417 research outputs found

    Simultaneous spectra and radio properties of BL Lac's

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    We present the results of nine years of the blazar observing programme at the RATAN-600 radio telescope (2005-2014). The data were obtained at six frequency bands (1.1, 2.3, 4.8, 7.7, 11.2, 21.7 GHz) for 290 blazars, mostly BL Lacs. In addition, we used data at 37 GHz obtained quasi-simultaneously with the Metsahovi radio observatory for some sources. The sample includes blazars of three types: high-synchrotron peaked (HSP), low-synchrotron peaked (LSP), and intermediate-synchrotron peaked (ISP). We present several epochs of flux density measurements, simultaneous radio spectra, spectral indices and properties of their variability. The analysis of the radio properties of different classes of blazars showed that LSP and HSP BL Lac blazars are quite different objects on average. LSPs have higher flux densities, flatter spectra and their variability increases as higher frequencies are considered. On the other hand, HSPs are very faint in radio domain, tend to have steep low frequency spectra, and they are less variable than LSPs at all frequencies. Another result is spectral flattening above 7.7 GHz detected in HSPs, while an average LSP spectrum typically remains flat at both the low and high frequency ranges we considered.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Computational identification of Penaeus monodon microRNA genes and their targets

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a distinct class of small non-coding RNAs, ~22 nt long, found in a wide variety of organisms.They play important regulatory roles by silencing gene activities at the post-transcriptional level. In this work, we developeda computational workflow to identify conserved miRNA genes in the 10,536 unique Penaeus monodon expressed sequencetags (ESTs). After removing all simple repeats and coding regions in the ESTs, the workflow uses both the conservationof miRNA sequences and several filters obtained from pre-miRNA secondary structure properties to identify conservedmiRNAs. Finally, we discovered six potential conserved miRNA genes such as mir-4152, mir-466k, miR-32*, lin-4, mir-1346 andmir-4310

    The Impact of Stress Management on Nurse Productivity and Retention

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    Throughout the history of nursing there is a seeming legacy of personnel shortage, lack of funds, and, based on the nature of the role and related services, heightened levels of stress involved in patient care.The future of the profession and more imminently, patient care and the health of nurses, may be significantly impacted by repeated challenges where current levels of stress and burnout are contributing to organizational problems, burnout, and attrition.Employee stress and burn out commonly lead to myriad health-related problems that result in significant organizational consequences.There are many methods of stress management, and sometimes the best and most effective begin with simple recognition, validation, and visible and committed efforts by the nurse executive.Regardless of the technique or approach, what is clear is that there is a need for nurse executives to include the development and enhancement of comprehensive stress-management programming for employees as a priority item to avoid burnout and attrition

    Katsaus ongelmapelaamisen ja patologisen pelaamisen hoitoa koskevaan vaikuttavuustutkimukseen: tutkimus on vähäistä ja tulokset epävarmoja

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    Rahapelaamisen liittyvät ongelmat ja niiden hoitaminen ovat viime vuosina nousseet laajan kiinnostuksen kohteiksi Suomessa. Katsauksessa tarkastellaan diagnosoidusta pelaamishäiriöstä eli patologisesta pelaamisesta kärsiville tarkoitettujen hoitojen vaikuttavuutta kansainvälisten meta-analyysien ja katsausten perusteella. Katsauksessa tarkastellaan myös aihepiirin peruskäsitteitä. Katsauksen päätulos on, että mitään yhtä peliongelmaisten hoitomuotoa ei nykytiedon perusteella voida nimetä erityisen vaikuttavaksi, joskin kognitiivis-behavioraalisia menetelmiä voidaan pitää lupaavina. Tutkimusten perusteella ei voida kuitenkaan täsmällisesti sanoa, mikä tietty kognitiivis-behavioraalisten menetelmien suuntaus tai hoidon komponentti on vaikuttava. Lääkehoito havaitaan tutkimuksissa vaikuttavammaksi kuin lumehoito, mutta eri lääkeaineilla ei havaita keskimääräisiä eroja vaikutuksessa. Lisäksi peliongelmaisten hoitoon hakeutumisen aste on matala ja omaehtoinen toipuminen suhteellisen yleistä, minkä vuoksi on syytä panostaa myös erilaisten kevyiden interventioiden ja oma-apujärjestelmien kehittämiseen

    DNPTrapper: an assembly editing tool for finishing and analysis of complex repeat regions

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    BACKGROUND: Many genome projects are left unfinished due to complex, repeated regions. Finishing is the most time consuming step in sequencing and current finishing tools are not designed with particular attention to the repeat problem. RESULTS: We have developed DNPTrapper, a shotgun sequence finishing tool, specifically designed to address the problems posed by the presence of repeated regions in the target sequence. The program detects and visualizes single base differences between nearly identical repeat copies, and offers the overview and flexibility needed to rapidly resolve complex regions within a working session. The use of a database allows large amounts of data to be stored and handled, and allows viewing of mammalian size genomes. The program is available under an Open Source license. CONCLUSION: With DNPTrapper, it is possible to separate repeated regions that previously were considered impossible to resolve, and finishing tasks that previously took days or weeks can be resolved within hours or even minutes

    Mindsets and Failures : Neural Differences in Reactions to Mistakes among 2nd Grade Finnish Girls

