41,422 research outputs found

    Vibrationally resolved partial cross sections and asymmetry parameters for carbon K-shell photoionization of the CO_2 molecule

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    We have measured the vibrationally resolved partial cross sections \sigma_{v_1^{\prime}} and asymmetry parameters \beta_{v_1^{\prime}} for C K-shell photoionization of the CO2 molecule in the Σu shape resonance region above the C K-shell ionization threshold. The positions of both the maxima of \sigma_{v_1^{\prime}} and the minima of \beta_{v_1^{\prime}} move towards the C K-shell threshold with increasing symmetric stretching vibrational excitation v'1 in the C 1s single-hole state. Calculations employing the relaxed-core Hartree–Fock approach reproduce the observed vibrational effects

    Strain accommodation beneath structures on Mars

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    A recent review of tectonic features on Mars shows that most of their subsurface structures can be confidently extended only a few kilometers deep (exceptions are rifts, in which bounding normal faults penetrate the entire brittle lithosphere, with ductile flow at deeper levels). Nevertheless, a variety of estimates of elastic lithosphere thickness and application of accepted failure criteria under likely conditions on Mars suggest a brittle lithosphere that is many tens of kilometers thick. This raises the question of how the strain (extension or shortening) accommodated by grabens and wrinkle ridges within the upper few kilometers is being accommodated at deeper levels in the lithosphere. Herein, the nonrift tectonic features present on Mars are briefly reviewed, along with their likely subsurface structures, and some inferences and implications are presented for behavior of the deeper lithosphere

    Bifurcation scenario to Nikolaevskii turbulence in small systems

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    We show that the chaos in Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation occurs through period-doubling cascade (Feigenbaum scenario), in contrast, the chaos in Nikolaevskii equation occurs through torus-doubling bifurcation (Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse scenario).Comment: 8pages, 9figure

    Ion thermal effects in oscillating multi-ion plasma sheath theory

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    The effects of ion temperature are discussed in a two-ion electron plasma and for a model applicable to the oscillating sheath theory that has recently been much in the focus of researchers. The differences between the fluid and kinetic models have been pointed out, as well as the differences between the approximative kinetic description (which involves the expansion of the plasma dispersion function), and the exact kinetic description. It is shown that the approximative kinetic description, first, can not describe the additional acoustic mode which naturally exists in the plasma with an additional ion population with a finite temperature, and, second, it yields an inaccurate Landau damping of the bulk ion acoustic mode. The reasons for these two failures are described. In addition to this, a fluid model is presented that is capable of capturing both of these features that are missing in the approximative kinetic description, i.e., two (fast and slow) ion acoustic modes, and the corresponding Landau damping of both modes

    Adiabatic quantum computation along quasienergies

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    The parametric deformations of quasienergies and eigenvectors of unitary operators are applied to the design of quantum adiabatic algorithms. The conventional, standard adiabatic quantum computation proceeds along eigenenergies of parameter-dependent Hamiltonians. By contrast, discrete adiabatic computation utilizes adiabatic passage along the quasienergies of parameter-dependent unitary operators. For example, such computation can be realized by a concatenation of parameterized quantum circuits, with an adiabatic though inevitably discrete change of the parameter. A design principle of adiabatic passage along quasienergy is recently proposed: Cheon's quasienergy and eigenspace anholonomies on unitary operators is available to realize anholonomic adiabatic algorithms [Tanaka and Miyamoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 160407 (2007)], which compose a nontrivial family of discrete adiabatic algorithms. It is straightforward to port a standard adiabatic algorithm to an anholonomic adiabatic one, except an introduction of a parameter |v>, which is available to adjust the gaps of the quasienergies to control the running time steps. In Grover's database search problem, the costs to prepare |v> for the qualitatively different, i.e., power or exponential, running time steps are shown to be qualitatively different. Curiously, in establishing the equivalence between the standard quantum computation based on the circuit model and the anholonomic adiabatic quantum computation model, it is shown that the cost for |v> to enlarge the gaps of the eigenvalue is qualitatively negligible.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Martian seismicity through time from surface faulting

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    An objective of future Mars missions involves emplacing a seismic network on Mars to determine the internal structure of the planet. An argument based on the relative geologic histories of the terrestrial planets suggests that Mars should be seismically more active than the Moon, but less active than the Earth. The seismicity is estimated which is expected on Mars through time from slip on faults visible on the planets surface. These estimates of martian seismicity must be considered a lower limit as only structures produced by shear faulting visible at the surface today are included (i.e., no provision is made for buried structures or non-shear structures); in addition, the estimate does not include seismic events that do not produce surface displacement (e.g., activity associated with hidden faults, deep lithospheric processes or volcanism) or events produced by tidal triggering or meteorite impacts. Calibration of these estimates suggests that Mars may be many times more seismically active than the Moon

    ESR Modes in CsCuCl3 in Pulsed Magnetic Fields

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    We present ESR results for 35-134GHz in the antiferromagnet CsCuCl3 at T=1.5K. The external field is applied perpendicular to the hexagonal c-axis. With our pulsed field facility we reach 50T an unprecedented field for low temperature ESR. We observe strong resonances up to fields close to the ferromagnetic region of ~30T. These results are discussed in a model for antiferromagnetic modes in a two-dimensional frustrated triangular spin system.Comment: 3 pages, RevTeX, 3 figures. to be published in Solid State Communication

    Holography and Cosmological Singularities

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    Certain null singularities in ten dimensional supergravity have natural holographic duals in terms of Matrix Theory and generalizations of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In many situations the holographic duals appear to be well defined in regions where the supergravity develops singularities. We describe some recent progress in this area.Comment: Anomaly equation corrected. References adde

    Interactions of tectonic, igneous, and hydraulic processes in the North Tharsis Region of Mars

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    Recent work on the north Tharsis of Mars has revealed a complex geologic history involving volcanism, tectonism, flooding, and mass wasting. Our detailed photogeologic analysis of this region found many previously unreported volcanic vents, volcaniclastic flows, irregular cracks, and minor pit chains; additional evidence that volcanic tectonic processes dominated this region throughout Martian geologic time; and the local involvement of these processes with surface and near surface water. Also, photoclinometric profiles were obtained within the region of troughs, simple grabens, and pit chains, as well as average spacings of pits along pit chains. These data were used together with techniques to estimate depths of crustal mechanical discontinuities that may have controlled the development of these features. In turn, such discontinuities may be controlled by stratigraphy, presence of water or ice, or chemical cementation

    Electrons and phonons in the ternary alloy CaAl2−x_{2-x}Six_x} as a function of composition

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    We report a detailed first-principles study of the structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the superconducting C32_{32} phase of the ternary alloy CaAl2−x_{2-x}Six_x, both in the experimental range 0.6≤x≤1.20.6 \leq x \leq 1.2, for which the alloy has been synthesised, and in the theoretical limits of high aluminium and high silicon concentration. Our results indicate that, in the experimental range, the dependence of the electronic bands on composition is well described by a rigid-band model, which breaks down outside this range. Such a breakdown, in the (theoretical) limit of high aluminium concentration, is connected to the appearance of vibrational instabilities, and results in important differences between CaAl2_2 and MgB2_2. Unlike MgB2_2, the interlayer band and the out-of-plane phonons play a major role on the stability and superconductivity of CaAlSi and related C32_{32} intermetallic compounds
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