475 research outputs found

    Clinical features, histopathology and differential diagnosis of sarcoidosis

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    Sarcoidosis is a chameleon disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the growth of non-necrotizing and non-caseating granulomas and manifesting with clinical pictures that vary on the basis of the organs that are mainly affected. Lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes are the sites that are most often involved, but virtually no organ is spared from this disease. Histopathology is distinctive but not pathognomonic, since the findings can be found also in other granulomatous disorders. The knowledge of these findings is important because it could be helpful to differentiate sarcoidosis from the other granulomatous-related diseases. This review aims at illustrating the main clinical and histopathological findings that could help clinicians in their routine clinical practice

    Penerapan Metode Data Mining Market Basket Analysis terhadap Data Penjualan Produk pada Toko Oase Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori

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    Proses kegiatan penjualan pada supermarket berjalan terus dan begitu juga data yang dihasilkan semakin lama maka akan semakin bertambah. Data-data penjualan yang semakin lama maka akan semakin besar tidak akan berguna dan bermanfaat jika dibiarkan begitu saja. Supaya data tersebut data berguna maka maka perlu di olah dengan suatu algoritma tertentu. Algoritma apriori merupakan bagian dari data mining yaitu kegiatan pengumpulan data dan pemakaian data yang lama untuk menemukan keteraturan, pola atau hubungan dalam suatu data. Keluaran dari algoritma ini adalah bisa membantu dalam memperbaikin pengambilan keputusan dimasa yang akan datang.Salah satu manfaat dari pengambilan keputusan ini adalah penyusunan katalog produk pada supermarket seperti produk yang paling banyak terjual diletakkan ditempat yang mudah dicari dan begitu juga dengan produk yang sering diterjual secara bersamaan maka produk tersebut perlu diletakkan pada tempat. Hasil dari proses data mining yaitu pola pembelian produk yang sering dibeli bersamaan. Pola ini dapat digunakan untuk menempatkan produk yang sering dibeli bersamaan kedalam sebuah area yang saling berdekatan, merancang tampilan produk di katalog. Penerapan Algoritma Apriori pada teknik Data Mining sangat efisien dan dapat mempercepat proses pembentukan kecenderungan pola kombinasi itemset hasil penjualan Produk-produk barang di Toko OASE, yaitu dengan support dan confidence tertinggi adalah Rokok, kopi Snack,mie goreng ,NabatiKata kunci—Katalog, produk data, penjualan

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Pada Pekerja Garmen Di Jakarta

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    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a disorder caused by medianus nerve entrapment in carpal tunnel in the wrist and gives many symptoms as painfully, numbness, hyperesthesia at nerve medianus area. The objective of this study was to asses CTS in garment factory workers and determine the prevalence of CTS, CTS relation to age, sex, workhour, and repeated biomechanical pressure in hand/wrist. A cross sectional design was used in the study conducted in Jakarta in 2002, to 814 person sample with simple random sampling method. Data collection was done through interviews, inspections, and examinations. The study found that prevalence of CTS was 20.3% (n= 814) in work unit. Workers who worked with high repeated biomechanical pressure in right hand/wrist was 74.1%, in left hand/wrist were 65.5%. Carpal tunnel syndrome in female higher than CTS in male (p=0.04). There was 110 significant correlation between increased of age, workhour, repeated biomechanical pressure in hand/wrist and increased of CTS. For confirmation 10% cases CTS were examined by electroneurography and electromyography, and found that CTS was 35,3%

    Correlation between Migraine Severity and Cholesterol Levels.

