9 research outputs found

    Coping mechanisms of Junior high school students who feel unwell

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    本研究は,子どもに対する健康教育の具体的方策の検討に係る基礎的資料として,中学生の体調不良自覚の実態を調査するとともに,自覚症状に対する対処行動の傾向を明らかにすることを目的とし,以下の方法で分析を行った. 2003年に中学生814名を対象として,睡眠や食事に関する生活習慣及び,体調不良の自覚とその際の対処行動に関する,独自の質問紙調査を実施し,記述統計及び項目間の有意差の検定を行った. 814名中,808名から有効回答が得られた.回答者の約3~4割が「腹痛」「頭痛」「倦怠感」を日常よく経験しており,対処行動には,学年,性別,体調不良自覚の頻度,生活習慣の違いによる選択率の有意差が生じていた. 体調不良の症状を自覚した際,中学生では学年が進むとともに他者依存から離れ,自己の判断により,よいと思う方法を選択する傾向に変化していた.中学生の時期には,自分の対処行動に伴う結果が適切な対処行動の選択に影響するとともに,学校や家庭での健康教育を含めたその他の要因が対処行動に関する知識の習得に影響していると考えられる.また,対処行動の選択には男女差が顕著な項目があり,男子は自己判断で対処する傾向があり,女子では他者に伝える傾向と,対処行動として合理的で確実な方法を選択する傾向があった. 以上の結果と考察から,発育段階,性差,生活の背景などを視野に入れた包括的,個別的な健康教育や保健指導の必要性が示唆された.The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of feeling unwell and the coping styles of Japanese junior high school students. A questionnaire survey of 814 junior high school students was conducted in 2003. An original questionnaire was developed, consisting of questions relating to 1) lifestyle, including sleeping and eating habits, and 2)the characteristics of feeling unwell and coping mechanisms. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and ▯2 or Wilcoxon to investigate the relationship between variables. Eight hundred and eight(808)questionnaire were returned. About 30-40% of respondents experienced stomach ache, headache and fatigue on a daily basis. Their grade, gender, lifestyle and the frequency of feeling unwell were associated with their coping styles. As students got older, their coping style became more independent. Junior high school may be the time to develop an independent coping style based on their own experiences as well as health education at school and home. There was a strong relationship between the coping style and gender. Girls tend to use a more internal locus of control and self-judgment, whereas girls tell others and choose rational and reliable strategies for coping. The results indicate that comprehensive and individualized health education and guidance incorporating personal development, gender and lifestyle are needed. The study’s results provide basic information for the development of health education strategies for school children

    Cross-Country Student Perceptions about Online Medical Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    (1) Introduction: Most educational institutions around the world have shifted from traditional face-to-face to online education amid COVID-19. This change may particularly impact medical students, whose education is heavily influenced by clinical learning experiences. Accordingly, we investigated medical students’ perceptions about positive and negative aspects of online medical education in Japan and overseas during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2) Methods: In-depth online interviews were conducted among 13 Japanese medical students and five medical students from Slovakia, Norway, and Hungary. Interviews were conducted from 23rd September to 3rd October 2020 using the snowball sampling method. Questions were focused on five main areas: Q1 the type of online education; Q2 advantages and disadvantages of online education; Q3 any changes in the relationship with teachers, friends, and family; Q4 any opinions about further improvements in online education; and Q5 any needs for affiliation with a particular university. Then thematic analysis was conducted. (3) Results: The results of the thematic analysis revealed the following four themes that represent the positive and negative aspects of online medical education; Theme 1: Timesaving and Flexibility; Theme 2: Technical problems and lack of digital skills; Theme 3: Unstandardized teaching skills; Theme 4: Lack of experience beyond medical school lectures. (4) Conclusions: While online education was found useful in terms of saving time and creating a flexible learning environment, many important drawbacks were noted such as internet and computer problems and unstandardized teaching skills, and lack of quality assurance. In addition, experiences outside the classroom such as making relationships with faculty and friends, conducting research and participating in extracurricular activities were missed, which they normally enjoy in college life

    Aberrant immunoglobulin G glycosylation in multiple sclerosis

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    A hallmark of the inflammatory response in multiple sclerosis (MS) is the presence of intrathecal Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies and oligoclonal bands (OCBs). The biological activity of IgGs is modulated by changes in glycosylation. Using multiple immunoassays with common lectins for sialylation and galactosylation, we investigated levels of IgG glycosylation in 28 MS and 37 control sera as well as paired CSF and serum. We demonstrated the presence of significantly lower levels of IgG sialylation in MS CSF compared to paired serum. Further, we showed that in MS there was no correlation between sialylated IgG and total IgG antibodies, or between sialylated IgG in CSF and serum. ELISA with native IgG antibodies showed significantly higher levels of sialylated and galactosylated IgG in MS compared to other neurological disorders and normal healthy controls. We conclude that lower levels of sialylated intrathecal IgG and higher levels of serum IgG galactosylation in MS may play significant role in disease pathogenesis. The unique IgG glycosylation profiles suggest a complexed nature of the IgG antibodies which may influence its effector functions in MS