19 research outputs found


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    This study aimed to assess the gender differences in big five personality traits as a basis for effective implementation of extension programs. Descriptive research design was employed in this study. The respondents of the study were 115 participants of extension program in Biñan City. The results revealed that female respondents were about average in terms of openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness while they were relatively low in terms of extraversion and neuroticism, whereas male were relatively low in terms of openness and conscientiousness while about average in extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The researchers concluded that gender differences in most of the big five personality traits found significant difference except from agreeableness which did not find a significance, it somehow contradicted to the study of Weisberg, Y., et.al. 2011 wherein their study did not find a significant gender difference in big five personality traits and found significance only in terms of agreeableness. Based on the results of this study the researchers recommended to assess the gender differences of the participants in terms of knowledge, abilities, and skills since abilities and skills are a key element along with the knowledge for the consideration of the skills and qualifications for workers and entrepreneurs


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    This study aimed to assess the teachers’ research technical writing skills that set as the basis of capability enhancement program that can nurture and produce upright and competent graduates and empowered community, through relevant and sustainable higher professional and technical instruction, research, extension and production services should take part in helping the DepEd teachers as a member of the larger community. Based on the results most of the respondents were 21-30 years old, female, married, and almost 6-15 years in service as public elementary school teachers. Most of them were finished Bachelor’s degree with specialization on Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd). Most of them are Teacher I and II, few are Teacher III and Master Teachers.  It was also determined that most of them attended 3-6 research seminars.It was also revealed that the teachers were moderately capable in terms of technical writing of completed research. The findings also convened that there is no significant relationship between their profiles and their research capability except from highest educational attainment which shows significant relationship with research capability, therefore the results of analysis is partly upheld. Based on the findings and conclusions the following are the researchers recommendations: the need for intensive seminar/ training write-shop for technical writing of completed research, the teachers needs to be highly capable in writing completed research that can be presented and published, and the researchers also recommended the action plan for the seminar/training write-shop activities, timeframe, expected output, material requirements, and the responsible entity/person

    Classroom Etiquette, Social Behavior and the Academic Performance of College of Teacher Education Students at the Laguna State Polytechnic University, Los Baños Campus, A.Y. 2015-2016

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    This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between students’ classroom etiquette, students’ social behaviour and their academic performance of College of Teacher Education students at Laguna State Polytechnic University, Los Baños Campus, Academic Year 2015-2016. Descriptive correlational research design was employed in this study. The respondents of the study were the 207 Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) and Bachelor of Elementary Education students (BEEd) from second year, third year and fourth year level. A valid survey questionnaire on acceptability of students’ classroom etiquette and social behavior was utilized. Mean and Chi-square were used as statistical tools. Results revealed that students’ classroom etiquette is slightly acceptable with a mean of 1.25 as well as social behavior with a mean of 2.72. Most of the respondents GWA is range form 1.75-2.00. The results determined that a significant relationship was found between the level of acceptability of students’ classroom etiquette and academic performance with the pvalue of 0.002 as well as social behavior and academic performance of the respondents with the p-value of 0.000. The researcher concluded that the students’ classroom etiquette and social behavior affect their academic performance. Those with higher level of acceptability of etiquette and social behavior performed better academically. The researchers recommended the continuous implementation of proper classroom etiquette by instructors. Seminars on values formation and social behavior may be conducted by the College to deepen the students’ values as future educators. Further study is also recommended by the researchers since it is limited only in theCollege of Teacher Education. Keywords: Academic Performance, Classroom Etiquette, Social Behavio

    Gamification Techniques in Teaching and Learning Exploratory Courses in Technology and Livelihood Education: A Phenomenological Study

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    The traditional teaching method has been employed in the educational system for a long time and requires no active engagement from the students, making lessons challenging to comprehend. The use of gamification techniques in learning, on the other hand, removes the formalities of learning and allows learners to learn while having fun. This qualitative phenomenological study aimed to investigate the students' perspective on using gamification techniques in teaching and learning exploratory courses in Technology and Livelihood Education. The study explored the game experiences of 7 participants who experienced and were affected by using gamification techniques in education. This study used the Modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen phenomenological method of data analysis to examine the participants' transcripts. Analysis of the data gathered during the interviews developed four themes: 1) Connect Building relationships; 2) Change: Traditional schooling is too formal and Boring; 3) Captivate: Learning is fun when it is linked to memorable experience; 4) Compete: To compete and be recognized. Findings from the study recommended the following: a) educational institutions should consider including the use of gamification techniques in their curriculum to provide students with appropriate learning opportunities; b) researchers and developers can create more engaging resources for students' enjoyment and learning; c) school administrators should consider enrolling teachers in professional development seminars and training linked to gamification approaches; d) future scholars can choose to perform a qualitative and quantitative study on their subject areas to add to the body of knowledge in this understudied field, and e) future study collaborations on the application of gamification approach in teaching and learning can be done with educators from other countries. Keywords:   Gamification Techniques; Games; TLE; Exploratory Course

    Lived Experiences of Educators Engaged in Continuing Professional Development in the New Normal: Insights from Seven Countries

