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    Abstract The geographic distribution of Ophioblenna antillensis Lütken, 1859 is extended inside the Gulf of Mexico. This species is otherwise known in the Caribbean region as the "slimy snake of the Antilles", and is recognizable by soft skin covering the entire body, arms 5 times the disc diameter with big dorsal arm plates, and 7 completely naked, pointed and thin arm spines. All Rights Reserve

    Echinoderms from the Museum of Zoology from the Universidad de Costa Rica

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    El Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Costa Rica (MZUCR) se funda en 1966 y alberga la colección de organismos vertebrados e invertebrados más completa de Costa Rica. El MZUCR cuenta actualmente con 24 colec-ciones que contienen más de cinco millones de especíme-nes, y más de 13 000 especies identificadas. Las primeras colecciones datan 1960 e incluyen peces, reptiles, anfibios, poliquetos, crustáceos y equinodermos. Para este último grupo, el MZUCR posee un total de 157 especies, en 1 173 lotes y 4 316 ejemplares. Estas 157 especies representan el 54% del total de especies de equinodermos que posee Costa Rica (293 especies). El resto de especies están repar-tidas en las siguientes instituciones: Academia de la Cien-cias de California (CAS) (4.8%), Instituto Oceanográfico Scripps (SIO) (5.2%), en la Colección Nacional de equino-dermos “Dra. Ma. Elena Caso” de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (ICML-UNAM) (12.7%), Museo de Zoología Comparada de Harvard (MZC) (19.2%), y en el Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Instituto Smithso-niano (USNM) (35.1%). Es posible que haya material de Costa Rica en el Museo de Historia Natural de Dinamarca (NCD) y en el Museo de Historia Natural de los Ángeles (LACM), sin embargo, no hubo acceso a dichas coleccio-nes. A su vez hay 9.6% de especies que no aparecen en ningún museo, pero están reportadas en la literatura. Con base en esta revisión de colecciones se actualizó el listado taxonómico de equinodermos para Costa Rica que consta de 293 especies, 152 géneros, 75 familias, 30 órdenes y cinco clases. La costa Pacífica de Costa Rica posee 153 especies, seguida por la isla del Coco con 134 y la costa Caribe con 65. Holothuria resultó ser el género más rico con 25 especies.The Museum of Zoology, Universidad de Costa Rica (MZUCR) was founded in 1966 and houses the most complete collection of vertebrates and invertebrates in Costa Rica. The MZUCR currently has 24 collections containing more than five million specimens, and more than 13 000 species. The earliest collections date back to 1960 and include fishes, reptiles, amphibians, polychaetes, crustaceans and echinoderms. For the latter group, the MZUCR has a total of 157 species, in 1 173 lots and 4 316 specimens. These 157 species represent 54% of the total species of echino-derms from Costa Rica. The remaining species are distributed in the following institutions: California Academy of Sciences (CAS) (4.8%), Scripps Oceanographic Institute (SIO) (5.2%), National Echinoderm Collection “Dr. Ma. Elena Caso” from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (ICML-UNAM) (12.7%), the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute (USNM) (35.1%), and the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology (19.2%). There may be material from Costa Rica in the Natural History Museum of Denmark (NCD) and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles (LACM), however, there was no access to such collections. There are 9.6% that do not appear in museums, but are reported in the literature. Based on this revision, the taxonomic list of echinoderms for Costa Rica is updated to 293 species, 152 genera, 75 families, 30 orders and 5 classes. The Pacific coast of Costa Rica has 153 species, followed by the Isla del Coco with 134 and the Caribbean coast with 65. Holothuria is the most diverse genus with 25 species.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de BiologíaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Artes y Letras::Museo de la Universidad de Costa Ric

    Ophioderma peruana, a new species of brittlestar (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Ophiodermatidae) from the Peruvian coast

