9,272 research outputs found

    On the finite-size effects in two segregated Bose-Einstein condensates restricted by a hard wall

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    The finite-size effects in two segregated Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) restricted by a hard wall is studied by means of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the double-parabola approximation (DPA). Starting from the consistency between the boundary conditions (BCs) imposed on condensates in confined geometry and in the full space, we find all possible BCs together with the corresponding condensate profiles and interface tensions. We discover two finite-size effects: a) The ground state derived from the Neumann BC is stable whereas the ground states derived from the Robin and Dirichlet BCs are unstable. b) Thereby, there equally manifest two possible wetting phase transitions originating from two unstable states. However, the one associated with the Robin BC is more favourable because it corresponds to a smaller interface tension.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Outward Influence and Cascade Size Estimation in Billion-scale Networks

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    Estimating cascade size and nodes' influence is a fundamental task in social, technological, and biological networks. Yet this task is extremely challenging due to the sheer size and the structural heterogeneity of networks. We investigate a new influence measure, termed outward influence (OI), defined as the (expected) number of nodes that a subset of nodes SS will activate, excluding the nodes in S. Thus, OI equals, the de facto standard measure, influence spread of S minus |S|. OI is not only more informative for nodes with small influence, but also, critical in designing new effective sampling and statistical estimation methods. Based on OI, we propose SIEA/SOIEA, novel methods to estimate influence spread/outward influence at scale and with rigorous theoretical guarantees. The proposed methods are built on two novel components 1) IICP an important sampling method for outward influence, and 2) RSA, a robust mean estimation method that minimize the number of samples through analyzing variance and range of random variables. Compared to the state-of-the art for influence estimation, SIEA is Ω(log4n)\Omega(\log^4 n) times faster in theory and up to several orders of magnitude faster in practice. For the first time, influence of nodes in the networks of billions of edges can be estimated with high accuracy within a few minutes. Our comprehensive experiments on real-world networks also give evidence against the popular practice of using a fixed number, e.g. 10K or 20K, of samples to compute the "ground truth" for influence spread.Comment: 16 pages, SIGMETRICS 201

    Gamma-ray emission from the globular clusters Liller 1, M80, NGC 6139, NGC 6541, NGC 6624, and NGC 6752

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    Globular clusters (GCs) are emerging as a new class of gamma-ray emitters, thanks to the data obtained from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. By now, eight GCs are known to emit gamma-rays at energies >100~MeV. Based on the stellar encounter rate of the GCs, we identify potential gamma-ray emitting GCs out of all known GCs that have not been studied in details before. In this paper, we report the discovery of a number of new gamma-ray GCs: Liller 1, NGC 6624, and NGC 6752, and evidence for gamma-ray emission from M80, NGC 6139, and NGC 6541, in which gamma-rays were found within the GC tidal radius. With one of the highest metallicity among all GCs in the Milky Way, the gamma-ray luminosity of Liller 1 is found to be the highest of all known gamma-ray GCs. In addition, we confirm a previous report of significant gamma-ray emitting region next to NGC 6441. We briefly discuss the observed offset of gamma-rays from some GC cores. The increasing number of known gamma-ray GCs at distances out to ~10 kpc is important for us to understand the gamma-ray emitting mechanism and provides an alternative probe to the underlying millisecond pulsar populations of the GCs.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; ApJ, in pres

    DMRG analysis of the SDW-CDW crossover region in the 1D half-filled Hubbard-Holstein model

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    In order to clarify the physics of the crossover from a spin-density-wave (SDW) Mott insulator to a charge-density-wave (CDW) Peierls insulator in one-dimensional (1D) systems, we investigate the Hubbard-Holstein Hamiltonian at half filling within a density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG) approach. Determining the spin and charge correlation exponents, the momentum distribution function, and various excitation gaps, we confirm that an intervening metallic phase expands the SDW-CDW transition in the weak-coupling regime.Comment: revised versio

