50 research outputs found

    Corporations Hybrid: A COVID Case Study on Innovation in Business Law Pedagogy

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    A worldwide pandemic is forcing schools to close their doors. Yet the need to teach students remains. How can faculty – especially those who are not trained in technology-mediated teaching – maintain educational continuity? This Essay provides some suggestions and relatively quick and easy strategies for distance education in this time of coronavirus. While it is written from the perspective of teaching law school, it can be applied to teaching other humanities such as philosophy, literature, religion, political theory, and other subjects that do not easily lend themselves to charts, graphs, figures, and diagrams. This Essay includes an introductory technology section for those techno-phobic faculty who are now being required to teach online, and it concludes with five straightforward steps to start teaching online quickly

    Corporations Hybrid: A COVID Case Study on Innovation in Business Law Pedagogy

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    This Article is about using asynchronous online technology synergistically with in-class experiences and synchronous livedistance education sessions. It focuses on creating instructional videos because great videos are essential for online learning.1 This Article also discusses creating digital teaching assets for active learning such as formative assessments, learning journals, and discussion boards. The authors of this paper are a law professor and his former student and teaching assistant. We worked together for two years to innovate and implement many technological enhancements in Corporations class. We created and deployed a Hybrid course in which students performed asynchronous technology-mediated learning activities before class and then engaged in synchronous dialogue and group discussion during class time. This Article contains our report on our methods and the results

    Launch Pad in a Box

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    NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is developing a new deployable launch system capability to support a small class of launch vehicles for NASA and commercial space companies to test and launch their vehicles. The deployable launch pad concept was first demonstrated on a smaller scale at KSC in 2012 in support of NASA Johnson Space Center's Morpheus Lander Project. The main objective of the Morpheus Project was to test a prototype planetary lander as a vertical takeoff and landing test-bed for advanced spacecraft technologies using a hazard field that KSC had constructed at the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF). A steel pad for launch or landing was constructed using a modular design that allowed it to be reconfigurable and expandable. A steel flame trench was designed as an optional module that could be easily inserted in place of any modular steel plate component. The concept of a transportable modular launch and landing pad may also be applicable to planetary surfaces where the effects of rocket exhaust plume on surface regolith is problematic for hardware on the surface that may either be damaged by direct impact of high speed dust particles, or impaired by the accumulation of dust (e.g., solar array panels and thermal radiators). During the Morpheus free flight campaign in 2013-14, KSC performed two studies related to rocket plume effects. One study compared four different thermal ablatives that were applied to the interior of a steel flame trench that KSC had designed and built. The second study monitored the erosion of a concrete landing pad following each landing of the Morpheus vehicle on the same pad located in the hazard field. All surfaces of a portable flame trench that could be directly exposed to hot gas during launch of the Morpheus vehicle were coated with four types of ablatives. All ablative products had been tested by NASA KSC and/or the manufacturer. The ablative thicknesses were measured periodically following the twelve Morpheus free flight tests. The thermal energy from the Morpheus rocket exhaust plume was only found to be sufficient to cause appreciable ablation of one of the four ablatives that were tested. The rocket exhaust plume did cause spalling of concrete during each descent and landing on a landing pad in the hazard field. The Extended Abstract ASE Earth and Space Conference April, 2016 - Orlando, FL concrete surface was laser scanned following each Morpheus landing, and the total volume of spalled concrete that eroded between the first and final landings of the Morpheus Project's test campaign was estimated. This paper will also describe a new deployable launch system (DLS) capability that is being developed at KSC and was publicly announced in May 2015 (KSC Partnerships, 2015). The DLS is a set of multi-user Ground Support Equipment that will be used to test and launch small class launch vehicles. The system is comprised of four main elements: the Launch Stand, the Flame Deflector, the Pad Apron and the KAMAG transporter. The system elements are designed to be deployed at launch or test sites within the KSC/CCAFS boundaries. The DLS is intended to be used together with the Fluid and Electrical System of the Universal Propellant Servicing Systems and Mobile Power Data and Communications Unit