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    Ophioderma peruana sp. n. is a new species of Ophiodermatidae, extending the distribution of the genus Ophioderma to Lobos de Afuera Island, Peru, easily distinguishable from its congeners by its peculiarly fragmented dorsal arm plates. Dense granules, rounded or polygonal cover the disc, the radial shields may be naked or completely covered by granules. A good character for recognizing this species in the field is the dorsal side of the disc which is brown with disc granules lighter cream and brown, the arms are mottled with whitish spots and the ventral part of the disc on the interradial part is brown and the radial part bright yellow

    Ophioderma panamense Lutken 1859

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    <i>Ophioderma panamense</i> Lütken, 1859 <p>Figs 5 E–J, 6; Table 1</p> <p> <i>Ophioderma panamensis</i> Lütken, 1859: 193.</p> <p> <i>Ophiocryptus granulosus</i> Nielsen, 1932: 334–335, fig. 38.</p> <p> <i>Ophiura panamensis</i> – Lyman 1865: 32–34. — Verrill 1867: 253–254. — Ives 1889b: 175.</p> <p> <i>Ophioderma panamensis</i> – Ives 1889a: 76–77. — Koehler 1907: 282. — McClendon 1909: 35, fig. 1. — H.L. Clark 1913: 205; 1915: 300–301. — Campbell 1921: 2, fig. 1. — Caso 1951: 265–272, figs 25–28; 1962: 296, 302; 1979: 210, pl. 97–100; 1986: 225, 239, pl. 14–19. — Granja-Fernández <i>et al</i>. 2014: 132–134, fig. 6a–f; 2015a: 41; 2015b: 95; 2017: 172, 174.</p> <p> <i>Ophioderma panamense</i> – H.L. Clark 1915: 301–302; 1917: 443; 1940: 341–342. — Nielsen 1932: 327–330. — Ziesenhenne 1937: 227, 1955: 192–197. — Boolotian & Leighton 1966: 10, fig. 23. — Luke 1982: 33. — Solís-Marín <i>et al</i>. 2005: 128; 2013: 570. — Honey-Escandón <i>et al</i>. 2008: 63. — Alvarado <i>et al</i>. 2010: 48.</p> <p> <i>Ophiocryptus granulosus</i> – Honey-Escandón <i>et al</i>. 2008: 63. — Cortés 2012:173. — Granja-Fernández & López-Pérez 2012: 363. — Bastida-Zavala <i>et al</i>. 2013: 367. — Solís-Marín <i>et al</i>. 2013: 569.</p> Diagnosis <p>Radial shields naked, oval, small, and widely separated. Adoral shields covered by granules. Up to 12 arm spines, short and with a blunt tip. In vivo coloration: disc green, brown or grey mottled with red, orange or yellow; arms with transverse bands, lighter and darker.</p> Material examined <p> <b>Holotype</b></p> <p>PANAMA • 1 spec.; Panama; NHMD-107679.</p> <p> <b>Other material</b></p> <p>See: Supplementary material.</p> Holotype redescription <p> DD = 21.9 mm; 5 arms, AL = 91.9 mm. Disc flat and pentagonal. Dorsal disc densely covered by rounded and small granules, granule density 61 mm-2; rubbed off in some areas. Radial shields naked, small, oval, and separated (Fig. 5E). Ventral interradii covered with granules similar to those on dorsal side of disc (Fig. 5F). Four genital slits on each interradius; proximal genital slits rounded and shorter than distal slits, in contact with distal part of oral shield and with 1 st LAP; distal genital slits elongated and surrounded by granules and numerous and imbricated scales next to lateral arm plates (Fig. 5F).</p> <p>Oral shields slightly broader than long, rounded triangular, with convex obtuse proximal angle, straight distal edge, obtuse lateral angles. Madreporite with a small, circular, and shallow depression located in distal part and larger than other oral shields. Adoral shields covered by granules, which are larger than those on rest of body. Jaws bear 7–8 papillae at each side: LyOs small, 1.5× as long as broad, angled upwards; AdShSp largest, rounded; 2°AdShSp a little larger and similar in shape to LOPa; LOPa 3–4 conical and pointed, separated; IPa similar and separated from LOPa; TPa 1–2 at jaw tips, robust and pointed, larger and more robust than LOPa, widely separated. vT similar in shape but slightly larger than TPa. OPRSp 1, large and pointed at each side, visible within buccal cavity. Granules covering oral plates, larger than those on dorsal disc and interradii (Fig. 5G).