full backreaction of the bulk gauge field is described by the zero mass limit of the RN black hole with hard wall. We calculated the density dependence of critical temperature and found that the phase diagram closes. We also study the density dependence of the rho meson mass.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected, references adde

    Recent results in relativistic heavy ion collisions: from ``a new state of matter'' to "the perfect fluid"

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    Experimental Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions dates from 1992 when a beam of 197Au of energy greater than 10A GeV/c first became available at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) soon followed in 1994 by a 208Pb beam of 158A GeV/c at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research). Previous pioneering measurements at the Berkeley Bevalac in the late 1970's and early 1980's were at much lower bombarding energies (~ 1 A GeV/c) where nuclear breakup rather than particle production is the dominant inelastic process in A+A collisions. More recently, starting in 2000, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BNL has produced head-on collisions of two 100A GeV beams of fully stripped Au ions, corresponding to nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy, sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV, total c.m. energy 200A GeV. The objective of this research program is to produce nuclear matter with extreme density and temperature, possibly resulting in a state of matter where the quarks and gluons normally confined inside individual nucleons (r < 1 fm) are free to act over distances an order of magnitude larger. Progress from the period 1992 to the present will be reviewed, with reference to previous results from light ion and proton-proton collisions where appropriate. Emphasis will be placed on the measurements which formed the basis for the announcements by the two major laboratories: "A new state of matter", by CERN on Feb 10, 2000 and "The perfect fluid", by BNL on April 19, 2005.Comment: 62 pages, 39 figures. Review article published in Reports on Progress in Physics on June 23, 2006. In this published version, mistakes, typographical errors, and citations have been corrected and a subsection has been adde

    Future directions for the management of pain in osteoarthritis.

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the predominant form of arthritis worldwide, resulting in a high degree of functional impairment and reduced quality of life owing to chronic pain. To date, there are no treatments that are known to modify disease progression of OA in the long term. Current treatments are largely based on the modulation of pain, including NSAIDs, opiates and, more recently, centrally acting pharmacotherapies to avert pain. This review will focus on the rationale for new avenues in pain modulation, including inhibition with anti-NGF antibodies and centrally acting analgesics. The authors also consider the potential for structure modification in cartilage/bone using growth factors and stem cell therapies. The possible mismatch between structural change and pain perception will also be discussed, introducing recent techniques that may assist in improved patient phenotyping of pain subsets in OA. Such developments could help further stratify subgroups and treatments for people with OA in future