7 research outputs found

    Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer from Hydrogen-Bonded Phenols

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    Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) is one of the elementary reactions occurring in many chemical and biological systems, such as photosystem II where the oxidation of tyrosine (TyrZ) is coupled to deprotonation of the phenolic proton. This reaction is here modelled by the oxidation of a phenol covalently linked to a Ru(bpy)32+-moitey, which is photo-oxidized by a laser flash-quench method. This model system is unusual as mechanism of PCET is studied in a unimolecular system in water solution. Here we address the question how the nature of the proton accepting base and its hydrogen bond to phenol influence the PCET reaction. In the first part we investigate the effect of an internal hydrogen bond PCET from. Two similar phenols are compared. For both these the proton accepting base is a carboxylate group linked to the phenol on the ortho-position directly or via a methylene group. On the basis of kinetic and thermodynamic arguments it is suggested that the PCET from these occurs via a concerted electron proton transfer (CEP). Moreover, numerical modelling of the kinetic data provides an in-depth analysis of this CEP reaction, including promoting  vibrations  along the O–H–O coordinate that are required to explain the data. The second part describes the study on oxidation of phenol where either water or an external base the proton acceptor. The pH-dependence of the kinetics reveals four mechanistic regions for PCET within the same molecule when water is the base. It is shown that the competition between the mechanisms can be tuned by the strength of the oxidant. Moreover, these studies reveal the conditions that may favour a buffer-assisted PCET over that with deprotonation to water solution

    Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer from Hydrogen-Bonded Phenols

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    Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) is one of the elementary reactions occurring in many chemical and biological systems, such as photosystem II where the oxidation of tyrosine (TyrZ) is coupled to deprotonation of the phenolic proton. This reaction is here modelled by the oxidation of a phenol covalently linked to a Ru(bpy)32+-moitey, which is photo-oxidized by a laser flash-quench method. This model system is unusual as mechanism of PCET is studied in a unimolecular system in water solution. Here we address the question how the nature of the proton accepting base and its hydrogen bond to phenol influence the PCET reaction. In the first part we investigate the effect of an internal hydrogen bond PCET from. Two similar phenols are compared. For both these the proton accepting base is a carboxylate group linked to the phenol on the ortho-position directly or via a methylene group. On the basis of kinetic and thermodynamic arguments it is suggested that the PCET from these occurs via a concerted electron proton transfer (CEP). Moreover, numerical modelling of the kinetic data provides an in-depth analysis of this CEP reaction, including promoting  vibrations  along the O–H–O coordinate that are required to explain the data. The second part describes the study on oxidation of phenol where either water or an external base the proton acceptor. The pH-dependence of the kinetics reveals four mechanistic regions for PCET within the same molecule when water is the base. It is shown that the competition between the mechanisms can be tuned by the strength of the oxidant. Moreover, these studies reveal the conditions that may favour a buffer-assisted PCET over that with deprotonation to water solution

    Spanning four mechanistic regions of intramolecular proton-coupled electron transfer in a Ru(bpy)3(2+)-tyrosine complex

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    Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) from tyrosine (TyrOH) to a covalently linked [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+) photosensitizer in aqueous media has been systematically reinvestigated by laser flash-quench kinetics as a model system for PCET in radical enzymes and in photochemical energy conversion. Previous kinetic studies on Ru-TyrOH molecules (Sjödin et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 3932; Irebo et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 15462) have established two mechanisms. Concerted electron-proton (CEP) transfer has been observed when pH 10. Here we compare the PCET rates and kinetic isotope effects (k(H)/k(D)) of four Ru-TyrOH molecules with varying Ru(III/II) oxidant strengths over a pH range of 1-12.5. On the basis of these data, two additional mechanistic regimes were observed and identified through analysis of kinetic competition and kinetic isotope effects (KIE): (i) a mechanism dominating at low pH assigned to a stepwise electron-first PCET and (ii) a stepwise proton-first PCET with OH(-) as proton acceptor that dominates around pH = 10. The effect of solution pH and electrochemical potential of the Ru(III/II) oxidant on the competition between the different mechanisms is discussed. The systems investigated may serve as models for the mechanistic diversity of PCET reactions in general with water (H(2)O, OH(-)) as primary proton acceptor

    Spanning Four Mechanistic Regions of Intramolecular Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in a Ru(bpy)<sub>3</sub><sup>2+</sup>–Tyrosine Complex

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    Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) from tyrosine (TyrOH) to a covalently linked [Ru­(bpy)<sub>3</sub>]<sup>2+</sup> photosensitizer in aqueous media has been systematically reinvestigated by laser flash-quench kinetics as a model system for PCET in radical enzymes and in photochemical energy conversion. Previous kinetic studies on Ru–TyrOH molecules (Sjödin et al. <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>2000</b>, <i>122</i>, 3932; Irebo et al. <i>J. Am. Chem. Soc.</i> <b>2007</b>, <i>129</i>, 15462) have established two mechanisms. Concerted electron–proton (CEP) transfer has been observed when pH < p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub>(TyrOH), which is pH-dependent but not first-order in [OH<sup>–</sup>] and not dependent on the buffer concentration when it is sufficiently low (less than ca. 5 mM). In addition, the pH-independent rate constant for electron transfer from tyrosine phenolate (TyrO<sup>–</sup>) was reported at pH >10. Here we compare the PCET rates and kinetic isotope effects (<i>k</i><sub>H</sub>/<i>k</i><sub>D</sub>) of four Ru–TyrOH molecules with varying Ru<sup>III/II</sup> oxidant strengths over a pH range of 1–12.5. On the basis of these data, two additional mechanistic regimes were observed and identified through analysis of kinetic competition and kinetic isotope effects (KIE): (i) a mechanism dominating at low pH assigned to a stepwise electron-first PCET and (ii) a stepwise proton-first PCET with OH<sup>–</sup> as proton acceptor that dominates around pH = 10. The effect of solution pH and electrochemical potential of the Ru<sup>III/II</sup> oxidant on the competition between the different mechanisms is discussed. The systems investigated may serve as models for the mechanistic diversity of PCET reactions in general with water (H<sub>2</sub>O, OH<sup>–</sup>) as primary proton acceptor