28 research outputs found

    Leadership and Its Position in Islamic Education

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    This study aims to describe leadership and its position in Islamic education. The method used in this research is a literature study by collecting (material materials) sourced from various books, journals, and other sources. The results of the study indicate that an effective leader in an educational institution is able to motivate his staff (teachers and non-teachers) to excel and work with high spirits. He will also be able to build good relationships with parents and the surrounding community for the betterment of the institution he leads. Achievement motivation and high work spirit of school/madrasah staff will give birth to better quality education services which then produce students who excel

    The Assessment of Early Stage Computed Tomography Findings in Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    The imaging techniques have become important tools during diagnostic stage of acute ischemic stroke during the last 30 years. The improvement in these techniques further increased the clinical areas that these tools could be used. As computerized brain tomography (CT) is a rapid, cheap, non-invasive and highly available imaging tool in most hospitals, it remains to be the primary scanning method for all acute patients.The aim of this study was to evaluate the early stage CT findings in the ischemic stroke patients which have been scanned in the first 8 to 12 hours after the incidence. Sixty four cases (26 male, 38 female) who had clinical symptoms of ischemic stroke have been included in this study. CT scan was performed twice to these patients; first in the first 8 to 12 hours, and second in between 24 hours and 48 hours after the stroke. The middle cerebral artery perfused area was the most common arterial area affected among cases who had CT findings in early scans. Hypodense lesions were most common lesions encountered in CT findings. Hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign in early CT findings could be an indicator of ischemia due to arterial occlusion. We determined that the CT images obtained at the beginning of developing stroke appeared to show the lesions smaller than what they really were. There were significant differences between the emergency room evaluation and detailed clinical evaluation of CT scans. More findings have been observed in late CT scans performed between 24 hours and 48 hours than the ones performed in the first 8 hours and 12 hours. There was no correlation between the presence of CT findings in early scans and severity of clinical features of ischemia. CT appears to be an important tool in diagnosing ischemic strokes even at early stages. Developments in diagnostic precision of CT tools will further increase our understanding of ischemic strokes and their clinical progress

    Üner Tan Syndrome: Review and Emergence of Human Quadrupedalism in Self-Organization,\ud Attractors and Evolutionary Perspectives\ud

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    The first man reported in the world literature exhibiting habitual quadrupedal locomotion was discovered by a British traveler and writer on the famous Baghdat road near Havsa/Samsun on the middle Black-Sea coast of Turkey (Childs, 1917). Interestingly, no single case with human quadrupedalism was reported in the scientific literature after Child's first description in 1917 until the first report on the Uner Tan syndrome (UTS: quadrupedalism, mental retardation, and impaired speech or no speech)in 2005 (Tan, 2005, 2006). Between 2005 and 2010, 10 families exhibiting the syndrome were discovered in Turkey with 33 cases: 14 women (42.4%) and 19 men (57.6%). Including a few cases from other countries, there were 25 men (64.1%)and 14 women (35.9%). The number of men significantly exceeded the number of women (p < .05). Genetics alone did not seem to be informative for the origins of many syndromes, including the Uner Tan syndrome. From the viewpoint of dynamical systems theory, there may not be a single factor including the neural and/or genetic codes that predetermines the emergence of the human quadrupedalism.Rather, it may involve a self-organization process, consisting of many decentralized and local interactions among neuronal, genetic, and environmental subsystems. The most remarkable characteristic of the UTS, the diagonal-sequence quadrupedalism is well developed in primates. The evolutionarily advantage of this gait is not known. However, there seems to be an evolutionarily advantage of this type of locomotion for primate evolution, with regard to the emergence of complex neural circuits with related highly complex structures. Namely, only primates with diagonal-sequence quadrupedal locomotion followed an evolution favoring larger brains, highly developed cognitive abilities with hand skills, and language, with erect posture and bipedal locomotion, creating the unity of human being. It was suggested that UTS may be considered a further example for Darwinian diseases, which may be associated with an evolutionary understanding of the disorders using evolutionary principles, such as the natural selection. On the other hand, the human quadrupedalism was proposed to be a phenotypic example of evolution of reverse, i.e., the reacquisition by derived populations of the same character states as those of ancestor populations. It was also suggested that the emergence of the human quadrupedalism may be related to self-organizing processes occurring in complex systems, which select or attract one preferred behavioral state or locomotor trait out of many possible attractor states. Concerning the locomotor patterns, the dynamical systems in brain and body of the developing child may prefer some kind of locomotion, according to interactions of the internal components and the environmental conditions, without a direct role of any causative factor(s), such as genetic or neural codes, consistent with the concept of self-organization, suggesting no single element may have a causal priority