    Launch Lock Mechanism for Resource Prospector Rover

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    The Resource Prospector Rover is being designed to carry the RESOLVE (Regolith Environment Science, and Oxygen Lunar Volatile Extraction) payload on a mission to the Moon to prospect for water ice. This is a joint project between KSC Swamp Works UB-R1 and JSC. JSC is building the Resource Prospector 2015 (RP15) rover and KSC designed and fabricated a Launch-Lock (LL) hold down mechanism for the rover. The LL mechanism will attach and support the rover on a Lunar Lander during launch and transit to the moon, then release the RP15 rover after touchdown on the lunar surface. This report presents the design and development of the LL mechanism and its unique features which make it suitable for this lunar exploration mission. An EDU (engineering development unit) prototype of the LL has been built and tested at KSC which is the subject of this paper

    What makes a nascent entrepreneur? A causal analysis based on primary data from ten German regions

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    The importance of entrepreneurship for economic development is widely recognized. Although politicians in Germany are aware of entrepreneurship, their practices can not rely on a generally accepted theory of entrepreneurship. This paper reconceptualises entrepreneurship from an economic geography perspective and investigates empirically determinants of start-up activities in selected German regions

    Smart sensor networks for robotic sensor skins

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    Determinants of regional entrepreneurship dynamics in contemporary Germany: A conceptual and empirical analysis

