1,077 research outputs found

    Change detection in the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model

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    We propose a change detection method for the famous Cox--Ingersoll--Ross model. This model is widely used in financial mathematics and therefore detecting a change in its parameters is of crucial importance. We develop one- and two-sided testing procedures for both drift parameters of the process. The test process is based on estimators that are motivated by the discrete time least-squares estimators, and its asymptotic distribution under the no-change hypothesis is that of a Brownian bridge. We prove the asymptotic weak consistence of the test, and derive the asymptotic properties of the change-point estimator under the alternative hypothesis of change at one point in time.Comment: 30 page

    Idős tölgyesek az Alsó-Duna árterén

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    The riparian forests of Hungary are unique in all of europe. These are parts of the few habitats where a semi- natural vegetation could have remained or re-grown, in spite of the human interference. In 2002 we wrote up the nearly 10 years of study about the forests of Beda-Karapancsa, in the lower Danube riparian area. We evaluated more than 8000 ha area on the digital map and data-base of the Duna- Drava National Park and we gained the data about the forests from the Forestry Database of the National Forestry service. Together with our colleagues we did detailed botanical and ornithological research in 15 parts of these forests. Thematic maps were made to show the distribution of exotic tree spe- cies as well as the locations of protected plant and bird spe- cies. During this research it turned out that the percentage of the old-grown oak-ash-elm hardwood forests ( Fraxino pannonicae-Ulmetum ) is extremely low, hardly reaching 2%. With cautious estimation this is less than one tenth of the potential habitats, moreover only strongly fragmented patches of these forests exist. In many cases their places were taken over by monocultures consisting of exotic tree species, such as Black Walnut ( Juglans nigra ) and Poplar hybrids ( Populus x. euramericana )

    Free energy of the bcc-liquid interface and the Wulff shape as predicted by the Phase-Field Crystal model

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    The Euler-Lagrange equation of the phase-field crystal (PFC) model has been solved under appropriate boundary conditions to obtain the equilibrium free energy of the body centered cubic crystal-liquid interface for 18 orientations at various reduced temperatures in the range ϵ[0,0.5]\epsilon\in\left[0,0.5\right]. While the maximum free energy corresponds to the {100}\left\{ 100\right\} orientation for all ϵ\epsilon values, the minimum is realized by the {111}\left\{ 111\right\} direction for small ϵ(<0.13)\epsilon\,(<0.13), and by the {211}\left\{ 211\right\} orientation for higher ϵ\epsilon. The predicted dependence on the reduced temperature is consistent with the respective mean field critical exponent. The results are fitted with an eight-term Kubic harmonic series, and are used to create stereographic plots displaying the anisotropy of the interface free energy. We have also derived the corresponding Wulff shapes that vary with increasing ϵ\epsilon from sphere to a polyhedral form that differs from the rhombo-dodecahedron obtained previously by growing a bcc seed until reaching equilibrium with the remaining liquid

    Liquidity management operations at the National Bank of Hungary

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    Central banks’ liquidity management plays a crucial role in the implementation of monetary policy. In most countries central banks influence short term interest rates through determining the equilibrium conditions of supply and demand in the market for bank reserves (liquidity). This article describes the liquidity management practice of the National Bank of Hungary in the period of 1998-2001. This period is characterized by two particular circumstances. First, there is a substantial liquidity surplus, therefore the Bank influences market interest rates using the liabilities side instruments of its balance sheet. Second, as a result of the narrow-band exchange rate regime and the fact that the Treasury Account is held with the Bank, the amount of liquidity is highly volatile and hard to forecast. The article explains how the Bank forecasts liquidity and the movements of overnight interest rate in these circumstances, and it describes the development of monetary policy instruments applied by the bank.monetary policy instruments, central bank liquidity management, interbank markets.

    Emergence of non-Fourier hierarchies

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    The non-Fourier heat conduction phenomenon on room temperature is analyzed from various aspects. The first one shows its experimental side, in what form it occurs and how we treated it. It is demonstrated that the Guyer-Krumhansl equation can be the next appropriate extension of Fourier's law for room temperature phenomena in modeling of heterogeneous materials. The second approach provides an interpretation of generalized heat conduction equations using a simple thermomechanical background. Here, Fourier heat conduction is coupled to elasticity via thermal expansion, resulting in a particular generalized heat equation for the temperature field. Both of the aforementioned approaches show the size dependency of non-Fourier heat conduction. Finally, a third approach is presented, called pseudo-temperature modeling. It is shown that non-Fourier temperature history can be produced by mixing different solutions of Fourier's law. That kind of explanation indicates the interpretation of underlying heat conduction mechanics behind non-Fourier phenomena

    Nemlineáris és lineáris modellek a reakciókinetikában = Nonlinear and linear models in chemical kinetics

