14 research outputs found

    The impact of sexually transmissible infection programs in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia: A systematic review

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    Objective: To systematically review evaluations of the impact of sexually transmissible infection (STI) programs delivered by primary health care services in remote Aboriginal communities. Methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, InfoNet, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry, conference proceedings and bulletins were searched to April 2011 using variations of the terms 'Aboriginal', 'programs' and 'STI'. The primary outcome of interest in the review was the change in bacterial STI infection prevalence in the target age group assessed through cross-sectional screening studies over a 5-year period or more. The characteristics of the primary health care service, STI programs and other clinical service outcomes were also described. Results: Twelve reports described four distinct STI programs in remote communities and their impact on STI prevalence. In the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) lands of northern South Australia, there was a reduction in the age-adjusted chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalence by 58% and 67%, respectively (1996–2003). In the Tiwi Islands of Northern Territory (NT), chlamydia and gonorrhoea positivity decreased by 94% and 34%, respectively (2002–2005). In the Ngaanyatjarra Lands of Western Australia, crude chlamydia and gonorrhoea prevalence decreased by 36% and 48%, respectively (2001–2005), and in the central Australian region of NT, there was no sustained decline in crude prevalence (2001–2005). Conclusion: In three of the four programs, there was some evidence that clinical best practice and well coordinated sexual health programs can reduce STI prevalence in remote Aboriginal communities.Rebecca Guy, James S. Ward, Kirsty S. Smith, Jiunn-Yih Su, Rae-Lin Huang, Annie Tangey, Steven Skov, Alice Rumbold, Bronwyn Silver, Basil Donovan and John M. Kaldo

    Scaling up sexually transmissible infections point-of-care testing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: healthcare workers' perceptions of the barriers and facilitators.

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    BACKGROUND: Sexually transmissible infections (STIs), such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia, are highly prevalent, particularly in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. In these settings, due to distance to centralised laboratories, the return of laboratory test results can take a week or longer, and many young people do not receive treatment, or it is considerably delayed. Point-of-care testing (POCT) provides an opportunity for same day diagnosis and treatment. Molecular POC testing for STIs was available at 31 regional or remote primary health care clinic sites through the Test-Treat-And-GO (TANGO2) program. This qualitative study sought to identify barriers and facilitators to further scaling up STI POCT in remote Aboriginal communities within Australia. METHODS: A total of 15 healthcare workers (including nurses and Aboriginal health practitioners) and five managers (including clinic coordinators and practice managers) were recruited from remote health services involved in the TTANGO2 program to participate in semi-structured in-depth interviews. Health services' clinics were purposively selected to include those with high or low STI POCT uptake. Personnel participants were selected via a hybrid approach including nomination by clinic managers and purposive sampling to include those in roles relevant to STI testing and treatment and those who had received TTANGO2 training for POCT technology. Milat's scaling up guide informed the coding framework and analysis. RESULTS: Acceptability of STI POCT technology among healthcare workers and managers was predominantly influenced by self-efficacy and perceived effectiveness of POCT technology as well as perceptions of additional workload burden associated with POCT. Barriers to integration of STI POCT included retention of trained staff to conduct POCT. Patient reach (including strategies for patient engagement) was broadly considered an enabler for STI testing scale up using POCT technology. CONCLUSIONS: Remote healthcare clinics should be supported by both program and clinic management throughout scaling up efforts to ensure broad acceptability of STI POCT as well as addressing local health systems' issues and identifying and enhancing opportunities for patient engagement

    A decentralised point-of-care testing model to address inequities in the COVID-19 response

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is growing rapidly, with over 37 million cases and more than 1 million deaths reported by mid-October, 2020, with true numbers likely to be much higher in the many countries with low testing rates. Many communities are highly vulnerable to the devastating effects of COVID-19 because of overcrowding in domestic settings, high burden of comorbidities, and scarce access to health care. Access to testing is crucial to globally recommended control strategies, but many communities do not have adequate access to timely laboratory services. Geographic dispersion of small populations across islands and other rural and remote settings presents a key barrier to testing access. In this Personal View, we describe a model for the implementation of decentralised COVID-19 point-of-care testing in remote locations by use of the GeneXpert platform, which has been successfully scaled up in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia. Implementation of the decentralised point-of-care testing model should be considered for communities in need, especially those that are undertested and socially vulnerable. The decentralised testing model should be part of the core global response towards suppressing COVID-19

