113 research outputs found

    Fluorescence-guided detection of pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) tissue during endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery available agents, their potential, and technical aspects

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    Differentiation of pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET) tissue from surrounding normal tissue during surgery is challenging. A number of fluorescent agents is available for visualization of tissue discrepancy, with the potential of improving total tumor resection. This review evaluates the availability, clinical and technical applicability of the various fluorescent agents within the field of pituitary surgery. According to PRISMA guidelines, a systematic review was performed to identify reports describing results of in vivo application of fluorescent agents. In this review, 15 publications were included. Sodium Fluorescein (FNa) was considered in two studies. The first study reported noticeable fluorescence in adenoma tissue, the second demonstrated the strongest fluorescence in non-functioning pituitary adenomas. 5-Aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) was investigated in three studies. One study compared laser-based optical biopsy system (OBS) with photo-diagnostic filter (PD) and found that the OBS was able to detect all microadenomas, even when MRI was negative. The second study retrospectively analyzed twelve pituitary adenomas and found only one positive for fluorescence. The third investigated fifteen pituitary adenomas of which one displayed vague fluorescence. Indocyanine green (ICG) was researched in four studies with variable results. Second-Window ICG yielded no significant difference between functioning and non-functioning adenomas in one study, while a second study displayed 4 times higher fluorescence in tumor tissue than in normal tissue. In three studies, OTL38 showed potential in non-functioning pituitary adenomas. At present, evidence for fluorescent agents to benefit total resection of PitNETs is lacking. OTL38 can potentially serve as a selective fluorescent agent in non-functioning pituitary adenomas in the near future

    Are exhaled nitric oxide measurements using the portable NIOX MINO repeatable?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exhaled nitric oxide is a non-invasive marker of airway inflammation and a portable analyser, the NIOX MINO (Aerocrine AB, Solna, Sweden), is now available. This study aimed to assess the reproducibility of the NIOX MINO measurements across age, sex and lung function for both absolute and categorical exhaled nitric oxide values in two distinct groups of children and teenagers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Paired exhaled nitric oxide readings were obtained from 494 teenagers, aged 16-18 years, enrolled in an unselected birth cohort and 65 young people, aged 6-17 years, with asthma enrolled in an interventional asthma management study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The birth cohort participants showed a high degree of variability between first and second exhaled nitric oxide readings (mean intra-participant difference 1.37 ppb, 95% limits of agreement -7.61 to 10.34 ppb), although there was very close agreement when values were categorised as low, normal, intermediate or high (kappa = 0.907, p < 0.001). Similar findings were seen in subgroup analyses by sex, lung function and asthma status. Similar findings were seen in the interventional study participants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The reproducibility of exhaled nitric oxide is poor for absolute values but acceptable when values are categorised as low, normal, intermediate or high in children and teenagers. One measurement is therefore sufficient when using categorical exhaled nitric oxide values to direct asthma management but a mean of at least two measurements is required for absolute values.</p