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    This study focused on exploring and capturing the essence and meaning of the lived experiences of educators engaged in continuing professional development in the new normal. The study followed a qualitative research design and used the transcendental phenomenological processes. Based from the testimonies gathered from the participants from seven different countries- Philippines, USA, Panama, Peru, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Morocco they revealed that as a result of the Continuing Professional Development during pandemic, they have manifested adaptability and innovation to meet the demands of the current situation. With the force transition from face to face interaction to remote learning, they have tried their best to maintain a balance of digital and life skills. Participants also engaged in CPD in order to achieve creativity and resourcefulness to deliver and meet students’ quality learning amidst pandemic. They also considered as blessings and great opportunity the connection and collaboration established with educators around the world during this time of Covid-19. They also achieved the passion for ever-learning mindset and satisfaction through CPD. Participants expressed that mindfulness and wellbeing of teachers should be set as priorities for their engagement to CPD in the new normal. The researcher recommends that the policy makers review and revisit their program for CPD training of the teachers during this period. Heads of the education sectors may also benchmark the CPD Training plan of this study and conduct needs analysis to provide the most appropriate trainings for the teachers based on their needs, skills and interests

    The effectiveness of e-& mHealth interventions to promote physical activity and healthy diets in developing countries: a systematic review

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    Background: Promoting physical activity and healthy eating is important to combat the unprecedented rise in NCDs in many developing countries. Using modern information-and communication technologies to deliver physical activity and diet interventions is particularly promising considering the increased proliferation of such technologies in many developing countries. The objective of this systematic review is to investigate the effectiveness of e-& mHealth interventions to promote physical activity and healthy diets in developing countries.Methods: Major databases and grey literature sources were searched to retrieve studies that quantitatively examined the effectiveness of e-& mHealth interventions on physical activity and diet outcomes in developing countries. Additional studies were retrieved through citation alerts and scientific social media allowing study inclusion until August 2016. The CONSORT checklist was used to assess the risk of bias of the included studies.Results: A total of 15 studies conducted in 13 developing countries in Europe, Africa, Latin-and South America and Asia were included in the review. The majority of studies enrolled adults who were healthy or at risk of diabetes or hypertension. The average intervention length was 6.4 months, and text messages and the Internet were the most frequently used intervention delivery channels. Risk of bias across the studies was moderate (55.7 % of the criteria fulfilled). Eleven studies reported significant positive effects of an e-& mHealth intervention on physical activity and/or diet behaviour. Respectively, 50 % and 70 % of the interventions were effective in promoting physical activity and healthy diets.Conclusions: The majority of studies demonstrated that e-& mHealth interventions were effective in promoting physical activity and healthy diets in developing countries. Future interventions should use more rigorous study designs, investigate the cost-effectiveness and reach of interventions, and focus on emerging technologies, such as smart phone apps and wearable activity trackers.Trial registration: The review protocol can be retrieved from the PROSPERO database (Registration ID: CRD42015029240)


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    ABSTRAK   Maulana, Tamban. Ekspresi Tekanan Batin Terhadap Keadaan Sosial Melalui Media Seni Lukis. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Seni Rupa Jurusan Seni dan Desain Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (1) Drs. Triyono Widodo, M. Sn. (2) Fenny Rochbeind, S. Pd, M. Sn   Kata Kunci: Penciptaan Lukisan, Ekspresi, Keadaan Sosial,              Lukisan merupakan tebaran pigmen atau warna cair pada permukaan bidang datar (kanvas, panel, dinding, kertas) untuk menhasilkan sensasi atau ilusi keruangan, gerakan, tektur, bentuk sama baiknya dengan tekanan yang dihasilkan kombinasi unsur-unsur tersebut     Ekspresi merupakan pengungkapan atau proses menyatakan (yaitu memperlihatkan atau menyatakan maksud, gagasan, perasaan) dari hasil pemikiran dan perenungan seniman yang merupakan reaksi terhadap rangsangan dari luar dirinya berupa hal yang mengusik bahkan menjadi tekanan batin termasuk kehidupan social bermasyarakat. Keadaan sosial merupakan suasana/situasi yg sedang berlaku yang berkenaan dengan masyarakat. Dimana seniman juga termasuk sebagai anggota masyarakat dan suatu masyarakat tersebut memiliki stuktur berupa idiologi (nilai norma dan nilai religi). Seniman dapat bertindak sebagai saksi masyarakat atau sebagai kritikus. Sebagai kritikus dalam hal ini, seniman memainkan peran keberadaan dirinya yang bebas dari nilai-nilai yang dianut masyarakatnya. Jadi, meskipun seniman hidup dalam suatu masyarakat dengan tata nilai sendiri, dan belajar dari tata nilai tersebut, ia juga punya kebebasan untuk menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui tata nilai masyarakat itu. Dalam peran sebagai saksi masyarakat seniman dapat menjadikan keadaan masyarakat ini sebagai suatu stimulus dengan reaksi berupa sebuah karya yang bermuatan ide dan gagasan untuk dikomunikasikan kepada orang lain agar orang lain merasakan juga menyadari pemikiran dari hasil pengamatan dan sebagai pelaku dalam bermasyarakat. Dalam penciptaan karya ini menampilkan 6 karya lukis dengan media estetik berupa garis dan warna sebagai simbolisasi dari konsep, media fisik berupa bahan yaitu kanvas, cat akrilik, pigmen cat serta alat yang variatif. menggunakan tiga teknik yaitu cipratan atas , mendatar serta detail dengan penegasan cahaya. Proses penciptaaan ini diawali dari pengembangan ide gagasan, membuat rancangan awal berupa sketsa, proses penerapan teknik dalam hal ini visualisasi karya, dan finishing karya. Berdasarkan hasil penciptaan diharapkan dapat  memberikan pengalaman baik yang berupa wujud, proses maupun kreatifitas melalui pemikiran pencipta dalam berkreasi seni dalam hal penciptaan karya.