595 research outputs found

    Credit and inflation under borrower’s lack of commitment

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    Here we investigate the existence of credit in a cash-in-advance economy where there are complete markets but for the fact that agents cannot commit to repay their debts. Defectors are banned from the credit market but they can use money balances for saving purposes. Without uncertainty, deflation crowds out credit completely. The equilibrium allocation, however, is efficient if the government deflates at the time preference rate. Efficiency can also be restored with positive inflation. For any non negative inflation rate below the optimal level, the volume of credit and the real interest rate increase with inflation. Our results hold when idiosyncratic uncertainty is introduced and households are sufficiently impatient but in one instance: efficiency cannot be restored if the deflation rate is nearby the rate of time preference. Our numerical examples suggest that the optimal inflation rate is not too large for reasonable levels of patience and risk aversion. Finally, we present a framework where the use of money arises endogenously and show that it is tantamount to our cash-in-advance framework. Our results hold in this modified environment

    Credit and inflation under borrower’s lack of commitment

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    Here we investigate the existence of credit in a cash-in-advance economy where there are complete markets but for the fact that agents cannot commit to repay their debts. Defectors are banned from the credit market but they can use money balances for saving purposes. Without uncertainty, deflation crowds out credit completely. The equilibrium allocation, however, is efficient if the government deflates at the time preference rate. Efficiency can also be restored with positive inflation. For any non negative inflation rate below the optimal level, the volume of credit and the real interest rate increase with inflation. Our results hold when idiosyncratic uncertainty is introduced and households are sufficiently impatient but in one instance: efficiency cannot be restored if the deflation rate is nearby the rate of time preference. Our numerical examples suggest that the optimal inflation rate is not too large for reasonable levels of patience and risk aversion. Finally, we present a framework where the use of money arises endogenously and show that it is tantamount to our cash-in-advance framework. Our results hold in this modified environment.

    Ground terminal expert (GTEX). Part 2: Expert system diagnostics for a 30/20 Gigahertz satellite transponder

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    A research effort was undertaken to investigate how expert system technology could be applied to a satellite communications system. The focus of the expert system is the satellite earth station. A proof of concept expert system called the Ground Terminal Expert (GTEX) was developed at the University of Akron in collaboration with the NASA Lewis Research Center. With the increasing demand for satellite earth stations, maintenance is becoming a vital issue. Vendors of such systems will be looking for cost effective means of maintaining such systems. The objective of GTEX is to aid in diagnosis of faults occurring with the digital earth station. GTEX was developed on a personal computer using the Automated Reasoning Tool for Information Management (ART-IM) developed by the Inference Corporation. Developed for the Phase 2 digital earth station, GTEX is a part of the Systems Integration Test and Evaluation (SITE) facility located at the NASA Lewis Research Center

    Fault isolation detection expert (FIDEX). Part 1: Expert system diagnostics for a 30/20 Gigahertz satellite transponder

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    LeRC has recently completed the design of a Ka-band satellite transponder system, as part of the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) System. To enhance the reliability of this satellite, NASA funded the University of Akron to explore the application of an expert system to provide the transponder with an autonomous diagnosis capability. The results of this research was the development of a prototype diagnosis expert system called FIDEX (fault-isolation and diagnosis expert). FIDEX is a frame-based expert system that was developed in the NEXPERT Object development environment by Neuron Data, Inc. It is a MicroSoft Windows version 3.0 application, and was designed to operate on an Intel i80386 based personal computer system

    Uute mikro-mesopoorsete karbiididest sünteesitud süsinikmaterjalide valmistamine ning karakteriseerimine kõrge energia- ja võimsustih edusega elektrilise kaksikkihi kondensaatori elektroodimaterjalina

