486 research outputs found

    Scenario-Based Case Study Method and the Functionality of the Section Called ‘from Production to Consumption’ from the Perspective of Primary School Students

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    In this research, the aim was showing the evaluation of students on scenario-based case study method and showing the functionality of the studied section called ‘from production to consumption’. Qualitative research method and content analysis were used to reveal participants' experiences and reveal meaningful relations regarding problems of the research. The study consisted of 28 fourth grade students from the same classroom, in a public school of Central District of Ankara. The study group was selected by neutral assignment. Lesson plans and forms developed by the researcher were used to obtain qualitative data in the research, which was carried out as a doctoral thesis study. Four lesson plans have been developed in order to be able to achieve advances in the field of learning 'production, distribution and consumption' in the social studies course. Each lesson plan includes a case study associated with the achievement but not finalized, a finalized scenario script covering the case study, open-ended questions, and digital and printed resources. The evaluation form that has been prepared to assess the functionality of the used method, includes the open-ended questions prepared for evaluating the function of the unit in terms of the students and thus, forms the basic data collection tool of this research. According to qualitative results of students answers, using scenario-based case study method is a positive experience. Students are more active in the learning process, they are more caring and they pay more attention to the lessons. They want to use this method in other lessons in which they struggle to concentrate and by using this method they are more able to keep their focus.The results of this study show that scenario-based case study methods have been well received by the students, the learning process with this method is more functional and the learned information continues to be used in non-school settings

    Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing in Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus Transcriptomes

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    Analyzing transcriptomes in the context of all available genome and transcript sequence data has the potential to reveal biologically meaningful insight into functional properties of genes and complexity of genomes. Alternative splicing is one of the major mechanisms contributing to the complexity of genomes. This important cellular process generates several different messenger R N A transcripts from a single gene, expression of which produces structurally and functionally different proteins. Regulation of alternative splicing could be tissue-specific, developmental stage and/or physiological condition dependent. Comprehensive analysis of alternative splicing is essential to understand fully the capacity of genomes and thus proteomes. Comparative analyses of alternative splicing across species can provide significant biological insight not only to evolution of alternative splicing, but also to its regulation and functional significance. For comprehensive analyses of alternatively spliced genes, we developed and utilized databases of alternatively spliced transcripts in transcriptomes of Homo sapiens, M u s musculus and Rattus norvegicns. Our databases allow in-depth analyses of alternative and constitutive exons within alternatively spliced genes. Interactive web implementation of our databases brings to end-users the ability to instantly identify orthologous human-mouse, human-rat and mouse-rat gene-pairs with their corresponding exons. A novel visualization method w e introduce, provides easy access to conserved alternative splicing data and a tool to explore the evolutionary significance, regulation and function of this important biological process. Our statistical analysis showed high prevalence of variant loci in human, mouse and rat transcriptomes. 8 1 % of h u m a n loci are variant, as are 7 4 % of mouse loci and 5 8 % of rat loci, revealing widespread presence of alternative splicing in all three transcriptomes. W e further showed that alternative splicing events are mainly due to the presence or absence of cassette exons. More than 6 0 % of alternative exons are cassette exons in all three transcriptomes. Specifically, to analyze the impact of alternative splicing on transcription factor protein structure, we studied the effect of cassette exons on protein domain architectures of mouse transcription factors. We showed that alternative splicing preferentially adds or deletes domains important in DNA-binding function of the transcription factors. 7 5 % of the domains affected by cassette exons are DNA-binding domains. Further, we showed that there is a single transcription factor isoform within a given tissue and isoforms differ across different tissues indicating tissue-specificity of alternatively spliced transcription factors. These results indicate that alternative splicing might contribute to differential gene expression via creation of tissue-specific transcription factor isoforms. In addition, we showed that in the human transcriptome, there is a high prevalence of transcript sequence data from cancer tissues. More than 80% of human variant loci contain transcripts from cancer tissues. We showed that cancer transcripts introduce variation beyond normal alternative splicing via cancer-specific cassette exons. In the majority of tissues, more than 20 % of the cassette exons are from cancer transcripts only. Our results quantitatively validate presence of aberrant alternative splicing in cancer sequence data. Lastly, through a comparative analysis of alternatively spliced genes in transcriptomes of Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana and Plasmodium falciparum to those in human, mouse and rat transcriptomes, w e showed that there is more alternative splicing in genomes of more complex organisms and that there is an elevation of alternative splicing in mammalian genomes