    The Influence of Antiepileptic Drugs on Thyroid Hormon Levels

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    Fourty epileptic patients who were followed at Neurology Department of Diyarbakır Dicle University Medical School and taking antiepileptic drugs for at least a year, were included in the study. Twenty of patients (50%) were male and 20 (50%) were female. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to drugs they were treated with. The age range of 14 patients using valproate were between 15 and 44 years (mean 27.7) and they were taking the medication for 1 to 4 years (mean 2.67 years). Ages of 11 patients taking phenytoin were between 18 and 41 years (mean 28.7). Fifteen patients taking carbamazepine were between 16 and 43 years of age (mean 28.5) and duration of their therapy were 1 to 3 years (mean 2.6). The aim of this study was to search the effects of antiepileptic drugs on thyroid hormone levels in epileptic patients. Levels of T4, FT4, T3, FT3 and TSH were analyzed and following results were obtained. In group of patients receiving valproate, T4 levels decreased significantly. No change has been detected at FT4, T3.FT3 and TSH levels. T4 and FT4 levels decreased significantly at the patients using phenytoin. No change has been observed at T3, FT3 and TSH levels. There were no significant changes at T3, FT3 and TSH levels in the group of patients taking carbamazepine, however T4 and FT4 levels decreased significantly. The decrease at T4 levels were greater at carbamazepine, valproat and phenytoin, respectively. The most prominent decrease of FT4 levels were at the group taking phenytoin while the group treated with valproate were effected the least. The results of this study has shown that antiepileptic drugs affect thyroid functions, and patients using these drugs should be regularly followed up for any possible thyroid dysfunction

    Role of Myeloperoxidase in Stroke

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    Ischemic stroke is a significant pathological state which results from sudden infract in brain tissue. Most common cause of ischemic stroke is atherosclerosis. It is the most common cause of mortality in developed countries. Atherosclerosis has been purposed to be a chronic inflammatory disease. There is significant association between inflammatory process and ischemic events. Oxidative stress and inflammation significantly contribute to development of atherosclerosis. Myeloperoxidase enzyme is a lysosomal enzyme secreted from leucocytes as a response to oxidative stress. MPO which has been abundantly present in leucocytes, forms reactive oxidant products and plays role in atherosclerotic reactions thorough its catalytic activity. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2013; 22(1.000): 1-11

    Malignant Catatonia

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    Catatonia is a syndrome characterized by mutism, immobility, negativism, stereotypy, mannerisms, echophenomena, perseveration and passive obedience. The underlying causes can be psychiatric or may be associated with general medical status or neurological diseases. Additionally catatonia has two subtypes as malignant and nonmalignant catatonia. Main symptoms of malignant catatonia are hyperthermia and autonomic symptoms such as tachycardia, tachypnea and hyperhidrosis. It is important to make the diagnosis as early as possible for an appropriate medical treatment. Clinicians should be aware of the fatal outcome of the disease