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    INTRODUCTION: Several studies have documented increased cardiovascular risk factors, particularly hypercholesterolemia, in the migraine population with respect to controls. However, no studies have investigated the possible relationship between headache severity parameters and lipid serum levels. METHODS: This study evaluated the lipid asset in 52 migraine patients (17 with and 36 without aura) before and after treatment with drugs for migraine prophylaxis for 3 months. RESULTS: High frequency (HF, ≥ 8/month) and intensity (HI, ≥ 5 Numeric Rating Score) vs. low frequency (LF, < 8/month) and intensity (LI, < 5) of crises were associated with significantly higher cholesterol levels, both total (TC, HF vs. LF, P < 0.0001; HI vs. LI, P < 0.0001) and LDL (LDL-c, HF vs. LF, P < 0.0001, and HI vs. LI, P < 0.0001). In treated patients, a significant decrease in number and intensity of crises was associated with a significant reduction of TC and LDL-c (P < 0.001). A direct linear correlation was also found between frequency and intensity of crises and lipid levels (TC/frequency, P < 0.0001; TC/intensity, P < 0.0001; LDL-c/frequency, P < 0.0001; LDL-c/intensity, P < 0.0001). No significant difference was found in the evaluated parameters for the subgroups of patients with and without aura. DISCUSSION: This study shows a significant positive association between migraine frequency and intensity with total and LDL cholesterol, demonstrating for the first time a significant reduction of these lipid parameters after migraine prophylaxis. However, in view of the retrospective design of the study and the small population size, these results should be considered as preliminary, to be confirmed by future prospective controlled trials


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    The 20 kV medium Voltage overhead lines of Naioni feeder on PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Kupang system has a feed length of ± 79.825 kms and is the longest of all feeders installed in the ULP Kupang. To minimize the voltage drop and power losses on the Naioni Feeder 20 kV medium Voltage overhead lines (SUTM), network reconfiguration needs to be done including changing the diameter of the conductor, installing a transformer insert and installing a capacitor bank using the help of ETAP software. From the results of the study, before reconfiguration, the voltage drop at the end of the Bus_Trafo KB 082 channel was 0.967 kV and the voltage drop percentage was 4.68% while the total power losses at Naioni Feeder were 20 kV, which were active power losses of 48.062 kW and loss reactive power loss of 25,689 kVAR. Furthermore, after reconfiguring the carrying diameter on the channel that still uses a small diameter of 35 mm2, it will be converted to 70 mm2 on cable 17 that connects the KB 119 Transformer Bus channel to the KB 074 Transformer Bus which is a fairly long distance from all other channels. So that after carrying out the reconfiguration of the conductor diameter, the voltage drop at the end of the Bus Trafo KB 082 channel is 0.844 kV and the voltage drop percentage is 4.24%, while the total power losses in the Naioni Feeder are 20 kV which are active power losses of 41.142 kW and conductor reactive power loss of 25.53 kVAR. Furthermore, after installation of the transformer insert and changing the conductor diameter on cable 17 of 35 mm2 will be changed to 70 mm2 connecting the Transformer Bus Channel KB 119 to the KB 074 Transformer Bus, then the voltage drop at the end of the Bus Trafo KB 082 channel is 0.826 kV and the voltage drop percentage amounting to 4.15% while the total power losses at Naioni Feeder are 20 kV, namely active power losses of39.292 kW and reactive power losses of 24.467 kVAR. And then, if the capacitor bank is installed on the Bus Transformer KB 119 channel bus point to the Bus Trafo KB 074 channel, then the voltage drop at the Bus Trafo KB 082 channel end is 0.891 kV and the voltage drop percentage is 4.47%, while the total power losses are The 20 kV Naioni Feeder is an active power loss of 43.714 kW and a reactive power loss of 22.888 kVAR

    Process of discovery: A fourth-year translational science course

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    The Liaison Committee on Medical Education notes the importance of educating medical students on clinical and translational research principles.To describe a fourth-year course, &#x201C;Process of discovery,&#x201D; which addresses teaching these principles, and to discuss students&#x2019; perceptions of the course.Core components and pedagogical methods of this course are presented. Course assessment was performed with specific pre- and post-course assessments.During academic years 2004 to 2009, 562 students were enrolled, with assessment response rate of 94% pre-course and 85% post-course. The students&#x2019; self-assessment of their current understanding of clinical and translation research significantly increased, as well as their understanding of how clinical advances will take place over the next decade.A fourth-year course teaching clinical and translational research is successful, is seen as a positive experience and can meet the requirements for including clinical and translational research in the medical school curriculum

