731 research outputs found

    Impact of Boundary Conditions on Entrainment and Transport in Gravity Currents

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    Gravity currents have been studied numerically and experimentally both in the laboratory and in the ocean. The question of appropriate boundary conditions is still challenging for most complex flows. Gravity currents make no exception - appropriate, physically and mathematically sound boundary conditions are yet to be found. This task is further complicated by the technical limitations imposed by the current oceanographic techniques. In this paper, we make a first step toward a better understanding of the impact of boundary conditions on gravity currents. Specifically, we use direct numerical simulations to investigate the effect that the popular Neumann, and less popular Dirichlet boundary conditions on the bottom continental shelf have on the entrainment and transport of gravity currents. The finding is that gravity currents under these two different boundary conditions differ most in the way they transport heat from the top towards the bottom. This major difference occurs at medium temperature ranges. Entrainment and transport at high temperatures also show significant differences

    Algorithmic progress in computer vision

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    We investigate algorithmic progress in image classification on ImageNet, perhaps the most well-known test bed for computer vision. We estimate a model, informed by work on neural scaling laws, and infer a decomposition of progress into the scaling of compute, data, and algorithms. Using Shapley values to attribute performance improvements, we find that algorithmic improvements have been roughly as important as the scaling of compute for progress computer vision. Our estimates indicate that algorithmic innovations mostly take the form of compute-augmenting algorithmic advances (which enable researchers to get better performance from less compute), not data-augmenting algorithmic advances. We find that compute-augmenting algorithmic advances are made at a pace more than twice as fast as the rate usually associated with Moore's law. In particular, we estimate that compute-augmenting innovations halve compute requirements every nine months (95\% confidence interval: 4 to 25 months)

    The learnability level of rhythm named “zencîr usûlü” with Dalcroze teaching method in Turkish music rhythm education : Türk mûsıkîsi usûl eğitiminde Dalcroze öğretim yöntemi ile zencîr usûlünün öğrenilebilirlik düzeyi

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    In this study, by using the Dalcroze teaching method in the education of special talented students, practices focused on the perception of the Turkish musical “zencîr usûlü” with the support of the musical element and the determination of the level of learnability. However, with the applied curriculum, it is aimed to develop rhythmic perception and musical sensitivity by using interdisciplinary method technique and Dalcroze teaching method technique. The subject study group of the study was formed from the students of the music department studying in Akhisar Science and Art Center affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. In this study; A curriculum suitable for students' levels was prepared by foreseeing that gifted students grasped and progressed in a process three times faster than their peers, and that many activities would be easier for them than their peers. Based on the saying "Body movement with music is one, it cannot be separated" mentioned in Ancient Greece, the evaluation of the teaching technique we envisioned with the Turkish musical procedural technique, the pre-test post-test experimental design with control group Handled using. In order to determine whether there is a significant difference between test results, Mann - Whitney U Test, and "SPSS 20" package program was used for pre-test and post-test results. In order to determine the reliability of the study, an expert opinion form regarding the rubric and rubric was used at the pre-test and post-test stages. In the control group, the lessons were taught with the traditional teaching system, while in the experimental group, the teaching model was handled. According to the findings obtained in the study, it was determined that the experimental group in which the teaching model based strategies were applied was more successful than the control group in which the traditional method technique was used.   Özet Bu çalışmada, özel yetenekli öğrenci eğitiminde Dalcroze öğretim yöntemi kullanılarak, Türk mûsıkîsi zencîr usûlünün müzik unsuru ile desteklenerek algılanması ve öğrenilebilirlik düzeyinin tespiti üzerinde yoğunlaşılan uygulamalar yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, uygulanan öğretim programıyla disiplinlerarası yöntem tekniği ve Dalcroze öğretim yöntem tekniği kullanılarak ritmik algı ve müzikal duyarlılığın geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın denek çalışma grubu, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı Akhisar Bilim ve Sanat Merkezinde öğrenim gören müzik bölümü öğrencilerinden oluşturulmuştur. Bu araştırmada; özel yetenekli öğrencilerin, yaşıtlarına göre normalden üç kat daha hızlı bir süreçte konuyu kavradıkları ve ilerledikleri, yaşıtlarına göre pek çok etkinliğin onlara daha kolay gelebileceği ön görülerek öğrencilerin seviyelerine uygun bir öğretim programı hazırlanmıştır. Antik Yunan’da zikredilen “Müzikle beden hareketi birdir, ayrılamaz” sözünden yola çıkarak, Türk mûsıkîsi usûl icra tekniği (meşk sistemi) ile öngördüğümüz öğretim tekniğinin değerlendirmesi, söz konusu tekniğin, bedensel hareket ve koordinasyon eşliğinde uygulandığı ön test son test kontrol gruplu deneysel desen kullanılarak ele alınmıştır. Test sonuçları arasında anlamlı bir fark olup olmadığını belirlemek amacı ile Mann - Whitney U Testi, ön test ve son test sonuçlarında ise “SPSS 20” paket programı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın güvenirliğinin tespiti için de, ön test - son test aşamalarında dereceli puanlama anahtarı ve dereceli puanlama anahtarına ilişkin uzman görüşü alma formu kullanılmıştır. Kontrol gurubunda dersler geleneksel öğretim sistemiyle işlenirken, deney grubunda ise öğretim modeli ele alınarak işlenmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, geleneksel yöntem tekniğinin kullanıldığı kontrol grubuna nazaran öğretim modeline dayalı stratejilerin uygulandığı deney grubunun daha başarılı olduğu saptanmıştır