    Roles of parents in enhancing children’s creative thinking skills

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    Since creative thinking is an essential requirement in today’s societies, educational institutions have to make some reforms in order to prepare next generation according to the needs of the societies such as giving more emphasis on creative thinking. The main aims of this paper are to reveal the parents’ opinions about the creative thinking skills, to teach parents the meaning of creative thinking, and to teach parents to create home environments that enhance creative thinking skills. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was employed. Pretest- posttest experimental design was used and qualitative data were collected by an open-ended questionnaire. A 10-hour parent education seminar was used as an intervention for the experimental group. The participants of the research were 80 parents (40 parents in the experimental group, 40 parents in the control group) from a primary school in Ankara, Turkey. Content analysis was applied to analyze the qualitative data. The pretest results have indicated that there were no differences between parents groups according to the knowledge level about the creative thinking. According to posttest results, the knowledge levels of parents in the experimental group who were given 10-hour parent education seminar were increased. However, the knowledge levels of the parents who have not given any education in the control group, were remained the same. Besides, experimental group parents have more information about creating home environments that enhance creativity rather than control group parents. According to the findings, parents' perspectives in the experimental group on the creative thinking skills have changed after the parent education seminar. However, the perspectives of the parent in the control group have not changed


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    Schools are one of the important environments where children can attain the right attitudes and behaviours during the epidemic. The curriculum implemented and textbooks taught in schools form the basis of resources for knowledge that can be used by both teachers and students. In Turkey, health information is given to primary school children in the units of “Healthy Life” in life sciences classes. In the current study, the extent to which the units of healthy life prepare children for struggling with COVID-19 was investigated. To this end, both the life sciences curriculum and the textbooks taught in the first three grade levels were analyzed. The findings of the study revealed that both the life sciences curriculum and the textbooks taught do not have the content adequate to prepare children for struggling with the epidemic. Article visualizations


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    The research is trying to answer the question of what should be the multi-stakeholder performance system sensitive to the Turkish education system in line with the attitudes and opinions of the teacher, school principal and teacher candidates towards the multi-stakeholder teacher performance evaluation system. A total of 304 teachers, principals, teacher candidates, trainee teachers, and contracted teachers were participated in the study. A mixed methods research was used in this study. Content analysis, factor analysis, frequency analysis and non-parametric analysis methods were used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the majority of the participants stated that teacher performance evaluation could be done through class observation. The findings also revealed that the majority of the participants did not feel discomfort from the involvement of school administrators, parents and students in the teacher performance evaluation.  Article visualizations

    Termination of the teaching of the Continuous Cursive Handwriting in Schools

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    Handwriting is a skill that is a requirement for all individuals, however, there is a deep and decisive debate about whether or not the cursive handwriting is necessary in this era of technological innovations. While the necessity of compulsory cursive handwriting education is generally addressed by educators and politicians, there is no consensus on it, and the opinions of the people with interest or concern in education (e.g. teachers, students and parents) are not so often asked. For this reason, the aim of this study is to reveal the views of teachers, students and parents on the cursive handwriting education. 57 classroom teachers, 230 primary school fourth grade students and 14 parents participated in the study from four public primary schools in Ankara. Data were collected using ‘Personal Information Form’, ‘Cursive Handwriting Education Attitude Scale’, ‘Parent Questionnaire’ and ‘Student Questionnaire’. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics techniques and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. According to the findings of the study, teachers and parents are not satisfied with the use of cursive handwriting. While teachers indicated that they would prefer print letters instruction if they had given a chance to choose.  Parents affirmed that they could not give support to their children during their writing education. On the other hand, most of the students stated that they had difficulty in reading even their own handwritings, although most of them declared that they like to write with the cursive handwriting

    The Electromagnetic Lorentz Problem and the Hamiltonian Structure Analysis of the Maxwell-Yang-Mills Type Dynamical Systems within the Reduction Method

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    Based on analysis of reduced geometric structures on fi bered manifolds, invariant under action of an abelian functional symmetry group, we construct the symplectic structures associated with connection forms on the related principal fi ber bundles with abelian functional structure groups. The Marsden-Weinstein reduction procedure is applied to the Maxwell and Yang-Mills type dynamical systems. The geometric properties of Lorentz type constraints, describing the electromagnetic fi eld properties in vacuum and related with the well known Dirac-Fock-Podolsky problem, are discussed

    Acil servisde acil tıp hekimlerinin organ bağışı sürecinde yönetim, duyarlılık ve farkındalıkları

