616 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary research project on the Abbey of S. Croce at Sassovivo in Foligno, Italy

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    The research project on the Abbey of S. Croce at Sassovivo in Foligno (Italy) started in 2012, based on the studies of Giovanni Carbonara and Lia Barelli from Sapienza University of Rome. The aim of the project was to investigate the abbey complex to understand the different construction phases of the buildings. In particular, the study was focused on the material aspects through the stratigraphic reading of the structures and the analysis of building materials. In this case, the extensive archival documentation is not detailed enough to reconstruct the history of the building phases. Thanks to the particular characteristics of the abbey and the multidisciplinary method of the research, this project has involved an increasing number of Italian and foreign professionals. Following the identification of the size and extension of the medi- eval church, the first archaeological excavation campaign started in 2014. It was carried out by the Postgraduate School in Architectural and Land- scape Heritage of Sapienza University of Rome and supported by the Associazione degli Amici dell’Ab- bazia di Sassovivo (Association of the Friends of Sassovivo Abbey). The first results exceeded expec- tations, revealing a much more complex situation, and new archaeological campaigns were planned (2015-2016-2017). During these investigations, we had the collaboration of the Department of Cultural Catholic Heritage of the Pontifical Gregorian Uni- versity, Department of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia, the Department of Biologi- cal Anthropology of the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest and the Department of Anthropology of the Museum of Natural History of Budapest

    Johan Turi - "az első számi etnográfus"

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    Énekbe rejtett világ

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    A nyelvhasonlítás elő- és tudománytörténete

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    "Balanga janegol"

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    Nyelvészeti módszerek alkalmazási lehetőségei a szövegfolklorisztikában és a prozódiai kutatásokban. Számi jojkaszöveg-elemzések

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    This paper concentrates on the textual level of the yoiks. The corpus of my analysis is based on the western type of yoiking tradition, consisting mainly of short sentences squeezed in between filler syllables and particles. These linguistic panels were studied only marginally, as they are composed mostly – sometimes solely – from “nonsense” elements. In general as well, such elements can hardly be studied only with the methods of ethnomusicology or literature. Methods of the communication theory, linguistics, semiotics, language philosophy etc. shall be applied during this kind of analysis. In its conclusion this paper points out that the three semiotic levels (rhythm, melody and lyrics) are ruled by a strict hierarchy, in which textual elements have a subservient role. Furthermore by examining the cultural contexts we will demonstrate that textual elements, just as melodies, are very much controlled by the community

    A növénytermesztési tér N-forgalmának vizsgálata "talaj + növény" rendszerben a N-trágyázás fejlesztéséhez = Studies on N-turnover of field site in "soil + crop" system for development of N-fertilisation

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    Az 1989-ben Szarvason, csernozjom réti talajon, 64 trágyázási kezeléssel beállított műtrágyázási kísérletre épülő 4 éves (2005-2008) kutatási programban elért főbb eredmények: - Meghatároztuk a talaj N-szolgáltató képességét a talaj Nmin készletének tenyészidő alatti mérésével, valamint a növények (kukorica, őszi árpa, szója, kender) betakarításkori N-felvételével No, N8o, N160 és N240 kg ha-1 N-ellátottsági szinteken. - A N-ellátottsági szintek kalibrálásával megállapítottuk a kísérleti növények N-trágyaigényét a hozam és minőségi paraméterek figyelembe vételével. - A diagnosztikai célú növényanalízishez N-ellátottsági határértékeket határoztunk meg kukoricára, őszi árpára, szójára és kenderre. - Elkészítettük a kísérleti ciklus N-mérlegét és együttesen értékeltük a megelőző 15 éves kísérleti periódus eredményeivel. - A N-trágyázás környezeti hatásának értékeléséhez vizsgáltuk a N-ellátottság hatását a NO3-N mélységi eloszlására és kimosódására. - Adaptáltuk a talaj ásványi N-tartalmának (NO3-N) mérésén alapuló N-trágyaszükséglet számítási módszert csernozjom réti talajra. | The main results of the 4-year (2005-2008) research work bilt upon a long-term mineral fertilisation field experiment set up on chernozem meadow soil in Szarvas in 1989 with 64 fertilisation treatments: - The N capacity of the soil was determined by measuring the Nmin content of the soil during the growing season and the N uptake of the crops (maize, winter barley, soybean, fibre hemp) at harvesting time at No, N80, N160 and N240 kg ha-1 N application rates. - N requirement of the crops were determined by calibration of the N supply levels on the basis of the yield and the yeild quality. - N supply limit values were elaborated for diagnostic plant analysis of the experimental crops. - The N balance of the 4-year experiment was estimated and analysing the data compared with the results of the previous 15-year experiments. - Environmental impact of the N fertilisation was studied by the depth distribution and leaching of the NO3-N. - Calculation method of the N-fertiliser requirement based on soil Nmin (NO3-N) content of the soil was adapted on chernozem meadow soil
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