3,953 research outputs found

    Optimization of miRNA-seq data preprocessing.

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    The past two decades of microRNA (miRNA) research has solidified the role of these small non-coding RNAs as key regulators of many biological processes and promising biomarkers for disease. The concurrent development in high-throughput profiling technology has further advanced our understanding of the impact of their dysregulation on a global scale. Currently, next-generation sequencing is the platform of choice for the discovery and quantification of miRNAs. Despite this, there is no clear consensus on how the data should be preprocessed before conducting downstream analyses. Often overlooked, data preprocessing is an essential step in data analysis: the presence of unreliable features and noise can affect the conclusions drawn from downstream analyses. Using a spike-in dilution study, we evaluated the effects of several general-purpose aligners (BWA, Bowtie, Bowtie 2 and Novoalign), and normalization methods (counts-per-million, total count scaling, upper quartile scaling, Trimmed Mean of M, DESeq, linear regression, cyclic loess and quantile) with respect to the final miRNA count data distribution, variance, bias and accuracy of differential expression analysis. We make practical recommendations on the optimal preprocessing methods for the extraction and interpretation of miRNA count data from small RNA-sequencing experiments

    SME Access to Credit

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    The aim of this paper is to inform the reader about the access to credit of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam based on two SME surveys. Recent evidence from a variety of sources suggests that credit to available to SMEs has increased over the past few years. This is confirmed by the two SME surveys. Fewer firms which applied for credit in 2005 were denied credit as compared to 2002. However, the rapid development of the private sector has also increased demand for credit (especially among the larger SMEs); and it appears that the formal financial sector is just managing to keep track with growth in general. We conclude by discussing these results and formulate a set of policy recommendations.Vietnam; credit constraints; financial markets

    SME Fringe Benefits Provision

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    The aim of this paper is to inform the reader about the distribution of fringe benefits provided to employees by firms in 10 provinces of Vietnam. Five types of benefits are considered: Annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, social insurance and health insurance. We especially focus on whether the gender of the owner has an effect on the fringe benefits provided. It appears that women firm owners are more likely to provide employees with fringes, and this gender effect exists primarily in non-household enterprises and is robust to the inclusion of standard determinants of wage compensation. We dscuss these results and formulate a set ofpolicy recommendations.Vietnam; gender; fringe benefits

    The viscosity of silica fibres

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    The viscosity of an optical fibre over 1000 to 1150 {\deg}C is studied by inscribing an optical fibre Bragg grating that can withstand temperatures up to 1200 {\deg}C and monitoring fibre elongation under load through the Bragg wavelength shift. This optical interrogation offers high accuracy and reliability compared to direct measurements of elongation, particularly at lower temperatures, thus avoiding significant experimental error. An excellent Arrhenius fit is obtained from which an activation energy for viscous flow of Ea = 450 kJ/mol is extracted; addition of an additional temperature dependent pre-exponential does not change this value. This value is less than that idealised by some literature but consistent with other literature. The log plot of viscosity is overall found to be consistent with that reported in the literature for silica measurements on rod and beams, but substantially higher to past work reported for optical fibres. The discrepancy from an idealised activation energy Ea ~ 700 kJ/mol may be explained by noting the higher fictive temperature of the fibre. On the other hand, past optical fibre results obtained by beam bending with much lower values leave questions regarding the method of viscosity measurement and the time taken for structural equilibration. We note that because regenerated gratings already involve post-annealing to stabilise their operation at higher temperature, the structures are much more relaxed compared to normal fibres. This work highlights the need to stabilize components for operation in harsh environments before their application, despite some mechanical compromise. Given the increasing expectation of all-optical waveguide technologies operating above 1000 {\deg}C, the need to study the behaviour of glass over the long term brings added significance to the basic understanding of glass in this regime.Comment: Submitted to Acta Material

    An Analysis of the Dynamics of the US Commercial Air Transportation System

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    Major trends in the airline industry are analyzed to highlight key dynamics that govern the US domestic air transportation system. The hypothesis is that air travel supply and demand equilibriums, a reliance on outside capital, and intra-industry competition are among the most critical forces that are driving the current restructuring of the airline industry. Data on airline operational and financial performance is used to trace these dynamics as the industry evolved through periods of industry deregulation, an economic growth bubble, and the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001. The thesis identifies the post-deregulation development of hub-and-spoke networks and yield management systems as the key forces that would set the stage for a bifurcation of the air travel market during a cycle of economic growth in the late 1990ā€™s. During this bubble economy, the dynamics of supply and demand fundamentally shifted as the major carriers focused on high-revenue, high-cost operations and travelers began to flock to newer low-fare, low-cost carriers. With the end of the economic growth cycle in 2000, the bifurcation of the airline industry began to affect revenues and profits at the major carriers. Massive and unprecedented industry losses would ensue, and would be compounded by the attacks of 9/11. Airline operational strategies in response to 9/11 and longer-term restructuring efforts are discussed in order to further identify the key dynamics affecting the air transportation system. These dynamics are synthesized and then discussed within the broader context of the air transportation system, the impact of air travel on the economy and mobility, and the role of government.MIT Global Airline Industry Program, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

