30 research outputs found

    On State-Level Architecture of Digital Government Ecosystems: From ICT-Driven to Data-Centric

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    The \digital transformation" is perceived as the key enabler for increasing wealth and well-being by politics, media and the citizens alike. In the same vein, digital government steadily receives more and more attention. Digital government gives rise to complex, large-scale state-level system landscapes consisting of many players and technological systems { and we call such system landscapes digital government ecosystems. In this paper, we systematically approach the state-level architecture of digital government ecosystems.We will discover the primacy of the state's institutional design in the architecture of digital government ecosystems, where Williamson's institutional analysis framework supports our considerations as theoretical background. Based on that insight, we will establish the notion of data governance architecture, which links data assets with accountable organizations. Our investigation results into a digital government architecture framework that can help in large-scale digital government design e_orts through (i) separation of concerns in terms of appropriate categories, and (ii) a better assessment of the feasibility of envisioned digital transformations. With its focus on data, the proposed framework perfectly _ts the current discussion on moving from ICT-driven to data-centric digital government

    Loogika: mõtlemisest tõestamiseni

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    Mining Big Data for Tourist Hot Spots: Geographical Patterns of Online Footprints

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    Understanding the complex, and often unequal, spatiality of tourist demand in urban contexts requires other methodologies, among which the information base available online and in social networks has gained prominence. Innovation supported by Information and Communication Technologies in terms of data access and data exchange has emerged as a complementary supporting tool for the more traditional data collection techniques currently in use, particularly, in urban destinations where there is the need to more (near)real-time monitoring. The capacity to collect and analise massive amounts of data on individual and group behaviour is leading to new data-rich research approaches. This chapter addresses the potential for discovering geographical insights regarding tourists’ spatial patterns within a destination, based on the analysis of geotagged data available from two social networks. ·info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proof Strategies in Linear Logic

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    Linear logic, introduced by J.-Y.Girard, is a refinement of classical logic providing means for controlling the allocation of "resources". It has aroused considerable interest both from proof theorists and computer scientists. In this paper we investigate methods for automated theorem proving in propositional linear logic. Both the "bottom-up" and "top-down" (resolution) proof strategies are analyzed -- various modifications of sequent rules and efficient search strategies are presented along with the experiments performed with the implemented theorem provers. Key words. Automated theorem proving, linear logic, resolution method. 1 Introduction Linear logic is a refinement of classical logic introduced by J.-Y.Girard to provide means for keeping track of "resources" -- two assumptions of a formula A are distinguished from a single assumption of A. Although linear logic is not the first attempt for developing "resource-oriented" logics (relevance logic and Lambek calculus being well-k..

    Lambda lifting as an optimization for compiling Scheme to C

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    Abstract. We describe an optimizing Scheme-to-C compiler Hobbit. The innovation implemented in Hobbit is the usage of the technique of lambda-lifting (see [Hughes 84], [Johnsson 85], [Peyton-Jones 87]) combined with standard closures to compile lambda expressions and higher-order functions in the context of an impure functional language like Scheme and the object language like C. Lambda-lifting avoids the need for accessing the variables through an environment. Lambda-lifting is not always applicable to lambda-terms in Scheme. It is applicable only in case the code surrounding the lambda-term satisfies certain criteria, which is checked by Hobbit using global analysis. In all the other cases the compiler reverts to using closures. Lambda-lifting as an optimization for compiling Scheme to

    Completeness of Resolution for Definite Answers Tanel Tammet

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    We investigate the problem of finding a computable witness for the existential quantifier in a formula of the classical first-order predicate logic. The A-resolution calculus based on the program derivation algorithm A of C-L. Chang, R. C-T. Lee and R.Waldinger is used for finding a definite substitution t for an existentially bound variable y in some formula F , such that Fft=yg is provable. The term t is built of the function and predicate symbols in F , plus Boolean functions and a case splitting function if , defined in the standard way: if (True; x; y) = x and if (False; x; y) = y. We prove that the A-resolution calculus is complete in the following sense: if such a definite substitution exists, then the A-calculus derives a clause giving such a substitution. The result is strengthened by allowing the usage of liftable criterias R of a certain type, prohibiting the derivation of the substitution terms t for which R(t) fails. This enables us to specify, for example, tha..

    A Resolution Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Logic

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    We use the general scheme of building resolution calculi (also called the inverse method) originating from S.Maslov and G.Mints to design and implement a resolution theorem prover for intuitionistic logic. A number of search strategies is introduced and proved complete. The resolution method is shown to be a decision procedure for a new syntactically described decidable class of intuitionistic logic. We compare the search strategies suitable for the resolution method with strategies suitable for the tableau method. The performance of our prover is compared with the performance of a tableau prover for intuitionistic logic presented in [17]

    Resolution methods for decision problems and finite-model building

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    Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Related work : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 1.2 Structure of the thesis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 4 2 Terminology 6 2.1 Terms, literals and clauses : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6 2.2 Term structure and substitutions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7 2.3 Subsumption, factors, resolvents, splitting : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 2.4 Herbrand semantics : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 2.5 Ordinary predicate logic and naming conventions : : : : : : : : : : : 12 3 Completeness of ordering refinements 14 3.1 Proving completeness by lifting : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 3.2 Some properties of 'Ø'-predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : :