16 research outputs found

    ICT Illusions

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    Cyber attacks and cyber intelligence are growing concerns in today’s computer networks. The goal of our research project was to address this threat and study generating deceptive fake services in a new way: by recording the ordinary interaction between a client and a server and then deceiving the adversary by playing back an altered, deceptive reply. We demonstrated the feasibility of such fake service generator tool by creating a proof-of-concept implementation that can create fake services for web environment. The objective was to make the tool as protocol-independent as possible while still giving convincing replies to the adversary. Our results indicate that although fake service creation is a challenging topic, can still achieve very satisfactory results with our proof-of-concept implementation. We therefore believe creating deceptive services is a promising proactive method to lead the adversary astray as he or she is attempting to get access to sensitive data. </div

    Particle telescope aboard FORESAIL-1 : Simulated performance

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    The Particle Telescope (PATE) of FORESAIL-1 mission is described. FORESAIL-1 is a CubeSat mission to polar Low Earth Orbit. Its scientific objectives are to characterize electron precipitation from the radiation belts and to observe energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) originating from the Sun during the strongest solar flares. For that purpose, the 3-unit CubeSat carries a particle telescope that measures energetic electrons in the nominal energy range of 80–800 keV in seven energy channels and energetic protons at 0.3–10 MeV in ten channels. In addition, particles penetrating the whole telescope at higher energies will be measured in three channels: one >800 keV electron channel, two integral proton channels at >10 MeV energies. The instrument contains two telescopes at right angles to each other, one measuring along the spin axis of the spacecraft and one perpendicular to it. During a spin period (nominally 15 s), the rotating telescope will, thus, deliver angular distributions of protons and electrons, at 11.25-degree clock-angle resolution, which enables one to accurately determine the pitch-angle distribution and separate the trapped and precipitating particles. During the last part of the mission, the rotation axis will be accurately pointed toward the Sun, enabling the measurement of the energetic hydrogen from that direction. Using the geomagnetic field as a filter and comparing the rates observed by the two telescopes, the instrument can observe the solar ENA flux for events similar to the only one so far observed in December 2006. We present the Geant4-simulated energy and angular response functions of the telescope and assess its sensitivity showing that they are adequate to address the scientific objectives of the mission.The Particle Telescope (PATE) of FORESAIL-1 mission is described. FORESAIL-1 is a CubeSat mission to polar Low Earth Orbit. Its scientific objectives are to characterize electron precipitation from the radiation belts and to observe energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) originating from the Sun during the strongest solar flares. For that purpose, the 3-unit CubeSat carries a particle telescope that measures energetic electrons in the nominal energy range of 80-800 keV in seven energy channels and energetic protons at 0.3-10 MeV in ten channels. In addition, particles penetrating the whole telescope at higher energies will be measured in three channels: one >800 keV electron channel, two integral proton channels at >10 MeV energies. The instrument contains two telescopes at right angles to each other, one measuring along the spin axis of the spacecraft and one perpendicular to it. During a spin period (nominally 15 s), the rotating telescope will, thus, deliver angular distributions of protons and electrons, at 11.25-degree clock-angle resolution, which enables one to accurately determine the pitch-angle distribution and separate the trapped and precipitating particles. During the last part of the mission, the rotation axis will be accurately pointed toward the Sun, enabling the measurement of the energetic hydrogen from that direction. Using the geomagnetic field as a filter and comparing the rates observed by the two telescopes, the instrument can observe the solar ENA flux for events similar to the only one so far observed in December 2006. We present the Geant4-simulated energy and angular response functions of the telescope and assess its sensitivity showing that they are adequate to address the scientific objectives of the mission. (C) 2019 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Particle telescope aboard FORESAIL-1: Simulated performance

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    The Particle Telescope (PATE) of FORESAIL-1 mission is described. FORESAIL-1 is a CubeSat mission to polar Low Earth Orbit. Its scientific objectives are to characterize electron precipitation from the radiation belts and to observe energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) originating from the Sun during the strongest solar flares. For that purpose, the 3-unit CubeSat carries a particle telescope that measures energetic electrons in the nominal energy range of 80–800 keV in seven energy channels and energetic protons at 0.3–10 MeV in ten channels. In addition, particles penetrating the whole telescope at higher energies will be measured in three channels: one >800 keV electron channel, two integral proton channels at >10 MeV energies. The instrument contains two telescopes at right angles to each other, one measuring along the spin axis of the spacecraft and one perpendicular to it. During a spin period (nominally 15 s), the rotating telescope will, thus, deliver angular distributions of protons and electrons, at 11.25-degree clock-angle resolution, which enables one to accurately determine the pitch-angle distribution and separate the trapped and precipitating particles. During the last part of the mission, the rotation axis will be accurately pointed toward the Sun, enabling the measurement of the energetic hydrogen from that direction. Using the geomagnetic field as a filter and comparing the rates observed by the two telescopes, the instrument can observe the solar ENA flux for events similar to the only one so far observed in December 2006. We present the Geant4-simulated energy and angular response functions of the telescope and assess its sensitivity showing that they are adequate to address the scientific objectives of the mission

    Towards comprehensive project tooling in distributed projects : Autoethnographic account of FORESAIL nanosatellite project

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    This thesis studies how tooling outcomes can be improved for distributed projects. Tools are important for almost any type of project work but for distributed projects they are of paramount importance. The very nature of distributed work makes it reliant on tools for managing tasks, providing the means of communication, maintaining and distributing knowledge, enabling access to shared data and managing the organization itself. These tools are commonly selected for projects based on the type of work being done, the availability of pre-existing infrastructure in the organization, the policies in effect, the lessons learned from earlier projects and the judgement of the project management. This activity, also known as “tooling”, commonly has a very limited scope and may be limited only to fulfill the needs of project management or only the needs of knowledge management, for example. This approach may result in overlapping functions, the creation of redundant data, increased running costs or worker dissatisfaction. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, it increases the knowledge in the field distributed projects through an autoethnographic account of a distributed academic project during the first half of 2018. Secondly and more prominently, a new concept of Project Tooling is formulated, and a ground work is laid for future research on this concept. Project Tooling is built on other fields of research that commonly already have this concept in some form, even if not fully developed in all cases. This research draws on the existing body of literature to synthesize Project Tooling and then reflects it on the experiences and findings of the distributed research project account. The developed concept is a specific management activity which does not replace the existing tooling but supports them by proposing added steps ranging from the review of combined tooling decisions to the auditing of tool usage and adaptive measures to tools and usage patterns during the project execution. Project Tooling concept offers strategies to address the issues that may result from the traditional fragmented tooling approach

    Hakukoneoptimoitu sisältömarkkinointisuunnitelma Schiedel Savuhormistot Oy:lle

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä toteutettiin hakukoneoptimoitu sisältömarkkinointisuunnitelma yritykselle Schiedel Savuhormistot Oy. Tietoperustassa määritellään työlle olennaiset käsitteet, sekä esitellään itse suunnitelmassa käytettävää markkinoinnin, sisällöntuotannon ja hakukoneoptimoinnin teoriaa ja käytäntöä, ja perustellaan osin itse suunnitelmassa tehtyjä valintoja. Tietoperustassa esitellään myös itse sisältösuunnitelman ja sen ohella tehtävän hakukonetutkimuksen piirteitä ja puitteita. Itse sisältösuunnitelman kuvauksessa esitellään suunnitelma ja sen piirteet. Tämä kappale alkaa tehdyn hakusanatutkimuksen tulosten esittämisellä, joilla pohjustetaan sisältösuunnitelmassa tehtyjä valintoja. Tässä kohdassa käsitellään kaikki sisältösuunnitelman tärkeimmät piirteet, joiden perusteella laaditaan 12 kk mittainen julkaisuaikataulu, joka toimii viitteenä vuoden 2021 suunnitelman toteuttamiselle

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference On Security Of Information And Networks

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    One way to learn more about how a malicious program functionsand what its objectives are is to deceive it with fakeservices that provide responses containing fabricated data.We can try to achieve this goal with so called record andplay -honeypot that learns what the normal communicationbetween clients and a server looks like and then tries tomimic it, but fabricates the contents of the responses so thatthey contain fake data. This paper outlines and presentsthe challenges faced in practical development of such honeypot.Some solutions and recommendations that mitigatethe identified problems are also considered.</p

    Aistihuoneen mahdollisuudet vanhustenhoidossa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kerätä tietoa aistihuoneen mahdollisuuksista vanhustenhoidossa kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Tavoitteena oli tuoda tietoa aistihuoneen mahdollisuuksista vanhustenhoidossa Salon IoT Campukselle, jota IoT Campus voisi hyödyntää yhteistyössä Salon kaupungin kanssa hoitotyössä. IoT Campuksella toimii myös Turun ammattikorkeakoulun Terveys ja hyvinvointi -sektori, ja yhteistyö tuo terveydenhuolto- ja hoiva-alan opiskelijoille mahdollisuuden työ- ja harjoittelupaikkoihin tulevassa hoivayksikössä. Hoivayksikkö tulee myös toimimaan terveysteknologian käytön pilottiyksikkönä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja opinnäytetyössä etsittiin vastauksia kysymyksiin: Miten aistihuonetta on hyödynnetty hoitotyössä? Mitkä ovat aistihuoneen käyttömahdollisuudet vanhustenhoidossa? Aineisto (n=17) analysoitiin induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena tuotettiin tietoa aistihuoneen mahdollisuuksista vanhusten hoidossa. Vanhusten palveluasumisessa on tärkeää tarjota asukkaille ympäristö, jolla voidaan tukea ehjää ja toimivaa arkea. Monet tutkimukset aistihuoneesta palveluasumisen piirissä eivät vielä tarjoa riittävää tietoa varsinaisen aistihuoneen hyödyistä. Aistihuoneesta saattaa kuitenkin olla hyötyä apatian ja aggressiivisuuden vähentämisessä sekä kognition parantamisessa. Aistihuone itsessään tarjoaa ihmiselle myös mielekästä ja miellyttävää tekemistä ja kokemusta. Aistihuone saattaa olla tulevaisuudessa hyväksi todettava lisä palveluasumista tarjoavalle

    Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies Volume 2

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    Payloads of packets transmitted over network contain dynamic fields that represent many kinds of real world objects. In many different applications, there is a need to recognize and sometimes replace these fields. In this paper, we present a manually assisted solution for searching and annotating dynamic fields in message payloads, specifically focusing on web environment. Our tool provides a simple and intuitive graphical user interface for annotating dynamic fields.</p