51 research outputs found

    Pengaruh K File Dan Gates Glidden Drill Sebagai Alat Preparasi Terhadap Kehalusan Permukaan Dinding Saluran Akar ( Penelitian Eksperimental Laboratorik )

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    Keberhasilan peravatan saluran akar dipengaruhi oleh psngambilan seluruh kotoran dari ruang pulpa dan saluran akar sehin«ga didapatkan saluran akar yang bersi

    Peningkatan Ekspresi Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand (RANKL) pada Lesi Periapikal Gigi akibat infeksi bakteri Enterococcus faecalis

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    Background: The Enterococcus faecalis (E faecalis) bacteria is the largest species found in root canal treatment periapical lesions. E faecalis can survive when performed root canal treatment because it can get into the dentin tubuli and firmly attached to the surface area of periapical tooth dentin. Inflammatory bone resorption is a complex process that requires regulation of RANKL (Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand) as osteoclast differentiation factor that stimulates osteoclastogenesis cause periapical bone resorption. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to prove by immunohistochemistry increased expression of RANKL in periapical tissues Wistar rats treated with E faecalis bacteria compared to untreated. Methods: Experimental studies on 24 Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups. Group A is healthy teeth as a negative control. Group B, in the maxillary first molar teeth drilled then put 10.μl BHI then filled with Glass ionomer Cement as a positive control. Group C is the treatment group, after the maxillary first molar teeth drilled then inoculated with 10 μl BHI containing 106 CFU E faecalis bacteria ATCC 29212 and then filled with Glass ionomer Cement to prevent contamination. It takes 21 days to get periapical lesions after pulp infection. Mice were sacrificed and then examination periapical tissue immunohistochemically to see the expression of RANKL. Data were analyzed by ANOVA. Result: The result is an increase in the expression of RANKL in the treatment group (p <0.005) when compared with the negative control group and the positive control group. Conclusion: it can be concluded that the E faecalis bacteria led to increased in RANKL in periapical lesions of teeth

    Expression of Osteoprotegrin and Osteoclast Level in Chronic Apical Periodontitis Induced with East Java Propolis Extract

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    Introduction: The objective of this animal study was to promote East Java propolis as a potential natural intracanal medicament for periapical chronic apical periodontitis bone resorption through evaluating the expression of osteoprotegrin (OPG) and osteoclast level. Methods and Materials: Propolis extract was produced using a maceration procedure. Thirty Wistar rats were divided into three groups. In group I, the control group, the first upper right molar constituted a healthy tooth. In group II, containing rodents with experimentally chronic apical periodontitis, infection with Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212 106 CFU was performed. In group III, the treatment group, after being injected with E faecalis, 10 µL propolis was applied. It required 21 days to induce post-pulp chronic apical periodontitis infection. The rats were euthanised for immunohistochemical examination in order to measure the expression of OPG and to count histologically the number of osteoclast. Result: The expression of OPG and osteoclast constituted 17.5±1.58 and 6.4±0.96 in group I, 10±2 and 16.2±1.31 in group II and 17±1.69 and 7.5±1.08 in group III. Group I presented the highest level of OPG expression but the lowest level of osteoclast expression. There were significant differences between groups II and III and group I regarding OPG and osteoclast expression (P&lt;0.05). Conclusion: East Java Propolis was a potential intracanal medicament promoting an increase in osteoprotegerin expression and a decrease in the number of osteoclasts thereby inhibiting osteoclastogenesis.Keywords: Chronic Apical Periodontitis; East Java Propolis; Intracanal Medicamen

    Activation of innate immunity through toll-like receptor-2 by lipoteichoic acid bacteria entercoccus faecalis

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    A persistent infection after root canal preparation is the main etiology in root canal treatment failure. Cleanup the complete of root canal preparation is difficult to achieve because of the complexity of root canal anatomy. The bacteria Enterococcus faecalis (E.Faecalis) is the largest species found In root canal treatment failure. Prevalence in the re-treatment amounting to 89.6% and 67.5% for primary infection. lipoteichoic acid ILTA) is a molecule found In Gram-positive bacterial cell surface that is functionally an important factor for growth and survival of bacteria. TLR-2 is a receptor expressed on the cell surface that recognize foreign substances such as bacteria. The conclusion of this paper is the destruction of microbes that cause infections is of paramount Importance to prevent re-infection. E.Faecalis is a bacteria that is resistant to root canal treatment procedures so that it can be a cause of failure of root canal treatment through the mechanisms of innate immunity activation of TLR-2 by LTA bacterium E.Faecalis

    Propolis pada Imunopatobiologi Penyembuhan Periodontitis Apikalis Kronis

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    Penggunan Propolis beberapa tahun terakhir telah dilaporkan, hasilnya menunjukan bahwa porpolis dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu behan pengobatan alternati

    Penggunaan sodium hypochlorite sebagai bahan sterilisasi cepat gutta-percha cone (Rapid sterilization of gutta-percha cone with sodium hypochlorite)

