30 research outputs found

    berita acara seminar

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    Financial Feasibility of Arabica Coffee Plantation Business Through Partnership Pattern in Solok Regency, West Sumatra

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    Lembah Gumanti District has the largest area of Arabica coffee in Solok Regency, with a production of 2588.8 tons in 2019. Some problems farmers face in developing Arabika coffee farming include a lack of knowledge of cultivation techniques and low selling price of coffee (cherry) beans at the farm gate. The Solok Radjo Cooperative emerged to solve farmers' problems and is willing to help develop Arabica coffee plantations in partnership. This study aims to: (1) describe the implementation of partnerships in Arabica coffee farming and (2) analyze the feasibility of arabica coffee farming with partnership pattern. A survey method was used involving 40 sample farmers selected using simple random sampling. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively to determine the implementation and benefits obtained by the partnering parties (farmers and Solok Radjo Cooperative). Quantitative analysis is intended to determine the financial feasibility of developing Arabica coffee with a partnership pattern. In the partnership system, the Solok Radjo Cooperative provides farmers assistance to use superior seeds, socialization of Arabica coffee cultivation and harvesting techniques, and willingness to buy coffee beans (cherry) from farmers with higher prices than local collectors. The benefit obtained by the Solok Radjo Cooperative is the guaranteed supply of Arabica coffee production with better quality. Arabica coffee plantation business through this partnership is feasible with a Net BC ratio of 2.43

    Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Kubis di Kecamatan Kayu Aro Kabupaten Kerinci Provinsi Jambi

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    This research is aimed to; 1) describe the marketing system of cabbage, including marketing channels and marketing functions which is done by eachmarketing agencies;2) analyze the structure, conduct, and performance (SCP), marketing margin, farmer's share, and marketing efficiency analysis of cabbage's marketing in Kayu Aro district. The data collection method used in this  research was survey. Primary and secondary data were collected and then analyzed using descriptive qualitative method and quantitative method. The findings of this research indicate that; 1) marketing agencies involved in the cabbage marketing structure are farmers, collectors sellers, large sellers, distributor sellers, and retailer sellers. 2) There are four channels of cabbage marketing, and it consists of three channels inside the region and one channel outside the region. 3) Market functions that had been conducted within each marketing channel are exchange function, physic function, and facility function. 4) The market structure analysis of cabbage leads to an oligopoly market. Marketing price is shaped based on a compromise between demand and supply. Furthermore, this study highlighted that marketing channel IV is the most efficient channel for marketing efficiency analysis. Through this study, the writer would like to advise the producers to follow the cabbage marketing structure that had already been formulated, which is marketing channel IV. The local government could create a policy to make marketing efficiency better, for example, by supplying facilities and infrastructure. As for future researchers, there is pressing urgency for further research about marketing efficiency through a market integration approach.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan sistem pemasaran kubis di Kecamatan Kayu Aro, meliputi saluran dan fungsi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh masing – masing lembaga pemasaran, serta menganalisis struktur, perilaku, dan kinerjapemasaran (Structure, Conduct and Performance/SCP), marjin pemasaran, farmer’s share, dan efisiensi pemasaran kubis di Kecamatan Kayu Aro. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dan data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder yang dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; Lembaga pemasaran yang terlibat dalam pemasaran kubis diantaranya petani, pedagang pengumpul, pedagang besar, pedagang grosir, dan pedagang pengecer. Saluran pemasaran kubis ada empat saluran, yaitu tiga saluran dalam daerah dan satu saluran luar daerah. Saluran pemasaran melakukan fungsi pemasaran diantaranya fungsi pertukaran, fungsi fisik, dan fungsi fasilitas. Analisis struktur pasar kubis mengarah pada pasar oligopoli. Harga pasar ditentukan dari bertemunya permintaan dan penawaran. Saluran pasar yang paling efisien dalam analisis efisiensi pemasaran adalah saluran IV. Saran untuk produsen, diharapkan dapat mengikuti pemasaran kubis seperti yang telah dirumuskan yaitu saluran pemasaran I dan IV.Sedangkan untuk pemerintahdapat merumuskan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemasaran kubis seperti pengadaan sarana dan prasarana penunjang dan untuk peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan meneliti efisiensi pemasaran menggunakan integrasi pasar

    Analisis Daya Saing dan Kebijakan Pemerintah terhadap Komoditas Cabai Merah Keriting di Kabupaten Kerinci, Provinsi Jambi, Indonesia

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    Cabai merah merupakan salah satu komoditas strategis di Indonesia dikarenakan perubahan harga cabai merah dapat mempengaruhi inflasi. Perubahan harga cabai merah di Kabupaten Kerinci mempengaruhi usahatani cabai merah keriting. Fluktuasi harga cabai merah mengharuskan Pemerintah untuk membuat kebijakan berupa harga referensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Daya Saing dan Kebijakan Pemerintah terhadap komoditi cabai merah. Penelitian berlokasi di Kabupaten Kerinci yang merupakan sentra produksi cabai merah Provinsi Jambi ditentukan secara purposive. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kuantitatif untuk menghitung daya saing dan kebijakan pemerintah menggunakan PAM dan analisis sensitivitas. Hasil menunjukkan berdasarkan perhitungan dengan tabel PAM, usahatani cabai merah di Kabupaten Kerinci berdaya saing ditunjukkan dengan memiliki keuntungan finansial maupun ekonomi serta memiliki keunggulan Kompetitif dan Komparatif yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai PCR dan DRCR <1. Kebijakan Pemerintah terdiri atas kebijakan input dan kebijakan output. Analisis sensitivitas dengan skenario perubahan harga output dan biaya input menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap usahatani cabai merah di Kabupaten Kerinci. Saran untuk petani dengan menekan biaya input produksi, penciptaan nilai tambah dan menerapkan kemitraan dengan stakeholder. Sementara untuk Pemerintah dengan pelatihan petani, kebijakan harga referensi dan menerapkan kuota dan tarif impor.

