829 research outputs found

    Adrenal insufficiency due to bilateral adrenal metastases - A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: Bilateral adrenal metastases may cause adrenal insufficiency (AI) but it is unclear if screening for AI in patients with bilateral adrenal metastases is justified, despite the potential for adrenal crises. Method: A search using PubMed/Medline, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Reviews was performed to collect all original research articles and all case reports from the past 50 years that describe AI in bilateral adrenal metastases. Results: Twenty studies were included with 6 original research articles, 13 case reports and one case series. The quality was generally poor. The prevalence of AI was 3–8%. Of all cases of AI (n ¼ 25) the mean pooled baseline cortisol was 318 237 nmol/L and stimulated 423 238 nmol/L. Hypotension was present in 69%, hyponatremia in 9% and hyperkalemia in 100%. Lung cancer was the cause in 35%, colorectal 20%, breast cancer 15% and lymphoma 10%. The size of the adrenal metastases was 5.5 2.8 cm (left) and 5.5 3.1 cm (right), respectively. There was no correlation between basal cortisol, stimulated cortisol concentration or ACTH with the size of adrenal metastases. The median time to death was 5.0 months (IQR 0.6–6.5). However, two cases were alive after 12–24 months. Conclusion: The prevalence of AI in patients with bilateral adrenal metastases was low. Prognosis was very poor. Due to the low prevalence of AI, screening is likely only indicated in patients with symptoms and signs suggestive of hypocortisolism

    Estimating the influence of different urban canopy cover types on atmospheric particulate matter (PM10) pollution abatement in London UK

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    In the urban environment atmospheric pollution by PM10 (particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 x 10-6 m) is a problem that can have adverse effects on human health, particularly increasing rates of respiratory disease. The main contributors to atmospheric PM10 in the urban environment are road traffic, industry and powerproduction. The urban tree canopy is a receptor for removing PM10s from the atmosphere due to the large surface areas generated by leaves and air turbulence created by the structure of the urban forest. In this context urban greening has long been known as a mechanism to contribute towards PM10 removal from the air, furthermore, tree canopy cover has a role in contributing towards a more sustainable urban environment.The work reported here has been carried out within the BRIDGE project (SustainaBle uRban plannIng Decision support accountinG for urban mEtabolism). The aim of this project is to assess the fluxes of energy, water, carbon dioxide and particulates within the urban environment and develope a DSS (Decision Support System) to aid urban planners in sustainable development. A combination of published urban canopy cover data from ground, airborne and satellite based surveys was used. For each of the 33 London boroughs the urban canopy was classified to three groups, urban woodland, street trees and garden trees and each group quantified in terms of ground cover. The total [PM10] for each borough was taken from the LAEI (London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory 2006) and the contribution to reducing [PM10] was assessed for each canopy type. Deposition to the urban canopy was assessed using the UFORE (Urban Forest Effects Model) approach. Deposition to the canopy, boundary layer height and percentage reduction of the [PM10] in the atmosphere was assessed using both hourly meterological data and [PM10] and seasonal data derived from annual models. Results from hourly and annual data were compared with measured values. The model was then applied to future predictions of annual [PM10] and future canopy cover scenarios for London. The contribution of each canopy type subjected to the different atmospheric [PM10] of the 33 London boroughs now and in the future will be discussed. Implementing these findings into a decision support system (DSS) for sustainable urban planning will also be discussed<br/

    Larger lacertid lizard species produce higher than expected iliotibialis muscle power output; the evolution of muscle contractile mechanics with body size in lacertid lizards

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    Increases in body size can lead to alterations in morphology, physiology, locomotor performance and behaviour of animals. Most studies considering the effects of scaling on muscle performance have studied within-species effects, with few studies considering differences between species. A previous review of published data indicates that maximum muscle-shortening velocity decreases, but that maximum isometric stress does not change, with increased body mass across species of terrestrial animals. However, such previous analyses do not account for the phylogenetic relatedness of the species studied. Our aim was to use phylogenetically informed analysis to determine the effects of body size on isolated iliotibialis muscle performance across 17 species of lacertid lizards. Between one and five individuals were used to obtain mean performance values for each species. We analysed the relationship between each variable and body size, as estimated by snout-vent length (SVL), whilst taking into account the phylogenetic relationships between species. We found that isometric tetanus relaxation time, maximal tetanus stress (force per muscle cross-sectional area) and maximal work loop power output (normalised to muscle mass) all significantly increased with greater SVL. In contrast, fatigue resistance during repeated work loops significantly decreased with SVL and there was no effect of size on tetanus activation time. When we compare our findings with those that would be predicted by dynamic similarity, then as these lacertid species become bigger, there is a greater than expected increase in the normalised muscle power output, probably to counter the larger than expected increase in body mass

    Road verge vegetation and the capture of particulate matter air pollution

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    Urban air quality is considered a major issue in cities worldwide, with particulate matter (PM) recognised as one of the most harmful pollutants regarding human health. The use of plants to act as air filters and immobilise PM has been identified as a potential method to improve the air quality in these areas. The majority of the work has focused on trees, with the application of shrub and herbaceous species largely overlooked. Two contrasting leaf morphologies from a shrub and herbaceous plant species were sampled at four locations across Southampton (UK), from varying traffic conditions. Samples were analysed for the mass of PM captured, particle size, and elemental composition. These analyses were used to characterise the different sites and the plants&rsquo; effectiveness at immobilisation of PM. Captured PM mass was shown to be directly related to traffic density, with greater traffic density leading to higher levels of captured PM. PM origins were attributed to emissions from vehicles and the resuspension of particles by vehicle movement. The bulk of the PM mass was shown to originate from natural, crustal sources including large proportions of Al, Si, and/or Ca. Increases in elements from anthropogenic enhancement (such as Fe and Zn) were related to high traffic density. Particle size analysis identified that, despite the use of standard leaf-washing protocols with a final 2.5 &micro;m filter, PM was dominated by fine particles (&lt;2.5 &micro;m physical diameter), with particles &gt;10 &micro;m rare. Bramble leaves were calculated to have a species-specific deposition velocity 0.51 cm s&minus;1 greater than ivy, with deposition velocities calculated at 1.8 and 1.3 cm s&minus;1 for ivy and 2.3 and 1.8 cm s&minus;1 for bramble at Redbridge Road and Brinton&rsquo;s Road, respectively. These values can allow for the more accurate modelling and estimation of the PM removal abilities of these plants

    Worrying Leads to Reduced Concreteness of Problem Elaborations: Evidence for the Avoidance Theory of Worry

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    Both lay concept and scientific theory have embraced the view that nonpathological worry may be helpful for defining and analyzing problems. To evaluate the quality of problem elaborations, concreteness is a key variable. Two studies with nonclinical student samples are presented in which participants elaborated topics associated with different degrees of worry. In Study 1, participants' elaborations were assessed using problem elaboration charts; in Study 2, they were assessed using catastrophizing interviews. When participants' problem elaborations were rated for concreteness, both studies showed an inverse relationship between degree of worry and concreteness: The more participants worried about a given topic the less concrete was the content of their elaboration. The results challenge the view that worry may promote better problem analyses. Instead they conform to the view that worry is a cognitive avoidance response
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