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    The purpose of this study was to compare antimicrobial capacity of 2,5% NaOCl, 5,25% NaOCL and aquadest as control for rapid sterilization of gutta-percha cone contaminated with enterococcus faecalis. The animicrobial of each solution was evaluated using diffusion agar method and zone inhibition. the data was recorded and than analyzed statistically independent t test. the result of statistic analyzes showed that there were significant different between the antimicrobial of 2,5% NaOCl and 5,25% NaOCl in 5 min. Enterococcus faecalis was resistant microorganism to 2,5% NaOCl from this study it can be concluded that 5,25% NaOCl was effective in dental pracilce for rapid sterilization of gutta-percha con

    The cleanliness differences of root canal walls after irrigated with East Java propolis extract and sodium hypoclorite solutions

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    Background: Root canal instrumentation produces smear layer that covers dentine tubules of the root canal surface. Smear layer is organic and inorganic particles that have to be removed. East Java propolis extracts contais of saponin components used as a natural surfactant. 2.5% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl solutions have been widely used for irrigation in root canal treatment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the cleanliness of the root canal walls, irrigated with aquadest, 8% East Java propolis extract, 2.5% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl. Method: Forty extracted teeth with straight single root canals were randomly divided into four groups (n=10). The specimens were prepared with ProTaper. During instrumentation, the root canals were irrigated with different solutions: Control Group irrigated with aquadest; Group 1 irrigated with 8% East Java propolis extract; Group 2 irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl and Group 3 irrigated with 5% NaOCl. The root canals were cut at apical third and SEM scores were tested by using Mann-Whitney test at the significance level of p=0.05 and Median Control test. Result: The results of Mann-Whitney Test, there were significant differences between control group with Group 1, 2 and 3 (p<0.05). Based on the Median Control test, the value of 8% East Java propolis extracts was 1,000, which was the best value compared to 2.5% NaOCl, 5% NaOCl and aquadest. Conclusion: It can be concluded that 8% East Java propolis extract is the most effective solution for cleaning root canal walls compared with 2.5% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl

    The Conservative Management of External Root Resorption of Permanent Incisive Central Caused By A Trauma:A Case Report

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    Background: External tooth resorption usually follows trauma to the periodontal ligament. It is a lytic process occurring in the cementum or cementum and dentin of the roots of teeth. Resorption of cementum is regulated by mechanisms similar to those controlling osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. Case: A 20 year-old male patient reported to departement of endodontic, with the chief complaint of pain in his upper right central incisor. Twelve years ago he got an accident and his upper right central incisor got broken. His gum was often swollen but he never took any medicine. On clinical examination of tooth 11, it was found that his tooth was perforated, tender to vertical percussion and no tooth mobility was seen. The Intraoral periapical radiographic examination of tooth 11 revealed root resorption on the root, associated with periapical radiolucency and some bone loss. Case Management: Canal was cleaned and shaped with a brushing movement technique. Then Calcium hydroxide as an intracanal medicament was placed in canal for 2 weeks. The canal was next obturated with MTA on the apical third. After 1 day, the canal post and porcelain fused to metal crown. Conclusion: The use of biomaterials, such as MTA in teeth with perforating external root resorption gave optimal results

    Utilization of Anchovy in Dentistry

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    Anchovy (Stolephorus sp) is a fish that usually consumed by most people in Indonesia. It is served as a famous dish in Indonesian cuisine. It is a natural source of calcium, phosphor, and fluoride. In dentistry, anchovy had been studied due to its bioactive content as bone stimulator and teeth development agent, topical fluoridative agent, and pulp capping agent. There are several methods in preparing anchovy extract that leads to different bioactive content. These variations provide several roles as biomaterial in dentistry. The latest issue regarding anchovy was its hydroxyapatite content. The previous study showed promising result and become a base of future exploration to obtain safe and effective treatment in dentistry

    Cleaning Efficacy of Root Canal Irrigation with Positive and Negative Pressure System

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between irrigant replacement in the positive and negative pressure irrigation systems regarding root canal cleaning efficacy. Methods and Materials: A total of 27 extracted single-root mandibular premolars with 18-20 mm root canal length were decoronated and equally divided into three groups (n=9) based on the irrigation system used: positive irrigation with side-vented needle as the control group (C), positive irrigation with an open-ended needle as the first group (T1) and negative irrigation as the second group (T2). The root canals were irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl between each instrumentation, followed by a final irrigation with 5 mL of sterile distilled water. The irrigation replacements were monitored by means of computational fluid dynamic (CFD), while a scanning electrone microscope (SEM) was used to observe the smear layers and plug evaluations after the teeth had been sectioned longitudinally and buccolingually halves subsequently cut in apical third area. The result was analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney and Spearman correlation tests. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Result: Irrigant replacement in the negative pressure irrigation system tends to produce a greater effect in reaching the apical end compared to in the positive pressure irrigation system. This resulted in significantly superior smear layer removal in the apical third area (P&lt;0.05). Conclusion: The irrigation solution exchange of the negative pressure irrigation system is more capable of reaching the apical end compared to the positive pressure irrigation system, resulting in a higher sanitation level in the apical third of the root canal.Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics; Negative Pressure Irrigation; Positive Pressure Irrigation; Root Canal Irrigants; Smear Laye
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