    Predictability of Lagrangian particle trajectories: Effects of smoothing of the underlying Eulerian flow

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    The increasing realism of ocean circulation models is leading to an increasing use of Eulerian models as a basis to compute transport properties and to predict the fate of Lagrangian quantities. There exists, however, a significant gap between the spatial scales of model resolution and that of forces acting on Lagrangian particles. These scales may contain high vorticity coherent structures that are not resolved due to computational issues and/or missing dynamics and are typically suppressed by smoothing operators. In this study, the impact of smoothing of the Eulerian fields on the predictability of Lagrangian particles is first investigated by conducting twin experiments that involve release of clusters of synthetic Lagrangian particles into true (unmodified) and model (smoothed) Eulerian fields, which are generated by a QG model with a flow field consisting of many turbulent coherent structures. The Lagrangian errors induced by Eulerian smoothing errors are quantified by using two metrics, the difference between the centers of mass (CM) of particle clusters, ρ, and the difference between scattering of particles around the center of mass, s. The results show that the smoothing has a strong effect on the CM behavior, while the scatter around it is only partially affected. The QG results are then compared to results obtained from a multi-particle Lagrangian Stochastic Model (LSM) which parameterizes turbulent flow using main flow characteristics such as mean flow, velocity variance and Lagrangian time scale. In addition to numerical results, theoretical results based on the LSM are also considered, providing asymptotics of ρ, s and predictability time. It is shown that both numerical and theoretical LSM results for the center of mass error (ρ) provide a good qualitative description, and a quantitatively satisfactory estimate of results from QG experiments. The scatter error (s) results, on the other hand, are only qualitatively reproduced by the LSM

    Unutulmuş Bir Hüseyin Dilaver Türküsü “Edelum Bir Eğlence”

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    Yöresel sanatçıların eserlerinin intikâli, belli bir yazılı sisteme dayanmadığından günümüze ancak kulaktan kulağa ulaşabilmektedir. Bu nedenle bazı türkülerin kaybolması da kaçınılmaz olmaktadır.Tarafımızca derlenen ve bu makale çalışmasıyla sunulan “Edelum Bir Eğlence” adlı türkü, Karadeniz Yöresi Müziği’nin abidevî ismi Sürmeneli kemençeci Hüseyin Dilâver’in unutulmuş bir eseridir.Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türk Halk Müziği Repertuarı’na, her biri özel bir üslûba sahip birçok türkü kazandıran Hüseyin Dilâver’in unutulmuş bir türküsünü müzikbilim camiasıyla paylaşmaktır.Çalışma; Hüseyin Dilâver’e âit, müzikal niteliği yüksek ve Sürmene yöresinin özgün üslûbunu yansıtan günümüze ulaşmamış bir eserini ortaya çıkarması bakımından önem taşımaktadır.Çalışmada; kişisel görüşme, kaynak tarama, derleme gibi nitel yöntemler kullanılmıştır

    Nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes de estomatología acerca de obturación durante el tratamiento endodóntico en la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Trujillo - 2017

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes de Estomatología del ciclo académico 2017-I acerca de la obturación durante el tratamiento endodóntico en la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego – 2017. Fue un estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y observacional, se desarrolló en la Clínica Estomatológica de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego e incluyo a 132 estudiantes. El nivel de conocimiento de los estudiantes fue evaluado empleando una encuesta, previamente validada (contenido, criterio y constructo) mediante un estudio piloto, con buena confiabilidad (Alpha de Cronbach: 0.720). A los datos recolectados se les aplicó la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado de homogeneidad de poblaciones y se consideró un nivel de significancia del 5 %. Los resultados demostraron que el 33.33% de los estudiantes presentan un nivel de conocimiento malo, el 64.4% presentan un nivel de conocimiento regular y el 2.27% un nivel de conocimiento bueno. Con respecto al sexo y el ciclo, no se encontró diferencia estadística significativa. Concluyendo que los estudiantes presentan un nivel de conocimiento acerca de obturación durante en tratamiento endodóntico regular.The present study aimed to determine the level of knowledge of stomatology students of the academic cycle 2017-I about obturation during endodontic treatment at the Private University Antenor Orrego - 2017. It was a prospective, transversal, descriptive and observational study, developed in the Stomatological Clinic of the Private University Antenor Orrego and included 132 students. Students' level of knowledge was evaluated using a previously validated survey (content, criterion and construct) through a pilot study, with good reliability (Alpha de cronbach: 0.720). The Chi square statistical test for population homogeneity was applied to the data collected and a significance level of 5% was considered. The results showed that 33.33% of the students have a poor level of knowledge, 64.4% have a regular level of knowledge and 2.27% have a good level of knowledge. With respect to sex and cycle, no significant statistical difference was found. Concluding that the students present a level of regular knowledge.Tesi

    Implications of using the students’ first language (L1) in the english foreign language (EFL) classroom

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    Esta investigación explora las diferentes implicaciones de usar el primer idioma del aprendiz en un aula de inglés como lengua extranjera. Se utilizó una investigación bibliográfica exploratoria de 21 artículos científicos para la recopilación de datos. Los resultados revelaron que el uso del primer idioma es beneficioso para un nivel de principiantes cuando los estudiantes están apenas aprendiendo diferentes estructuras gramaticales. Además, se descubrió que el uso del primer idioma facilita la adquisición de nuevo vocabulario. Estos resultados sugirieron que las implicaciones del uso del primer idioma son casi todas beneficiosas para el proceso de aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera. También se discutieron recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones y algunas limitaciones.This research explores the different implications of using the learner’s L1 in an EFL classroom. Furthermore, it answers the questions regarding the possible implications of L1 use and the extent to which it can be used. An exploratory bibliographic research of 21 scientific papers was used for data collection. The results revealed that L1 use is remarkably beneficial at a beginner’s level when students are just learning different grammatical structures. Moreover, L1 use was found to facilitate the acquisition of new vocabulary. These findings suggest that the implications of first language use are beneficial towards the EFL learning process. Thus, it provides information which can be used in any teaching context. Recommendations for future research and some limitations are also discussed.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación en Lengua y Literatura InglesaCuenc

    A numerical study of layer formation due to fingers in double-diffusive convection in a vertically-bounded domain

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    The evolution of fingers in a double-diffusive system is investigated using numerical integration of two-dimensional equations of motion for an incompressible, Boussinesq fluid. The computational domain is periodic in the horizontal direction and is closed with no-flux boundary conditions in the vertical direction. The main result of this study is the evolution of the system from initially linear profiles for both fast and slow diffusing components to a layered state characterized by a finger zone sandwiched between two mixed layers. The horizontal boundaries in this system play an important role in the development of the layered state. At the top and bottom boundaries, light and heavy finger fluxes accumulate leading to the formation of mixed layers exhibiting larger-scale eddies. In the quasi-equilibrium state, the finger zone is characterized by broken wiggly fingers which do not extend across the entire interface. The salinity flux at the mid-depth of the domain is approximately proportional to the 4/3 power of the salinity difference between the mixed layers, except for the initial phase and for the run-down phase