155 research outputs found

    Reposisi dan Penggantian Menara Transmisi 150 KV

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    Saluran transmisi adalah suatu hal yang sangat mutlak dalam suatu sistem tenaga listrik. Dalam penyaluran tenaga listrik dari pusat-pusat pembangkit ke beban (konsumen), dimana jaraknya cukup jauh maka dilakukan lewat saluran transmisi. Saluran transmisi yang umum digunakan berdasarkan konstruksinya adalah tipe lattice dan steel pole. Saluran transmisi ini memiliki batas aman terhadap obyek lain yang ada di sekitarnya sesuai standar yang ditetapkan. Saluran transmisi udara menggunakan konduktor jenis TACSR (Thermal Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) yang memiliki kemampuan kerja dengan suhu sampai 1500C. Berdasarkan perhitungan pada saat jarak span 212 m dan dengan suhu 1500C andongan maksimumnya bernilai 9,40 m. Pada saat jarak 173 m dan dengan suhu 1500C andongan maksimalnya 7,8m. Pada saat jarak 233 m dengan suhu 1500C andongan maksimumnya adalah 10,58m. Keadaan suhu dan panjang span mempengaruhi nilai andongan, semakin besar suhu dan panjang span maka nilai andongan akan semakin besar

    The Error of using Degrees of Comparison in Adjectives

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    This study aim about the errors made by the students in using degrees of comparison in adjectives. The purpose of this study was to know the dominant type of the error. Error is associated with failure in competence. To find the data of the errors in using degrees of comparison in adjectives, this study was conducted by applying descriptive quantitative. The population was the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Muara Hutaginjang in academic year 2015/2016. The total population is 88 students, so the researcher took population as sample based on Arikunto' states. But in this study, the researcher took sample 84 students because 4 of them absent. The researcher used test for collecting the data. After collecting data, the researcher analyzed and classified the errors. The results of the data were the total of all errors is 841. The highest rate of all error types is misformation with the total of errors is 364 or 43,28% and the lowest rate of the error type is omission with 139 errors or 16,52%. Next, there are 186 or 22,11% error in misordering and 152 or 18,07% in addition

    Sikap Ibu Rumah Tangga di Daerah Perkotaan dan Perdesaan terhadap Kenaikan Harga Beras (Kasus: Kelurahan Sudirejo I Kecamatan Medan Kotakotamadya Medan dan Desa Sidodadi Ramunia Kecamatan Beringin Kabupaten Deli Serdang)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap ibu rumah tangga di daerah perkotaan dan perdesaan terhadap kenaikan harga beras serta melihat hubungan karakteristik sosial ekonomi keluarga terhadap konsumsi beras rumah tangga. Metode pengumpulan data terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu secara Skala Likert dan Korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sikap negatif ibu rumah tangga didaerah perkotaan sebesar 56,66 %, sedangkan Sikap negatif ibu rumah tangga pada daerah perdesaan ialah 50 %; Pada daerah perkotaan adanya hubungan yang signifikan karakteristik sosial ekonomi (umur dan jumlah tanggungan keluarga) ibu rumah tangga dengan konsumsi rumah tangga sehari-hari, sedangkan pada daerah perdesaan tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan karakteristik sosial ekonomi rumah tangga

    M. tuberculosis Transcription Machinery: A Review on the Mycobacterial RNA Polymerase and Drug Discovery Efforts

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is the main source of tuberculosis (TB), one of the oldest known diseases in the human population. Despite the drug discovery efforts of past decades, TB is still one of the leading causes of mortality and claimed more than 1.5 million lives worldwide in 2020. Due to the emergence of drug-resistant strains and patient non-compliance during treatments, there is a pressing need to find alternative therapeutic agents for TB. One of the important areas for developing new treatments is in the inhibition of the transcription step of gene expression; it is the first step to synthesize a copy of the genetic material in the form of mRNA. This further translates to functional protein synthesis, which is crucial for the bacteria living processes. MTB contains a bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNAP), which is the key enzyme for the transcription process. MTB RNAP has been targeted for designing and developing antitubercular agents because gene transcription is essential for the mycobacteria survival. Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three important sequential steps in the transcription process. Each step is complex and highly regulated, involving multiple transcription factors. This review is focused on the MTB transcription machinery, especially in the nature of MTB RNAP as the main enzyme that is regulated by transcription factors. The mechanism and conformational dynamics that occur during transcription are discussed and summarized. Finally, the current progress on MTB transcription inhibition and possible drug target in mycobacterial RNAP are also described to provide insight for future antitubercular drug design and development

    Analisis Fisika-Kimia Air Sumur Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sumompo Kecamatan Tuminting Manado