    Line-Adaptive Hybrid Coding of Images

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    This Paper Describes Novel Adaptation Strategy for Hybrid Transform/DPCM Image Coders. This Strategy Has Yielded a 2ā€“8 DB Increase in Signal-To-Noise Ratio in the Transmission of a Head and Shoulders Image at Bit Rates of 1ā€“4 Bits Per Pel and One-Dimensional Transform Block Sizes of 2ā€“16. Ā© 1983 IEE

    Influenza vaccines really work? Keeping apart the true from the false

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    A yearly seasonal flu vaccine is the best preventive method we have against influenza at this time. Even then, vaccination adoption is hampered by on-going discussions about safety and effectiveness. In order to dot the I's and cross the T's at the fifth ESWI influenza conference, a dedicated SPI track focused on these important aspects of influenza vaccination

    Responses to real-world and hypothetical menthol flavor bans among us young adults who smoke menthol cigarettes

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    Introduction:Ā Menthol cigarette bans have been implemented in some US states and localities, and a federal ban is being proposed by the FDA. This study asks how young adults who use menthol cigarettes respond to changes in menthol cigarette availability. Aims and Methods:Ā An online survey of young adults ages 18ā€“34 who reported smoking menthol cigarettes on ā‰„7 of 30 days around Thanksgiving 2019 (nā€…=ā€…734), oversampling Massachusettsā€”the first state with a menthol ban. Participants reported their tobacco use behavior following real-world menthol cigarette bans or predicted their behavior under a hypothetical federal ban. Results:Ā Most respondents who exclusively smoked versus dual used with e-cigarettes continued smoking/using combustible tobacco following real-world bans (95.3% vs. 86.9%), accessing menthol cigarettes from other jurisdictions. Fewer who smoked exclusively responded by using e-cigarettes compared to those who dual used (3.9% vs. 43.7%). Quitting all tobacco use (ie, no smoking, vaping, or any tobacco use) was uncommon for both groups (3.6% vs. 9.0%). Under a hypothetical ban, majorities of those who exclusively smoke and who dual use predicted they would continue smoking (72.2% vs. 71.8%); fewer who smoke exclusively would use e-cigarettes compared to those who dual use (14.7% vs. 41.4%). Those who smoke exclusively were more likely to report quitting all tobacco compared to those who dual use (29.6% vs. 12.4%). Conclusions:Ā Under real-world and hypothetical menthol cigarette bans, most respondents continued smoking. However, more young adults continued smoking following real-world bans, reflecting the limitations of local/state restrictions when menthol cigarettes are available in other jurisdictions. Implications:Ā This survey asked young adults who use menthol cigarettes how they responded to real-world changes in the availability of menthol cigarettes; 89% reported continuing to smoke. Those who smoked exclusively were far less likely to respond by switching to e-cigarettes compared to people who dual used both products. Under a hypothetical federal menthol cigarette ban, 72% of young adults predicted that they would continue smoking. Quitting all tobacco was less common in the real-world scenario compared to the hypothetical ban. Access to menthol cigarettes in other jurisdictions and flavored cigars likely dampen the public health benefit of menthol cigarette bans

    Responses to real-world and hypothetical e-cigarette flavor bans among US young adults who use flavored e-cigarettes

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    Introduction E-cigarette flavor bans could reduce or exacerbate population health harms. To determine how US e-cigarette flavor restrictions might influence tobacco use behavior, this study assesses responses to real-world and hypothetical flavor bans among young adults who use flavored e-cigarettes. Aims and Methods An online, national survey of young adults ages 18ā€“34 who use flavored e-cigarettes was conducted in 2021 (nā€…=ā€…1253), oversampling states affected by e-cigarette flavor restrictions. Participants were asked about their responses to real-world changes in the availability of flavored e-cigarettes. Unaffected participants were asked to predict their responses under a hypothetical federal e-cigarette flavor ban. Results The most common response to real-world changes in flavored e-cigarettes availability was to continue vaping (~80%). Among those who exclusively vaped, 12.5% switched to combustible tobacco. Quitting all forms of tobacco was selected by 5.3% of those exclusively vape versus 4.2% who dual use. Under a hypothetical federal ban, more than half of respondents stated they would continue vaping; 20.9% and 42.5% of those who exclusively vape versus dual use would use combustible tobacco. Quitting all tobacco products was endorsed by 34.5% and 17.2% of those who exclusively vape versus dual use. Conclusions Young adults who vape flavored e-cigarettes have mixed responses to e-cigarette flavor bans. Under both real-world and hypothetical e-cigarette flavor bans, most who use flavored e-cigarettes continue vaping. Under a real-world ban, the second most common response among those who exclusively vape is to switch to smoking; under a hypothetical federal ban, it is to quit all tobacco. Implications This is the first national survey to directly ask young adults who use flavored e-cigarettes about their responses to real-world changes in flavored e-cigarette availability due to state and local flavor restrictions. The survey also asked individuals to predict their responses under a hypothetical federal e-cigarette flavor ban. Most who use flavored e-cigarettes would continue vaping following e-cigarette flavor restrictions, but many would switch to or continue using combustible tobacco, highlighting potential negative public health consequences of these policies. Policymakers must consider the impact of e-cigarette flavor bans on both e-cigarette and cigarette use
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