    A reliable and easy to transport quality control method for chlamydia and gonorrhoea molecular point of care testing

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    Quality control (QC) is an essential component of point-of-care testing programs. In the context of a randomised-controlled trial (TTANGO) using GeneXpert (Xpert) Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (CT/NG) point-of-care testing in remote areas of Australia, we aimed to develop and utilise a stable positive control material. Bacterial cultures of CT and NG were resuspended together to provide cycle threshold (Ct) values of approximately 25 cycles for both CT and NG when tested on the Xpert CT/NG assay. These positive control suspensions were dried in aliquots, heat inactivated, and then provided to 12 participating health services as research-only QC samples in kit form. At each service, a QC sample was resuspended and tested each month on the Xpert. QC results, including Xpert Ct values, were analysed from each site over 30 months and we calculated costs per QC sample. Overall, at 12 health services there were 89 QC samples tested (average of 8 tests per site per year). Mean Ct values for the 89 controls samples were 25.25 cycles (SD = 1.15) for CT, 24.04 cycles (SD = 1.400) for one NG target and 23.35 cycles (SD = 1.55) for the other NG target. No significant differences in Ct value for CT or NG controls were observed over a trial period of 30 months. Positive QC samples for research use in a trial of a molecular point-of-care assay were inexpensive to produce and stable when stored at 2-8°C. For routine use, additional requirements such as meeting National Association of Testing Authority (NATA) regulations and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval will need to be achieved.S. G. Badman, L. M. Causer, R. Guy, H. Wand, B. Donovan, S. N. Tabrizi, D. Speers, M. D. Shephard, A. Vallely, D. While

    Understanding and responding to the cost and health impact of short-term health staffing in remote and rural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled health services: A mixed methods study protocol

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    Introduction Access to high-quality primary healthcare is limited for remote residents in Australia. Increasingly, remote health services are reliant on short-term or ‘fly-in, fly-out/ drive-in, drive-out’ health workforce to deliver primary healthcare. A key strategy to achieving health service access equity, particularly evident in remote Australia, has been the development of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs). This study aims to generate new knowledge about (1) the impact of short-term staffing in remote and rural ACCHSs on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; (2) the potential mitigating effect of community control; and (3) effective, context-specific evidence-based retention strategies. Methods and analysis This paper describes a 3-year, mixed methods study involving 12 ACCHSs across three states. The methods are situated within an evidencebased programme logic framework for rural and remote primary healthcare services. Quantitative data will be used to describe staffing stability and turnover, with multiple regression analyses to determine associations between independent variables (population size, geographical remoteness, resident staff turnover and socioeconomic status) and dependent variables related to patient care, service cost, quality and effectiveness. Qualitative assessment will include interviews and focus groups with clinical staff, clinic users, regionally-based retrieval staff and representatives of jurisdictional peak bodies for the ACCHS sector, to understand the impact of short-term staff on quality and continuity of patient care, as well as satisfaction and acceptability of services. Ethics and dissemination The study has ethics approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Northern Territory Department of Health and Menzies School of Health Research (project number DR03171), Central Australian Human Research Ethics Committee (CA-19-3493), Western Australian Aboriginal Health Ethics Committee (WAAHEC-938) and Far North Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC/2019/QCH/56393). Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals, the project steering committee and community/stakeholder engagement activities to be determined by each ACCHS.Michelle S Fitts, John Humphreys, Terry Dunbar, Lisa Bourke, Edward Mulholland, Steven Guthridge, Yuejen Zhao, Michael P Jones, John Boffa, Mark Ramjan, Lorna Murakami-Gold, Annie Tangey, Clarissa Comerford, Rosalie Schultz, Narelle Campbell, Supriya Mathew, Zania Liddle, Deborah Russell, John Wakerma