    The missing GeV {\gamma}-ray binary: Searching for HESS J0632+057 with Fermi-LAT

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    The very high energy (VHE; >100 GeV) source HESS J0632+057 has been recently confirmed as a \gamma-ray binary, a subclass of the high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) population, through the detection of an orbital period of 321 days. We performed a deep search for the emission of HESS J0632+057 in the GeV energy range using data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The analysis was challenging due to the source being located in close proximity to the bright \gamma-ray pulsar PSR J0633+0632 and lying in a crowded region of the Galactic plane where there is prominent diffuse emission. We formulated a Bayesian block algorithm adapted to work with weighted photon counts, in order to define the off-pulse phases of PSR J0633+0632. A detailed spectral-spatial model of a 5 deg circular region centred on the known location of HESS J0632+057 was generated to accurately model the LAT data. No significant emission from the location of HESS J0632+057 was detected in the 0.1-100 GeV energy range integrating over ~3.5 years of data; with a 95% flux upper limit of F_{0.1-100 GeV} < 3 x 10-8 ph cm-2 s-1. A search for emission over different phases of the orbit also yielded no significant detection. A search for source emission on shorter timescales (days--months) did not yield any significant detections. We also report the results of a search for radio pulsations using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). No periodic signals or individual dispersed bursts of a likely astronomical origin were detected. We estimated the flux density limit of < 90/40 \mu Jy at 2/9 GHz. The LAT flux upper limits combined with the detection of HESS J0632+057 in the 136-400 TeV energy band by the MAGIC collaboration imply that the VHE spectrum must turn over at energies <136 GeV placing constraints on any theoretical models invoked to explain the \gamma-ray emission.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) Main Journa

    Telehealth technology: Potentials, challenges and research directions for developing countries

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    Telehealth has been developed and successfully applied in clinical practices, gained a strong interest and demonstrated its usefulness for medical diagnosis, treatments and rehabilitation worldwide. The advent of high speed communication technology and complex signal processing techniques, and recent advancements in cloud and cognitive computing, has created a new wave of opportunities for delivering remote healthcare applications and services, where the cost-effective diagnosis and treatment solutions as well as healthcare services are important and need to be deployed widely. Nevertheless, there is still a significant challenge in fully adopting this technology due to asymmetry among the healthcare centers, hospitals and the user-ends, especially in developing countries. This paper provides an overview of the telehealth, then to addresses the possible telehealth technologies and applications that could be applied to improve the healthcare service performance, with the focus on the developing countries. The incorporation of different technologies in telehealth including, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud and cognitive computing, medical image processing and effective encoding is introduced and discussed. Finally, the possible research directions, challenges for the efficient telehealth, and potential research and technology collaborations are outlined

    Remote sensing and GIS-based analysis of cave development in the Suoimuoi Catchment (Son La - NW Vietnam)

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    Integration of remotely sensed imagery with ground surveys is a promising method in cave development studies. In this research a methodology was set up in which a variety of remote sensing and GIS techniques support cave analysis in the tropical karst area of the Suoimuoi catchment, NW Vietnam. In order to extract the maximum information from different remotely sensed data, the hue invariant IHS transformation was applied to integrate Landsat multispectral channels with the high resolution Landsat 7 ETM panchromatic channel. The resulting fused image was used, after enhancement, to visually and digitally extract lineaments. Aerial photos evaluated the extracted lineaments. Based on lineament density indices a fracture zone favorable for cave development is defined. The distance between caves and faults was investigated as well as the correspondence between the cave occurrence and the fracture zone

    Connection Conditions and the Spectral Family under Singular Potentials

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    To describe a quantum system whose potential is divergent at one point, one must provide proper connection conditions for the wave functions at the singularity. Generalizing the scheme used for point interactions in one dimension, we present a set of connection conditions which are well-defined even if the wave functions and/or their derivatives are divergent at the singularity. Our generalized scheme covers the entire U(2) family of quantizations (self-adjoint Hamiltonians) admitted for the singular system. We use this scheme to examine the spectra of the Coulomb potential V(x)=e2/xV(x) = - e^2 / | x | and the harmonic oscillator with square inverse potential V(x)=(mω2/2)x2+g/x2V(x) = (m \omega^2 / 2) x^2 + g/x^2, and thereby provide a general perspective for these models which have previously been treated with restrictive connection conditions resulting in conflicting spectra. We further show that, for any parity invariant singular potentials V(x)=V(x)V(-x) = V(x), the spectrum is determined solely by the eigenvalues of the characteristic matrix UU(2)U \in U(2).Comment: TeX, 18 page