197 research outputs found

    Short time dynamics of molecular junctions after projective measurement

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    In this work, we study the short time dynamics of a molecular junction described by Anderson-Holstein model using full-counting statistics after projective measurement. The coupling between the central quantum dot (QD) and two leads was turned on at remote past and the system is evolved to steady state at time t=0t=0, when we perform the projective measurement in one of the lead. Generating function for the charge transfer is expressed as a Fredholm determinant in terms of Keldysh nonequilibrium Green's function in the time domain. It is found that the current is not constant at short times indicating that the measurement does perturb the system. We numerically compare the current behaviors after the projective measurement with those in the transient regime where the subsystems are connected at t=0t=0. The universal scaling for high-order cumulants is observed for the case with zero QD occupation due to the unidirectional transport at short times. The influences of electron-phonon interaction on short time dynamics of electric current, shot noise and differential conductance are analyzed

    Enhancing extraordinary transmission of light through a metallic nano slit with a nano cavity antenna

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    The extraordinary transmission of light through a nano slit in a metal film is enhanced by introducing a nano cavity antenna formed by a nearby metallic nano-strip over the slit opening. For a fixed wavelength, the width of the metallic nano-strip should be chosen to make the horizontal metal-insulator-metal waveguide of finite length resonant as a Fabry-Perot cavity. When such a cavity antenna is used to enhance the transmission through a non-resonant nano slit, the slit should be opened at a position with maximal magnetic field in the horizontal resonant cavity. It is shown that an optimized cavity antenna can enhance greatly the transmission of light through a non-resonant nano slit (by about 20 times) or a resonant nano slit (by 124%). The transmission spectrum of the nano slit can also be tuned by adjusting the width of the metallic nano-strip. Such a transmission enhancement with a nano cavity antenna is studied for the first time and the physical mechanism is explained.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Opposite spin accumulations on the transverse edges by the confining potential

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    We show that the spin-orbit interaction induced by the boundary confining potential causes opposite spin accumulations on the transverse edges in a zonal two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of external longitudinal electric field. While the bias is reversed, the spin polarized direction is also reversed. The intensity of the spin accumulation is proportional to the bias voltage. In contrast to the bulk extrinsic and intrinsic spin Hall effects, the spin accumulation by the confining potential is almost unaffected by impurity and survives even in strong disorder. The result provides a new mechanism to explain the recent experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure