460 research outputs found

    Töökiusamine Eesti organisatsioonides: levik ja põhjused

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    Töökiusamine kui pikaajaline ja süstemaatiline ebaeetiline käitumine tööl on tõsine probleem paljudes riikides tulenevalt kahjulikest tagajärgedest nii töötajale, organisatsioonile kui kogu ühiskonnale. Seni on töökiusamine väheuuritud teema üleminekuperioodi järgsetes riikides, mis on üle läinud keskselt plaanimajanduselt turumajandusele. Töökiusamise ulatus ning põhjused on neis riikides veel ebaselged ning ühiskonnas ei ole algatatud vastavaid debatte. Töö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada töökiusamise levik ja põhjused Eesti organisatsioonides üleminekuperioodi järgse riigi näitel. Tulemuste põhjal võib väita, et töökiusamise risk Eesti organisatsioonides on kõrge ja paljud töötajad kannatavad negatiivset käitumist oma igapäevases töös. Võrreldes Lääne- ja Põhja-Euroopa riikidega ei ole võimalik Eestis selgelt eristuvaid töökiusamise riskigruppe esile tuua ja töökiusamine puudutab laiemat hulka töötajaid. Seega, ennetus peaks olema üleminekujärgsetes riikides organiseeritud üldisemalt ja suunatud töötajatele organisatsiooni kõikidel tasanditel. Töökiusamise üheks peamiseks põhjuseks on negatiivset käitumist salliv organisatsioonikultuur. Tugeva ülesande ja suhete orientatsiooniga organisatsioonikultuuril on positiivne mõju töötajate käitumisele, mis aitab toime tulla töökiusamise põhjustega. Uuring kinnitab, et uuel juhtide põlvkonnal (kuni 10 aastat juhikogemust) on kõrgem teadlikkus töökiusamisest ja selle kahjulikust mõjust töötaja tervisele ning suurem valmidus rakendada ennetustegevusi organisatsioonis võrreldes vanema põlvkonna juhtidega (juhikogemus üle 10 aasta). Uuring näitas juhtide üldist valmidust tegeleda töökiusamise ennetusega ja teadlikkust oma rollist töökiusamise takistamisel. Töökiusamise ennetus peab hõlmama nii indiviidi, organisatsiooni kui ühiskonna tasandit, et tulemuslikult vähendada töökiusamist. Kuna ümbritseval keskkonnal on oluline mõju indiviidi käitumisele, siis riikliku pikaajalise ennetuspoliitika planeerimine ja rakendamine peaks olema töökiusamise ennetuse prioriteet üleminekuperioodi järgses riigis.The workplace bullying represents a very serious problem in many countries because of the considerable harmful impact to employees, organizations and to whole society. However, workplace bullying is so far an unexplored topic in post-transitional countries (the countries, which have passed the transition from centrally planned economy to market economy), its prevalence and causes are unclear and there have no societal debates about bullying. The aim of the present dissertation is to identify the prevalence and causes of workplace bullying in Estonian organizations in example of a post-transitional country. The results of the present dissertation reveal that bullying presents a serious problem in Estonia. Compared to Western and Northern European countries the risk groups of workplace bullying are not clearly identified and workplace bullying affects a wider range of employees. Therefore, the prevention in post-transition countries should be more general involving employees at all levels. According to the results of the study, the organizational culture that tolerates negative behavior represents the main antecedent of workplace bullying. Strong task and relationship orientation of organizational culture have a positive effect to employees´ behavior. The study confirms that the values of the new generation of managers (tenure up to 10 years) have changed, their awareness as well as readiness to deal with the negative behaviour is higher, compared to the managers with longer tenure. The study demonstrated managers´ general willingness to deal with the prevention and awareness of their role in tackling bullying via management style. Individuals, organizations and society should be involved in the process of prevention in order to decrease the occurrence of workplace bullying in organizations. The surrounding environment has a significant impact on individuals´ pattern of behaviour, and therefore planning and performing national long-term preventive policy of workplace bullying should be the priority

    HLA-DQ antibodies in alloimmunity, what makes them different?

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    Anticossos; AloimmunitatAnticuerpos; AloinmunidadAntibodies; AlloimmunityPurpose of review De novo HLA-DQ antibodies are the most frequently observed after solid-organ allotransplantation; and are associated with the worse adverse graft outcomes compared with all other HLA antibodies. However, the biological explanation for this observation is not yet known. Herein, we examine unique characteristics of alloimmunity directed specifically against HLA-DQ molecules. Recent findings While investigators attempted to decipher functional properties of HLA class II antigens that may explain their immunogenicity and pathogenicity, most early studies focused on the more expressed molecule – HLA-DR. We here summarize up-to-date literature documenting specific features of HLA-DQ, as compared to other class II HLA antigens. Structural and cell-surface expression differences have been noted on various cell types. Some evidence suggests variations in antigen-presenting function and intracellular activation pathways after antigen/antibody interaction. Summary The clinical effects of donor-recipient incompatibility at HLA-DQ, the risk of generating de novo antibodies leading to rejection, and the inferior graft outcomes indicate increased immunogenicity and pathogenicity that is unique to this HLA antigen. Clearly, knowledge generated for HLA-DR cannot be applied interchangeably. Deeper understanding of features unique to HLA-DQ may support the generation of targeted preventive-therapeutic strategies and ultimately improve solid-organ transplant outcomes.M.M. has been supported by the program Estades formatives internacionals en centres d’excel.lència Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (convocatòria 2022); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant number PI22/00749) and the RICORS (Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud) consortia by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. A.R.T. is a Paul I Terasaki scholar and received funding from the Michael Abecassis Transplant Innovation Endowment/Northwestern University Comprehensive Transplant Program

    HLA-Epitope Matching or Eplet Risk Stratification: The Devil Is in the Details

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    “Epitope matching” became a trending topic in organ transplantation. In fact, discussions on clinical implementation and utilization of this approach in organ allocation algorithms are currently on-going. More recently, the term “eplet mismatch load” was introduced in publications. While the terms are often used synonymously, they are NOT equivalent. This short overview is meant to emphasize the differences between the terms epitope matching and eplet mismatching (or mismatch load) as well as to provide perspective on different approaches for interpretation of immune compatibility between the donor of an organ transplant and the recipient. It highlights some of the less explored qualities of HLA-epitopes, and stresses the need to understand the differences between donor and recipient in terms of immunogenicity and ability to initiate an immune response. While the field of “epitope matching” shows enormous promise, it is still in its infancy. What is sorely missing is understanding of EPITOPE COMPATIBILITY rather than matching. Further work is required before new approaches can be introduced into routine clinical practice and organ allocation schemes

    Promene EKG tokom hiperinfuzione terapije konja sa hroničnim opstruktivnim oboljenjima

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    This study describes investigations into the electrocardiogram changes in 27 horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), during hyperinfusion therapy with isotonic saline solution. Immediately after hyperinfusion therapy the equine ECG showed a temporary sinus tachycardia without atrial and ventricular rhythm disturbances. After infusion a highly significant shortening of the PQ-, QT and TP-intervals was observed. There was a positive correlation between the RR-interval and the duration of the PQ- and QT-intervals, but not with the duration of the P-, QRS- and T-waves.Ova studija opisuje ispitivanja promena u elektrokardiogramu 27 konja sa hroničnim plućnim oboljenjima (COPD) utoku hiperinfuzione terapije izotoničnim rastvorom soli. Neposredno posle hiperinfuzione terapije, EKG konja je pokazivao postojanje povremene sinusne tahikardije bez poremećaja ritma rada pretkomora i komora. Posle infuzije zapaženo je veoma izraženo skraćenje PQ, QT, TP intervala. Izražena je povezanost između RR intervala i trajanja PQ i QT intervala, ali ne i sa pojavom P, QRS i T talasa

    Susceptibility of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans to tetracycline

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    Fifty five thermophilic Campylobacter spp. strains were isolated from cecum of broilers, cecum and colon of pigs and from human feces. The strains were identified as Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. The more prevalent species in broilers and humans was C. jejuni and in pigs C. coli. In the framework of this study, sensitivity to tetracycline in isolated strains of C. jejuni and C. coli was tested by E-test. In 16 tested strains isolated from broilers, 56.25% were resistant to tetracycline. Resistance occured more frequent in C. coli strains (66.67%). In 15 strains of termophilic Campylobacter spp. isolated from pigs the percentage of resistant strains was 80%. Resistance was detected more often in C. coli (90.00%) isolates. The percentage of resistant C. jejuni strains from pigs was 60.00%. Resistance to tetracycline occurred in 29.17% of 24 thermophilic Campylobacter spp. strains isolated from humans. Generally, strains of thermophilic campylobacters, especially C. coli isolated in pigs are more frequent resistant to tetracycline than strains isolated in poultry and human. Therefore, attention should be directed to the tetracycline application monitoring in swine farming in order to prevent resistance appearance in animal strains and its subsequent spread to human strains

    Scarabidae - prelazni domaćini za macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus

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    Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus infestation is parasitosis caused by Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus Adult forms parasite in small intestine of swine. Development of parasite is happening through intermediate hosts - coleopteras from Scarabaeidae family (Melolontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis etc). Infection begins when swines ingest infected coleopteras. Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus infestation is encountered in swines in extensive breeding, as well as in wild boars.Makrakantorinhoza je parazitoza uzrokovana akantocefalom Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. Odrasli paraziti parazitiraju u tankim crevima svinja. Razvoj parazita se odvija preko prelaznih domaćina - koleoptera iz familije Scarabidae (Melolontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis i dr). Infekcija nastaje kada svinje pojedu zaražene koleoptere. Makrakantorinhoza se sreće kod svinja u ekstenzivnom držanju, kao i kod divqih svinja

    Managerial competencies and training needs in the Finnish and Estonian social and health care industries

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    Kannessa myös: The health and welfare institutions cooperation network HEWENET -projec

    Methodology for visual and automatic inspection of cargo in railway cars

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    Orientador: Clesio Luis TozziDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para inspeção visual e automática de carga de grãos em vagões ferroviários que utiliza técnicas de processamento de imagens. A metodologia inclui três etapas principais: a localização do vagão na imagem utilizando a transformada de Hough, a descrição da carga usando cor e textura, e a identificação de regiões com possíveis objetos sobrepostos. A avaliação dos resultados foi feita a partir de imagens reais e simuladas. A abordagem proposta mostrou-se adequada para os objetivos especificadosAbstract: This work proposes the development of a methodology to scan visually and automatically the grain cargo in railway cars using image processing techniques. The methodology is composed by three main steps: the localization of the railway car in the image using the Hough Transform, the description of the cargo using its color and texture, and the identification of regions with possibly overlaid objects. The assessment of the results was done through real and simulated images. The proposed methodology proved to be adequate for the specified objectivesMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Resistance to erythromycin of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from animals and humans

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    The sensititivity of thermophilic Campylobacter strains isolated from caecum of broiler chickens as well as caecum and colon of pigs and human stools, were tested against erythromycin. In 16 strains isolated in broiler chickens, resistance rate was found to be 12.50%. Three of 10 strains of Campylobacter jejuni and one of 6 strains of Campylobacter coli isolated from broiler chickens were resistant to erythromycin. In 15 strains of thermophilic Campylobacters isolated from pigs, resistance rate to erythromycin was 40.00%. Resistance was exhibited more often in C. coli (50.00%) as compared to C. jejuni (20.00%). In 24 strains isolated from humans, resistance was demonstrated at the rate of 12.50%. Out of 17 strains of C. jejuni isolated from humans, resistance was exhibited in 17.65% strains. None of 7 strains of C. coli isolated from humans exhibited resistance to erythromycin. Thermophilic campylobacters, especially C. coli isolated from pigs were more resistant to erythromycin than strains isolated from humans and broiler chickens. Therefore, a great attention should be directed to the macrolides monitoring in swine farming in order to prevent resistance in animals and its subsequent spread to human

    Dijagnoza, anestezija i operativni zahvat kod rupture mokraćne bešike novorođene ždrebadi

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    This study describes methods for the diagnosis, anesthesia and operative repair in 4 neonatal foals with urinary bladder rupture. Diagnosis was based on case history, clinical signs, changes in serum chemistry analyzes (hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis and increased serum creatinine and urea nitrogen levels), abdominocentesis, ultrasound and electrocardiographs. As electrolyte abnormalities and acid-base derangement can lead to the development of cardiac arrhythmia during general anesthesia, surgical treatment of urinary bladder rupture in neonatal foals should be performed when the animal's condition has been stabilized. This includes infusion of physiological saline solution, 5 % glucose infusion with insulin (0.1U/kg) and 1.4% sodiumdrogencarbonate.Ova studija opsuje dijagnostikovanje, anesteziju i operativni tretman pri rupturi mokraćne bešike novorođene ždrebadi. Dijagnoza je zasnovana na istoriji bolesti, kliničkim simptomima, promenama u serumu ustanovljenim biohemijskim analizama (hiponatrijemija, hipokalijemija, hipohloremija, metabolička acidoza sa porastom nivoa serumskog kreatinina i ureje), abdominocintezi, ultrazvuku i elektrokardiografiji. Kao što poremećaji elektrolita i acido-bazne ravnoteže mogu dovesti do pojave srčane aritmije u toku opšte anestezije, hirurški tretman rupture bešike kod novorođene ždrebadi može biti primenjen kada je stabilizovano zdravstveno stanje životinje. Ovo uključuje infuziju fiziološkog rastvora, 5% glukoze sa insulinom (0,1 U/kg) i 1,4% Na-bikarbonat