</p> <p> Dorsal base of arms covered by granules and with approximately 15 scales laterally at dorsal arm plates. Dorsal arm plates 3× broader than long, overlapping and with an irregular to straight proximal and distal margin, with rounded lateral edges; a few dorsal arm plates can be fragmented in 2 pieces (Fig. 5H). First ventral arm plate small, broader than long; with a small indentation distally (Fig. 5G). Subsequent ventral arm plates quadrangular, slightly broader than long; distal edge slightly concave (Fig. 5I). Paired and rounded pores between 1 st and 2 nd, and 2 nd and 3 rd ventral arm plates (Fig. 5 F–G). LAP with up to 8–9 arm spines. Arm spines with blunt tip and robust; length approximately ½ of size of LAP. Dorsalmost arm spine shortest and narrowest; ventralmost arm spine longest and slightly more robust, in contact with tentacle scale of succeeding joint (Fig. 5I). Two tentacle scales; adradial tentacle scale ovoid, elongated, approximately half length of ventral arm plate; abradial tentacle scale slightly shorter, subtriangular (Fig. 5I).</p> <p>Color pattern beige in ethanol, likely faded (Fig. 5J).</p> <p> <b>Disarticulated ossicles</b></p> <p> Specimen analyzed: 1 spec., ICML-UNAM 3.18.60 (DD = 11.1 mm, AL = 44.4 mm). Radial shield (external view) irregularly rounded, with an indented proximal margin, an incised abradial edge with a projection, an indented distal edge, and convex adradial margin, it is bordered by 7 pores on median to proximal margin (which are covered/overlapped by disc scales and granules in intact animal) (Fig. 6A). Only exposed surface is domed center portion of radial shield. Outer surface of stereom is an open mesh of pores and knobs (Fig. 6A). Dorsal arm plate somewhat rectangular, 3× as wide as long; proximal margin convex to straight, and distal margin straight, 7 spurs on proximal portion of external surface (Fig. 6B). Ventral arm plate as long as wide, quadrangular with proximal side truncated and with a pointed-shape spur, lateral sides concave forming border of a small tentacle pore, and distally indented (Fig. 6C). LAP D-shaped, 3× as high as wide, with 8 spine articulations sunken in notches of distal edge (Fig. 6 D–E). Ventral portion of LAP projecting ventro-proximalwards and ventro-distal tip projecting ventralwards (Fig. 6D). Proximal edge of LAP with 2 prominent and elongated spurs, which are protruding and modify central-proximal edge (Fig. 6D); between spurs and across remaining proximal margin a discernible band of different stereom structure is present (Fig. 6D). Outer surface finely meshed with relatively large rounded stereom knobs (Fig. 6G). Inner surface of LAP with a continuous ridge on proximal edge, and on ventro-distal margin with 2 spurs matching those on external surface (Fig. 6F), and 4 pores in center. Spine articulations ventralwards increasing in size (Fig. 6E). Lobes with a weak sigmoidal fold, tilted, and curved (Fig. 6H). Ventral lobe smaller than dorsal lobe (Fig. 6H). Proximal vertebrae (Fig. 6I) almost oval, as wide as long, with large aboral muscle flange and smaller oral muscle flange. Distal face of vertebrae with large muscle flanges, with typical zygospondylous articulation (Fig. 6J). Tentacle scale longer than wide, with a scale-like surface (Fig. 6K). Spines with a scale-like surface, a blunt tip, and laterally flattened (Fig. 6L). Dental plate consists of several pieces, 1 st piece bears 2 TPa and a single wide tooth, while rest of pieces with a single tooth socket per piece (4 in total), none of sockets penetrate plate (Fig. 6M).</p> Habitat and distribution <p> USA (California), Mexico (Baja California, Gulf of California, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Marías Islands, Marietas Islands, Revillagigedo Islands), El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica (Caño Island, Cocos Island, Murciélagos Islands), Panama, Colombia, Ecuador (Galapagos Islands), and Peru (Solís-Marín <i>et al</i>. 2013; Granja-Fernández <i>et al</i>. 2014). From intertidal to 20 m depth (Solís-Marín <i>et al</i>. 2013). Found under rocks and in rubble, coral, sand, algae, and tide pools (Maluf 1988; Granja-Fernández <i>et al</i>. 2014).</p> Remarks <p> Lütken (1859) did not designate any specific type material in his description of <i>O</i>. <i>panamense</i>, but according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999), Article 73.1.2, the only specimen reported in the original description (NHMD-107679) must be treated as holotype by monotypy. The description provided by Lütken (1859) is mostly based on the comparison of this species with other <i>Ophioderma</i> from the Atlantic; therefore, a redescription of the holotype is provided in the present work.</p> <p> We observed that the holotype, as well as adult voucher specimens, can have some 'fragmented' or 'broken' dorsal arm plates (Fig. 5H) indicating that they might have been crushed by moving between rocks and these disruptions are the result of injury (Ziesenhenne 1955; Stöhr <i>et al</i>. 2020b). Hendler (2018) observed that 'fragmented' dorsal arm plates in <i>O</i>. <i>panamense</i> frequently occur on basal arm segments of adult specimens, but are rare on distal arm segments of adults and juveniles. It is important to emphasize that these fragmentations on the dorsal arm plates are a result of mechanical damage and are not an inherent feature of the species as occurs in <i>O. peruanum, O. teres</i> or <i>O. vansyoci</i>.</p> <p> Along with <i>O. hendleri</i> sp. nov., <i>O. panamense</i> is one of the most conspicuous and abundant ophiuroids in the Eastern Pacific, but it has often been confused with <i>O. teres</i> and <i>O. variegatum</i> (see Discussion section). Due to its commonness, <i>O</i>. <i>panamense</i> is one of the most studied and commented species of the Eastern Pacific (Lyman 1865; Verrill 1867; Ives 1889a; McClendon 1909; Nielsen 1932; Ziesenhenne 1955; Granja-Fernández <i>et al</i>. 2014), but many of these studies may be based on misidentified specimens.</p>Published as part of <i>Granja-Fernández, Rebeca, Pineda-Enríquez, Tania, Solís-Marín, Francisco Alonso & Laguarda-Figueras, Alfredo, 2020, Ophioderma hendleri sp. nov. (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiodermatidae) and its congeners from the Eastern Pacific, pp. 11-41 in European Journal of Taxonomy 729</i> on pages 24-27, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.729.1187, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4326611">http://zenodo.org/record/4326611</a&gt

    Ophioderma hendleri sp. nov. (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiodermatidae) and its congeners from the Eastern Pacific

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    The widespread Ophioderma hendleri sp. nov., from the Eastern Tropical Pacific (Mexico to Colombia) is distinguished from its congeners by having radial shields covered by granules, naked adoral shields, up to 11 arm spines, and by its brown and beige coloration. Ophioderma hendleri sp. nov. belongs to the group of species with naked adoral shields (i.e., O. pentacanthum H.L. Clark, 1917, O. variegatum Lütken, 1856), and it has frequently been misidentified as O. panamense Lütken, 1859 or O. variegatum. Therefore, the main aim of the present work was to describe Ophioderma hendleri sp. nov. and differentiate it from its congeners. The original description of O. panamense was incomplete; thus, we provide a redescription. Due to the confusion in previous designations of its type material, we designate a lectotype and paralectotype of O. variegatum. Finally, we expand the distribution range of O. pentacanthum to Cocos Island, Costa Rica. With this work, the total number of valid species of Ophioderma Müller & Troschel, 1840 in the world increases to 33 and in the Eastern Pacific to nine species