3 research outputs found

    Diagnosing Soil and Coconut Root Existence in Lontang Plantation of Manado City

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    Province of North Sulawesi has been known as wave palm area (coconut). One of the plantations (coconut) potential become the farmer’s income and Locally-Generated Revenue (LGR). Therefore, it is important to maximize the soil function and root system of coconut. This research was aimed to diagnose a soil and coconut root existence in Lontang Plantation of Manado City. Soil observations were carried out on a single stretch of coconut plantations owned by community. The observation was done through the soil profile at a spacing of 1 m on 3 and 5 m spacing profile from the main tree which categorized as low. Existence of total root length (Lrv) and dry root weight (Drv) shows that deeper soil will be more reduced of the root Lrv and Drv values along with the organic material in the bottom layer (> 1 m) lower than above it. The highest Lrv and Drv average value is located on the depth of 0 – 60 cm.  Specrol existence on 1 - 3 m spacing profile have showed many soft roots which grow on these spacing. The soft root has a roles to absorb nutrient and water for the plant and direct contact with the soil


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the provision of compost, cow manure and chicken manure on the ecological sustainability of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus), on gold mine soil parent material; and on the initial growth of upland paddy unsrat variety 1. This research was carried out in May to July 2019 at the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulang University in Manado. The design used in this study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with 3 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that the provision of compost, cow manure and chicken manure gave good results on ecological sustainability of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus), on fertility in gold mine soil parent material, and on early growth of upland paddy unsrat variety 1.*eprm

    Hidrologi Bawah Permukaan Tanah: Studi kasus di Lokasi Pra TPA Kawasan Ilo Ilo Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Sistem hidrologi suatu daerah dipengaruhi oleh bentuk topografi permukaan yang merupakan daerah tangkapan air hujan. Air hujan yang mengalami infiltrasi ke dalam tanah menjadi aliran air tanah yang mempunyai pola hidrologi tertentu. Pemetaan hidrologi air tanah bawah permukaan telah dilakukan di Kawasan Ilo-Ilo desa Wori menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas konfigurasi wenner Alpha. Pengukuran dilakukan pada 4 lintasan dengan spasi elektroda 10 m, 48 elektroda dan panjang setiap lintasan 480 m. Daerah penelitian terbagi menjadi 2 pola sistem hidrologi yang terpisah yaitu hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lintasan 3 merupakan area yang mempunyai akuifer paling besar dan permukaannya merupakan daerah tangkapan air. Air tanah cenderung mengalir ke arah lintasan 3, karena kondisi akuifer yang lebih dalam (> 60 m) pada kedua sistem hidrologiThe hydrological system of an area is affected by the shape of the surface topography which is a rainwater catchment area. Rainwater infiltrated into the soil becomes a groundwater flow that has a certain hydrological pattern. The mapping of subsurface hydrological groundwater in the Ilo-Ilo area of Wori village using the Wenner Alpha configuration of resistivity geoelecrical methods has been done. Measurements was made on 4 path with 10 m electrode spacing, 48 electrodes and length of each path is 480 m. The study area is divided into 2 separate hydrological system patterns. The result show us that path 3 is the area that has the largest aquifer and its surface is a water catchment area. Groundwater tends to flow toward path 3, due to deeper aquifer conditions (> 60 m) in both hydrological system