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    Amaç: Organ nakli; vücutta görevini tam olarak yapamayan bir organın yerine canlı bir vericiden veya ölüden alınan sağlam ve aynı görevi üstlenebilecek bir organın nakledilmesi işlemidir. Organ nakillerinin son yıllarda başarısı cerrahi gelişmeler kadar immunosupresif tedaviler ve kullanılan ilaç seçeneklerindeki gelişmelerle artmıştır. Acil Servislerde yaşamsal hastalara gerekli ve yeterli tüm tıbbi ayırıcı tanı ve acil görüntüleme ve acil tedavilere rağmen bazı hastalarda resüsitasyon sonrası beyin ölümü gerçekleşmektedir. Acil hekimi başarısız resüsitasyon sonrası beyin ölümü gerçekleştiği kuşkusuyla, ”Bu hasta şu dakikadan sonra kimlere yaşama ümidi olabilir ?” sorusunu değerlendirmelidir. Acil hekimi bu bilinç ve farkındalıkla beyin ölümü sürecini aktive etmelidir. Hastanın sağlığında kendi isteği ile donör olup olmadığı araştırmalıdır. Acil hekimi hasta yakınlarının içinde bulunduğu mevcut duygu durumlarına rağmen organ bağışına nasıl baktıklarını değerlendirmelidir. Olası beyin ölümü tanısı için ilgili bölümler hemen hasta başına çağrılmalıdır. Hastane organ nakil koordinatörlüğü 24 saat boyunca hızla ulaşılabilir olmalıdır. Hekim bu arada beyin ölümü gerçekleşen hastanın organlarını canlı tutmak için güncel kılavuzlara uygun çaba sarfetmeli; örneğin hipotermi sürecini yönetebilmeli ve uygun organ doku perfüzyonunu sağlamalıdır. Acil hekimi başarısız resüsitasyon sonrası hızla inisiyatif almalı ve mevcut durumu olağanüstü bir dikkatle yönetmelidir. Bu çalışmada Acil Servis hekimlerinin organ bağışı ve organ nakil sürecini yönetimleri hakkında bilgi edimeyi ve bu konuda farkındalıkları ve duyarlıklıklarını belirlemeyi amaçladık. Çalışmamızla Acil Tıp kliniklerinde hizmet veren hekimlerin organ bağışı ve organ nakli konusunda farkındalıklarını değerlendirme ve sürecin işlemesi sırasında aksaklıkları gidermeye katkıda bulunmayı amaçlıyoruz. Gereç ve Yöntem:Biz bu çalışmada 01.05.2014 - 11.06.2014 tarihleri arasında Acil Servislerde aktif olarak çalışan hekimlere yüzyüze ve elektronik posta yoluyla çalışma anketimizi uyguladık. “Basit rastgele örneklem seçim yöntemi” ile ulaştığımız verileri yorumladık. Katılımcılardan sağlanan toplam 217 adet anket formu ile elde edilen veriler istatistik programı (SPSS: Statical package for social sicences ) (Version 17, Chicago IL, USA) kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan toplam anket sayısı 217’idi. Çalışmaya katılan hekimlerin büyük kısmının bugüne kadar organ nakli prosedürünü başlatmadığı (%94.5, n=205) , organ bağışı ve organ nakli konusunda Acil hekiminin daha fazla bilgilendirilmek ve daha fazla insiyatif almak istediklerini (%92.6, n=201) belirttiler. Çalışmaya katılan hekimler içerisinde ülkemizde Acil hekimlerinin yeterince insiyatif aldığını düşünenlerin oranı %13.8 (n=30) idi. Hekimlerin %95.9’u (n=208) organ bağışı konusunda işbirliği ve beraber çalışılması gereken Nöroloji, Nöroşirurji, Anestezi ,Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi (YBÜ) Uzmanı ve Genel Cerrahi ekipleri ile aylık eğitim ve toplantı yapamadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Acil Serviste organ bağışı ile ilgili tüm süreç tamamlandığında hekimler %90.8 (n=197) oranında hastane koordinasyon sistemi kaynaklı başarısızlık yaşanmadığını belirtmiştir. Ayrıca çalışmamızda kadın hekimlerin erkek hekimlere göre Acil Servislerde daha az sayıda hasta baktığı (Χ2=76,301, p=0,001 , ) Kadınların %87,8’i (n=53 ) günde 10-50 aralığında hasta bakarken erkeklerin büyük bir çoğunluğu ise %47,6 (n=80)’sı 50-100 arası hasta baktığı görülmüştür. Kadınların daha az günlük travma hastası ile karşılaştığı (Χ2=158,229, p=0,001) 1-5 arası hasta %100 (n=49) görüldü. Ayıca kadınların daha az kritik hasta baktığı (Χ2=130,693, p=0,001) 1-5 arası hasta %81.6 (n=40), erkeklerin ise 5-10 arası hasta %78.0 (n=140) baktığı ve erkeklerden daha az sayıda resüsitasyon yaptığı (Χ2=82,818, p=0,001) günlük 5’den az %100 (n=49) anlaşıldı. Erkek hekimlerin günlük resüsitasyon sayısı 5-10 arası olanların ise %48.8 (n=82) olduğu sonucu ile karşılaştık . Sonuç: Araştırmamız sonucunda Acil Servis hekimlerinin organ bağışı ve nakli konusunda daha fazla insiyatif alarak bu süreçte aktif yer almaya gönüllü oldukları görülmüştür. Daha fazla ve doğru organ bağışı için Acil Hekimlerinde bilinci arttırmak, bu süreci daha erken başlatmada kilit noktası olacak şekilde uygun eğitim, organizasyon ve güncelleştirilmiş Acil Tıp olası ve gereklidir. Purpose: Organ transplantation is the operation of replacing a dysfunctional body part with