2,177 research outputs found

    Relationships of School Counsellors' Perceptions of Supervision Needs with Job Performance and Job Involvement

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    The general purpose of the present study was to examine the current status of full-time school counselors in the country. More specifically, this investigation attempted to study the relationships between school counselors' perceptions of supervision needs, job performance and job involvement. In the testing of the conceptual framework of perceptions of supervision needs, demographic variables were included. In addition, the study also sought to examine school counselors' preferences of supervisory emphasis and its relation to experience. A total of 268 of the randomly selected subjects responded, yielding a 67% response rate. A correlational design was used and the theoretical framework of the study was based on the developmental models of supervision. The perceptions of supervision needs was measured by the Perceptions of Supervision Needs Scale developed by the researcher; whereas job performance and job involvement were measured by the Counselor Rating Form-Short and the Job involvement Scale respectively. The three instruments showed reliability coefficients of .89, .88 and .91 respectively. For school counselors' preferences of supervisory emphasis areas, they were measured by the Supervisor Emphasis Rating Form-Revised which showed the reliability coefficients of the four scales ranging from .94 to .96

    Foreign workers’ policies and issues in South Korea

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    T(h)ree Rhizome(s) on \u27Close/Open\u27 Encounters With Kinsella\u27s Pastoralism of the \u27Radical\u27 Kind

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    In his elaborative Landbridge \u27statement of intent\u27, Western Australian and International poet John Kinsella - whose phenomenal rise since the \u2790s is now a worldwide literary success story that needs no introduction - asserts a profound interest for the \u27pastoral radical\u27 (Kinsella, ed. Kinsella, Landbridge, 1999): “I\u27m particularly interested in the \u27pastoral radical\u27- in blending the so-called pastoral tradition with the lingui.stically innovative. This \u27hybrid\u27 ironises the pastoral construct but allows for genuine movement through rural spaces. Landscape is central to my project - ways of seeing, questions of occupation and space, the position and relevance of the so-called \u27lyrical I\u27 and conditions of referentiality. My work may be symptomatic of late modernism {even postmodernism) in its exploration of the processes of its own creation and investigation of language as a thing-in-itself, but its concerns are primarily ethical and moral in nature. Visual art is a strong inspiration.”(p. 193) I cannel help but think of Deleuze & Guatlari and the rhizome in relation to Kinsella\u27s \u27pastoral radical\u27. Think \u27pastoral\u27 and I think \u27tree\u27; think \u27radical\u27 and I, well I think of quite many things including the rhizome. \u27Radical\u27, not \u27radicle\u27, and so on, and Deleuze & Guatlari, again. Kinsella talks about blending the so-called pastoral tradition with the linguistically innovative , but I take the view that the poet is only highlighting an important aspect of his \u27pastoral radical\u27 that instance and not making a definition. My thesis approaches his \u27pastoral radical\u27 vis-a-vis the primary \u27pastoral\u27 and \u27anti-pastoral\u27 rubrics as well as other literary critical production labels, terms and conditions attached to describing Kinsella\u27s contemporary poetry/poetics, for example, his Trojan Horse theory according to Bernstein. Or is it Bernstein according to his Trojan Horse theory? I know it is not a question of hemispheres. I mean, there is \u27pastoral radical\u27 and there is \u27radical pastoral\u27; there is \u27anti-pastoral\u27, \u27not-so-anti-pastoral\u27 and there is \u27anti-anti-pastoral\u27 (?); there is \u27close\u27, there is \u27open\u27 and there is \u27close/open\u27; there is \u27encounter\u27, there is discounter and there is \u27missed encounter\u27; there is \u27end-counter\u27 and there is \u27counter-end\u27; there is \u27blending\u27 and there is \u27blundering\u27; there is \u27blurring\u27 and there is \u27erring\u27; there is England, there is America and there is Australia (all three there where Kinsella lives and works as a poet/academic) ... there is Andy Warhol, there is Andy Warhol and there is Andy Warhol ... (there is/are even Dandy Warhols these days) ... For the thesis I am making three rhizomes connecting Kinsella\u27s poetry/poetics as a Deleuzean means to study how he \u27ironises\u27 the pastoral construct by \u27hybridising\u27 it: The pastoral tree-rhizome, the \u27pastoral-radical\u27 rhizome and the \u27pastoral-radical-artifice\u27 rhizome (not necessarily in any packing or pecking order). In the Abstract to Auto (at that time a student prose work about poetry and life as a poet submitted for his Edith Cowan University\u27s Masters thesis), Kinsella says: There is no closure ... The text ends where YOU and I write and read ... The roles of reader and writer are blurred ... John Kinsella -I? \u27My name is John Kinsella. I make poems\u27 ... (Kinsella, Auto, 2000, Abstract). Klyth Tan - I? \u27My name is Klyth Tan. I am making an English Honours thesis on John Kinsella\u27. I am not mimicking Kinsella. I am only forming another rhizomatic link. You are invited to join us (un)read and (un)write. Upon reaching the Deleuzean point such that it is no longer of any importance whether one says I , we ARE ( no longer ourselves ), each ( his own ) and altogether have been aided, inspired, multiplied (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987, p. 3)