    The ligational behavior of a phenolic quinolyl hydrazone towards copper(II)- ions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The heterocyclic hydrazones constitute an important class of biologically active drug molecules. The hydrazones have also been used as herbicides, insecticides, nematocides, redenticides, and plant growth regulators as well as plasticizers and stabilizers for polymers. The importance of the phenolic quinolyl hydrazones arises from incorporating the quinoline ring with the phenolic compound; 2,4-dihydroxy benzaldehyde. Quinoline ring has therapeutic and biological activities whereas, phenols have antiseptic and disinfectants activities and are used in the preparation of dyes, bakelite and drugs. The present study is planned to check the effect of the counter anions on the type and geometry of the isolated copper(II)- complexes as well as the ligational behavior of the phenolic hydrazone; 4-[(2-(4,8-dimethylquinolin-2-yl)hydrazono)methyl] benzene-1,3-diol; (H<sub>2</sub>L).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A phenolic quinolyl hydrazone (H<sub>2</sub>L) was allowed to react with various copper(II)- salts (Cl‾, Br‾, NO<sub>3</sub>‾, ClO<sub>4</sub>‾, AcO‾, SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>). The reactions afforded dimeric complexes (ClO<sub>4</sub>‾, AcO‾ ), a binuclear complex (NO<sub>3</sub>‾ ) and mononuclear complexes (the others; Cl‾, Br‾, SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>). The isolated copper(II)- complexes have octahedral, square pyramid and square planar geometries. Also, they reflect the strong coordinating ability of NO<sub>3</sub>‾, Cl‾, Br‾, AcO‾ and SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2- </sup>anions. Depending on the type of the anion, the ligand showed three different modes of bonding <it>viz</it>. (NN)<sup>0 </sup>for the mononuclear complexes (<b>3, 4, 6</b>), (NO)<sup>- </sup>with O- bridging for the dimeric complexes (<b>1, 5</b>) and a mixed mode [(NN)<sup>0 </sup>+ (NO)<sup>- </sup>with O- bridging] for the binuclear nitrato- complex (<b>2</b>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ligational behavior of the phenolic hydrazone (H<sub>2</sub>L) is highly affected by the type of the anion. The isolated copper(II)- complexes reflect the strong coordinating power of the SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, AcO‾, Br‾, Cl‾ and NO<sub>3</sub>‾ anions. Also, they reflect the structural diversity (octahedral, square pyramid and square planar) depending on the type of the counter anion.</p

    Elaboración y caracterización de celdas y paneles solares de silicio cristalino para su ensayo en el satélite SAC-A

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    Se describen los procesos utilizados para la elaboración de un conjunto de celdas y paneles fotovoltaicos que serán incluidos en el satélite argentino SAC-A, para su ensayo en ambiente espacial. Seis de las celdas serán utilizadas como sensores para la determinación de la posición angular del satélite. Los procesos mencionados incluyen la elaboración de celdas, su interconexión y el armado de los paneles. Las celdas solares fueron caracterizadas eléctricamente antes y después de su integración en los paneles. Se presentan las primeras experiencias de daño producido por bombardeo con protones y neutrones en laboratorio.Tema: Conversión Fotovoltaica.Asociación Argentina de Energía Sola

    Relationship of circulating hyaluronic Acid levels to disease control in asthma and asthmatic pregnancy.

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    Uncontrolled asthma is a risk factor for pregnancy-related complications. Hyaluronic acid (HA), a potential peripheral blood marker of tissue fibrosis in various diseases, promotes eosinophil survival and plays a role in asthmatic airway inflammation as well as in physiological processes necessary to maintain normal pregnancy; however the level of circulating HA in asthma and asthmatic pregnancy is unknown. We investigated HA levels in asthmatic patients (N = 52; asthmatic pregnant (AP) N = 16; asthmatic non-pregnant (ANP) N = 36) and tested their relationship to asthma control. Serum HA level was lower in AP than in ANP patients (27 [24.7-31.55] vs. 37.4 [30.1-66.55] ng/mL, p = 0.006); the difference attenuated to a trend after its adjustment for patients' age (p = 0.056). HA levels and airway resistance were positively (r = 0.467, p = 0.004), HA levels and Asthma Control Test (ACT) total score inversely (r = -0.437, p = 0.01) associated in ANP patients; these relationships remained significant even after their adjustments for age. The potential value of HA in the determination of asthma control was analyzed using ROC analysis which revealed that HA values discriminate patients with ACT total score >/=20 (controlled patients) and <20 (uncontrolled patients) with a 0.826 efficacy (AUC, 95% CI: 0.69-0.97, p = 0.001) when 37.4 ng/mL is used as cut-off value in ANP group, and with 0.78 efficacy (AUC, 95% CI: 0.65-0.92, p = 0.0009) in the whole asthmatic cohort. In conclusion circulating HA might be a marker of asthma control, as it correlates with airway resistance and has good sensitivity in the detection of impaired asthma control. Decrease of HA level in pregnancy may be the consequence of pregnancy induced immune tolerance