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Viimaste aastate geopoliitiliste kriiside taga on tihti võitlus piiratud energiaressursside üle. See on oluline, kuid kindlasti mitte ainus põhjus, miks on järjest rohkem hakatud rääkima energiajulgeolekust ning moodsate tehnoloogiate kasutuselevõtust selle saavutamiseks. Need moodsad tehnoloogiad põhinevad suuresti päikesest ja tuulest elektrienergia tootmisele, mida omakorda on vaja kombineerida erinevate energiasalvestusseadmetega. Paraku on vajalike energiamuundurite ning suure erimahtuvuse ja erivõimsusega energiasalvestite konstrueerimine ilma konkurentsivõimeliste ja efektiivsete superkondensaatoriteta äärmiselt keeruline. Kommertsiaalsed superkondensaatorid on viimasel aastakümnel teinud suure arenguhüppe ning nende kasutamine kasvab kiiresti. Siiski ei ole superkondensaatorite hinna ja kvaliteedi suhe piisavalt hea, et rakendada neid massiliselt elektrivõrkudes taastuvenergeetika efektiivsemaks muutmise nimel. Kuigi väga suure soovi korral saaks kogu maailm juba täna minna üle taastuvale ning mittereostavale energeetikale, oleks selle hind kõrge ning inimesed pole valmis seda investeeringut tegema. Superkondensaatorite hinna ja kvaliteedi suhte parandamiseks on võimalik kas muuta tootmist odavamaks või oluliselt parandada seadmete elektrokeemilisi omadusi ning tõsta nende kvaliteeti. Üheks olulisimaks komponendiks superkondensaatoris on poorne kõrge eripinnaga elektrood, mille füüsikaline morfoloogia ja omadused määravad suuresti ka lõppprodukti karakteristikud nagu võimsus, mahtuvus ja eluiga. Selle tõttu on uute ning superkondensaatorites paremini käituvate elektroodimaterjalide väljatöötamine äärmiselt oluline. Tartu Ülikooli keemia instituudis on viimastel aastatel intensiivselt uuritud eriliste omadustega mikropoorse süsinikmaterjali sünteesi karbiididest ning selle kasutamist superkondensaatorite elektroodina. Me oleme võimelised üsna lihtsate meetoditega sünteesima väga unikaalsete füüsikaliste ja keemiliste omadustega süsinikmaterjale. Käesoleva doktoritöö raames valmistati uudseid süsinikmaterjale erinevatest karbiididest kõrgtemperatuurse halogeenimise meetodil. Esialgu teostati materjalidele erinevad füüsikalised mõõtmised mille käigus saadi parem arusaam nende morfoloogiast, kristallilisusest ja keerukast poorsest struktuurist. Seejärel valmistati süsinikmaterjalidest superkondensaatori elektroodid ning teostati põhjalikud elektrokeemilised mõõtmised ja analüüs. Töö käigus saadud tulemuste põhjalikumal analüüsil leiti mitmeid selgepiirilisi korrelatsioone, kuidas materjalide erinevad füüsikalised karakteristikud mõjutavad superkondensaatori elektrokeemilisi omadusi. Selle tulemusel leiti, millised sünteesitud materjalid sobivad superkondensaatori elektroodideks paremini ning milliseid füüsikalisi parameetreid peaks eriti silmas pidama, kui otsida uusi hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega materjale superkondensaatorite elektroodide valmistamiseks.The geopolitical crises in recent years are often triggered by fights over limited energy resources. This is one of many reasons why it is becoming more and more important to invest in energy security and modern technologies. The latter are largely based on harvesting the energy of the sun and wind, which have to be backed up by various energy storage devices. The production of the necessary energy converter systems as well as high energy and power density storage systems is very difficult without competitive and efficient supercapacitors. In the last decade the commercial supercapacitors have made a great leap forward and their use is growing rapidly. However, their price-performance ratio is still not good enough to implement them on a large scale in electricity networks to make renewable energy more stable. If in great need, the world could meet its energy need from renewable resources even now. However, the price for this is still too high for the economically thinking mankind. To improve the price-performance ratio of supercapacitors there are two options: either lower the cost of production or significantly improve the electrochemical properties of supercapacitors. One of the key components in a supercapacitor is the porous electrode with a very high specific surface area. The morphology and physical characteristics of the electrode determine the supercapacitors electrochemical properties such as power density, capacity and lifetime. For these reasons, it is very important to develop new and better electrode materials for supercapacitors. In the Institute of Chemistry in University of Tartu a lot of work has been done in recent years to study unique carbon materials and their applicability to be used as supercapacitor electrodes. By fairly simple synthesis methods, we are capable of producing carbon materials with exceptional physical and electrochemical properties. In this work new carbon materials were produced from various carbides by means of high-temperature halogenation. Initially, these materials were physically characterized to better understand their morphology, crystallinity and complex porous structure. Thereafter the carbons were roll-pressed into supercapacitor electrodes and electrochemically analyzed. Clear correlations were established between the electrochemical and physical characteristics of the carbon materials synthesized. As a result, it was determined which materials were better suited for supercapacitor electrodes and which of the physical parameters should be especially kept in mind, when designing new materials for supercapacitors electrodes with a good price-performance ratio

    UM Professor Helps Honor Mentor

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    Jared Spears captures longtime NMCC educator John Osier\u27s spirit in sculpted monumen

    FIDEX: An expert system for satellite diagnostics

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    A Fault Isolation and Diagnostic Expert system (FIDEX) was developed for communication satellite diagnostics. It was designed specifically for the 30/20 GHz satellite transponder. The expert system was designed with a generic structure and features that make it applicable to other types of space systems. FIDEX is a frame based system that enjoys many of the inherent frame base features, such as hierarchy that describes the transponder's components, with other hierarchies that provide structural and fault information about the transponder. This architecture provides a flexible diagnostic structure and enhances maintenance of the system. FIDEX also includes an inexact reasoning technique and a primitive learning ability. Inexact reasoning was an important feature for this system due to the sparse number of sensors available to provide information on the transponder's performance. FIDEX can determine the most likely faulted component under the constraint of limited information. FIDEX learns about the most likely faults in the transponder by keeping a record of past established faults. FIDEX also has the ability to detect anomalies in the sensors that provide information on the transponders performance

    Alien Registration- Di Tallo, Santa (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Intelligent fault isolation and diagnosis for communication satellite systems

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    Discussed here is a prototype diagnosis expert system to provide the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS) System with autonomous diagnosis capability. The system, the Fault Isolation and Diagnosis EXpert (FIDEX) system, is a frame-based system that uses hierarchical structures to represent such items as the satellite's subsystems, components, sensors, and fault states. This overall frame architecture integrates the hierarchical structures into a lattice that provides a flexible representation scheme and facilitates system maintenance. FIDEX uses an inexact reasoning technique based on the incrementally acquired evidence approach developed by Shortliffe. The system is designed with a primitive learning ability through which it maintains a record of past diagnosis studies