1,568 research outputs found

    A Macroscopic Two-Phase Blood Flow through a Bell Shaped Stenosis in an Artery with Permeable Wall

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    The present work concerns the effects of the hematocrit and the permeability of the wall on blood flow characteristics due to the presence of a bell shaped stenosis in an artery. In this analysis, the flowing blood is represented by a macroscopic two-phase model, as a suspension of erythrocytes in plasma. The analytical expressions for the flow characteristics, namely, the flow resistance (impedance), the wall shear stress distribution in the stenotic region and the shearing stress at the stenosis throat have been derived. Results for the effects of permeability as well as of hematocrit on these flow characteristics are shown graphically and discussed briefly

    Far-infrared observations of Circinus and NGC 4945 galaxies

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    Circinus and NGC 4945 are two galaxies luminous in the infrared and are characterized by compact non thermal radio nuclei, deep silicate absorption features and unusually strong water vapor maser luminosities. Moorwood and Glass (1984) have observed these galaxies extensively in the 1 to 20 micron range. In the far-infrared, observations up to 100 microns are available from the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS). In order to study the cool dust component of these galaxies, researchers observed them at 150 microns using the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) 100 cm balloon-borne telescope. Here, they report observations along with deconvolved maps at 50 and 100 microns obtained from the Chopped Photometric Channel (CPC) on board IRAS

    Dust in a few southern H II regions

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    The property of dust in four southern H II region/molecular cloud complexes (RCW 108, RCW 57, RCW 122, and G351.6-1.3) was discussed. These regions were observed at an effective wavelength of 150 micron using TIFR balloon borne 1 m telescope and deconvolved maps with a resolution of 1 min were obtained. The data were combined with other available data to derive the properties of the infrared emitting dust in these regions

    Distribution of dust in W31 complex

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    W31 is a H II region/molecular cloud complex in the galactic plane at a distance of 6 Kpc. This complex consists of two prominent radio continuum sources (G10.2-0.3 and G10.3-0.1) representing H II regions. An extended region covering both these H II regions was mapped in the Far IR (FIR) using the TIFR 1 m balloon-borne telescope with an angular resolution of approx. 1 min and a dynamic range of 100. The resulting flux density distribution at an effective wavelength of 160 microns is presented. The coadded IRAS survey scan data at 60 and 100 microns were deconvolved using a maximum entropy method to generate the flux density maps of the same region. These 60 and 100 micron maps are given and are briefly discussed

    Histološke i biokemijske promjene u jetri i bubrezima štakora izazvane torijevim nitratom

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    The histopathological and biochemical alterations in rat\u27s liver and kidney induced by daily intraperitoneal administration of thorium nitrate were studied. The activity of alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase was found to be inhibited at various intervals and the pathomorphological changes were found to be related to the duration of treatment. The results indicate that the effect of thorium is cumulative and that the biochemical alterations occur prior to histological changes.Toksikološka svojstva torija slabo su istražena, iako torij postaje sve važniji elemenat u industriji. Njegova se upotreba širi, pa se upotrebljava i u medicinskoj dijagnostici (torijev dioksid - thorotrast). U ovom su radu istraživani učinci torijevih soli na bubrege i jetru štakora kojima je torijev nitrat injiciran intraperitonealno u dozi od 10 mg/kg svakog dana kroz 120 dana. Kontrolnim je životinjama injicirana fiziološka otopina na jednak način. U prvih 60 dana pokusa samo je nekoliko štakora uginulo, a nakon toga vremena smrtnost se povećala. Tek nakon 30 dana uočene su histološke promjene jetre u obliku kongestije vena i sinusoida i taj je nalaz postajao sve izrazitiji tijekom vremena. U kasnijoj su fazi nađena degenerativna i nekrotična žarišta. Slične su promjene nađene i u bubrežnom parenhimu. Ovim je promjenama prethodilo smanjenje aktivnosti alkalne fosfataze i adenozin trifosfataze u jetri i u još većoj mjeri u bubregu

    Fulminant hepatitis in a tropical population: clinical course, cause, and early predictors of outcome

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    The profiles of patients with fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) from developing countries have not been reported earlier. The current study was conducted prospectively, at a single tertiary care center in India, to document the demographic and clinical characteristics, natural course, and causative profile of patients with FHF as well as to define simple prognostic markers in these patients. Four hundred twenty-three consecutive patients with FHF admitted from January 1987 to June 1993 were included in the study. Each patient's serum was tested for various hepatotropic viruses. Univariate Cox's regression for 28 variables, multivariate Cox's proportional hazard regression, stepwise logistic regression, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis were done to identify independent predictors of outcome at admission. All patients presented with encephalopathy within 4 weeks of onset of symptoms. Hepatotropic viruses were the likely cause in most of these patients. Hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis D (HDV) viruses, and antitubercular drugs could be implicated as the cause of FHF in 1.7% (n = 7), 28% (n = 117), 3.8% (n = 16), and 4.5% (n = 19) patients, respectively. In the remaining 62% (n = 264) of patients the serological evidence of HAV, HBV, or HDV infection was lacking, and none of them had ingested hepatotoxins. FHF was presumed to be caused by non-A, non-B virus(es) infection. Sera of 50 patients from the latter group were tested for hepatitis E virus (HEV) RNA and HCV RNA. In 31 (62%), HEV could be implicated as the causative agent, and isolated HCV RNA could be detected in 7 (19%). Two hundred eighty eight (66%) patients died. Approximately 75% of those who died did so within 72 hours of hospitalisation. One quarter of the female patients with FHF were pregnant. Mortality among pregnant females, nonpregnant females, and male patients with FHF was similar (P > .1). Univariate analysis showed that age, size of the liver assessed by percussion, grade of coma, presence of clinical features of cerebral edema, presence of infection, serum bilirubin, and prothrombin time prolongation over controls at admission were related to survival (P < .01). The rapidity of onset of encephalopathy and cause of FHF did not influence the outcome. Cox's proportional hazard regression showed age ≥ 40 years, presence of cerebral edema, serum bilirubin ≥ 15 mg/dL, and prothrombin time prolongation of 25 seconds or more over controls were independent predictors of outcome. Ninety-three percent of the patients with three or more of the above prognostic markers died. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and the negative predictive value of the presence of three or more of these prognostic factors for mortality was 93%, 80%, 86%, and 89.5%, respectively, with a diagnostic accuracy of 87.3%. We conclude that most of our patients with FHF might have been caused by hepatotropic viral infection, and non-A, non-B virus(es) seems to be the dominant hepatotropic viral infection among these patients. They presented with encephalopathy within 4 weeks of the onset of symptoms. Pregnancy, cause, and rapidity of onset of encephalopathy did not influence survival. The prognostic model developed in the current study is simple and can be performed at admission

    Natural history of therapeutic management in oral cancer

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    The natural history of a diseases is greatly influenced by the course of therapeutic management. Just after the tissue stage of the disease is aver. The cure rate of diseases, particularly those of cancers, could probably be modified to a greater extent, if the natural history of the therapeutic manage­ment is understood properly, so that the community education programme be organised in the proper direction, to trigger early diagnosis. Home remedy urn the first preference of 76.8% of oral cancer cases, 64.6% preferred traditional unqualified practitioners as their 2nd preference of place of treatment for oral cancer. Thus during the stage of fa stigium a case oj oral cancer gets frustrated with the hospital treatment and awaits death counting his day

    Gall Bladder And Common Bile Duct Stones – When Is Direct Cholangiography Indicated?

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    The medical records of 277 consecutive patients who underwent cholecystectomy for benign gall stone disease, were reviewed to determine the incidence and cause of biliary tract obstructuion