    Integración de los paneles de vuelo del satélite Cubebug-1

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    Se describe la integración de los paneles de vuelo de la misión satelital CUBEBUG-1. Éstos se integraron a partir de un convenio firmado entre la CNEA y la empresa DISARMISTA SRL para la integración de 6 módulos solares de esta misión satelital. Los paneles están constituidos por 3 módulos con 2 subcadenas conectadas en serie y 3 módulos de una subcadena cada uno Estos módulos se realizaron con celdas de de triple juntura (ATJ) marca EMCORE de descarte Se presentan los parámetros eléctricos más relevantes de las celdas utilizadas y las verificaciones funcionales que se realizaron luego de la integración de los paneles.The integration of flight solar panels of CUBEBUG-1 satellital mission is presented. This panels has been integrated from a agreement between CNEA and DISARMISTA SRL for the integration of 6 flight solar panels for CUBEBUG-1 satellital mission. The panels integration has been done using substrings of 2 solar cells connected in series, the cells used was from EMCORE advance triple junction (ATJ) non flight solar cells. The panels itself, are constituted for 3 modules with 2 substrings connected in series and 3 modules with one substring each one. The solar cells relevant electrical parameters and the curves of functional verifications after the integration are presented.Fil: Bolzi, Claudio Gustavo. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Bruno, C. J.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Cabot, P.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Carella, E.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; ArgentinaFil: Di Santo, J.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Duran, Julio Cesar. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Vázquez, J.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Godfrin, Elena María. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Goldbeck, V.. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica. Centro Atomico Constituyentes. Departamento de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, L.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Moglioni, A.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz, S.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Olima, José María. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Plá, Juan Francisco Esteban. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Perez, J. I.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Raggio, D.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Socolovsky, Hernan Pablo. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Tamasi, Mariana Julia Luisa. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Gene expression analysis indicates CB1 receptor upregulation in the hippocampus and neurotoxic effects in the frontal cortex 3 weeks after single-dose MDMA administration in Dark Agouti rats.

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    BACKGROUND: 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy") is a widely used recreational drug known to impair cognitive functions on the long-run. Both hippocampal and frontal cortical regions have well established roles in behavior, memory formation and other cognitive tasks and damage of these regions is associated with altered behavior and cognitive functions, impairments frequently described in heavy MDMA users. The aim of this study was to examine the hippocampus, frontal cortex and dorsal raphe of Dark Agouti rats with gene expression arrays (Illumina RatRef bead arrays) looking for possible mechanisms and new candidates contributing to the effects of a single dose of MDMA (15 mg/kg) 3 weeks earlier. RESULTS: The number of differentially expressed genes in the hippocampus, frontal cortex and the dorsal raphe were 481, 155, and 15, respectively. Gene set enrichment analysis of the microarray data revealed reduced expression of 'memory' and 'cognition', 'dendrite development' and 'regulation of synaptic plasticity' gene sets in the hippocampus, parallel to the upregulation of the CB1 cannabinoid- and Epha4, Epha5, Epha6 ephrin receptors. Downregulated gene sets in the frontal cortex were related to protein synthesis, chromatin organization, transmembrane transport processes, while 'dendrite development', 'regulation of synaptic plasticity' and 'positive regulation of synapse assembly' gene sets were upregulated. Changes in the dorsal raphe region were mild and in most cases not significant. CONCLUSION: The present data raise the possibility of new synapse formation/synaptic reorganization in the frontal cortex three weeks after a single neurotoxic dose of MDMA. In contrast, a prolonged depression of new neurite formation in the hippocampus is suggested by the data, which underlines the particular vulnerability of this brain region after the drug treatment. Finally, our results also suggest the substantial contribution of CB1 receptor and endocannabinoid mediated pathways in the hippocampal impairments. Taken together the present study provides evidence for the participation of new molecular candidates in the long-term effects of MDMA