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    A kémiai folyamatok időbeni lefutását és a részfolyamatok sorrendjét részletes reakciómechanizmusokat tartalmazó modellekkel lehet vizsgálni. Ilyen reakciómechanizmusokat általánosan használnak égések leírására, légkörkémiában, valamint pirolízis folyamatok és biokémiai rendszerek vizsgálatára. A kémia valamennyi, itt felsorolt területén alkalmaztunk reakciókinetikai modelleket tudományos és gyakorlati szempontból is fontos jelenségek szimulációjára. Ezek a matematikai modellek erősen nemlineárisak, ami a vizsgálatukra új eszközök kifejlesztését kívánta meg. Számítottuk a modellek megoldásának érzékenységét a paraméterek változtatása hatására. Több esetben azt találtuk, hogy ezek az érzékenységi függvények hasonlóak egymáshoz, ami arra vezet, hogy a nemlineáris modell egyes körülményeknél lineárisan viselkedik. Új, az eddigieknél sokkal hatékonyabb eszközöket fejlesztettünk ki reakciómechanizmusok redukciójára, tehát az eredetinél sokkal kisebb, csaknem azonos szimulációs eredményeket adó modell megtalálására. Vizsgáltuk a paraméterek bizonytalanságának hatását a szimulációs eredmények bizonytalanságára. Elsőként foglalkoztunk annak vizsgálatával, hogy milyen kapcsolat van az Arrhenius-paraméterek bizonytalansága és az azokból számított reakciósebességi együttható hőmérsékletfüggő bizonytalansága között. Több elemi gázreakció esetén becsültük az Arrhenius-paraméterek együttes bizonytalanságát. A pályázat támogatásával 11 referált cikk, négy konferenciacikk és egy könyv jelent meg. A kutatási témában résztvevő hallgatók 9 TDK dolgozatot, 5 szakdolgozatot és egy PhD értekezést készítettek. | The temporal behaviour of chemical processes and the order of subprocesses can be simulated using mathematical models based on detailed reaction mechanisms. Such mechanisms are widely used for the description of combustion and atmospheric chemical processes and at the investigation of pyrolytic and biochemical systems. Reaction kinetic models, related to all these fields of chemistry, were applied for the simulation of processes of both academic and industrial importance. These models are strongly nonlinear and we developed a series of mathematical and computational tools for the investigation of them. The sensitivity of the model output to parameter changes was investigated. In several cases the similarity of the sensitivity functions was detected, which means that these models behave linearly at certain circumstances. New, more effective methods were developed for the reduction of reaction mechanisms. Mechanism reduction means the construction of a much smaller model that provides simulation results almost identical to the original one. The effect of the uncertainty of parameters on the uncertainty of simulation results was explored. The relation between the uncertainty of the Arrhenius parameters and the temperature dependent uncertainty of the rate coefficient was investigated. The joint uncertainty of the Arrhenius-parameters was determined for several gas-phase elementary reactions. Based on the support of the grant, 11 peer-reviewed articles, 4 conference papers and one book were published. The students participated in the research prepared 9 project (“TDK”) reports, 5 BSc or MSc theses and one PhD thesis

    A budapesti széntartalmú légköri aeroszol: összetevőinek kémiai jellemzése, forrásainak azonosítása, keletkezési mechanizmusainak és környezeti hatásainak vizsgálata = Carbonaceous atmospheric aerosols in Budapest: chemical characterisation, source identification, and investigation of their formation mechanisms and environmental impacts

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    Felállítottuk az aeroszol tömegmérleget a durva és finom méretfrakcióban, és ezen belül meghatároztuk a szerves anyag és a korom aeroszol hányadát. A belvárosban és a városi háttérben mért széntartalmú aeroszol összetevők koncentrációjának összehasonlításából, valamint a szervetlen aeroszol alkotókkal való kapcsolatából a széntartalmú aeroszol összetevők emissziós forrásaira következtettünk, esetenként pedig meghatároztuk a forrás járulékát is. Megbecsültük a szerves szén másodlagos forrásainak jelentőségét a belvárosban nappali időszakban. Kapcsolatrendszerének alapján javaslatot adtunk a keletkezési mechanizmusra vonatkozóan. Meghatároztuk a finom méretfrakciójú vízoldható szerves szén koncentrációjának alakulását a város különböző helyszínein, amely az emissziós forrásokra és a keletkezési mechanizmusra utal. Felderítettük a városi széntartalmú aeroszol egyik sajátosságát más (vidéki, kontinentális, tengeri vagy biomassza égetésekor keletkező) aeroszollal összehasonlítva. Meghatároztuk a budapesti városi aeroszolban lévő légköri humusszerű anyag fő elemi összetételét, átlagos légköri koncentrációját, adalékokkal szolgátunk az egyik lehetséges keletkezési mechanizmusához, és megadtuk jelentőségét a tiszta vízcsepp felületi feszültségének csökkentése kapcsán. A szerves aeroszol összetevők mintagyűjtésének és analitikai mérésének módszertani kérdéseinek (művi effektusoknak) a kísérleti kezelésében és korrigálásában értünk el jelentős eredményeket. | Aerosol chemical mass closure calculations were made for the separate fine (<2 micro m) and coarse (2-10 micro m) size fractions. Organic matter and elemental carbon were the dominant aerosol types in the fine fraction; they explained on average 43 and 21%, respectively, of the fine PM. Amount of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) was estimated by using EC as tracer for the primary OC emissions. Mean contribution and standard deviation of the SOA to the OM in the PM2.5 size fraction at the kerbside over daylight periods were (37+-18)%. Atmospheric humic-like substances (HULIS) were investigated in detail. Their major element composition, expressed in molar ratios, was C:H:O:N = 22:32:10:1. Solution of pure HULIS in concentrations corresponding to real incipient cloud droplets decreased the surface tension of water by about 30%, and the major decrease occurred within several tens of seconds. In diluted solutions, however, the thermodynamic equilibrium in surface tension was only reached after several hours, but the equilibrium depression value was still remarkable, about 18%. The surface tension depended on the solution pH as well; the smallest depression was observed at about pH = 5, and it was increased by an additional 13%