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    Mindsets have been identified as an important factor in explaining learning differences among students. Growth mindset students have been shown to recover from mistakes easier than fixed mindset students, and recent neuroscientific research has shown differences in the brain’s event-related potentials to errors in fixed and growth mindset participants. The purpose of this study was to examine and evaluate these differences in the Finnish elementary school context. To achieve this, event-related potentials of five fixed and five growth mindset 8-9-year-old female students were recorded during a go/no-go task. Differences between the two groups emerged, however, they were different from the results of some previous studies in the field. These findings are discussed in the light of earlier neuroscientific research related to mindsets, including limitations and suggestions for future research in the field.Peer reviewe

    37 GHz observations of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies

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    Observations at 37 GHz, performed at Mets\"ahovi Radio Observatory, are presented for a sample of 78 radio-loud and radio-quiet narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies, together with additional lower and higher frequency radio data from RATAN-600, Owens Valley Radio Observatory, and the Planck satellite. Most of the data have been gathered between February 2012 and April 2015 but for some sources even longer lightcurves exist. The detection rate at 37 GHz is around 19%, comparable to other populations of active galactic nuclei presumed to be faint at radio frequencies, such as BL Lac objects. Variability and spectral indices are determined for sources with enough detections. Based on the radio data, many NLS1 galaxies show a blazar-like radio spectra exhibiting significant variability. The spectra at a given time are often inverted or convex. The source of the high-frequency radio emission in NLS1 galaxies, detected at 37 GHz, is most probably a relativistic jet rather than star formation. Jets in NLS1 galaxies are therefore expected to be a much more common phenomenon than earlier assumed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Table of 37 GHz data will be available at the CDS soo

    Database of Trypanosoma cruzi repeated genes: 20 000 additional gene variants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Repeats are present in all genomes, and often have important functions. However, in large genome sequencing projects, many repetitive regions remain uncharacterized. The genome of the protozoan parasite <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>consists of more than 50% repeats. These repeats include surface molecule genes, and several other gene families. In the <it>T. cruzi </it>genome sequencing project, it was clear that not all copies of repetitive genes were present in the assembly, due to collapse of nearly identical repeats. However, at the time of publication of the <it>T. cruzi </it>genome, it was not clear to what extent this had occurred.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a pipeline to estimate the genomic repeat content, where shotgun reads are aligned to the genomic sequence and the gene copy number is estimated using the average shotgun coverage. This method was applied to the genome of <it>T. cruzi </it>and copy numbers of all protein coding sequences and pseudogenes were estimated. The 22 640 results were stored in a database available online. 18% of all protein coding sequences and pseudogenes were estimated to exist in 14 or more copies in the <it>T. cruzi </it>CL Brener genome. The average coverage of the annotated protein coding sequences and pseudogenes indicate a total gene copy number, including allelic gene variants, of over 40 000.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that the number of protein coding sequences and pseudogenes in the <it>T. cruzi </it>genome may be twice the previous estimate. We have constructed a database of the <it>T. cruzi </it>gene repeat data that is available as a resource to the community. The main purpose of the database is to enable biologists interested in repeated, unfinished regions to closely examine and resolve these regions themselves using all available shotgun data, instead of having to rely on annotated consensus sequences that often are erroneous and possibly misleading. Five repetitive genes were studied in more detail, in order to illustrate how the database can be used to analyze and extract information about gene repeats with different characteristics in <it>Trypanosoma cruzi</it>.</p

    Hyperglycemic conditions modulate connective tissue reorganization by human vascular smooth muscle cells through stimulation of hyaluronan synthesis.

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    Changes in the extracellular matrix organization within vascular walls are critical events in the process of atherosclerosis including diabetic macroangiopathy. Here, we examined whether glucose can directly modulate connective tissue reorganization by human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Using a collagen gel contraction (CGC) assay, we demonstrated that in comparison with normal glucose concentration (5 mM), high glucose concentration (25 mM) inhibits the efficacy of VSMCs to contract collagen gels. With human genome microarrays, we showed a significant increase in the expression of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) by VSMCs in hyperglycemic conditions. The finding was verified with quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, which also revealed that the expression of the other hyaluronan synthesizing enzymes, HAS1 and HAS3, was stimulated concomitantly. A corresponding increase was observed in hyaluronan (HA) production. Treatment of VSMCs either with hyaluronidase or with 4-methylumbelliferone, an inhibitor of HA synthesis, partially restored the diminished CGC efficacy of VSMCs in hyperglycemic conditions. In conclusion, high glucose concentration stimulated HA synthesis by VSMCs and modulated their ability to reorganize collagen-rich matrix. Because HA is known to enhance the development of atherosclerosis and restenosis after percutaneous coronary interventions, our study provides a new potential mechanism whereby hyperglycemia leads to disturbed vascular remodeling in diabetic patients through stimulation of HA synthesis

    Allergen Atlas: a comprehensive knowledge center and analysis resource for allergen information

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    Summary: A variety of specialist databases have been developed to facilitate the study of allergens. However, these databases either contain different subsets of allergen data or are deficient in tools for assessing potential allergenicity of proteins. Here, we describe Allergen Atlas, a comprehensive repository of experimentally validated allergen sequences collected from in-house laboratory, online data submission, literature reports and all existing general-purpose and specialist databases. Each entry was manually verified, classified and hyperlinked to major databases including Swiss-Prot, Protein Data Bank (PDB), Gene Ontology (GO), Pfam and PubMed. The database is integrated with analysis tools that include: (i) keyword search, (ii) BLAST, (iii) position-specific iterative BLAST (PSI-BLAST), (iv) FAO/WHO criteria search, (v) graphical representation of allergen information network and (vi) online data submission. The latest version contains information of 1593 allergen sequences (496 IUIS allergens, 978 experimentally verified allergens and 119 new sequences), 56 IgE epitope sequences, 679 links to PDB structures and 155 links to Pfam domains