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    Tamasy C. (2006) Determinants of regional entrepreneurship dynamics in contemporary Germany: a conceptual and empirical analysis, Regional Studies 40, 365-384. The importance of entrepreneurship for the development of national and regional economies is widely recognized. Although politicians in Germany are aware of entrepreneurship, their practices cannot rely on a generally accepted theory of entrepreneurship. The paper develops a holistic conceptualization of regional entrepreneurship dynamics and investigates empirically determinants of start-up activities and new business success in selected German regions. It uses two primary data sets explicitly designed to analyse regional entrepreneurship dynamics in contemporary Germany. The research project 'Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor' focuses on determinants of start-up activities in the pre-entry phase of entrepreneurial processes, while the 'New Firm Survey' examines factors influencing post-entry firm success. The paper suggests holistic approaches in entrepreneurship research are necessary, because entrepreneur-associated factors, characteristics of the newly founded firm and the geographical environment influence entrepreneurial processes. These determinants can have direct or indirect influences on entrepreneurial processes. The results suggest that politicians and policy-makers need to pay special attention to entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours if they wish to boost regional entrepreneurship dynamics in Germany. Tamasy C. (2006) Les determinants de la dynamique entrepreneuriale regionale dans l'Allemagne contemporaine: une analyse conceptuelle et empirique, Regional Studies 40, 365-384. L'importance de l'esprit d'entreprise pour le developpement des economies nationales et regionales est bien reconnue. Quoique les hommes politiques en Allemagne soient conscients de l'esprit d'entreprise, leurs procedures ne reposent pas sur une theorie recue qui embrasse l'esprit d'entreprise. Cet article cherche a developper une approche conceptuelle holistique de la dynamique entrepreneuriale regionale et examine de facon empirique les determinants de la creation d'entreprise et de la reussite des nouvelles entreprises dans certaines regions d'Allemagne. On se sert de deux banques de donnees primaires specialement concues pour analyser la dynamique entrepreneuriale regionale dans l'Allemagne contemporaine. Le projet, intitule 'Regional Entrepreneurship Monitor' ('Le Moniteur de l'Esprit d'entreprise Regional'), porte sur les determinants de la creation d'entreprise dans les premieres phases des demarches entrepreneuriales, tandis que la 'New Firm Survey' ('L'Enquete aupres des Nouvelles Entreprises') examine des facteurs qui influent sur la reussite des entreprises dans les phases ulterieures. L'article laisse supposer que des facons holistiques soient necessaires a la recherche de l'esprit d'entreprise parce que les facteurs qui s'associent a l'entrepeneur, les caracteristiques de l'entreprise nouvellement creee, et le milieu local influent sur les demarches entrepreneuriales. Ces determinants peuvent influer sur les demarches entrepreneuriales de facon directe ou indirecte. Les resultats laissent supposer que les hommes politiques et les decideurs devraient porter un interet particulier aux esprits et aux comportements d'entreprise s'ils cherchent a donner du tonus a la dynamique entrepreneuriale regionale en Allemagne. Dynamique entrepreneuriale regionale, Creation, d'entreprise, Reussite des nouvelles entreprises, Determinants, Allemagne Tamasy C. (2006) Bestimmende Faktoren regionaler Unternehmertumsdynamik im heutigen Deutschland: Eine konzeptionelle und empirische Analyse, Regional Studies 40, 365-384. Die Bedeutung des Unternehmertums fur die Entwicklung von Volks- und Regionalwirtschaften wird allgemein anerkannt. Obschon Politiker in Deutschland sich der Bedeutung des Unternehmertums bewusst sind, konnen sich ihre Praktiken nicht auf eine allgemein anerkannte Theorie des Unternehmertums stutzen. Dieser Aufsatz entwickelt eine holistische Konzeptualisierung regionaler Dynamik des Unternehmertums und untersucht ausschlaggebende Faktoren fur Grundungsaktivitaten und Grundungserfolg in ausgewahlten deutschen Regionen auf empirische Weise. Es werden zwei Datensatze benutzt, die speziell dazu entworfen wurden, die regionale Unternehmensdynamik im heutigen Deutschland zu analysieren. Das Forschungsprojekt 'Regionaler Entrepreneurship Monitor' konzentriert sich auf bestimmende Faktoren der Grundungsaktivitat in der Vorgrundungsphase unternehmerischer Prozesse, wahrend der 'New Firm Survey' Faktoren pruft, die den Erfolg der Firma nach Markteintritt beeinflussen. Der Aufsatz vertritt die Meinung, dass holistische Ansatze zur Unternehmertumsforschung notig sind, weil mit Unternehmern verbundene Faktoren, Eigenschaften neu gegrundeter Firmen und die geographische Umgebung unternehmerische Prozesse beeinflussen. Die bestimmenden Faktoren konnen direkt oder indirekt Einfluss auf unternehmerische Prozesse ausuben. Die Ergebnisse legen damit nahe, dass Politiker und politische Entscheidungstrager Verhalten und Einstellungen der Unternehmer besondere Aufmerksamkeit zollen mussen, wenn sie die regionale Dynamik des Unternehmertums in Deutschland fordern wollen. Regionale Dynamik des Unternehmertums, Grundungsaktivitaten, Erfolge neuer Unternehmen, bestimmende Faktoren, Deutschland Tamasy C. (2006) Determinantes de las dinamicas del empresariado en regiones de la Alemania contemporanea: Un analisis conceptual y empirico, Regional Studies 40, 365-384. La importancia del empresariado para el desarrollo de economias nacionales y regionales es bien reconocida. Aunque los politicos en Alemania conocen el concepto del empresariado, a sus metodos le falta una base teorica generalmente aceptada del empresariado. En este articulo sostengo una conceptualizacion holistica de las dinamicas regionales con respecto al empresariado y analizo empiricamente cuales son los determinantes de las actividades de preparacion y el exito de los nuevos negocios en varias regiones alemanas. Para ello uso explicitamente dos grupos de datos primarios creados para analizar las dinamicas regionales en cuanto al empresariado en la Alemania contemporanea. El proyecto de investigacion 'observacion del empresariado regional' se centra en los determinantes de actividades de inicio en la fase previa a la entrada de los procesos empresariales mientras que el 'Estudio sobre Empresas Nuevas' examina que factores influyen para el exito de una empresa despues de la entrada. Con este ensayo expongo que son necesarios planteamientos holisticos en el estudio del empresariado porque los factores asociados a los empresarios, las caracteristicas de las empresas recien fundadas y el ambiente geografica influyen en los procesos empresariales. Estos determinantes pueden tener una influencia directa o indirecta en los procesos empresariales. Los resultados indican que si los politicos y los responsables politicos desean estimular las dinamicas regionales en el empresariado de Alemania deben preocuparse especialmente por las actitudes y conductas empresariales. Dinamicas regionales para el empresariado, Actividades de inicio, Exito de nuevas empresas, Determinantes, AlemaniaRegional entrepreneurship dynamics, Start-up activities, New business success, Determinants, Germany,

