16 research outputs found

    Application de la détente instantanée contrÎlée pour l'eco-extraction des produits naturels : intensification & combinaison

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    This study focuses on fundamental analysis and experimental work carried out on extraction via conventional and innovative processes. The intensification of these techniques is first based on theoretical approaches. On the one hand, we focused our meditation on examining the "paradox" generated by conventional steam-distillation of essential oils, and suggested solutions from Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) or Microwave (MW). On the other hand, we were interested in the problematic of solvent extraction operations of plant-based non-volatile compounds. The specificity of the diffusional process gives them a special importance because of the specific structure of the material, reflecting poor intrinsic technological ability. Improving extraction by letting DIC act on the structure of the matrix, MW on heating, and UltraSound (US) on the micro-agitation, allows to coupling technologies leading to a perfect intensification and thus multi-criteria optimization (kinetics, quality and energy). DIC was applied to the leaves of rosemary and orange peel to extract essential oils. This treatment has access to expansion and to achieve increased extraction of antioxidant molecules. We therefore conducted a combination DIC/MW for rosemary and DIC/US for orange peel. Finally, the extraction kinetics of rapeseed oil has been intensified by DIC pretreatment. This kinetics was identified through modeling including Fick diffusion coupled to a Crank solutionCette Ă©tude porte sur l’analyse fondamentale et expĂ©rimentale des processus d’extraction des procĂ©dĂ©s conventionnels et innovants. L’intensification de ces techniques s’est tout d’abord basĂ©e sur des approches thĂ©oriques. D’une part, nous nous sommes focalisĂ©s sur « le paradoxe » gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par l’extraction conventionnelle des huiles essentielles et les issues et solutions que la DĂ©tente InstantanĂ©e ContrĂŽlĂ©e (DIC) ou les Micro-Ondes (MO) peuvent apporter. D’autre part, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la problĂ©matique d’intensification des opĂ©rations d’extraction par solvant des composĂ©s non-volatils Ă  partir de vĂ©gĂ©taux. La spĂ©cificitĂ© des processus diffusionnels leur donne une importance particuliĂšre en raison de la structure propre de la matiĂšre, traduisant ainsi une mauvaise aptitude technologique intrinsĂšque. L’amĂ©lioration de l’extraction par l’action de la DIC sur la structure de la matrice, des MO sur le chauffage et des UltraSons (US) sur la micro-agitation, permet d’envisager un couplage, de conduire Ă  une intensification aprĂšs optimisation souvent multicritĂšres (cinĂ©tique, qualitĂ© et Ă©nergie). La DIC a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e sur des feuilles de romarin et des Ă©corces d’orange afin d’en extraire les huiles essentielles. Ce traitement a permis d’accĂ©der Ă  une expansion et de parvenir Ă  une intensification de l’extraction des molĂ©cules antioxydantes. Nous avons donc procĂ©dĂ© Ă  une combinaison DIC/MO pour le romarin et DIC/US pour les Ă©corces d’orange. Enfin, la cinĂ©tique de l’extraction d’huiles de colza a Ă©tĂ© intensifiĂ©e par un prĂ©traitement DIC et Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă  travers une modĂ©lisation dont l’un des aspects a Ă©tĂ© une diffusion de type Fick couplĂ©e Ă  une solution de Cran

    Decontamination of Solid and Powder Foodstuffs using DIC Technology

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    International audienc


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    The main objective of this study was to intensify the extraction of total phenols from Salvia officinalis L. using instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) as a texturing pre-treatment. The effect of solvent type on Total Phenolic Content (TPC) was also studied. TPC was determined using spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteau method and external calibration with Gallic acid. The obtained results showed that water was the most efficient solvent to extract total phenols from Salvia officinalis L. Moreover, texturing and expansion by DIC pretreatment had a great impact on polyphenol yields and revealed greater extraction kinetics. Likewise, drying kinetics of DIC-treated sage was enhanced compared to the raw material. DIC-assisted extraction can be considered as a promising technology to use in the case of the Moroccan Salvia officinalis L. as an important Mediterranean source of natural phenols

    Instant Controlled Pressure-Drop DIC as a Strategic Technology for Different Types of Natural Functional Foods