    Parkinson hastalığı ile kemik yoğunluğunu ilişkisi

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    Amaç: Parkinson hastalığı tanısıyla takipli hastalar artmış fraktur; özellikle femur başı frakturu riskiyle karşı karşıyadır. Bu risk artışının hastalığa özgü postural instabilite, nörolojik hasar ya da kemik mineral yoğunluğundaki azalmaya bağlanabileceği öne sürülmüştür. Parkinson hastalığında düşme sıklığı ve komplikasyonlarının artışı nedeniyle Parkinson hastalığı ve osteoporoz ilişkisi önemini korumaktadır. Bu nedenle Türk toplumundaki Parkinson hastalığıyla osteoporoz varlığı arasındaki ilişki incelemeye değer bulunmuştur. Gereç ve Yöntem: 65 idiyopatik parkinson hastasının dahil olduğu hasta grubu ile cinsiyet ve yaş aralığı uyumlu, bilinen sistemik hastalığı olmayan 30 bireyi kontrol grubu olarak kabul ederek kemik mineral yoğunluklarını karşılaştırdık. Kemik metabolizmasına etkisi olabilecek elektrolit ve metabolik hastalığa sahip bireyler çalışma dışı tutulmuştur. Parkinson hastalığı UPDRS ve Hoehn &Yahr skalalarına göre evrelendirilerek incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmanın sonucunda Parkinson hastaları grubunda anlamlı olarak kemik mineral yoğunluklarında kontrol grubuna göre azalma; ayrıca hastalık evresi Hoehn&Yahr skalasına göre arttıkça; hastaların immobilitesi arttıkça, kemik mineral yoğunluğunda azalma saptandı (p:0.037). Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar ışığında Parkinson hastalığı tanısıyla takipli bireylerde primer ve sekonder koruma tedavilerini planlarken osteoporoz ve olası komplikasyonların göz önünde bulundurulması gerektiğini vurgulamaktayız.Objective: Patients with a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease face an increased risk of bone fracture, especially fracture of the head of the femur. This increased risk has been attributed to the postural instability characteristic of the disease, to neurological damage or to a reduction in bone mineral density. Because of the increased frequency of falling and its complications, the link between Parkinson's disease and osteoporosis demands attention. For this reason, we thought it of value to investigate the relationship between Parkinson's disease and the incidence of osteoporosis in the Turkish population. Materials and Methods: We compared a group of 65 idiopathic Parkinson's patients with a control group of 30 individuals, who were matched for age and sex, and who had no known systemic diseases, for bone mineral density. Individuals with electrolyte and metabolic diseases which might affect bone metabolism were excluded from the study. The stage of Parkinson's disease was determined according to UPDRS and Hoehn and Yahr scores. Results: Results of the study showed a significant reduction in bone mineral density in Parkinson's patients compared to the control group; also, as the stage of the disease advanced according to the Hoehn and Yahr score, and as immobility increased, so bone mineral density decreased (p:0.037). Conclusion: In the light of these results, we emphasize that osteoporosis and its possible complications should be taken into account when planning primary and secondary care treatments for Parkinson's patients

    Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of inpatients with Schizophrenia in Psychiatry Clinics

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    WOS: 000426053800005Objective: The aim of study as to determine the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the inpatients with the diagnosis of schizophrenia between the years 2010-2014. Patients were grouped according to the gender and age of onset and these groups were compared. Method: 208 patients who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM IV TR between the years 2010-2014. Sociodemographic and clinical data form, Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms(SAPS) and Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms(SANS), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Insight Assessment Scale were filled by scanning previous patient files. Results: 107(51,4%) of the patients included in this study were male. Mean age of onset of schizophrenia was 23,82 +/- 9,78. There was no significant difference between men and women in terms of age at onset. The rate of patients with one or more delusions was 98,6 % (n:205), the rate of patients with one more halucinations was 59,6 % (n:124). Lifetime smoking, alcohol and substance abuse and legal problem rates were higher in male patients. Lifetime history of suicide and SAPS scores were higher in female patients. Family history of psychiatric disorders was higher in early onset schizophrenia patients(<40 age). Conclusion: The study which determined wider and homogeneous distribution samples in this subject and at same time meeting patients and their families may contribute to identify the clinical features of the disease more detailed

    Treatment Response in an Elderly with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

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    Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is a rare syndrome with symptoms facial paralysis accompanied by herpetic vesicles in oropharynx and ear side. Recovery from facial paralysis is generally late and with sequel. In the current case, a 90 year old man has been admitted to neurology clinics with symptoms of vesicular lesions in hairy skin, left ear auricula, chin and neck which developed after severe pain. His history, clinical and laboratory findings revealed that he had Ramsay Hunt syndrome which had been treated with intravenous acyclovir and steroid. Facial paralysis quickly responded to the treatment with full recovery. [Cukurova Med J 2013; 38(3.000): 479-481