    Munich as Germany's No. 1 High Technology Region: Empirical Evidence, Theoretical Explanations and the Role of Small Firm/Large Firm Relationships

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    STERNBERG R. and TAMASY C. (1999) Munich as Germany's no. 1 high technology region: empirical evidence, theoretical explanations and the role of small firm/large firm relationships, Reg. Studies 33 , 367-377 . This paper verifies Munich's firstrate performance among all German regions based on numerous indicators of R&D intensity, discusses the causes for Munich's rise to become a high technology region and analyses the role of Siemens as a large firm within the innovative environment of the region particularly concerning its connections to R&D-intensive small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). A survey of Munich's R&D-intensive SMEs shows that Siemens positively influences the innovative milieu. However, Siemens does not dominate the SMEs so strongly that a one-sided dependency threatens them; rather, they enjoy diverse and intraregional co-operation in innovation. STERNBERG R. et TAMASY C. (1999) Munich, la premiere technopole allemande: des preuves empiriques, des explications theoriques et l'importance de la relation entre les petites et les grandes entreprises, Reg. Studies 33 , 367-377 . A partir de nombreux indices de l'importance de la R et D, cet article cherche a verifier l'excellente performance de Munich par rapport aux autres regions allemandes. En outre, on discute des facteurs qui expliquent l'essor de Munich au rang de technopole et analyse le role de Siemens en tant que grande entreprise au sein du technopole de la region, surtout pour ce qui est de ses relations avec des PME a fort niveau de R et D. Une enquete menee aupres des PME a fort niveau de R et D laisse voir que Siemens exerce une influence importante sur le technopole. Toujours est-il que Siemens ne domine pas les PME au point que ces dernieres se voient menacer d'une dependance desequilibree; pluto ⁁t, elles jouissent d'une cooperation variee et intraregionale dans le domaine de l'innovation. STERNBERG R. und TAMASY C. (1999) Mu ¨nchen als Deutschlands Spitzenregion fu ¨r Hochtechnologie: empirische Belege, theoretische Erkla ¨rungen und die Rolle der Beziehungen zwischen kleinen und grossen Firmen, Reg. Studies 33 , 367-377 . Dieser Aufsatz besta ¨tigt die Spitzenstellung Mu ¨nchens unter allen deutschen Regionen auf der Grundlage zahlreicher Indikatoren der Intensita ¨t von Forschung und Entwicklung, untersucht die Gru ¨nde fu ¨r Mu ¨nchens Aufstieg zu einer Hochtechnologieregion und analysiert die Rolle von Siemens als einer grossen Firma innerhalb des innovativen Milieus der Region, besonders im Hinblick auf ihre Verbindungen mit forschungs-und entwicklungsintensiven kleinen und mittlerenUnternehmen. Eine allgemeine U¨ bersicht u ¨ber Mu ¨nchens forschungs-und entwicklungsintensiven kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen zeigt, dass Siemens das innovative Milieu positiv beeinflusst. Andererseits beherrscht Siemens die kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen nicht so stark, dass ihnen eine einseitige Abha ¨ngigkeit droht; vielmehr besitzen diese vielfa ¨ltige und zu einem hohen Mass intraregionale Innovationskooperationen.High Technology Industries, Munich, Siemens, Germany, Innovative Milieu, Networking,