    Integración de los paneles de vuelo del satélite Cubebug-1

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    Se describe la integración de los paneles de vuelo de la misión satelital CUBEBUG-1. Éstos se integraron a partir de un convenio firmado entre la CNEA y la empresa DISARMISTA SRL para la integración de 6 módulos solares de esta misión satelital. Los paneles están constituidos por 3 módulos con 2 subcadenas conectadas en serie y 3 módulos de una subcadena cada uno Estos módulos se realizaron con celdas de de triple juntura (ATJ) marca EMCORE de descarte Se presentan los parámetros eléctricos más relevantes de las celdas utilizadas y las verificaciones funcionales que se realizaron luego de la integración de los paneles.The integration of flight solar panels of CUBEBUG-1 satellital mission is presented. This panels has been integrated from a agreement between CNEA and DISARMISTA SRL for the integration of 6 flight solar panels for CUBEBUG-1 satellital mission. The panels integration has been done using substrings of 2 solar cells connected in series, the cells used was from EMCORE advance triple junction (ATJ) non flight solar cells. The panels itself, are constituted for 3 modules with 2 substrings connected in series and 3 modules with one substring each one. The solar cells relevant electrical parameters and the curves of functional verifications after the integration are presented.Fil: Bolzi, Claudio Gustavo. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Bruno, C. J.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Cabot, P.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Carella, E.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; ArgentinaFil: Di Santo, J.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Duran, Julio Cesar. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Vázquez, J.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Godfrin, Elena María. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Goldbeck, V.. Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica. Centro Atomico Constituyentes. Departamento de Materiales; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, L.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Moglioni, A.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Constituyentes; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz, S.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Olima, José María. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Plá, Juan Francisco Esteban. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Perez, J. I.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Raggio, D.. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Socolovsky, Hernan Pablo. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; ArgentinaFil: Tamasi, Mariana Julia Luisa. Comision Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Investigación y Aplicaciones no Nucleares. Gerencia Física (CAC). Grupo Energía Solar; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Temporal changes in the epidemiology, management, and outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome in European intensive care units: a comparison of two large cohorts

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    Background: Mortality rates for patients with ARDS remain high. We assessed temporal changes in the epidemiology and management of ARDS patients requiring invasive mechanical ventilation in European ICUs. We also investigated the association between ventilatory settings and outcome in these patients. Methods: This was a post hoc analysis of two cohorts of adult ICU patients admitted between May 1–15, 2002 (SOAP study, n = 3147), and May 8–18, 2012 (ICON audit, n = 4601 admitted to ICUs in the same 24 countries as the SOAP study). ARDS was defined retrospectively using the Berlin definitions. Values of tidal volume, PEEP, plateau pressure, and FiO2 corresponding to the most abnormal value of arterial PO2 were recorded prospectively every 24&nbsp;h. In both studies, patients were followed for outcome until death, hospital discharge or for 60&nbsp;days. Results: The frequency of ARDS requiring mechanical ventilation during the ICU stay was similar in SOAP and ICON (327[10.4%] vs. 494[10.7%], p = 0.793). The diagnosis of ARDS was established at a median of 3 (IQ: 1–7) days after admission in SOAP and 2 (1–6) days in ICON. Within 24&nbsp;h of diagnosis, ARDS was mild in 244 (29.7%), moderate in 388 (47.3%), and severe in 189 (23.0%) patients. In patients with ARDS, tidal volumes were lower in the later (ICON) than in the earlier (SOAP) cohort. Plateau and driving pressures were also lower in ICON than in SOAP. ICU (134[41.1%] vs 179[36.9%]) and hospital (151[46.2%] vs 212[44.4%]) mortality rates in patients with ARDS were similar in SOAP and ICON. High plateau pressure (&gt; 29 cmH2O) and driving pressure (&gt; 14 cmH2O) on the first day of mechanical ventilation but not tidal volume (&gt; 8&nbsp;ml/kg predicted body weight [PBW]) were independently associated with a higher risk of in-hospital death. Conclusion: The frequency of and outcome from ARDS remained relatively stable between 2002 and 2012. Plateau pressure &gt; 29 cmH2O and driving pressure &gt; 14 cmH2O on the first day of mechanical ventilation but not tidal volume &gt; 8&nbsp;ml/kg PBW were independently associated with a higher risk of death. These data highlight the continued burden of ARDS and provide hypothesis-generating data for the design of future studies