    Human development and climate affect hibernation in a large carnivore with implications for human–carnivore conflicts

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    1. Expanding human development and climate change are dramatically altering habitat conditions for wildlife. While the initial response of wildlife to changing environmental conditions is typically a shift in behavior, little is known about the effects of these stressors on hibernation behavior, an important life-history trait that can subsequently affect animal physiology, demography, interspecific interactions and human-wildlife interactions. Given future trajectories of land use and climate change, it is important that wildlife professionals understand how animals that hibernate are adapting to altered landscape conditions so that management activities can be appropriately tailored. 2. We investigated the influence of human development and weather on hibernation in black bears (Ursus americanus), a species of high management concern, whose behavior is strongly tied to natural food availability, anthropogenic foods around development and variation in annual weather conditions. Using GPS collar data from 131 den events of adult female bears (n = 51), we employed fine-scale, animal-specific habitat information to evaluate the relative and cumulative influence of natural food availability, anthropogenic food and weather on the start, duration and end of hibernation. 3. We found that weather and food availability (both natural and human) additively shaped black bear hibernation behavior. Of the habitat variables we examined, warmer temperatures were most strongly associated with denning chronology, reducing the duration of hibernation and expediting emergence in the spring. Bears appeared to respond to natural and anthropogenic foods similarly, as more natural foods, and greater use of human foods around development, both postponed hibernation in the fall and decreased its duration. 4. Synthesis and applications. Warmer temperatures and use of anthropogenic food subsides additively reduced black bear hibernation, suggesting that future changes in climate and land use may further alter bear behavior and increase the length of their active season. We speculate that longer active periods for bears will result in subsequent increases in human–bear conflicts and human-caused bear mortalities. These metrics are commonly used by wildlife agencies to index trends in bear populations, but have the potential to be misleading when bear behavior dynamically adapts to changing environmental conditions, and should be substituted with reliable demographic methods

    Impact of migraine on fibromyalgia symptoms

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    Background: Fibromyalgia (FMS) and high frequency episodic/chronic migraine (M) very frequently co-occur, suggesting common pathophysiological mechanisms; both conditions display generalized somatic hyperalgesia. In FMS-M comorbidity we assessed if: a different level of hyperalgesia is present compared to one condition only; hyperalgesia is a function of migraine frequency; migraine attacks trigger FMS symptoms. Methods: Female patients with fibromyalgia (FMS)(n.40), high frequency episodic migraine (M1)(n.41), chronic migraine (M2)(n.40), FMS + M1 (n.42) and FMS + M2 (n.40) underwent recording of: −electrical pain thresholds in skin, subcutis and muscle and pressure pain thresholds in control sites, −pressure pain thresholds in tender points (TePs), −number of monthly migraine attacks and fibromyalgia flares (3-month diary). Migraine and FMS parameters were evaluated before and after migraine prophylaxis, or no prophylaxis, for 3 months with calcium-channel blockers, in two further FMS + H1 groups (n.49, n.39). 1-way ANOVA was applied to test trends among groups, Student’s t-test for paired samples was used to compare pre and post-treatment values. Results: The lowest electrical and pressure thresholds at all sites and tissues were found in FMS + M2, followed by FMS + H1, FMS, M2 and M1 (trend: p &lt; 0.0001). FMS monthly flares were progressively higher in FMS, FMS + M1 and FMS + M2 (p &lt; 0.0001); most flares (86–87 %) occurred within 12 h from a migraine attack in co-morbid patients (p &lt; 0.0001). Effective migraine prophylaxis vs no prophylaxis also produced a significant improvement of FMS symptoms (decreased monthly flares, increased pain thresholds)(0.0001 &lt; p &lt; 0.003). Conclusions: Co-morbidity between fibromyalgia and migraine involves heightened somatic hyperalgesia compared to one condition only. Increased migraine frequency – with shift towards chronicity – enhances both hyperalgesia and spontaneous FMS pain, which is reversed by effective migraine prophylaxis. These results suggest different levels of central sensitization in patients with migraine, fibromyalgia or both conditions and a role for migraine as a triggering factor for FMS
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