310 research outputs found

    Græsmælk: Klima- og kvalitetsfokuseret mælkeproduktion

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    Produktionen af græsmælk er under udvikling i både ind- og udland. Målet er, at køerne lever udelukkende af foder, der ikke ville kunne anvendes som fødevarer til mennesker. Græsmælk er derfor produceret på baggrund af 100% græsbaseret fodring. Dette giver en særlig værdifuld mælkekvalitet, men stiller høje krav til grovfoderproduktionen. I denne artikel stiller vi skarpt på nogle af de erfaringer, man har gjort sig med produktionsformen i USA

    Chemical decontamination of <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> during chicken processing

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    Nye forsøgsresultater med Øgro

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    Førsøg med gødskning af maltbyg med Øgro 10-3-1. Forsøg med gødskning af brødhvede med Øgro N1


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    Afgræsningsrug med udlæg kan erstatte tørkeramt græsudlæg med flere fordele: Høj ædelyst gennem sæsonen med den rette styring. Højt udbytte og stabilitet på trods af tørke

    Induction of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Responses Upon Subcutaneous Administration of a Subunit Vaccine Adjuvanted With an Emulsion Containing the Toll-Like Receptor 3 Ligand Poly(I:C)

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    There is an unmet medical need for new subunit vaccines that induce cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses to prevent infection with a number of pathogens. However, stimulation of CTL responses via clinically acceptable subcutaneous (s.c.) and intramuscular (i.m.) injection is challenging. Recently, we designed a liposomal adjuvant [cationic adjuvant formulation (CAF)09] composed of the cationic lipid dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) bromide, a synthetic monomycoloyl glycerol analog and polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid, which induce strong CTL responses to peptide and protein antigens after intraperitoneal administration. By contrast, CAF09 does not stimulate CTL responses upon s.c. or i.m. injection because the vaccine forms a depot that remains at the injection site. Hence, we engineered a series of nanoemulsions (CAF24a–c) based on the active components of CAF09. The oil phase consisted of biodegradable squalane, and the surface charge was varied systematically by replacing DDA with zwitterionic distearoylphosphoethanolamine. We hypothesized that the nanoemulsions drain to the lymph nodes to a larger extent than CAF09, upon s.c. co-administration with the model antigen chicken egg ovalbumin (OVA). This results in an increased dose fraction that reaches the draining lymph nodes (dLNs) and subsequently activates cross-presenting dendritic cells (DCs), which can prime CTL responses. Indeed, the nanoemulsions induced antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell responses, which were significantly higher than those stimulated by OVA adjuvanted with CAF09. We explain this by the observed rapid localization of CAF24a in the dLNs and the subsequent association with conventional DCs, which promotes induction of CTL responses. Uptake of CAF24a was not specific for DCs, because CAF24a was also detected with B cells and macrophages. No measurable dose fraction of CAF09 was detected in the dLNs within the study period, and CAF09 formed a depot at the site of injection. Importantly, s.c. vaccination with OVA adjuvanted with CAF24a induced significant levels of specific lysis of antigen-pulsed splenocytes were induced after, which was not observed for OVA adjuvanted with CAF09. Thus, CAF24a is a promising adjuvant for induction of CTL responses upon s.c. and i.m. immunization, and it offers interesting perspectives for the design of vaccines against pathogens for which CTL responses are required to prevent infection

    Det transcendentes retorik: Om det usigeligt gode og det usigeligt onde

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    Artiklen undersøger hvordan det ekstremt gode og det ekstremt onde repræsenteres tekstligt. Dantes Guddommelige Komedie samt Primo Levis Hvis dette er et menneske fungerer som eksempler. Fælles for oplevelsen af det gode og det onde er, at de bevæger sig på grænsen til det uudsigelige, som også er en grænse mellem det menneskelige og det ikke-menneskelige (Rudolf Ottos begreb om 'det numinøse' belyser dette). Artiklen beskriver karakteren af denne uudsigelighed, samt hævder at det gode og det ondes uudsigelighed er forskellig, og dermed også udtrykkes forskelligt i teksten. The paper considers how extreme good and extreme evil are represented textually. Main texts are Dante’s Divine Comedy and Primo Levi’s If this is a man. To both writers it seems no words can properly speak of their experiences. I suggest that this border separates what is essentially human from what is not. Good and Evil share the characteristic of unspeakability, but the nature and causes of this unspeakability differ significantly. Rudolf Otto’s concept of the ‘numinous’ and a reading of Dante’s use of light symbolism help bring out similarities and differences

    Development of hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry methodologies for the analysis of bacterial nano-compartments

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    Hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is a versatile biophysical technique used in a variety of applications within structural proteomics. The key advantages of HDX-MS are that it can provide insight into conformational changes in protein structure as well as allowing investigation of the details of protein-protein interactions, protein-small molecule interactions and protein folding. For these reasons it is an often-used, complementary technique when paired with other biomolecular techniques such as X-ray crystallography, cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) and native mass spectrometry. Encapsulin nano compartments (Enc) or encapsulins are a family of bacterial proteins which form large icosahedral protein cages. These protein cages are of a large enough size (25-30 nm) to allow for the encapsulation of smaller cargo proteins. It has been found that compartmentalization plays an important physiological role within bacteria. One recently discovered ENC, encapsulated ferritin (EncFtn), is known to act as an iron storage system. Although details of Enc-EncFtn structure are beginning to emerge, several questions remain regarding dynamics and interactions of this complex. This thesis focuses on the application of HDX-MS for the study of these important bacterial nano-compartments. This body of work initially explores the assembly pathway of EncFtn derived from Haliangium ochraceum using a bottom-up HDX-MS workflow. It was previously shown that EncFtns characteristically exist as a decameric ‘pentamer-of-dimers’ arrangement. HDX was used to determine the details of the assembly pathway and the formation of the decameric assembly via recruitment of specific dimer subunits. This study’s second aim was to analyse the structures of both a loaded encapsulin (Enc-Loaded) and empty encapsulin (Enc-Empty). Differential HDX-MS was used to reveal significant differences in deuteration exchange 6 between both the empty and loaded forms. The regions of higher deuterium uptake in Empty encapsulin were localized within the interior of the encapsulin and surrounded a hypothesised cargo binding sequence that been previously determined via Cryo-EM. This HDX analysis also highlighted the dynamic and flexible nature the putative entry pore within the ENC. Finally, a novel automated HDX method was developed for top-down HDX analysis of proteins. This strategy allows for single residue resolution of a deuterium uptake event with the potential of proteoform isolation and selection. Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR MS) was coupled with an automated HDX platform and Electron Capture Dissociation (ECD). This workflow was applied to study EncFtns, and direct comparison with traditional bottom-up data demonstrated the feasibility and potential advantages of this new workflow

    Et mangfoldigt landbrug

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    I denne artikel præsenteres et økologisk landbrug på 35 ha med grøntsager, korn, ærter, samt lamme- og svinekødsproduktion