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    The increasing demand for functional foods requires the design, simulation, and further optimization of preservation processes of food with the purpose of keeping as high as possible the functionality of food products. Many studies have shown that the high consumption of fruit and vegetables prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer, among others. Fruits and vegetables are important sources of nutrients, dietary fibers, and phytochemicals. However, after harvest, they are highly perishable because of their high moisture content of almost 3–9 g H2O/g db. Solar and airflow drying processes have been the most popular methods to increase the shelf life of these products. Nevertheless, low organoleptic and nutritional quality, hygiene problems, and long drying periods constitute significant barriers to a more widespread use. “Swell-drying” is a special drying process convective airflow drying (CAD) to the instant controlled pressure-drop (DIC) expansion. This process is well-known as guaranteeing (1) the preservation of functional properties; (2) the organoleptic quality; (3) the effective microbiological/fungi decontamination; and (4) a reduced energy consumption and a lower drying time. DIC treatment is a high temperature/short time (HTST) process that improves both performance of drying process and high-quality functional foods

    Instant controlled pressure drop for green extraction of natural products : intensification & combination

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    Cette Ă©tude porte sur l’analyse fondamentale et expĂ©rimentale des processus d’extraction des procĂ©dĂ©s conventionnels et innovants. L’intensification de ces techniques s’est tout d’abord basĂ©e sur des approches thĂ©oriques. D’une part, nous nous sommes focalisĂ©s sur « le paradoxe » gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© par l’extraction conventionnelle des huiles essentielles et les issues et solutions que la DĂ©tente InstantanĂ©e ContrĂŽlĂ©e (DIC) ou les Micro-Ondes (MO) peuvent apporter. D’autre part, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la problĂ©matique d’intensification des opĂ©rations d’extraction par solvant des composĂ©s non-volatils Ă  partir de vĂ©gĂ©taux. La spĂ©cificitĂ© des processus diffusionnels leur donne une importance particuliĂšre en raison de la structure propre de la matiĂšre, traduisant ainsi une mauvaise aptitude technologique intrinsĂšque. L’amĂ©lioration de l’extraction par l’action de la DIC sur la structure de la matrice, des MO sur le chauffage et des UltraSons (US) sur la micro-agitation, permet d’envisager un couplage, de conduire Ă  une intensification aprĂšs optimisation souvent multicritĂšres (cinĂ©tique, qualitĂ© et Ă©nergie). La DIC a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e sur des feuilles de romarin et des Ă©corces d’orange afin d’en extraire les huiles essentielles. Ce traitement a permis d’accĂ©der Ă  une expansion et de parvenir Ă  une intensification de l’extraction des molĂ©cules antioxydantes. Nous avons donc procĂ©dĂ© Ă  une combinaison DIC/MO pour le romarin et DIC/US pour les Ă©corces d’orange. Enfin, la cinĂ©tique de l’extraction d’huiles de colza a Ă©tĂ© intensifiĂ©e par un prĂ©traitement DIC et Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă  travers une modĂ©lisation dont l’un des aspects a Ă©tĂ© une diffusion de type Fick couplĂ©e Ă  une solution de CrankThis study focuses on fundamental analysis and experimental work carried out on extraction via conventional and innovative processes. The intensification of these techniques is first based on theoretical approaches. On the one hand, we focused our meditation on examining the "paradox" generated by conventional steam-distillation of essential oils, and suggested solutions from Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) or Microwave (MW). On the other hand, we were interested in the problematic of solvent extraction operations of plant-based non-volatile compounds. The specificity of the diffusional process gives them a special importance because of the specific structure of the material, reflecting poor intrinsic technological ability. Improving extraction by letting DIC act on the structure of the matrix, MW on heating, and UltraSound (US) on the micro-agitation, allows to coupling technologies leading to a perfect intensification and thus multi-criteria optimization (kinetics, quality and energy). DIC was applied to the leaves of rosemary and orange peel to extract essential oils. This treatment has access to expansion and to achieve increased extraction of antioxidant molecules. We therefore conducted a combination DIC/MW for rosemary and DIC/US for orange peel. Finally, the extraction kinetics of rapeseed oil has been intensified by DIC pretreatment. This kinetics was identified through modeling including Fick diffusion coupled to a Crank solutio

    Instant Controlled Pressure Drop technology: From a new fundamental approach of instantaneous transitory thermodynamics to large industrial applications on high performance–high controlled quality unit operations

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    Solvent extraction processes have been largely used in various industries. They recently were improved through new physical concepts such as CO2 Supercritical Fluid Extraction, Ultrasound assisted process, Microwave-assisted extraction, Instant Controlled Pressure Drop DIC-assisted extraction. . . Systematically, a pretreatment stage of grinding takes place in order to improve the exchange surface increasing the starting accessibility. Swelling of the material structure implies an increase of the porosity thus leading to higher solvent diffusivity within the solid matrix. A new concept of expanded granule powder has recently been defined using Instant Controlled Pressure Drop DIC technology. Whatever the type of solvent is (even CO2-SFE), such a swelled structure dramatically intensifies the kinetics through a higher specific exchange surface thanks to the open pores, while improving the solution solvent–solute diffusivity within the solid. Coupled to ultrasound, the internal transfer of solute within the pore solvent can likewise be intensified by replacing molecular diffusion within the pores by an effective convection transfer. In this work, we carried out a first approach of modeling of solvent extraction kinetics of expanded granules involving higher exchange surface and greater internal diffusion process