    Kesihatan mental

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    Masyarakat kita sering mengaitkan penyakit mental dengan kuasa di luar kawalan manusia seperti hantu, jin, syaitan dan makhluk halus lain. Seorang dukun atau bomoh dianggap mempunyai kepakaran merawat mereka yang ‘dirasuk’ ini serta memulihkan keadaan mental mereka seperti sedia kala. Apabila kita mengenali atau menamakan sesuatu tingkah laku sebagai kecelaruan tingkah laku, kita sering berpandukan kepada apa yang dikenali sebagai norma masyarakat. Bagi mereka yang mengikuti apa yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat, maka perbuatan mereka dianggap normal. Sebaliknya sekiranya apa yang dilakukan oleh seseorang itu bertentangan dengan kelaziman masyarakat, ia dikatakan menyimpang daripada norma masyarakat ataupun dinamakan abnormal. Buku ini membincangkan beberapa jenis penyakit mental dan bagaimana psikoterapi dan perubatan moden digunakan dalam rawatan penyakit mental

    Ciphertext Policy Attribute based Homomorphic Encryption (CP-ABHERLWE): a fine-grained access control on outsourced cloud data computation

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    Recently, homomorphic encryption is becoming one of the holy grail in modern cryptography research and serve as a promising tools to protect outsourced data solutions on cloud service providers. However, most of the existing homomorphic encryption schemes are designed to achieve Fully Homomorphic Encryption that aimed to support arbitrary computations for only single-data ownership scenario. To bridge these gaps, this paper proposed a non-circuit based Ciphertext Policy-Attribute Based Homomorphic Encryption (CP-ABHER-LWE) scheme to support outsourced cloud data computations with a fine-grained access control under the multi-user scenario. First, this paper incorporates Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) scheme into homomorphic encryption scheme in order to provide a fine grained access control on encrypted data computation and storage. Then, the proposed CP-ABHER-LWE scheme is further extended into non-circuit based approach in order to increase the practical efficiency between enterprise and cloud service providers. The result shows that the non-circuit based CP-ABHER-LWE scheme has greatly reduced the computation time and ciphertext size as compared to circuit based approach. Subsequently, the proposed CP-ABHER-LWE scheme was proven secure under a selective-set model with the hardness of Decision Ring-LWEd,q,ई problem