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang kualitas fisika-kimia air sumur di tempat pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA) kecamatan Tuminting, Manado secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kajian yang dilakukan meliputi parameter fisika yaitu penentuan pH, bau, rasa, warna, kekeruhan dan total padatan terlarut (TDT) serta parameter kimia yaitu penentuan nitrat, nitrit, klorida, sulfat, besi dan mangan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian parameter fisika pada 4 titik pengambilan air ada beberapa titik pengambilan sampel yang tidak sesuai dengan syarat baku mutu kualitas air yaitu tidak berbau dan berasa serta memiliki rentang pH 6,5-9,2 dan memiliki nilai maksimal untuk warna 50, kekeruhan 25, dan TDT 1500. Begitu juga untuk parameter kimia ada beberapa titik pengambilan sampel yang tidak sesuai dengan syarat baku mutu kualitas air yaitu memiliki nilai maksimal untuk klorida 600 mg/L, nitrat 10 mg/L, nitrit 1 mg/L, besi 1 mg/L, mangan 0,5 m/L dan sulfat 400 mg/L.A research on the physico-chemical quality of the well water in the landfill (TPA) district Tuminting, Manado has been done. The study includedphysical parameters, namely pH, odor, taste, color, turbidity and total dissolved solids (TDS) and chemical parameters, namely nitrate, nitrite, chloride, sulphate, iron and manganese. Among the four sampling sites, some sites did not meet the water quality standard based on some physical parameters, those are odorless and tasteless, pH range of 6.5 to 9.2 and maximum value of 50 for color, 25 for turbidity, and 1500 for TDS. Likewise, for chemical parameters, several sampling points are not in accordance with the terms of water quality standard, those aremaximum value of 600 mg/Lfor chlorides, 10 mg/L for nitrate, 1 mg/L for nitrite, 1 mg/L for iron, 0.5 m/L for manganese and 400 mg/L for sulphate

    In silico modification of suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) as potential inhibitor for class II histone deacetylase (HDAC)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cervical cancer is the second most prevalent cancer for the woman in the world. It is caused by the oncogenic human papilloma virus (HPV). The inhibition activity of histone deacetylase (HDAC) is a potential strategy for cancer therapy. Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA) is widely known as a low toxicity HDAC inhibitor. This research presents <it>in silico</it> SAHA modification by utilizing triazole, in order to obtain a better inhibitor. We conducted docking of the SAHA inhibitor and 12 modified versions to six class II HDAC enzymes, and then proceeded with drug scanning of each one of them.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The docking results show that the 12 modified inhibitors have much better binding affinity and inhibition potential than SAHA. Based on drug scan analysis, six of the modified inhibitors have robust pharmacological attributes, as revealed by drug likeness, drug score, oral bioavailability, and toxicity levels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The binding affinity, free energy and drug scan screening of the best inhibitors have shown that 1c and 2c modified inhibitors are the best ones to inhibit class II HDAC.</p

    Pengukuran Kinerja dengan Menggunakan Integrasi 360° Feedback dan Ahp di PT. S

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    PT. S adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pembuatan sirup. Perusahaan ini telah melakukan penilaian kinerja dengan menggunakan metode rating scale. Penilaian dengan metode ini, kurang objektif karena penilaian kinerja hanya dilakukan oleh atasan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk analisis jabatan saja. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu diterapkan penilaian kinerja yang lebih objektif dengan tujuan mengetahui gambaran kinerja karyawan secara objektif. Pengukuran kinerja karyawan dilakukan terhadap level manajer dengan menggunakan integrasi 360º feedback dan AHP. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh prioritas variabel kinerja adalah kompetensi kerja. Prioritas subvariabel adalah kepemimpinan, keterampilan komunikatif dan tingkat komitmen bekerja. Nilai kinerja manajer pemasaran adalah 3,95 dengan bobot subvariabel tertinggi adalah kepemimpinan, akurasi dalam bekerja dan komitmen bekerja. Nilai kinerja manajer produksi adalah 3,89 dengan bobot subvariabel tertinggi adalah akurasi dalam bekerja dan komitmen bekerja. Nilai kinerja manajer humas adalah 3,65 dengan bobot subvariabel tertinggi adalah keterampilan komunikatif dan komitmen bekerja. Nilai kinerja manajer keuangan adalah 3,90 dengan bobot subvariabel tertinggi adalah kepemimpinan dan keterampilan komunikatif. Metode penilaian kinerja integrasi 360º feedback dan AHP lebih efektif dan menggambarkan kinerja karyawan secara objektif dari beberapa sumber penilai serta memperoleh variabel prioritas yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan karir karyawan

    Respoms Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Saawi (Brassica Juncea. L) Terhadap Interval Penyiraman Dan Konsentrasilarutan Pupuk Npk Secara Hidroponik

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    The aimed of this reaserch was to determine the flush interval and consentration of NPK fertilizer which is suitable to the growth and production of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) This research was conducted at green house's Agricultur faculty University of Sumatera Utara, Medan with a height of 25 metre sea level rise on Februari until April 2012. This research was conducted by factorial randomized block design with two factors such as flush interval (1,2,3 in a day) and NPK fertilizer 0, 2.5, 5, 7. 5, 10 (g/l water). The parameters observed were plant height, the number of leaf, leaf area, the scale of leaf chlorophyll , the weight biomass of plant, The fresh weight of selling, the weight of roots, the root's length and the harvest indeks. The result of the observations showed that the flush interval had ureal effect to all of the parameters except the root's weight, while the NPK fertilizer had a real effect to all of the parameters