another functioning and reliable organ or tissue that may undertake the same function, which is removed from a dead or an alive donor. The success ratio of organ transplantations has been improving in the recent years, due to immunosuppressive treatments and pharmaceutical options, as well as surgical developments. Regardless of all necessary and sufficient diagnosis, imaging and intervention of the emergency service; post-resuscitation brain death of a vitally critical patient may sometimes still follow. Bearing a suspicion in mind that the brain death might have eventuated after an unsuccessful resuscitation, the emergency physician shall consider the following question: "From now on, for whom this patient may become a hope of life?" The emergency physician shall then activate the procedure of brain death situation with such consciousness and awareness. It should be investigated that if the patient had been a voluntary donor during his/her health. Despite the existing emotional situations of patient’s relatives, the emergency physician must anyhow evaluate their attitude towards the possibilities of organ donation. Related medical services must be called to examine the patient, in order to rule the probable diagnose of brain death. Hospital’s organ transplantation coordination must be rapidly available, on 24 hours basis. In the meantime the physician shall take appropriate measures according to up-to-date instructions, to keep organs of the patient alive whose brain death has eventuated; for example one must manage hypothermia process and provide appropriate organ tissue perfusion. Consequent to an ineffective resuscitation, the emergency physician should swiftly take the initiative and manage the existing situation with an extraordinary caution. In this study, our purpose is to assess the awareness of emergency medicine physicians and we aim to contribute to the removal of troubles throughout operational procedures, regarding the organ donation and transplantation. xiv Material and Method: In this study we applied our survey by means of electronic mail and face to face, to physicians who were active at emergency services from 01.05.2014 to 11.06.2014. We have interpreted the data obtained, using the "simple random sampling method" The data acquired through surveys from 217 participants were analyzed, using the SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences) (Version 17, Chicago IL, USA). Findings: Our survey had 217 participants in total. Survey results showed that the majority of the participants have never initiated an organ transplantation procedure until the time of this survey (94.5%, n=205), but some of such physicians have also expressed their intentions on receiving further training and committing additional initiatives on the subject of organ donation and transplantation (92.6%, n=201). Among the respondent physicians, 13.8% believed that emergency service physicians in Turkey have committed satisfactory degrees of initiations (n=30). The 95.9% (n=208) of the physicians have indicated that they were unable to conduct monthly trainings or meetings with neurology, neurosurgery anesthesiology, intensive care unit or general surgery physicians; with whom an emergency physician shall cooperate on the subject of coordination. As of the stage where organ transplantation procedures are finalized for emergency services, 90.8% of the respondents (n=197) have indicated that there have not been any failures due to problems related to hospital coordination system. Moreover, our survey indicates that at emergency services, female physicians examine less patients (Χ2=76.301, p=0.001 ) compare to male physicians. It was understood that while 87.8% (n=53 ) of female physicians examine 10 to 15 patients per day, 47.6% of male physicians (n=80) examine 50 to 100 patients per day. Survey results showed that female physicians encounter comparably less traumatized patients (Χ2=158.229, p=0.001) with 1 to 5 cases per day 100% (n=49). Furthermore, it was understood that female physicians examined lesser numbers of critical patients (Χ2=130.693, p=0.001) with 1 to 5 cases per day %81.6 (n=40), where on the other hand male physicians examined 5 to 10 critical patients per day (78.0%) (n=140). We also found out that female physicians executed lesser numbers of resuscitations, comparing to male physicians (Χ2=82,818, p=0,001), with less than 5 attempts per day %100 (n=49). On the other hand survey results indicated that daily resuscitation numbers of male physicians were between 5 to 10 (%48.8) (n=82) attempts per day