    Clove-Based Local Economic Development in Lede Sub-District, Taliabu Island District North Maluku Province

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    This study aimed to identify and describe the clove agribusiness system and its economic prospects in supporting local economic development in Lede District, Taliabu Island Regency, North Maluku Province. The research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study suggest that Lede sub-district is one of the sub-district areas that is the base of clove agricultural development in Taliabu Island district. The developed clove commodity involves most of the farmers in the Lede Sub-district area, with a large development area, coupled with a high level of productivity. The clove commodity has potential economic value and has contributed to household income and the quality of clove farmers' welfare. To realize local economic development efforts based on the clove commodity, it is necessary to have the intervention of various parties, especially the local government and the private sector, both on the intervention in the scale of on farm and off farm activities, especially on a number of interventions related to infrastructure and superstructure supporting agricultural production activities, capital, to marketing management aspects and efforts to increase the economic added value of the clove commodity developed

    Examining Income Patterns and Time Allocation in Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans) Farmint: A Case Study of Padang Selatan District, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    This research aims to determine the income and profits of Pala (Myristica Fragrans)  products and analyze the working time allocation in producing Pala products in Padang Selatan District. The study was conducted from September to November 2022. The research method used was descriptive with a survey approach. The data collected consists of two types, namely primary data and secondary data. The selction of respondent is done by simple random sampling method. The samples were 34 farmers. From the Pala tree the farmers can harvest the seeds, mace, and fruit meat which was processed into Pala syrup. The products most widely used by farmers are seeds and mace. From on the three Pala products produced, the highest average income is from the seed with an average income of Rp. 3,209,252 (70.53%), followed by Pala syrup of Rp. 767,310 (16.86%) and the lowest income is mace products which was 573,356 (12.60%). The highest working time allocation was found in processing of Pala seed products which was 8.85 working time allocation / year (54.16%), mace products of 5.83 working time allocation / year (35.68%) and the lowest in Pala syrup products of 1.66 working time allocation / year (10.16%). The  farmers should cultivate Pala in accordance with the recommendations, as well as processing the fruit meat into various preparations so that farmers' income can increase.Keywords: Income analysis, working time, pal


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberhasilan LKM-A Albasiko II di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat, mendeskripsikan proses dan mengevaluasi tata kelola (governance) LKM-A Albasiko II di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis data deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis matriks pengambilan keputusan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan keberhasilan LKM-A Albasiko II di Kabupaten Pasaman Barat yang dilihat dari perkembangan aset LKM-A yaitu terjadinya peningkatan aset dari tahun ke tahun hingga mencapai Rp. 13,699,492,480,- di tahun 2016. Kemudian jumlah NPL yang tiap tahun menurun dan diakhir tahun 2016 hanya sebanyak Rp. 1,850,000,-. Diliat dari sisi kemampuan mobilisasi dana setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat dan jangkauan (outreach) pelayanan semakin luas dengan telah mempunyai satu kantor cabang. Selain itu tata kelola (governance) LKM-A Albasiko II, secara keseluruhan hasil matriks menunjukkan bahwa LKM-A Albasiko II sudah masuk pada kriteria microfinance institution being institutionalized, yaitu lembaga yang sudah menjalankan kelembagaan dengan baik sesuai dengan fungsi dan tugasnya tanpa ada intervensi dari stakeholder lain. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tata kelola LKM-A Albasiko II rata - rata mendapatkan skor 4,67 yang berarti bahwa kinerja LKM-A sudah termasuk kategori baik. Kinerja LKM dalam skala dari 1 hingga 5 pada enam bidang mendasar yang membentuk fondasi tata kelola kelembagaan yang baik sudah terdapat dalam LKM-A Albasiko II ini

    Agroindustry Business Analysis of Ilham Creativepreneur Nature Kerinci (ICN Kerinci) Coffee Perfume in Kemantan Village, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the ICN Kerinci Coffee Perfume agroindustry. Data collected from June 2019 to August 2019 were analyzed using the descriptive analysis to describe the business profile and quantitative analysis using the variable costing approach to explore profit and breakeven point. The results showed that the ICN Kerinci coffee perfume business is a medium-scale business with ten workers, including business owners as leaders who concurrently marketers and wives as administrative and financial staff. In fulfilling raw materials in green beans from the Robusta type, business owners collaborate with partner farmers. At the time of research, ICN Kerinci only produced one kind of product with two packaging variants, namely Kerinci original perfume for Rp.22,000/pack (45 grams) and an original variant + oil coffee (package) for Rp.35,000/pack. The study suggested expanding the market, especially to Eastern Indonesia, and increasing good cooperation with farmers to ensure the certainty of supply of raw materials; and provide prices based on sorting and grading to stimulate farmers to improve the quality of their green bean products