9 research outputs found

    Secondary production at the Polar Front, Barents Sea, August 2007

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    AbstractTo investigate spatial patterns of secondary production we sampled four core hydrographical regions of the Polar Front in the Barents Sea (Arctic Water, ArW; Polar Front Water, PFW; Atlantic Water, AtW; and Melt Water, MW) by towing an undulating instrument platform along a transect crossing the front from August 8–9, 2007. Sensors mounted on the platform provided data on the hydrography (CTD), fluorescence (Fluorometer, F) and zooplankton abundance in the size range between 0.1 and 30mm (Laser Optical Plankton Counter, LOPC). These continuous, biophysical data with high-spatial resolution were supplemented by discrete water and zooplankton net samples at stations for sensor calibrations. After in depth quality assessments of the biophysical data, estimates were made of the vital rates based on biovolume spectrum theory. Five size groups were distinguished from the LOPC data: small (S), mainly Oithona spp. and the appendicularian Fritillaria sp.; medium (M), mainly Pseudocalanus spp. and Calanus spp. CI–CIII; large (L), mainly Calanus spp. CIV–CV; and extra large (XL and 2XL), juvenile and adult euphausids. Size groups were further divided based on transparency of organisms. Vital rates based on the biophysical in situ data in combination with biovolume spectrum theories agreed generally well with data from empirical and numerical models in the literature. ArW was characterised by subsurface maxima of chlorophyll a (chl a), and an estimated population growth of ca. 13mgCm−3d−1 for CI–CIII Calanus spp. and some older Pseudocalanus within the chl a maxima. Frontal waters were characterised by low chl a concentrations, but high abundances and production (around 1gCm−3d−1) of small copepods (Oithona spp.) and appendicularians (Fritillaria sp.). The estimated production of small-size zooplankton was an order of magnitude higher than the production of all other size groups combined, including large copepods. The high loss rates (−166 to −271mgCm−3d−1) of small zooplankton may contribute a substantial amount of carbon to the benthos and to pelagic predators such as young capelin. AtW was the most productive water mass, with surface chl a maxima and an estimated population growth of 134mgCm−3d−1 for small zooplankton, 3.6mgCm−3d−1 for medium-sized copepods and 0.9mgCm−3d−1 for CIV–CVI Calanus. For those Calanus spp. in the surface layer, the estimated specific mortality rates were up to −0.35d−1, partly due to high predation pressure by hydrozoans and chaetognaths

    Capturing quantitative zooplankton information in the sea : Performance test of laser optical plankton counter and video plankton recorder in Calanus finmarchicus dominated summer situation

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    Author's accepted version (post-print).NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Progress in Oceanography (2012). Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Progress in Oceanography (2012), 108. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005.We compared two optical plankton counters, the Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) and the Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) for their abundance estimates of Calanus finmarchicus during an early summer situation (June 2008) in two North Norwegian fjords. The LOPC was mounted on the VPR frame in order to sample the same body of water. The combined system of LOPC and VPR was operated by vertical profiling from the surface to 100 m of depth in several locations of the fjords representing different blooming conditions and zooplankton community structures. Data from the two instruments, as well as from CTD-F, were logged concurrently and retrieved on deck after about 15 depth profiles. Primary data were analysed according to standard routines, and choices made during sampling and analyses (sampling volume, selection of size range, transparency of particles, statistics) are discussed. Data were averaged for every 5, 10 and 15 m depth bins. The vertical profiles of C. finmarchicus CIV–CVI abundance that were obtained by LOPC and VPR, respectively, showed a striking similarity. No significant differences between profiles sampled by these two instruments were observed when data were binned into 15 m bins. At low abundances (<100 Calanus sp. L−1) profiles were significantly different when data were binned into 5- or 10-m bins. This is attributed to the small sampling volumes of the LOPC and the VPR, and to very patchy distributions of copepods, resulting in a high standard deviation between consecutive profiles. Based on the results we conclude that the time is mature for a more extensive use of optical instruments to estimate zooplankton abundances and distributions in the sea

