9 research outputs found


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    Burnout merupakan sebuah gejala psikologis seperti kelelahan fisik, emosional, mental dan depresi yang dapat terjadi pada orang yang bekerja. Hasil penelitian Maslach menunjukkan bahwa pekerjaan yang berorientasi melayani orang seperti profesi perawat, pendeta, guru, psikolog, konselor dan dosen berkorelasi dengan burnout. Dosen di STSKN Kupang pun mengalami burnout, di mana faktor pendukung terjadinya burnout adalah tekanan dari pihak pimpinan, diperlakukan tidak adil oleh pimpinan, tidak menerima adanya perbedaan, kesejahteraan yang tidak diperhatikan, pemberian pekerjaan yang berlebihan yang tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan dosen, lingkungan kerja yang tidak kondusif, adanya aturan yang terkadang membuat dosen memiliki batasan dalam berinovasi, kurangnya apresiasi dari lingkungan kerja yang membuat dosen merasa tidak bernilai dan hubungan yang tidak terjalin baik antar dosen, dosen dengan pimpinan dan dosen dengan pegawai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis metode survey dimana jumlah sampelnnya adalah 47 orang dosen.Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan bahwa Burnout Dosen STAKN Kupang adalah sebesar 44,66 %. Berdasarkan gender didapati bahwa dosen STAKN Kupang yang berjenis kelamin perempuan mengalami burnout sebesar 41,46% sedangkan jenis kelamin laki-laki sebesar 47,25%. Selain itu, dari status pernikahan didapati bahwa dosen STAKN Kupang yang menikah mengalami burnout sebanyak 47,22 % dan yang belum menikah sebesar 40,43%.  Kata Kunci: burnout, dosen ABSTRACT Burnout is a psychological symptom such as physical, emotional, mental fatigue and depression that can occur in people who work. The results of Maslach's research show that work oriented to serving people such as the nurse profession, pastors, teachers, psychologists, counselors, and lecturers correlates with burnout. The lecturer at State of Christian Religious College of Kupang (STAKN Kupang) also experienced burnout, in which the supporting factors for burnout were pressure from the leadership, being treated unfairly by the leadership, not accepting any differences, unnoticed welfare, giving excessive work that was not in accordance with the ability of the lecturer, work environment not conducive, the existence of rules that sometimes make lecturers have limits in innovating, lack of appreciation of the work environment that makes lecturers feel worthless and the relationships are not intertwined between lecturers, lecturers and leaders and lecturers with employees. This study uses quantitative research methods with the type of survey method where the number of samples is 47 lecturers. From the results of data analysis, it was found that lecturer burnout was 44.66%. Based on gender, it was found that lecturers of STAKN Kupang who were female experienced burnout by 41.46% while the male was 47.25%. Besides that, from the marital status, it was found that lecturers of STAKN Kupang who were married experienced burnout as much as 47.22% and those who were not married at 40.43%. Keywords: burnout, lecture


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    Generations Y and Z are the next generations of the Indonesian nation, including in the process of preventing and eradicating corruption. These two generations tend to have the same weaknesses, that is, the tendency to be apathetic towards the government and politics. This apathy can be an obstacle to eradicating corruption cases in the future when these generations occupy strategic positions. The aim of the study is to find out the views of generations Y and Z on the way the local government works to eradicate corruption cases in Kupang City. The researchers use a quantitative approach, with descriptive survey research methods. The research subjects are 78 Christians from the generation Y and Z who live in Kupang City. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling which is spread using the google forms (online) format. The results of the study show that generation Y and Z are sensitive to cases of corruption that are taking place in their domicile, Kupang City. Out of 78 subjects of generation Y and Z, the majority or  42 subjects answer that the level of corruption in Kupang City is at a severe level. Generation Z also looks more familiar with Nine anti-corruption values than generation Y. There are various solutions offered by generations Y and Z for regional leaders to overcome corruption in Kupang City. However, the solution to the campaign is still considered to be less effective in dealing with corruption for generation Y and Z. It is recommended that local governments see and use the opinions of generation Y and Z to improve themselves and the anti-corruption system and involve generation Y and Z to prevent, fight, and eradicate corruption cases actively both in real actions and in cyberspace (social media). Anti-corruption behavior conveyed to generations Y and Z must be more attractive, modern, and in accordance with the characteristics of these two generations who have a dependency on cyberspace


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    Corruption is a very complex problem experienced by the Indonesian people. Compared to other provinces, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province was the second most corrupt province in Indonesia. Therefore, this study focuses on cases of corruption that occur in Kupang, the capital of NTT province. There are many factors that support the spread of corruption cases in NTT. One of the factors highlighted in this study is the lack of understanding of the community, especially the family, in providing anti-corruption value, which is integrated with Protestant values, to children. The general purpose of this study was to find out the extent of parental participation in providing anti-corruption education to late childhood, as an effort to prevent corruption cases in Kupang. This study used a quantitative approach with descriptive survey research methods. Sampling was done using random sampling techniques. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and cross-tabulation. Research subjects were 103 Protestant parents having children and living in Kupang City. The results show that parents’ understanding of corruption is 93.20%. This means that most parents have a correct and accurate understanding of corruption. However, the parents’ understanding of anti-corruption education is only 53.39%. 67.96% or 70 parents do not understand about nine (9) anti-corruption values, and only 32.03% or 30 parents understand them. Different levels of parents’ education lead to differences in parental activity in providing anti-corruption education, especially in the depth of value and the material


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    The limited supply of broiler chickens in Rote has become a business opportunity for the people.  Therefore, the community service of the Missiology study program focused on the women of GMIT Getsemani Oebatu to breed the chicken and increase their income. The purpose is to empower the women in economic and spiritual aspects to help them understand their role as agents of God's mission. The action research method was applied with a focus on participatory action research in the mentoring process. It runs in four stages: diagnosing (initial survey using observation and interview), planning the action, taking action (training and mentoring), and evaluating by paying attention to the development process until harvest. The result of the mentoring showed that the women of GMIT Getsemani Oebatu were very enthusiastic about raising chickens and wanted to increase income for the family because of its relatively short period of rearing (one month).Keterbatasan ketersediaan ayam di Rote menjadi peluang bisnis untuk masyarakat. Karena itu, kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat prodi Misiologi berbagi dengan kaum perempuan GMIT Getsemani Oebatu sebagai salah cara mengaplikasikan misi Allah dalam konteks keluarga. Tujuan PKM ini untuk meningkatan sumber pendapatan kaum perempuan sekaligus menolong mereka dalam memahami peran mereka sebagai agen misi Allah bagi keluarga.  Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan dimana proses pendampingan dalam dalam tulisan ini berfokus menggunakan penelitian tindakan partisipatori (participatory action research). Kegiatan PKM ini berjalan dalam empat tahap yaitu diagnosing (survei awal dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara, planning action, taking action (pelatihan dan pendampingan) dan evaluating action dengan memperhatikan proses perkembangan produk sampai pada masa panen. Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan GMIT Getsemani Oebatu sangat antusias dalam beternak ayam  dan ingin untuk menambah penghasilan bagi keluarga karena beternak ayam broiler hanya memerlukan waktu  satu bulan hingga waktu panen

    Analisis Penerimaan Orang Tua Terhadap Anak Autis di Kecamatan Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang

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    Children who are born with a perfect condition in the sense of healthy and normal are expected by all parents. In reality, not all children are born with this condition, so that not a few parents who are shy, lack of confidence and unable to accept the situation of less normal children. One example is a child who has autism. The purpose of this study was to determine how parents' attitudes toward children with autism. Qualitative methods used in this study with data collection techniques are interviews and observation. The results of the study found that parents can accept children diagnosed with autism with a different time period from one another. This can be seen from how the subject understands the child's condition as it is good, positive, negative, strengths and weaknesses of the child and understands children's habits in their daily life such as realizing what children can and cannot do, understanding the causes of bad and good behavior done by children. Anak yang terlahir dengan keadaan sempurna dalam artian sehat dan normal sangat diharapkan oleh semua orang tua. Kenyataannya, tidak semua anak terlahir dengan kondisi demikian, sehingga tidak sedikit orang tua yang malu, kurang percaya diri dan tidak dapat menerima keadaan anak yang kurang normal. Misalnya anak yang mengidap autisme. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sikap penerimaan orang tua terhadap anak penyandang autis. Metode kualitatif dipakai dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian didapati bahwa orangtua dapat menerima anak yang didiagnosa menyandang autis dengan jangka waktu yang berbeda satu dengan yang lainnya. Pasangan orang tua yang lengkap (suami istri) berbeda dengan orang tua single parent dalam proses penerimaan anak autis. Hal ini terlihat dari bagaimana subjek memahami kondisi anak apa adanya baik itu tingkah laku positif, negatif, kelemahan dan kelebihan yang anak miliki, serta memahami kebiasaan-kebiasaan anak dalam kesehariannya. Seperti menyadari apa yang telah dapatdan yang belum dilakukan oleh anak dan memahami munculnya perilaku anak yang baik dan buruk. &nbsp

    Spiritual well-being as variable intervening mindfulness dan life satisfaction

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    This research aimed to know mindfulness significantly influenced spiritual well-being, to know the spiritual well-being significantly influenced life satisfaction, to know mindfulness significantly influenced life satisfaction, and to know the Spiritual well being mediated the influence of mindfulness toward life satisfaction. The subject in the research included 152 students of STAKN Kupang with 49 male students (32%) and 103 female students (68%), and were taken from four semesters with 50 first semesters student (33%), 34 third semester students (22%), 38 fifth semester students (25%), and 30 seventh semester students (20%). A quantitative research method was used with techniques such as regression analysis, path analysis, Sobel test and bootstrapping. The findings show that: (1) mindfulness significantly influenced the spiritual well-being; (2) spiritual well-being significantly influenced life satisfaction; (3) mindfulness did not influence life satisfaction; and (4) spiritual well-being mediated the influence of mindfulness toward life satisfaction

    Prognostinis mokinių akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo ryšys: mišrių metodų tyrimas

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate the correlation of academic hope with academic procrastination; to determine the differences in the academic procrastination of both men and women; to understand why students conduct academic procrastination; and to know the academic hope of students. The study uses a mixed-method research design. The results showed that academic hope has a positive and significant correlation with academic procrastination; there is no significant difference between male and female students in any scale of academic hope and academic procrastination; the reason students conduct procrastination is “I generally delay before starting on work I have to do”; and the academic hope students are unique because it relates to God and parents.Straipsnyje analizuojami šie klausimai: 1) ar yra koks nors ryšys tarp akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo; 2) ar skiriasi skirtingų lyčių mokinių, t. y. vaikinų ir merginų, mokymosi atidėliojimas; 3) kokios yra mokymosi atidėliojimo priežastys; 4) koks mokinių akademinis lūkestis ateityje. Norint atsakyti į šiuos tyrimo klausimus, buvo atlikta analizė remiantis mišrių metodų tyrimu, kuriame kiekybinis metodas integruotas kartu su kokybiniu metodu, o išvados daromos remiantis abiem tyrimais. Tyrime dalyvavo 253 antrosios krikščioniškosios privačios Kupango vidurinės mokyklos (SMA Kristen 2 Kupang) mokiniai, iš jų atsitiktinę atrankos imtį sudarė 115 mokinių. Atlikus analizę nustatyta, kad: 1) egzistuoja teigiamas ir statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo, taip pat tarp jo komponentų, išskyrus delsimą; 2) nėra statistiškai reikšmingo skirtumo tarp skirtingų lyčių, t. y. vaikinų ir merginų, kiekvienoje akademinio lūkesčio ir mokymosi atidėliojimo skalėje; 3) pagrindinė priežastis, kodėl mokiniai atidėlioja mokymąsi, tiek vaikinų, tiek merginų yra tokia: „Aš dažniausiai delsiu prieš pradėdamas(-ama) darbą, kurį turiu padaryti.“ (vaikinų mokymosi atidėliojimo pateisinimai yra šie: „dariau daug kitų dalykų, tad nebuvo pakankamai laiko mokytis“; „pamiršau pasiruošti“; „turėjau abejonių savo sugebėjimais“; merginų mokymosi atidėliojimo pateisinimai yra šie: „abejojau savo sugebėjimais“; „tema pasirodė nuobodi“; „aš nuolat sakau: ‘aš tai padarysiu rytoj’“). Apibendrinus tyrimo rezultatus galima teigti, kad pagrindinės priežastys, lemiančios mokymosi atidėliojimą, yra šios: kontrolės įgūdžių stoka, darbinė įtampa ir aktyvus delsimas; 4) akademinis mokinių lūkestis pasižymi unikalumu, nes jis nėra tiesiogiai susijęs su jais pačiais, bet turi sąsajų su Dievu ir tėvais

    Pendidikan Agama Dalam Keperawatan

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    Buku ini memberikan informasi yang cukup lengkap mengenai konsep tentang Agama, Manusia, moral, IPTEK, Masyarakat, Budaya dan Politik, toleransi dan hidup rukun serta peran agama dalam keperawatan yang membantu para pembaca memahami dengan lebih jela

    Partisipasi Orangtua Sebagai Agen Misi Dalam Keluarga: Mixed Method

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    The mission of God in this world is accomplished through the presence of families. However, ignoring their role as God’s mission agents, many parents do not understand their duties and responsibility to participate as God’s mission agents for their family. To add, maturity level of parents in terms of spiritual, individual, and knowledge is still low because they prioritize money, prestige, and carrier instead of being a role model to their children. To investigate such issues, this research applied a mixed methods approach Sequential Exploratory (quantitative and qualitative). The quantitative research sample was 135 parents and qualitatively from each church, one parent was taken from three (3) different church denominations, namely GMIT, GMII, and the Indonesian Morning Star Church. The result shows more than 75% parents got involved in being mission agents to their families as evangelist, disciple maker, and example of faith. The responsibility is shown through actively shape the spirituality of each family member by practicing praying together, developing good communication to nurture spiritual maturity, supporting family members to get involved in church services, and above all being a role model to family members. Misi Allah dalam dunia ini dikerjakan melalui keluarga. Sebagai agen misi Allah, orangtua harus dapat menjalankan tanggungjawabnya, namum ada banyak orangtua yang belum paham mengenai tugas dan tanggungjawabnya sebagai agen misi bagi keluarganya sendiri. Di samping itu, tingkat kedewasaan orangtua dalam kerohanian, kepribadian, dan wawasan pun masih minim, di mana orangtua tidak menjadi teladan iman bagi anggota keluarganya dan sibuk mengejar materi, prestise dan karier. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mixed method dengan metode kombinasi Sequential Eksplanatory (kuantitatif dan kualitatif). Sampel penelitian kuantitatif berjumlah 135 orangtua dan secara kualitatif masing-masih gereja diambil 1 orangtua dari tiga (3) denominasi gereja yang berbeda yakni GMIT, GMII dan Gereja Morning Star Indonesia. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 75% orangtua telah menjalankan perannya sebagai agen misi dalam keluarga sebagai penginjil, desciple maker, dan teladan iman. Tanggungjawab tersebut ditunjukkan dengan cara aktif membangun kerohanian anggota keluarga melalui pemberlakukan ibadah keluarga, membangun komunikasi yang dinamis demi pendewasaan kerohanian anggota keluarga, mendorong anggota keluarga untuk terlibat dalam pelayanan gerejawi, dan yang paling penting adalah menjadi teladan bagi anggota keluarga