    Application de la détente instantanée contrÎlée pour l'eco-extraction des produits naturels (intensification & combinaison)

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    Cette étude porte sur l analyse fondamentale et expérimentale des processus d extraction des procédés conventionnels et innovants. L intensification de ces techniques s est tout d abord basée sur des approches théoriques. D une part, nous nous sommes focalisés sur le paradoxe généré par l extraction conventionnelle des huiles essentielles et les issues et solutions que la Détente Instantanée ContrÎlée (DIC) ou les Micro-Ondes (MO) peuvent apporter. D autre part, nous nous sommes intéressés à la problématique d intensification des opérations d extraction par solvant des composés non-volatils à partir de végétaux. La spécificité des processus diffusionnels leur donne une importance particuliÚre en raison de la structure propre de la matiÚre, traduisant ainsi une mauvaise aptitude technologique intrinsÚque. L amélioration de l extraction par l action de la DIC sur la structure de la matrice, des MO sur le chauffage et des UltraSons (US) sur la micro-agitation, permet d envisager un couplage, de conduire à une intensification aprÚs optimisation souvent multicritÚres (cinétique, qualité et énergie). La DIC a été appliquée sur des feuilles de romarin et des écorces d orange afin d en extraire les huiles essentielles. Ce traitement a permis d accéder à une expansion et de parvenir à une intensification de l extraction des molécules antioxydantes. Nous avons donc procédé à une combinaison DIC/MO pour le romarin et DIC/US pour les écorces d orange. Enfin, la cinétique de l extraction d huiles de colza a été intensifiée par un prétraitement DIC et étudiée à travers une modélisation dont l un des aspects a été une diffusion de type Fick couplée à une solution de CrankThis study focuses on fundamental analysis and experimental work carried out on extraction via conventional and innovative processes. The intensification of these techniques is first based on theoretical approaches. On the one hand, we focused our meditation on examining the "paradox" generated by conventional steam-distillation of essential oils, and suggested solutions from Instant Controlled Pressure Drop (DIC) or Microwave (MW). On the other hand, we were interested in the problematic of solvent extraction operations of plant-based non-volatile compounds. The specificity of the diffusional process gives them a special importance because of the specific structure of the material, reflecting poor intrinsic technological ability. Improving extraction by letting DIC act on the structure of the matrix, MW on heating, and UltraSound (US) on the micro-agitation, allows to coupling technologies leading to a perfect intensification and thus multi-criteria optimization (kinetics, quality and energy). DIC was applied to the leaves of rosemary and orange peel to extract essential oils. This treatment has access to expansion and to achieve increased extraction of antioxidant molecules. We therefore conducted a combination DIC/MW for rosemary and DIC/US for orange peel. Finally, the extraction kinetics of rapeseed oil has been intensified by DIC pretreatment. This kinetics was identified through modeling including Fick diffusion coupled to a Crank solutionAVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Solvent-free extraction of food and natural products

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    This review presents useful and green techniques of solvent-free extraction used in ancient times, such as extraction of olive oil and citrus essential oil, and innovative techniques, such as pulsed electric field, microwave, instantaneous controlled pressure drop, and extrusion. We discuss the devices, their applications, mechanisms, and parameters influencing sample preparation prior to analysis of natural products

    Impact of instant controlled pressure drop pre-treatment on solvent extraction of edible oil from rapeseed seeds

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    The fundamental analysis and modeling of kinetics of solvent extraction of rapeseed oil enable the quantification of the “washing” and “diffusion” steps. Both are illustrated through “starting accessibility” and “effective diffusivity”, respectively. This is a relevant way to identify how to intensify and optimize the operating conditions in terms of highest yield and lowest extraction time. Using the instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) expansion as a pretreatment for the intensification of the whole unit operation, the starting accessibility ratio reached a value of 28.69% against 19.03% for the raw material. Effective diffusivity of DIC treated samples reached a value of 2.05 × 10−12 m2/s instead of 0.72 × 10−12 m2/s for the raw material. Regarding oil composition, predominant fatty acids in all extracted rapeseed oils are oleic acid (C18:1 n9) ranged from 57.58 to 59.03%, linoleic acid (C18:2 n6) ranged from 21.23 to 21.89%, and linolenic acid (C18:3 n3) ranged from 9.11 to 9.45%. None of DIC treatment produced a significant variation in relative fatty acid profile