    Calanus in North Norwegian fjords and in the Barents Sea

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    The Physical environment of a North Norwegian fjord and of the Atlantic and Arctic domains of the Barents Sea are described. The seasonal variation of primary production and biomass of the most important copepod species are described in order to contrast regional differences in the timing of the plankton cycles. Analysis of the seasonal variation in the biomass of six different copepod species in Balsfjorden clearly demonstrate the importance of Calanus finmarchkus as a spring and early summer form, whereas Pseudoculanus acuspes, the most important smaller form, reaches the highest biomass later during the productive season. In the Atlantic part of the Barents Sea, C. finmarchkus is the dominant herbivorous form. The next most important species, Pseudocalanus sp. and M. longa, play a less important role here than in Balsfjorden. In the Arctic domain, the smaller copepod forms appear to have been replaced in trophodynamic terms by the youngest year-group (C-CIII) of C. glacialis, which prevails during the Arctic summer and autumn periods. The coupling between primary producers and Calanus on a seasonal basis is addressed through the grazing and the vertical organisation of the plant-herbivore community. The productivity of these two Calanus species is considered in relation to the seasonal and inter-annual variation in climate; although different mechanisms are utilised, cold periods tend to lower Calanus productivity both in the Arctic and the Atlantic domains of the Barents Sea. Interannual variations in Calanus biomass and productivity are discussed in the perspective of endemic and advective processes

    Depth distribution of Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis in relation to environmental conditions in the Barents Sea

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    Stage composition and vertical distribution of copepodids of Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis are described during spring and summer in Atlantic and Arctic waters, respectively. The two species co-occurred in the region of the Polar Front, both in moderate to high population densities. Ontogenetic migration, meaning that the migration range becomes progressively wider with advancing stage, was found in both species. The present study also revealed that C. finmarchicus had modifications in its ontogenetic vertical distribution. The standing crop of phytoplankton, predominantly Phaeocystis pouchetii, appeared to influence the degree of stage-specific segregation. Both low and high food concentrations tended to increase the vertical distribution of the instars. On the other hand, a narrow subsurface stratum of abundant phytoplankton led to an aggregation of copepodids at this depth. In the region of the Polar Front, where the two species co-occur, C. glacialis had a deeper distribution than C. finmarchicus, thus creating a bimodal vertical distribution pattern within the uppermost 200 m

    Copepod grazing and its potential impact on the phytoplankton development in the Barents Sea

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    Compiled data from published and unpublished sources on copepod grazing of the large-sized copepods in the Barents Sea give wide ranges in grazing rates. Approximate average values indicate daily rations of 7–18% for copepodite stages V and VI and considerably higher values for the earliest copepodite stages. It is demonstrated that individual variability in gut fullness of copepods from a given locality is typically very high and not closely related to variable food abundance or depth of occurrence. There is no diel feeding rhythm during the summer, and even when relating copepod grazing to a number of biotic and abiotic factors through stepwise linear regression analysis, much of the variability remains unexplained. It is suggested that feeding behaviour, food quality and feeding history of the copepods all play important roles as factors which regulate copepod grazing. Model simulations on the phytoplankton succession, using literature data on laboratory-determined growth characteristics for solitary cells and colonies of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii and large diatoms, indicate that the extent of the mixed layer and selective grazing by zooplankton are important factors that may explain the occurrence of dense blooms of P. pouchetii colonies, frequently observed during the spring

    Capturing quantitative zooplankton information in the sea: Performance test of laser optical plankton counter and video plankton recorder in a Calanus finmarchicus dominated summer situation

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    We compared two optical plankton counters, the Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) and the Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) for their abundance estimates of Calanus finmarchicus during an early summer situation (June 2008) in two North Norwegian fjords. The LOPC was mounted on the VPR frame in order to sample the same body of water. The combined system of LOPC and VPR was operated by vertical profiling from the surface to 100 m of depth in several locations of the fjords representing different blooming conditions and zooplankton community structures. Data from the two instruments, as well as from CTD-F, were logged concurrently and retrieved on deck after about 15 depth profiles. Primary data were analysed according to standard routines, and choices made during sampling and analyses (sampling volume, selection of size range, transparency of particles, statistics) are discussed. Data were averaged for every 5, 10 and 15 m depth bins. The vertical profiles of C. finmarchicus CIV–CVI abundance that were obtained by LOPC and VPR, respectively, showed a striking similarity. No significant differences between profiles sampled by these two instruments were observed when data were binned into 15 m bins. At low abundances