    Securing Big Data Processing With Homomorphic Encryption

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    The arrival of Big Data era has challenged the conventional end-to-end data protection mechanism due to its associated high volume, velocity and variety characteristics. This paper reviews the security mechanisms of dominated Big Data processing platform – Hadoop and examines its capabilities on providing the end-to-end data protection: data-in-transit, data-at-rest and data-in-transform. While Hadoop is limited to protect data-in-transit with its built-in security mechanism and relies on third-party vendor tools (e.g. HDFS disk level encryption or security-enhanced Hadoop security distribution) for securing data-at-rest, the homomorphic encryption scheme that capable of performing computation on encrypted data serve as a promising tool to provide end-to-end data protection Big Data processing. However, existing circuit-based homomorphic encryption schemes still insufficient enough for supporting Big Data applications due to their high complexity of computation, huge generated ciphertext and public key size. To address this problem, this paper proposed homomorphic encryption from a non-circuit-based approach. Our result shows that the newly proposed non-circuit based homomorphic encryption has greatly reduced the computation time and ciphertext size as compared to existing circuit-based homomorphic encryption schemes, therefore amenable to support the high volume and high-velocity requirement of Big Data processing

    Use of SketchBook Pro with Tablet PC (TabSketch™) as a design thinking tool in the teaching and learning of design and technology

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    This paper shares the preliminary findings from the first two phases of an exploratory study on the potential of Tab-Sketch™ as i) a design-thinking tool for design and technology (D&T) teachers and pupils in secondary schools; ii) a teaching and learning tool for D&T teachers; and iii) a platform to document design-thinking in the form of digital design journal. Tab-Sketch is an acronym derived from Tablet PC and SketchBook Pro, a computer software. The study, which is naturalistic in approach, was initiated in Nov 2004 and has evolved into three phases. Phases 1 and 2 were completed. Phase 3 has commenced in Aug 2006 and will end in Dec 2007. The insights and experiences gained from the first two phases include: • the concept of ‘growing ideas’ conveniently and dynamically; • the potential of the software for quick sketches and editing via features like layer and the range of rendering tools available; • Tab-Sketch as a tool for the teacher-designer to dialogue with self and to practise rapid visualisation; • capturing design conversations graphically and digitally between teacher and pupil; and • ease in manipulating images and ideating presentation drawings. These preliminary findings have shaped Phase 3 of the study which is still on-going

    Development of a diversified ensemble data summarization (DDS) tool for learning medical data in a multi relational environment

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    Medical or scientific data are normally stored in relational databases in which data are stored in multiple tables. A data summarization approach to knowledge discovery in structured medical datasets is often limited due to the complexity of the database schema. Since most of these data are stored in multiple tables, designing a suitable data summarization method for each individual table that is associated with the target table is required in order to get the best result in summarizing the overall data stored in a multi-relational environment. A diversified data summarization ensemble method is best applied in the task of learning data stored in multiple tables since ensemble methods improve quality and robustness of the results. This research investigates the feasibility of combining a few types of data summarization methods ( e.g., DARA) in order to learn data stored in relational databases with high cardinality attributes (one-to-many relations between entities). The proposed algorithm is called a diversified data summarization ensemble method. With this new algorithm, one could facilitate the task of data modelling for data stored in a multi-relational setting by improving the predictive accuracy of the data modelling task. This can be achieved by summarizing each table that exists in the database by using a more appropriate data summarization method depending on the type of data stored in each individual table. This research helps the understandi'ng and development of a diversified data summarization ensemble method that is able to summarize relational data. By applying a subset of data summarization methods to summarize different sets of the relational datasets, more interpretable and useful information can be extracted

    The policy responses and implications of the global financial crisis on Asia : a case study for Malaysia

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    This paper examines the impact of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) on Malaysia’s economy as well as challenges and responses of the government in countering this crisis. It argues that the impact of the GFC is different from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis (AFC). The AFC impacted the financial industry with the resultant collapse of Malaysia’s currency, while the GFC impacted the export sector with direct repercussions on Malaysia’s real economy. This paper explores the structural weaknesses of Malaysia’s economy exposed by the GFC. Given that Malaysia’s economic growth had become more trade-dependent after the AFC, domestic investments, including foreign direct investments, could only grow anemically. This had jeopardized long-term economic growth and productivity, which were crucial in offsetting the impact of the GFC. This paper shows that the expansionary policies implemented by the government to counter the GFC were lacking in meaningful structural changes and could not yield the desirable results. Lastly, it assesses the extent to which the New Economic Model proposed by the present government could spur economic growth in dealing with the GFC.peer-reviewe